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08-20-08, 02:51 PM

Penske transporter burns to the ground.

08-20-08, 02:55 PM

Mr. Vengeance
08-20-08, 03:05 PM
Anyone smell brimstone?

08-20-08, 03:15 PM
Karma is a biotch. :laugh:


08-20-08, 04:01 PM

08-20-08, 04:03 PM
Did Helio's hot dancing shoes start the fire? :eek:

"It melted the ceiling and we lost both primary cars, all our pit equipment, all the team uniforms, the shock dyno and a lot of gearbox stuff," said Cindric from his office in Mooresville, N.C. "There was also a fab shop and it was gutted.

"My guess is a couple million bucks. It's a disaster."

Cindric said the two truck drivers tried to extinguish the blaze but couldn't so they unhooked the tractor and could only watch the $400,000 Peterbuilt trailer burn.


08-20-08, 04:24 PM
It's a shame they unhooked the tractor :(

08-20-08, 05:16 PM

Maybe we could start a fund drive to help replace the items. ;)

Pennies For Penske!

Or we can just sit back and enjoy the moment.

Lux Interior
08-20-08, 06:17 PM
Poor Roger. Poor poor Roger. They guy just can't catch a break huh? I feel terrible:rofl:

08-20-08, 06:25 PM
In a perfect world we would have video of this weenie roast so we could all gather and sing Kumbaya..:rofl:

Do I smell a Tonya Harding moment? Ya 'spose the cops are checking Princess Sparklepony's whereabouts? :D


Don Quixote
08-20-08, 06:25 PM
Anyone smell brimstone?
Definitely. :thumbup:

08-20-08, 06:27 PM
Probably insured for twice it's value. Still two crapwagons destroyed without injury is a victory in my book. :thumbup:

08-20-08, 08:50 PM
In a perfect world we would have video of this weenie roast so we could all gather and sing Kumbaya..:rofl:

Do I smell a Tonya Harding moment? Ya 'spose the cops are checking Princess Sparklepony's whereabouts? :D

oc Ya, pics would be nice. At 2:30 am it must have put off quite a nice glow as it melted. Somebody find out where the carcass is and post pics. :thumbup:

08-20-08, 09:15 PM
The only carcass I want to see pics of is Cappy Liverspots.

Check that, add :tony: to the top of that list.

F-youknowwhoall :yuck:

08-20-08, 09:37 PM
Not Penske's trailer, just a visual aid.

Needs more melty goodness.


08-20-08, 11:20 PM
Anyone know how close this was to Radiator Springs?

"Mack? Mack?! MACK!!"

08-21-08, 01:09 AM
All the hate for Pimpski just warms my heart!
Probably the only other transporter that could produce such a response would be a Veeshun transporter. :rofl:

Elmo T
08-21-08, 07:52 AM
1. Hate is good - but we all agree that is was good no one was hurt. :saywhat:

2. Semantics, but
"It was about 2:30 in the morning and they had no cell phone coverage but somebody finally saw it burning and eventually the fire department showed up. Obviously, it was too late to help."
really means that someone with working phone service called the fire department, who arrived and extinguished what was left - NOT "eventually the fire department showed up". :rolleyes:

3. Wheel bearing fire --> Fully engulfed? Did they not have fire extinguishers in the cab?

08-21-08, 07:57 AM
They were special bearings of Penske's own design, constructed entirely of Magnesium.

08-21-08, 08:05 AM
3. Wheel bearing fire --> Fully engulfed? Did they not have fire extinguishers in the cab?

Knowing the Pimp, this was probably a well planned insurance scam :\

08-21-08, 09:44 AM
They were special bearings of Penske's own design, constructed entirely of Magnesium.

I thought of something along those lines. My guess is that the scheduled maintenance of the transporters just changed...

08-21-08, 11:17 AM
They were special bearings of Penske's own design, constructed entirely of Magnesium.

. . . so they could be seen from space when they burned.

08-21-08, 12:49 PM
No intent to burst happy bubbles but I'm certain none of you hope the rumors floating around of Roger battling serious cancer are true?:(

08-21-08, 01:28 PM
When is SOG going to chime in to lament the possible loss of employment for loyal Penske IRL crewmembers? He was all boohoo when that Grand Sham car and trailer burned... :p

08-21-08, 01:35 PM
Needs more lousy white cheese, cheap peppers, and third rate beef on that toast ...

Not Penske's trailer, just a visual aid.

Needs more melty goodness.


08-21-08, 01:51 PM
No intent to burst happy bubbles but I'm certain none of you hope the rumors floating around of Roger battling serious cancer are true?:(
:thumdown: How low do you think we are? Is that seriously your opinion of the contributors here? That we would rejoice in something like that? I'm insulted by the insinuation. A burning rig is one thing. A human life is another.

08-21-08, 02:49 PM
I second what rabbit said.

