View Full Version : John Edwards gettin jiggy wit it on the campaign trail
08-08-08, 04:14 PM :rofl:
08-08-08, 04:26 PM
Caught by the National Enquirer yet:shakehead
Amazing how many people swap their political careers for getting laid:rolleyes:
at least Gavin Newsome's was a decent milf...
that's the best trim JE could pull? I mean, really? no pimphand with that one...
08-08-08, 04:54 PM
And with that...
John Edwards has single handedly sunk the Olympic ratings. Not to mention the fact that there will be virtually no coverage of the fact that tanks are exchanging fire in South Ossetia, which will mean that our second biggest ally in Iraq will be pulling their forces out to deal with their own war going on at home, possibly this weekend.
But hey, someone got laid. That's big news.:rolleyes:
Looks like I'll be getting my news from the BBC for a while...
08-08-08, 05:18 PM
San Francisco,
City Hall refuses to ban intern-boffing
San Francisco supervisors this week rejected a legislation that would ban romantic and sexual relationships between city managers and their subordinates. The proposed law was crafted by left-even-for-SF supervisor Chris Daly and aimed squarely at hunky god-mayor Gavin Newsom. Early this year, the Gav admitted to an affair with his then-aide Ruby Rippey-Tourk, pictured here across the lap of lucky Engadget founder Peter Rojas in a high school play. Come on, Chris, don't be so sex-negative. Where do you think little promotions come from?
But being 99% honest is no longer enough.
Good line. Maybe we should ask all politicians to quantify the amount of honesty in their statements. :laugh:
at least Gavin Newsome's was a decent milf...
that's the best trim JE could pull? I mean, really? no pimphand with that one...
she was the only one he was caught with, you know what I mean? ;)
Don Quixote
08-08-08, 06:04 PM
Here is her picture from the CNN website. Gary Hart did a smite better.
08-08-08, 07:11 PM
And with that...
John Edwards has single handedly sunk the Olympic ratings. Not to mention the fact that there will be virtually no coverage of the fact that tanks are exchanging fire in South Ossetia, which will mean that our second biggest ally in Iraq will be pulling their forces out to deal with their own war going on at home, possibly this weekend.
But hey, someone got laid. That's big news.:rolleyes:
Looks like I'll be getting my news from the BBC for a while...
Yep. Pretty damn sad. What could possibly be more important than consensual sex between people we've never met?
<Guy Grand>
Nipple! Hmmm, no immediate effect...
</Guy Grand>
08-08-08, 07:14 PM
But hey, someone got laid. That's big news.:rolleyes:
Seems like the biggest news is that it wasn't an underage boy, a stranger in an airport mens room or someone that charges by the hour.
If I had a dollar for every person who's spouse has terminal cancer that found some solace in the arms of a friend I'd be able to retire tomorrow in real style. This wasn't a torid affair with a young rocket.
08-08-08, 07:42 PM
The cancer really isn't much of an excuse as it did not return until 2007 and the affair was in 2006. It was just a plain old affair after which Rielle Hunter moved on to a married Edwards campaign staffer who fathered her child.:rolleyes: Clearly Hunter doesn't mind wedding bands on her boy friends:saywhat:
There is a pretty simple requirement of being a US politician, don't screw around or at a minimum don't get caught then get caught again lying about it. If you want all that fame, money and power then keep your damn pants on.
08-08-08, 07:45 PM
The cancer really isn't much of an excuse as it did not return until 2007 and the affair was in 2006.
Oh, that's very different, nevermind... [/rosannadanna]
08-08-08, 07:46 PM
This is old news, major news organizations were protecting him (or Elizabeth) until a tabloid caught him.
Running for President talking about "Two Americas" when he has two families. :shakehead
08-08-08, 07:47 PM
And with that...
John Edwards has single handedly sunk the Olympic ratings. Not to mention the fact that there will be virtually no coverage of the fact that tanks are exchanging fire in South Ossetia, which will mean that our second biggest ally in Iraq will be pulling their forces out to deal with their own war going on at home, possibly this weekend.
But hey, someone got laid. That's big news.:rolleyes:
Looks like I'll be getting my news from the BBC for a while...
They did this by design, I also think the South Ossetia started now by design knowing the Olympics would drown it out. This says to me that Georgia would have to be stupid to start this without all the headlines, Russia has the most to gain by keeping this quiet.
08-08-08, 07:49 PM
What could possibly be more important than consensual sex between people we've never met?
One of them ran for President twice and was a possible VP or cabinet official.
