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01-31-09, 04:48 PM
Cris Carter gets robbed again on the HoF vote. :thumdown:


01-31-09, 05:02 PM
It's hard to call. If the Cards come in hot they could pull off an upset. But I'm going to guess that Neil Rackers misses a game tying field goal and blames the turf.

Steelers 24-21

As much as I'd like the Steelers to lose, at least this year there's a bright side. Ken Anderson, the Steelers QB coach, would already have a Super Bowl ring if the Bengals hadn't met one of the best QBs ever in Super Bowl XVI.

All the coverage of LeBeau as one of the greatest defensive minds ever takes me back to the good old days with Wyche and LeBeau. In spite of all their success Bengals fans used to complain vociferously about that idiot Lebeau putting defensive ends into coverage. :)

01-31-09, 05:13 PM
Nah. oHIo i building fence. :gomer:

Steelers 21-17. I'm just happy another made into the Super Bowl b4 the Clowns. :gomer:


Make it a big fence. The Bills/Titans are the HoF game that weekend.

01-31-09, 05:28 PM
But I'm going to guess that Neil Rackers misses a game tying field goal and blames the turf.

Steelers 24-21

Hater. :gomer:

As much as I'd like the Steelers to lose, at least this year there's a bright side. Ken Anderson, the Steelers QB coach, would already have a Super Bowl ring if the Bengals hadn't met one of the best QBs ever in Super Bowl XVI.

:cry: We gave that game away, IMO.

All the coverage of LeBeau as one of the greatest defensive minds ever takes me back to the good old days with Wyche and LeBeau. In spite of all their success Bengals fans used to complain vociferously about that idiot Lebeau putting defensive ends into coverage. :)

I still think losing Infante and breaking up the OL hurt the Bungles more than anything in the 80s/early-90s. :( And then came David Shula. :irked: :saywhat:


02-01-09, 07:20 PM
Holy crap! What happened to Brenda Warner?!? Last time I saw her she was Mrs. Flock of Seagulls. :yuck:



02-01-09, 08:00 PM
The Cards will be dead by 1/2time the way this game is going. Jeebus.


Don Quixote
02-01-09, 08:24 PM
The Cards will be dead by 1/2time the way this game is going. Jeebus.

-KevinFaith son, faith. :D
Our NBC HD is LD. :thumdown:

02-01-09, 08:55 PM
I can't believe I'm watching football. Why isn't this a touchdown?

Don Quixote
02-01-09, 09:06 PM
Matt Millen. Geesh. :shakehead :laugh:

02-01-09, 09:26 PM
Matt Millen. Geesh. :shakehead :laugh:




02-01-09, 11:18 PM
Steelers 34-23 Cardinals

So, I was off by one touchdown.

02-02-09, 11:56 AM
So, I was off by one touchdown.

I predict Steelers 27-17, but I'm hoping for Cardinals 38-14.

2 FGs. :D And I'm sick. :yuck: Big Ben picked the right time to turn into a hero. Turns out, Fitzgerald was too good.

02-02-09, 12:02 PM
Holy crap! What happened to Brenda Warner?!? Last time I saw her she was Mrs. Flock of Seagulls. :yuck:



The female Benjamin Button?

02-02-09, 02:02 PM
Once again, I have to go to the BBC to get the interesting stuff. It seems some lucky viewers in Arizona had some free porn thrown in with the Super Bowl.:laugh:

02-02-09, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be sure to have a second TV available in case I reflexively throw an unopened beer through the screen.

My can was virtually empty both times.

Thank God.

02-02-09, 07:18 PM
some lucky viewers in Arizona had some free porn thrown in with the Super Bowl.:laugh:

The seniors thought it was another one of those fancied up Super Bowl commercials...:rofl:

The clip showed a woman unzipping a man's trousers, followed by a graphic act between the two.

"I just figured it was another commercial until I looked up," viewer Cora King told the Arizona Daily Star.

"Then he did his little dance with everything hanging out."

06-17-09, 05:59 AM
So, what do you peeps think of Donte Stallworth getting 30 days for killing someone? I'm sure we'd all receive the same treatment, so I guess it's all good. I believe that Bam Morris' arrest with 6 pounds of herb resulting in no jail time is probably an everyday occurrence, too. I bet I'd be home in time for dinner if I got busted with that much cheeb.

Just for kicks, Google "vehicular manslaughter dui sentenced years prison" and see what the shortest sentence you can find is. :thumdown:

Whatever he bribed the family with wasn't nearly enough.

I'll bet Burress gets harsher punishment for shooting himself. :shakehead

06-17-09, 09:50 AM
So, what do you peeps think of Donte Stallworth getting 30 days for killing someone? I'm sure we'd all receive the same treatment, so I guess it's all good. I believe that Bam Morris' arrest with 6 pounds of herb resulting in no jail time is probably an everyday occurrence, too. I bet I'd be home in time for dinner if I got busted with that much cheeb.

Just for kicks, Google "vehicular manslaughter dui sentenced years prison" and see what the shortest sentence you can find is. :thumdown:

Whatever he bribed the family with wasn't nearly enough.

I'll bet Burress gets harsher punishment for shooting himself. :shakehead

I was shocked when I heard the plea deal. :saywhat: But, not only does he have 30 days in jail, there's two years house arrest, 10 years probation (the most I've ever heard in a sentence), and permanent revocation of his drivers license.


06-17-09, 11:11 AM
I was shocked when I heard the plea deal. :saywhat: But, not only does he have 30 days in jail, there's two years house arrest, 10 years probation (the most I've ever heard in a sentence), and permanent revocation of his drivers license.


So how does house arrest allow him to play football?

Michael Vick got 19 months for the doggie abuse.

Meanwhile, our local news is all aTwitter over the fact that TO may or may not have found a house.

06-17-09, 12:01 PM
So how does house arrest allow him to play football?

Michael Vick got 19 months for the doggie abuse.

Meanwhile, our local news is all aTwitter over the fact that TO may or may not have found a house.

Why can't TO just go live with Edwards like Ocho living in Palmer's homizzle? :gomer: :saywhat:

Vick got that sentence in part for lying and the fact that it was a premeditated crime. Stallworth not so much. I seriously doubt Stallworth will see a football field again except on TV. He wasn't that good anyway...I was surprised the Pats bothered with him, but then they also took a flyer on Kelley Washington from Cincy, who was pretty bad there.


06-17-09, 12:09 PM
I just thought someone should point out that, you know, it is 2009, not 2008.

Don Quixote
06-18-09, 08:05 AM
I just thought someone should point out that, you know, it is 2009, not 2008. Yep. :D http://www.offcamber.net/forums/showthread.php?t=15433

06-18-09, 08:29 AM
I protest both criticisms.

Don Q's on the basis that I searched for '2009' and found nothing because his is titled '09' and Nappy's on the basis that he wears a flowered sun hat and matching apron. :D

06-18-09, 08:56 AM
I protest both criticisms.

. . . and Nappy's on the basis that he wears a flowered sun hat and matching apron. :D

I am inside right now (and besides, it is raining outside) so do not have the hat on.

07-30-09, 06:01 PM
So, what do you peeps think of Donte Stallworth getting 30 days for killing someone? I'm sure we'd all receive the same treatment, so I guess it's all good. I believe that Bam Morris' arrest with 6 pounds of herb resulting in no jail time is probably an everyday occurrence, too. I bet I'd be home in time for dinner if I got busted with that much cheeb.

Just for kicks, Google "vehicular manslaughter dui sentenced years prison" and see what the shortest sentence you can find is. :thumdown:

Whatever he bribed the family with wasn't nearly enough.

I'll bet Burress gets harsher punishment for shooting himself. :shakehead

I'm way late on this, but from everything I've read since, he may've been able to get off of the DUI manslaughter because it required him to be at fault and there is security footage of the guy running out in front of his car.

If that was the case, the prosecutor may've explained to the family what may happen at the trial, coupled with the settlement, everyone was able to come to an agreement.

I think for the average person who wouldn't have the money to settle wouldn't have had a victim's family willing to settle for such little jail time, regardless of the circumstances. That average person would be able to argue the same case as Stallworth would've, but who knows how a jury would see it. Definitely a DUI, but if the accident would've been unavoidable if he was sober, do you convict on DUI manslaughter?

With Vick just getting out and reinstated and Burress facing the grand jury, this is back to the forefront. It's very hard to compare cases involving different charges and different jurisdictions. Vick was convicted of conspiracy charges related to interstate dog fighting. Burress is facing a mandatory minimum on a crime that NY has vowed to crack down on.

With Stallworth, I'm surprised he has not applied for reinstatement. He's out of jail now and I'd think he'd want to get the actual suspension handed down ASAP. I'm assuming 1 year.