View Full Version : Middle East as clown car...
MOSCOW - A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.
apparently the deal is we give them PAC-3 in exchange for letting us house some ground-based midcourse defense intereceptors over there.
and to think, if we'd listened to our very own FTG we'd have all this money in the bank that we didn't spend on silly useless things like next-gen fighters & bombers :gomer:
08-15-08, 01:08 PM
apparently the deal is we give them PAC-3 in exchange for letting us house some ground-based midcourse defense intereceptors over there.
and to think, if we'd listened to our very own FTG we'd have all this money in the bank that we didn't spend on silly useless things like next-gen fighters & bombers :gomer:
My question is how long before Ukraine signs on as well...
08-15-08, 01:09 PM
:rofl::rofl:I hope someone makes a new video for that song with Putin in it.
Easy now...
don't make the boss pull this clown car over. ;)
08-15-08, 01:11 PM
apparently the deal is we give them PAC-3 in exchange for letting us house some ground-based midcourse defense intereceptors over there.
and to think, if we'd listened to our very own FTG we'd have all this money in the bank that we didn't spend on silly useless things like next-gen fighters & bombers :gomer:
No we should focus our entire military budget on COIN until our military looks like a huge glorified SADF circa 1980s in Namibia. :gomer:
My question is how long before Ukraine signs on as well...
not until they're NATO at least
08-15-08, 01:21 PM
No we should focus our entire military budget on COIN until our military looks like a huge glorified SADF circa 1980s in Namibia. :gomer:
Could have fooled me. These guys are Air Force.
Reporter on scene in Georgia takes a bullet in the arm while reporting.
It's not horrifying, or graphic (a little blood), but, you know, she gets shot and stuff, so use your judgement on viewing.
There might even be naughty words, but it's not in 'Murrican.
apparently the deal is we give them PAC-3 in exchange for letting us house some ground-based midcourse defense intereceptors over there.
and to think, if we'd listened to our very own FTG we'd have all this money in the bank that we didn't spend on silly useless things like next-gen fighters & bombers :gomer:
I'm sure the planes that make you type 1-handed will be as effective protecting Poland from nuclear attack as they were protecting Georgia, but I could be wrong. Why don't you explain the raptors anti-ballistic missile capabilities.
08-15-08, 04:27 PM
Pretty calm for having just been shot:eek:
I'm sure the planes that make you type 1-handed will be as effective protecting Poland from nuclear attack as they were protecting Georgia, but I could be wrong. Why don't you explain the raptors anti-ballistic missile capabilities.
and how many ballistic missiles were deployed against georgia vs. how many conventional weapons platforms terrestrial & aerial?
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon video game came out in 2001
Ghost Recon begins in 2008, with civil unrest in Russia. Ultra-nationalists have seized power in Russia, with plans to rebuild the government. Their first step is clandestine support of rebel factions in Georgia and the Baltic States. This is where the Ghosts come in: to silence the invasion. Armed with some of the most advanced weaponry in the world, the soldiers of the Ghost Recon force are covertly inserted into area of operations and given specific missions to curtail the rebel actions and overthrow their benefactors.
Hey how did that game end?
It doesn't look like Russia is going to stop advancing...
08-15-08, 06:34 PM
ONE big point, when Russia or the media talks about "withdrawing" from Georgia they could leave S.O. Militias and Russian "Volunteers" behind.
Don't be surprised if these S.O. militias speak Russian and are pretty much Russian airborne troops. It is basically a proxy force under complete control by Russia.
Here is an article of "S.O. Militia" (Russians) robbing a Georgian bank
Video of a Georgian being beaten and lynched by Russians/S.O. For being a "Baby rapists" :rolleyes:
Turkish reporters being shot at
I also have read and UN Convoy was attacked by Russian/S.O. groups. They don't want any foreigners in these areas. They are trying to hide what really happened.
Hey how did that game end?
It doesn't look like Russia is going to stop advancing...
It smells like they're just sending out probes trying to provoke another response so they can have an excuse to make another full force attack. It wouldn't surprise me if they invent one.