08-08-08, 07:53 PM
If you want all that fame, money and power then keep your damn pants on.
You kind of killed my motivation for achieving fame, money, and power there...:\
08-08-08, 08:33 PM
One of them ran for President twice and was a possible VP or cabinet official.
08-08-08, 08:43 PM
They did this by design, I also think the South Ossetia started now by design knowing the Olympics would drown it out. This says to me that Georgia would have to be stupid to start this without all the headlines, Russia has the most to gain by keeping this quiet.
Agreed, I just think that as far as the US media goes, this thing with Edwards is just a little bonus for them in terms of smokescreens.
As for the average American, the Edwards story is just one more, "Look - something shiny!":shakehead
Not to pile on...but the quotes keep coming.
And last fall, in an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric, Edwards himself cited infidelity as a character flaw voters might well count as disabling in a potential President:
"Of course. I mean, for a lot of Americans, including the family that I grew up with, I mean, it's, it's fundamental to how you judge people and human character - whether you keep your word, whether you keep what is your ultimate word, which is that you love your spouse, and you'll stay with them."
In 1999, when Edwards was a senator, he said of President Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica Lewinsky:
"I think this president has shown a remarkable disrespect for his office, for the moral dimensions of leadership, for his friends, for his wife, for his precious daughter. It is breathtaking to me the level to which that disrespect has risen."
Seems he was against infidelity before he was for it. ;)
Rule No.1 is always, Don't Get Caught.
The plan to "get away with it" is just as important as the plan for commiting it.
08-08-08, 08:47 PM
Unless he raped her or chained her up in the basement or committed some other crime, there is no story. It would be nice if the media would agree to leave this crap to the tabloids...............oops.........that's all that is left is tabloids. :shakehead
08-08-08, 09:02 PM
Unless he raped her or chained her up in the basement or committed some other crime, there is no story. It would be nice if the media would agree to leave this crap to the tabloids...............oops.........that's all that is left is tabloids. :shakehead
They did leave it to the tabloids and blogs until Edwards had to admit it. However I am sure YOU and the Media would have reported the story with glee if he had another letter next to his name. So spare us the outrage.
08-08-08, 09:08 PM
They did leave it to the tabloids and blogs until Edwards had to admit it. However I am sure YOU and the Media would have reported the story with glee if he had another letter next to his name. So spare us the outrage.
WTF are you talking about?
You kind of killed my motivation for achieving fame, money, and power there...:\
meh, just do it on any other country on earth and you're golden ;)
Ya know. This thread starts out on thin ice just by nature. "You" in all caps is not going to help matters. :\
08-08-08, 09:37 PM
Ya know. This thread starts out on thin ice just by nature. "You" in all caps is not going to help matters. :\ No it does'nt, it's a personal attack. My point is this. I have been a professional photojournalist since the mid 70s. I was in the trenches with UPI for 15 years and this kind of crap was never covered early in my career. What I am objecting to is the mainstream United State's media obsession with garbage like Brad and Angelina etc.... There in NOTHING partisen in my comment. :mad:
No it does'nt, it's a personal attack. My point is this. I have been a professional photojournalist since the mid 70s. I was in the trenches with UPI for 15 years and this kind of crap was never covered early in my career. What I am objecting to is the mainstream United State's media obsession with garbage like Brad and Angelina etc.... There in NOTHING partisen in my comment. :mad:
Are there any celebs in WI for "photojournos" to even stalk? :p :D
Don Quixote
08-08-08, 11:13 PM
Are there any celebs in WI for "photojournos" to even stalk? :p :D Brett Farve. Oh, wait ....
08-08-08, 11:31 PM
No it does'nt, it's a personal attack. My point is this. I have been a professional photojournalist since the mid 70s. I was in the trenches with UPI for 15 years and this kind of crap was never covered early in my career.
Yeah Wilbur Mills got no coverage at all:rolleyes:
she was the only one he was caught with, you know what I mean? ;)
early indicators don't lead to much hope
I think OGorman might have more game :gomer:
08-09-08, 12:30 AM
What could possibly be more important than consensual sex between people we've never met?One of them ran for President twice and was a possible VP or cabinet official.
Why on earth would that make any difference?
If you're insinuating that adultery somehow makes one unfit for high public office, surely you're aware that one of the major parties' presumed Presidential nominee has made a similar admission, not to mention such memorable past Presidents as FDR and Ronald Reagan...
This country's relatively recent conversion to Victorian prudishness with regards to its public figures is a counterproductive distraction from substantive discussion of things that really do matter.
Why on earth would that make any difference?
If you're insinuating that adultery somehow makes one unfit for high public office, surely you're aware that one of the major parties' presumed Presidential nominee has made a similar admission, not to mention such memorable past Presidents as FDR and Ronald Reagan...
We gots to have a President keeps that pimphand STRONG.
How we supposed to trust a Commander-in-Chief who can't keep the bitches in line? If he ain't got no control of his hos, how we supposed to trust a brotha to protect us from this fool...
08-09-08, 01:06 AM
who the heck cares if a president or vice president or a candidate dips his stick big deal as long as they run the country well.
08-09-08, 01:31 AM
$400 haircut and that's the best p**** you can get? christ, i go to sportclips and i land better chicks.;)
08-09-08, 03:21 AM
Why on earth would that make any difference?
If you're insinuating that adultery somehow makes one unfit for high public office, surely you're aware that one of the major parties' presumed Presidential nominee has made a similar admission, not to mention such memorable past Presidents as FDR and Ronald Reagan...
This country's relatively recent conversion to Victorian prudishness with regards to its public figures is a counterproductive distraction from substantive discussion of things that really do matter.
who the heck cares if a president or vice president or a candidate dips his stick big deal as long as they run the country well.
You guys are in a minority opinion here. I wont bother explaining why people think someone who does something so dishonest to his wife does not have admirable qualities we wish leaders would have.
and yet every leader in the history of man had those qualities, go figure...
above statement doesn't condone the s***** behavior, but leadership of a nation has ****all to do with fidelity
08-09-08, 07:35 AM
Yeah Wilbur Mills got no coverage at all:rolleyes:
He was drunk and stumbling around in a fountain in public. Very different than doing something in private. I agree that having affairs is not the best conduct, but having the press chase people around covering this crap 24/7 while wars, energy policy, etc.... are on page 2 or deeper really is disturbing. Also, powerful men getting laid is considered normal behavior in most of the World and nobody cares, perhaps America has a bit of a Puritanical hangover on this subject.
08-09-08, 09:08 AM
...back on topic...he's a scumbag....and he doesn't deserve the forgiveness of the wife that has stood by him through thick and thin...
At least we now know for sure who WON'T be Obama's veep pick...:D
Oh, and it puts paid to Annthrax Coulter's assertion that he was a British Cylindrical Nicotine Delivery Device.....
08-09-08, 09:35 AM
You guys are in a minority opinion here. I wont bother explaining why people think someone who does something so dishonest to his wife does not have admirable qualities we wish leaders would have.
We as a people largely don't have admirable qualities. Why should we expect those who run for public office to be different?
When it comes to politicians' character flaws, adultery's pretty low on the list.
And with that...
John Edwards has single handedly sunk the Olympic ratings. Not to mention the fact that there will be virtually no coverage of the fact that tanks are exchanging fire in South Ossetia, which will mean that our second biggest ally in Iraq will be pulling their forces out to deal with their own war going on at home, possibly this weekend.
But hey, someone got laid. That's big news.:rolleyes:
Looks like I'll be getting my news from the BBC for a while...
Don't worry. This was announced on a Friday for a reason. Hell it was announced on the day of the opening ceremonies for a reason.
This story is going to get buried over the weekend. No one is going to care about it.
Plus you have to factor in that John Edwards is pretty much a nobody. Sure he ran for VP a few years back, but he didnt run for re-election as a Senator because he was going to lose, and he's being doing nothing politically since.
He's so full of **** with his 2 America's nonsense that people have stopped taking him seriously. Its hard to believe that he really cares for the poor people when he has thousand dollar hair cuts and lives in this house:
08-09-08, 10:53 AM
John's political ambitions
John's peccadilloes
John's wife and family
where do you tax paying Yanks fall on John's list of priorities?
08-09-08, 11:55 AM
$400 haircut and that's the best p**** you can get? christ, i go to sportclips and i land better chicks.;)
he's a scumbag
Yep. :thumbup:
This is a bigger deal then it might have been because he lied about it.
How about the part where he hid in the bathroom from the reporters. :rofl:
08-09-08, 12:53 PM
You guys are in a minority opinion here. I wont bother explaining why people think someone who does something so dishonest to his wife does not have admirable qualities we wish leaders would have.
08-09-08, 01:49 PM
^^^thanks, I had forgotten about all of JFK's affairs
Sorry, folks. Not sure why I thought this might be a media thread rather than a political thread.
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