08-21-08, 02:57 PM

08-21-08, 03:01 PM
Penske has always made his transporters look "cool" by putting fairings over the wheelwells.

The drivers said that they attempted to extinguish the fire, but when they realized they couldn't, they unhooked and pulled the tractor away.

I bet it would have been easier to fight the fire if not for his cool aerodynamic wheel covers...

08-21-08, 03:02 PM

I'm a :tony: hater, but even that has its limits.

But, I do confess to fantasizing about a whirly bird crash every now and then. :gomer: ;)


08-21-08, 03:09 PM
Penske has always made his transporters look "cool" by putting fairings over the wheelwells.

The drivers said that they attempted to extinguish the fire, but when they realized they couldn't, they unhooked and pulled the tractor away.

I bet it would have been easier to fight the fire if not for his cool aerodynamic wheel covers...
I think they only put those over the wheels at the track. I saw them removing them as they were getting ready to pull out of Mid-Ohio several years back.

08-21-08, 03:38 PM
Have no idea what Pimpski is runing for haulers now. But back in the day they were chromed and aeroed out and the only team running COE's. Problem is they were gutless wonders with auto trannies. They had to be pulled up the hill at Laguna Seca to make it into the paddock....:gomer:..:laugh:

08-21-08, 04:01 PM
Solid Pimpske hate here since he sold out his Trans Am program in, what?, about 1970?

What he did to Can Am was even worse.

08-21-08, 04:08 PM
When is SOG going to chime in to lament the possible loss of employment for loyal Penske IRL crewmembers? He was all boohoo when that Grand Sham car and trailer burned... :p

Speaking of SOG, where has our little ray of sunshine been lately?

Another question, is the best way from NC to Sonoma really through Wyoming?

08-21-08, 04:22 PM
Another question, is the best way from NC to Sonoma really through Wyoming?

According to Google Maps, it is only 1hr longer to take I-40 to Cali than I-80. That would avoid Wyoming for the Southwest Deserts.

08-21-08, 08:30 PM
No intent to burst happy bubbles but I'm certain none of you hope the rumors floating around of Roger battling serious cancer are true?:(
I'd be just fine if they managed to burn up the replacement trailor as well. After all, you don't often find that kind of symmetry in life....

Since you raised this red herring issue, the facts of life are simple and clear for anyone that makes it to RP's age (71); the chances of serious heart disease or cancer are high and they increase every year thereafter. There is nothing to be happy or sad about, it just is. People will either miss him when he's gone or they won't. Until then it's nothing more than morbid speculation.


08-22-08, 11:37 AM
Speaking of SOG, where has our little ray of sunshine been lately?

He was put on moderation mode because NRC still has a chip on his shoulder. So like Cork, he just decided to stop posting rather than having each post moderated.


page 2 specifies the reason:

08-22-08, 11:43 AM
Does this mean I can't count on SOG to take a dump on any crapwagon thread I start? :confused:

08-22-08, 11:45 AM
He was put on moderation mode because NRC still has a chip on his shoulder. So like Cork, he just decided to stop posting rather than having each post moderated.




08-22-08, 11:54 AM
IRL discussion is crap.

There might be some scatology lessons (and internet freedoms) to be learned from that.

08-22-08, 02:27 PM
IRL discussion is crap.

why do you watch and discuss it then?

08-22-08, 02:40 PM
why do you watch and discuss it then? What is it about Ohio.........they're all alike :D

08-22-08, 03:02 PM
What is it about Ohio.........they're all alike :D
I dunno about Ohio, but it may be something in the water in Cleveland....


08-22-08, 03:09 PM
because I asked why he watches something he detests?

08-22-08, 03:11 PM
I dunno about Ohio, but it may be something in the water in Cleveland....


HEY! Watch what you're saying!

08-22-08, 03:24 PM
because I asked why he watches something he detests? ;)

08-22-08, 03:40 PM
He was put on moderation mode because NRC still has a chip on his shoulder. So like Cork, he just decided to stop posting rather than having each post moderated.


page 2 specifies the reason:

Hey, I remember that one!:laugh:

08-22-08, 04:14 PM
He was put on moderation mode because NRC still has a chip on his shoulder. So like Cork, he just decided to stop posting rather than having each post moderated.


page 2 specifies the reason:

No doubt the best course of action. If NRC has a chip on his shoulder, good on him, it's his joint, he can do what he wants with it. I share Richard's chip actually. A viable sport, recognized worldwide as a threat to F1 was desecrated by a drug-addled moron, so now we should bend over and swallow the garbage he spews forth? As far as SeanO, he needs to find a forum where he can pimp Grand Sham and autocross to his hearts content.

08-22-08, 04:55 PM
The irony of that situation is that we are proud that OC is the level headed forum where you can have different ideas.