08-15-08, 07:41 PM
Volunteering to Kill Georgians,8599,1831523,00.html?imw=Y
The Vladikavkaz City Recruiting Center in the Russian territory of North Ossetia lies just outside the main town, through a tall, steel gate. Inside, along a small driveway overlapped by tall pines, lie a parking lot, pavilion and fruit orchard. A low, two-story concrete building with peeling paint serves as the recruiting center. Men in clean, dark green fatigues organize would-be recruits. They are mostly men in their 50s and 60s who have already served but are too old now. Lots of gray hair and mustaches, gold teeth and cigarettes.
I bet Russia plans on leaving all these thugs and miscreant irregulars in Georgia to terrorize Georgians and keep it in a perennial state of mild conflict so that it is no useful to the west. Then the Georgians will get tired of it and realize that only Moscow can stop the violence and pull these people back. Then Georgia will "Want" to be Russia's girlfriend again.
08-15-08, 07:48 PM
It smells like they're just sending out probes trying to provoke another response so they can have an excuse to make another full force attack. It wouldn't surprise me if they invent one.
I like how the Russians still ride on top of their AFVs.
A few Daisy Chain IEDs or EFPs would DESTROY one of those Russian convoys. An explosion that does not hurt the AFV would still kill those guys riding on top.
If the Russians keep their regular forces there long enough driving up and down the highways I can see some pissed off Georgians devolve to Iraq style tactics.
I am surprised it has no happened yet.
with georgia's christian history, i'm curious as to whether al qeada and nation states would aid georgia in that type of action considering chechnya
Russia has Iran to be their spokesmullah among the faithful. Plus there's that whole "enemy of enemy" symbiosis.
Iran == shi'a. Chechnya == sunni
08-15-08, 08:45 PM
with georgia's christian history, i'm curious as to whether al qeada and nation states would aid georgia in that type of action considering chechnya
I doubt the Georgians would want to bring that type people on their land. The only people I have seen asking for AQ are Lebanese Sunnis posting on message boards after the May incident.
They should be able to build those nasty things on their own.
However I would be seriously scared to be a Georgian in those areas right now. Especially if Russian plans on leaving those thugs there to intimidate and harass them.
So much Ruski hate.
:stoli: :gomer:
08-15-08, 10:11 PM
Who woulda thunk there would be so many military analysts on a racing board :gomer:
08-16-08, 10:19 AM
Video of a Georgian being beaten and lynched by Russians/S.O. For being a "Baby rapists" :rolleyes:
Russians/S.O.'s are scientologists?
:rofl: This is what the administration is defending
08-18-08, 03:47 PM
No we are defending against ethnic cleansing
“The soldiers told us they had an order from Putin - leave or be killed.” Manana Dioshvili showed no emotion as she described how Russian troops forced her to flee her home. Her former neighbours nodded in agreement, huddled together in a kindergarten whose windows had been blown out by a Russian bomb.
“That’s how they explained themselves to us,” she recalled of the moment they fled the ethnic Georgian village of Kurta, near the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinvali.
“They said, ‘Putin has given us an order that everyone must be either shot or forced to leave’. They told us we should ask the Americans for help now because they would kill us if we stayed.”
Vardo Babutidze, 79, was not lucky enough to be visited by Russian soldiers. Her husband Georgi, 85, was shot twice through the chest by an Ossetian paramilitary who came to their house to demand weapons.
Most of the retards in this country probably think the Russian army is closing in on Atlanta.
Sorry, 'twas @ The Shore last week chasing kids and listening to the wife bitch. :\ Limited posting time while sober. :gomer:
My question is how long before Ukraine signs on as well...
Ask and you shall receive....
Ukraine inflamed mounting East-West tensions yesterday by offering up a Soviet-built satellite facility as part of the European missile defence system.
War. The new Olympics. :saywhat:
08-18-08, 05:18 PM
I have read that bogus Russian passports are showing up in the Crimea.
08-18-08, 06:57 PM
A flat tyre on a Russian diplomatic car triggered the slide to war in Georgia after it forced the cancellation of key peace talks the day before fighting erupted, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.
Trouble had been brewing in the disputed South Ossetian region for weeks as Moscow-backed militias skirmished with Georgian troops, yet Russian-brokered negotiations between the Georgian government and the separatists had continued.
But the first substantial face-to-face talks on August 7 fell through after a farcical chain of events in which the top Russian diplomat claimed he was unable to attend the meeting in South Ossetia because his car tyre had run flat.
Refusing to take his excuse at face value, the Georgian delegation then assumed they were being lured into a trap, and began the shelling that invited the Russian invasion.
Ask and you shall receive....
War. The new Olympics. :saywhat:
The interesting thing is that in the video clip on that page you see Russian soldiers standing around - one with a kids bike and another with two decorative axes. Now. Did they bring these items along or did they just "find" them someplace?
While the Russians easily overwhelmed the Georgian army, they've left themselves exposed to the western press and they just look like the same undisciplined, unprofessional, unmotivated bunch that got run out of Afghanistan.
08-19-08, 03:48 AM
The interesting thing is that in the video clip on that page you see Russian soldiers standing around - one with a kids bike and another with two decorative axes. Now. Did they bring these items along or did they just "find" them someplace?
While the Russians easily overwhelmed the Georgian army, they've left themselves exposed to the western press and they just look like the same undisciplined, unprofessional, unmotivated bunch that got run out of Afghanistan.
They are just cossacks, chechens, serbs, siberians who cannot do anything else in Russia or anywhere but be thugs and mobsters.
Read that Time piece I posted earlier about a recruiting depot.
So, people that join the military generally come from a special lot.
Wow, what a revelation. :rofl:
Remember the Falklands? know...when Gurkha mercenaries in British uniforms were used?
thought so.
So, people that join the military generally come from a special lot.
Wow, what a revelation. :rofl:
Remember the Falklands? know...when Gurkha missionaries in British uniforms were used?
thought so.
hindustan > argiebastigeland
hindustan > argiebastigeland
soon, with even more gold footy medals
08-19-08, 06:47 PM
The interesting thing is that in the video clip on that page you see Russian soldiers standing around - one with a kids bike and another with two decorative axes. Now. Did they bring these items along or did they just "find" them someplace?
While the Russians easily overwhelmed the Georgian army, they've left themselves exposed to the western press and they just look like the same undisciplined, unprofessional, unmotivated bunch that got run out of Afghanistan.
Baghdad Bob showed up again, this time as some Murdoch news otlet guest analyst saying the the russians were getting shlacked :tony:
08-19-08, 07:49 PM
So, people that join the military generally come from a special lot.
Wow, what a revelation. :rofl:
Remember the Falklands? know...when Gurkha missionaries in British uniforms were used?
thought so.
So you think all military service people are retards that you are better than?
Missionaries? Don't you mean Mercenaries? :gomer::gomer::gomer:
So you think all military service people are retards that you are better than?
Wow, you got all that from that post? are smarter than I thought Champa.:gomer:
Europe blinks
They've got more at risk, but their pal Putin isn't going to reward their caution. I'd like to think it's energy and oil supplies they are worried about, and not an unwillingness to fight back that is shaping their response.
Sean Malone
08-19-08, 10:29 PM
Europe blinks
They've got more at risk, but their pal Putin isn't going to reward their caution. I'd like to think it's energy and oil supplies they are worried about, and not an unwillingness to fight back that is shaping their response.
It is on both accounts. This is Europe after all.
soon, with even more gold footy medals
*spoiler alert*
biancoceleste will get rolled
08-20-08, 12:04 PM
Funny how the Polish all of a sudden signed the missile defense shield agreement right after Russia expelled the invading Georgians....that couldn't have been planned could it?
we were pursuing such an arrangement for some time, quibbling over details. Poles wanted PAC-3 low-level theater defense system in exchange for the GMD ICBM interceptors we wanted to place there but we didn't want to give it to them.
now we do.
08-20-08, 01:41 PM
we were pursuing such an arrangement for some time, quibbling over details. Poles wanted PAC-3 low-level theater defense system in exchange for the GMD ICBM interceptors we wanted to place there but we didn't want to give it to them.
now we do.
Yup...funny how that all seemed to work out so quickly...;)
Pat Buchanan had a very interesting take on the whole situation...
And yes, TrueBrit just referenced an article by Pat Buchanan....:D
08-20-08, 02:11 PM
And yes, TrueBrit just referenced an article by Pat Buchanan....:D
And yes, TrueBrit just referenced an article by Pat Buchanan....:D
Your buddy pinniped would be proud of this moment. :gomer: ;)
Interesting timeline from the Washington Post claims that Russian forces started coming through the Roki Tunnel before Georgian troops attacked.
08-20-08, 10:43 PM
the kaka is moving towards that object with spinning blades
Russia considers nuclear missiles for Syria, Mediterranean, Baltic
DEBKAfile Special Report
August 17, 2008, 9:18 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russia's nuclear-capable Iskandar missile
DEBKAfile's military sources report Moscow's planned retaliation for America's missile interceptors in Poland and US-Israeli military aid to Georgia may come in the form of installing Iskandar surface missiles in Syria and its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad.
Iran puts satellite carrier in space
Iran’s “dummy satellite” was a partial failure but strategic breakthrough
August 19, 2008, 9:42 PM (GMT+02:00)
A US official said Tuesday, Aug. 19, that the dummy Safir satellite carrier launched by Tehran Sunday, Aug. 17, failed “shortly after liftoff and in no way reached its intended position.” DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources disclose that the launch did not fail at that point but nevertheless did not reach its intended orbit around Earth.
Our military sources stress that the test was still a strategic breakthrough in that it testified to Tehran’s long-range missile delivery capability, possibly armed with nuclear warheads.
Back-door US-Russian contacts to de-escalate war of words - after Moscow threatens to nuke Poland
August 20, 2008, 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
Russia's Dep. Chief of Staff Anatoly Nogovitsyn raises the tone of threats
DEBKAfile reports that both powers have begun acting to cool the rhetoric and review relations, after spokesmen in Washington - and especially Moscow - raised the threat level of their oratory to its highest pitch since the Cold War’s end.
The coming DEBKA-Net-Weekly, out Friday, will elaborate on this effort.
Friday night, Aug. 15, Russia’s deputy chief of staff Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn warned Poland it was “exposing itself to a strike 100 percent.”
Arab world fears an Iran war may be impending
August 18, 2008, 1:05 PM (GMT+02:00)
USS Ronald Reagan
DEBKAfile’s Middle East sources report that the Iranian satellite carrier space launch Sunday, Aug. 17, was prompted by a joint caution to Tehran from Saudi King Abdullah and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak.
After their meeting Saturday, the spokesman of the presidential palace in Cairo, Suleiman Awwad, said: Iran should not present on a silver platter the “justifications and pretexts for those [US and Israel] who want to drag the region down a dangerous slope.”
Our military sources report that the war scare in Cairo and Riyadh also infected Kuwait.
The US has moved 5 battle groups into the Persian Gulf
American crews will control US FBX-band radar granted Israel
August 19, 2008, 10:41 PM (GMT+02:00)
Extra-powerful US FBX-T radar
In granting Israel the powerful FBX-T radar system to enhance its early warning resources against incoming missiles, Washington laid down a strict hands-off proviso. The system will be installed at a US base in the southern Israeli Negev. It will be off-limits to Israelis and managed exclusively by American personnel.
This discovery, revealed here for the first time by DEBKAfile’s military sources, has aroused astonished rancor in senior Israel army circles.
Moscow accuses Israel of arming Georgia - day before Assad arrives for big arms purchases
August 19, 2008, 10:42 PM (GMT+02:00)
A reunion to punish Israel for arming Georgia
The timing was precise. Tuesday, Aug. 19, the Russian Deputy Chief of General Staff Col.-Gen. Anatoly Nagovitsyn accused Israel at a Moscow news conference of arming and training the Georgian military.
Wednesday, Syrian president Bashar Assad arrives in the Russian capital for a two-day visit during which the Kremlin fully expects him to exploit the storm clouds blowing in from Georgia over Russian relations with the West to press for sophisticated weapons systems not so far released by Moscow.
And just to heighten the tension: Ratzinger is the last Pope before the Vatican is overrun and destroyed
08-20-08, 11:52 PM
The US has moved 5 battle groups into the Persian Gulf
Five carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf at once? That is half of the Navy.
08-21-08, 12:21 AM
Five carrier battle groups in the Persian Gulf at once? That is half of the Navy.
I believe it is a switchover situation but nobody knows how long the relieved units will hang around> I read a list of the groups the other day, will try to find it
Kuwait on alert for war in Persian Gulf?
Kuwait has activated its Emergency War Plan after an armada of US naval battle groups headed for the Persian Gulf, Middle East Times reports.
The report comes after DEBKAfiles claimed on Monday that the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the USS Ronald Reagan, and the USS Iwo Jima are sailing toward the Persian Gulf to reinforce the US strike forces in the region.
The US naval force is accompanied by a British Royal Navy carrier battle group and a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine.
The move comes nearly a week after Operation Brimstone, which saw more than a dozen warships from US, British and French naval forces conduct war games in the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for a possible confrontation with Iran.
Kuwait, located on the coast of Persian Gulf, has placed its military on 'war alert' to avoid being caught off-guard by any possible conflict in the region.
08-21-08, 12:33 AM
More fun: B2's arriving at RAF Fairford UK
08-21-08, 01:00 AM
Umm, two B-2s were in jolly old England last week on a long haul training mission but I thought they flew home at the beginning of the week:confused:
Stars & Stripes (
08-21-08, 05:07 PM
Umm, two B-2s were in jolly old England last week on a long haul training mission but I thought they flew home at the beginning of the week:confused:
Stars & Stripes (
hahaha your ten billion dollar B2 couldn't fly because it was raining. :shakehead
08-21-08, 11:38 PM
The US naval force is accompanied by a British Royal Navy carrier battle group and a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine.
Typical. The French bring a submarine to an air strike...
08-22-08, 04:29 AM
I believe it is a switchover situation but nobody knows how long the relieved units will hang around> I read a list of the groups the other day, will try to find it
Kuwait on alert for war in Persian Gulf?
Kuwait has activated its Emergency War Plan after an armada of US naval battle groups headed for the Persian Gulf, Middle East Times reports.
The report comes after DEBKAfiles claimed on Monday that the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the USS Ronald Reagan, and the USS Iwo Jima are sailing toward the Persian Gulf to reinforce the US strike forces in the region.
The US naval force is accompanied by a British Royal Navy carrier battle group and a French nuclear hunter-killer submarine.
The move comes nearly a week after Operation Brimstone, which saw more than a dozen warships from US, British and French naval forces conduct war games in the Atlantic Ocean in preparation for a possible confrontation with Iran.
Kuwait, located on the coast of Persian Gulf, has placed its military on 'war alert' to avoid being caught off-guard by any possible conflict in the region.
The mythical "5 carrier" fleet rumor has been debunked.
The Teddy Roosevelt is still in Norfolk.
08-22-08, 09:42 AM
where's the Lincoln?
Where is Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper? :laugh:
08-22-08, 01:31 PM
Kuwait has activated its Emergency War Plan
Right, Kuwait's "emergency war plan" is for all Kuwaitis of consequence to fly to London for a holiday while the US defends Kuwait. :laugh:
08-22-08, 02:41 PM
where's the Lincoln?
nevermind, I just received an encrypted message on my supersecret decoder ring
08-22-08, 03:36 PM
nevermind, I just received an encrypted message on my supersecret decoder ring
Drink your Ovaltine.
Drink your Ovaltine.
A crummy commercial? Son of a #$^%&!
08-22-08, 09:52 PM
Right, Kuwait's "emergency war plan" is for all Kuwaitis of consequence to fly to London for a holiday while the US defends Kuwait. :laugh:
I can hear Maggie T. in her house of commons speech say that "the plane landed before the invasion"
what happened all that north sea oil, Maggie?
sory to derail the thread
08-24-08, 05:53 AM
Hoiw long before Russia dumps their exposure to the federal Mortgage scam?
08-25-08, 03:20 PM
South Lebanon to be nuked at first start of trouble: Hizballah - "11,000 rockets aimed at Israel."
08-25-08, 03:24 PM
a powerful Russian naval contingent, led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov , left Murmansk on the Barents Sea Aug. 18 to dock at the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus Saturday, Aug. 23. It includes the Russian Navy’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear missile submarines.
Boosting the US naval buildup in the region, Tuesday, Aug. 26, the USS Iwo Jima leaves Norfolk for the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf at the head of a large group which includes the USS San Antonio amphibious transport dock ship.
They will be joined Friday by the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall , the guided missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf and the guided missile destroyer USS Ramage . Another guided missile destroyer. the USS Roosevelt and the fast attack submarine USS Hartford will be part of the group.
08-25-08, 04:44 PM
South Lebanon to be nuked at first start of trouble: Hizballah - "11,000 rockets aimed at Israel."
A great they did 2 years ago!
of course Israel knew that their two abducted soldiers were already dead but decided to have an all out war just for the fun of it.
wonder who pocketed the $5bn?
08-25-08, 08:50 PM
a powerful Russian naval contingent, led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov , left Murmansk on the Barents Sea Aug. 18 to dock at the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus Saturday, Aug. 23. It includes the Russian Navy’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear missile submarines.
Boosting the US naval buildup in the region, Tuesday, Aug. 26, the USS Iwo Jima leaves Norfolk for the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf at the head of a large group which includes the USS San Antonio amphibious transport dock ship.
They will be joined Friday by the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall , the guided missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf and the guided missile destroyer USS Ramage . Another guided missile destroyer. the USS Roosevelt and the fast attack submarine USS Hartford will be part of the group.
Well, you know the old saying, "Every Russian carrier is a potential Navy Cross for a US sub commander..."
08-25-08, 09:31 PM
Hoiw long before Russia dumps their exposure to the federal Mortgage scam? An intelligent post :thumbup: Everyone needs to read these
Sean Malone
08-25-08, 09:37 PM
An intelligent post :thumbup: Everyone needs to read these
106 'if's' in that bottom article. The word 'if' is a powerful little word.
Sean Malone
08-25-08, 09:38 PM
**** the Russians in Brighton Beach. Mobster thugs sitting in cafés, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth. Wheelin' and dealin' and schemin'. Go back where you ****ing came from!
Fails to include the decreased value of the $ over the past 30 years as a root cause for D all of the above.
Cheney to rock the block, yo. Veep to Georgia (
Russia moves to DEFCON 3. They know Cheney is packing heat. ;)
Andrew Longman
08-26-08, 09:12 AM
Cheney to rock the block, yo. Veep to Georgia (
Russia moves to DEFCON 3. They know Cheney is packing heat. ;)
Let's hope he knows with way to shoot ;)
08-26-08, 01:10 PM
a powerful Russian naval contingent, led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov , left Murmansk on the Barents Sea Aug. 18 to dock at the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus Saturday, Aug. 23. It includes the Russian Navy’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear missile submarines.
Boosting the US naval buildup in the region, Tuesday, Aug. 26, the USS Iwo Jima leaves Norfolk for the Mediterranean and Persian Gulf at the head of a large group which includes the USS San Antonio amphibious transport dock ship.
They will be joined Friday by the amphibious dock landing ship USS Carter Hall , the guided missile cruiser USS Vella Gulf and the guided missile destroyer USS Ramage . Another guided missile destroyer. the USS Roosevelt and the fast attack submarine USS Hartford will be part of the group.
Tell me how the Russian North Sea fleet will transit 4,000 plus miles in that allotted time period?
Their is also the minor detail that it is the 26th and the fleet has not even left yet.
The USN stuff is wrong too.
Do you guys still think that that mythical fleet is headed to the Persian Gulf to attack Iran when in fact the said flagship is still in Norfolk?
Do you still subscribe to AR1?
08-26-08, 03:37 PM
it's the only way we get to experience your hate :laugh:
a powerful Russian naval contingent, led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov , left Murmansk on the Barents Sea Aug. 18 to dock at the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus Saturday, Aug. 23. It includes the Russian Navy’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear missile submarines.
Hmmm, Russian fleet leaves to fight in a war a long way away. That didn't work out so well last time ( they did that. :gomer:
If they actually run flight ops off the Admiral Kuznetsov they'll probably lose more planes than they did over Georgia.
08-27-08, 02:40 AM
If they actually run flight ops off the Admiral Kuznetsov they'll probably lose more planes than they did over Georgia.
08-27-08, 01:08 PM
Hizballah high-up falls to his death at rocket pad on Israeli border
August 27, 2008, 12:47 PM (GMT+02:00)
A Hizballah bunker close to Israeli border
The geography of the accident Tuesday, Aug. 26, belied the reiterated claims of Israeli ministers and UN officials that Hizballah’s rockets had been pushed back from the Lebanese-Israeli border, under the terms of the Resolution 1701 ceasefire which ended the 2006 Lebanon War.
Jamal Amin Salah, 51, a Hizballah operations executive, stood on the rooftop of a building at the Lebanese Yaroun village, less than half a kilometer from the Israeli border. He was discussing with his men how far inside Israeli territory the rockets installed at the launch pads in the village could reach, when he fell to his death.
I wonder how far inside Israeli territory he landed
08-27-08, 03:47 PM
I wonder if the Israelis used one of these devices on him
By Jim Kouri
Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
June 25, 2008
An American military commander is advocating the testing of so-called nonlethal weapons on American citizens prior to using them on our enemies in the Global War on Terrorism.
Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne told a Houston Chronicle reporter that nonlethal weapons such as high-powered microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd-control situations before they are used on the battlefield.
I wonder how far inside Israeli territory he landed
The Untied States is pursuing a delicate policy of delivering humanitarian aid on military transport planes and ships, to illustrate to the Russians that they do not fully control Georgia's airspace or coastline.
The policy has left American and Russian naval vessels maneuvering in close proximity off the western coast of Georgia, with the Americans sailing near the southern port of Batumi and the Russians the central port of Poti.
It will be interesting to see if Russia moves their naval base from Ukraine to the "occupied"/"liberated" province of Abkhazia.
08-27-08, 04:45 PM
America’s decision to redirect its Georgia aid warship from Russian-controlled Poti port to Georgian-controlled Batumi Wednesday, August 27 – on direct orders from the Pentagon - did not cool the escalating Black Sea tension between the two powers. As soon as the US Coast Guard cutter Dallas docked, three Russian missile boats, led by the Moskva missile cruiser, anchored at the Black Sea port of Sukhumi to the north.
In Moscow, Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn said NATO had exhausted the number of forces it can deploy in the Black Sea under international agreements. He warned Western nations against sending more ships. “NATO – which is not a state located in the Black Sea” cannot continuously increase its forces and systems there, he said.
08-27-08, 05:03 PM
It will be interesting to see if Russia moves their naval base from Ukraine to the "occupied"/"liberated" province of Abkhazia.
Only if they don't mind forgoing a harbor. Sukhumi is a rather exposed dent along the coastline. There is no harbor there to build any kind of naval base. There isn't even much of a dock.
^ wow. No kidding. When it was described at a deep water port, I expected more than three piers. :laugh:
08-27-08, 10:50 PM
The problem with the black sea is that it is not internationalized. Western Europe and the US have a very small presence there and Russia rules it. This leads to the trafficking of drugs and woman by Russian mobs into Romania/Bulgaria etc.
It is a virtual lake.
Oh, Good... :saywhat:
Russia issues passports in Ukraine (
Remember when a country had to plant a flag to claim territory? Now they can do it through the mail. :shakehead
11-01-08, 12:17 AM
Problem is that most of those people in eastern and southern Ukraine are more aligned to Russia.
This part of Ukraine was known as Novorussiya.
It was changed to the Ukrainian S.S.R. under Khrushchev. Who was Ukrainian. The far west of the country (west of the Dneiper) is Catholic (versus orthodox). Those people are more aligned to Europe.
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