08-22-08, 05:46 PM
What is it about Ohio.........they're all alike :D

Actually, not.

08-22-08, 05:48 PM
The irony of that situation is that we are proud that OC is the level headed forum where you can have different ideas.

As long as it doesn't devolve into an overt pissing contest.

Don Quixote
08-22-08, 05:59 PM
What is it about Ohio.........they're all alike :D I've always though that the folks from the central part of the state were a higher class of people than from the burning river country up north. :D :p

08-22-08, 06:09 PM
If NRC has a chip on his shoulder, good on him,

Hell, is there anything I can do to keep that chip up on his shoulder? ;)

08-22-08, 06:12 PM
Hell, is there anything I can do to keep that chip up on his shoulder? ;)

Well, it's a good thing that NRC doesn't know Vic Rauter, or the unhealthy fascination you have with him. :p



08-22-08, 06:28 PM
I've always though that the folks from the central part of the state were a higher class of people than from the burning river country up north. :D :p


08-22-08, 06:33 PM
edited into oblivion.

08-22-08, 06:55 PM

sheesh.... Poor little seano has been knocked down by the man and all he wants to do is post about racing... :shakehead

WB, NRC and Racegrrl have allowed seano to remain here despite what i recall to be more than a couple warnings.... hell, most other boards woulda banned him years ago (and a few actually might have)

And yet Stu, you're here trying to martyr SeanO because he voluntarily left because Richard moderated him instead of banning him. You said that yourself.

Give me a f**kin break. If you are just pickin a fight to get banned so you can prove some silly point, do us all a favour and voluntarily leave yourself. Its their forum, they run it the way they want.

The simple fact that people like sean haven't been banned here yet proves the opposite of what you're implying. They've been very patient with him. So take your high and mighty indignant attitude and feck off.

08-22-08, 06:56 PM
Well, it's a good thing that NRC doesn't know Vic Rauter, or the unhealthy fascination you have with him. :p



Must i remind everyone? :D


even though its only my opinion, this thread has completely devolved from its original topic. Like the trailer on the side of the road, blow this thread up. :/

08-22-08, 07:10 PM
sheesh.... Poor little seano has been knocked down by the man and all he wants to do is post about racing... :shakehead

WB, NRC and Racegrrl have allowed seano to remain here despite what i recall to be more than a couple warnings.... hell, most other boards woulda banned him years ago (and a few actually might have)

And yet Stu, you're here trying to martyr SeanO because he voluntarily left because Richard moderated him instead of banning him. You said that yourself.

Give me a f**kin break. If you are just pickin a fight to get banned so you can prove some silly point, do us all a favour and voluntarily leave yourself. Its their forum, they run it the way they want.

The simple fact that people like sean haven't been banned here yet proves the opposite of what you're implying. They've been very patient with him. So take your high and mighty indignant attitude and feck off.

I'm not trying to Martyr Sean. I think you are reading way too much into this. Someone asked where he was and I listed why he doesn't post here anymore.

The "fixed" post was a joke. Maybe it was in bad taste or didn't come off as a joke so I'll edit it.

But jeez, a Martyr?

08-22-08, 07:14 PM
Eek! I didn't mean to cause a ruckus by asking what happened to SOG.

Back to the topic, how many different ways will the fire be brought up during Sunday's race?

08-22-08, 07:22 PM
Must i remind everyone? :D


even though its only my opinion, this thread has completely devolved from its original topic. Like the trailer on the side of the road, blow this thread up. :/

I may be on the losing (or is that loosing, now that there's only 1 leeeeg standing?) end of this deal, but I gotta admit, that's some funny stuff right there! :thumbup:

08-22-08, 07:41 PM
The good news is that we have traffic in the open wheel forum. :)

08-22-08, 07:59 PM
Actually, not.
Uh, uh, uh..........sorry..........not you..........you are an exception to the rule...........obviously.........:D

08-22-08, 08:00 PM
I just wanted to be a part of...ah, forget it.

08-22-08, 09:40 PM
Grand Am sucks donkey balls. Maybe it is just me, but I don't think that is open to debate.

08-23-08, 01:32 AM
Back to the topic, how many different ways will the fire be brought up during Sunday's race?
Now there you go, some real competition. OK, I'm going with 12 mentions. Since I won't be watching I will defer to pressdog to determine the official number of trailer fire mentions.

Good chance the mouse will do a set piece on the Big Blaze but, if they do, the set piece should only count as a single mention. I'm counting on the moron that directs the broadcast to hit the cue button 11 more times on this turkey since 30%-40% of the total laps will likely be run under a full course yellow... :gomer:


08-23-08, 09:42 AM
Eek! I didn't mean to cause a ruckus by asking what happened to SOG.

Back to the topic, how many different ways will the fire be brought up during Sunday's race?

Every lap that Gaylio leads. You watch and give us a report in it, yo. :gomer:
