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View Full Version : Twinkle Toes Castroneves Charged with Tax Evasion

10-02-08, 03:53 PM

:eek: He only failed to pay $5,000,000 in taxes :tony:

10-02-08, 04:01 PM
at least that article confirms that despite all the flamboyancy and chatroom talk- he's not the type to be "life partnered" or "companioned". :)


10-02-08, 04:04 PM
Dude. That sooooooo trumps Dan Wheldon's baby as the most unexpected news coming out of the IRL in the past couple days.

10-02-08, 04:56 PM

10-02-08, 05:16 PM
The indictment left out several of his aliases. Maybe the prosecutor will enter them into the record if we ask nicely. ;)

Don Quixote
10-02-08, 05:19 PM

The indictment alleged they used a Panamanian shell corporation to fraudulently conceal from the Internal Revenue Service income received from Penske Racing and another company.

I wonder who taught them this little trick? [coughliverspotscough]

10-02-08, 05:51 PM

From what I can gather from the indictment, here's how it went down:

Castroneves cut a deal with Penske to drive from 2000-2002.

On paper, Penske paid Helio $1 million for those three years. Chump change.

But Penske then paid "Seven Promotions" $5 million for "licensing" for those three years.

"Seven Promotions" was a Panamanian-registered company wholly owned by Helio. A shell corporation, in other words, designed to hide the true extent of his income.

It's also alleged that he paid huge kickbacks to Coimex executives for their sponsorship of him from 1999-2001.

10-02-08, 06:05 PM

10-02-08, 07:01 PM
hahahahahahahaha "prison will not be a good place for a guy like him" :)

10-02-08, 07:14 PM
The Versus/CourtTV cross-promotions should be epic. Nancy Grace in lieu of Scott Goodyear. You heard it here first.

10-02-08, 07:39 PM
Time to retire to Brazil. Bye now.


10-02-08, 10:04 PM
Give him the chair, give him the chair. :D

10-02-08, 11:03 PM

:eek: He only failed to pay $5,000,000 in taxes :tony:

Ummm try taxes on $5,000,000...

10-02-08, 11:07 PM
now he can put his experience at climbing fences to some good use.

10-02-08, 11:11 PM
now he can put his experience at climbing fences to some good use.

Does the IMS fence have razor wire up top?

10-02-08, 11:29 PM
all i ask is why wasn't this tony george 2 years ago he would do something this stupid and the earl would of been something of the past

10-02-08, 11:38 PM
He might actually enjoy some social aspects of prison life :gomer:

Rogue Leader
10-03-08, 08:01 AM
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Lets see if he still has that stupid effing smirk on his face and that happy go homo attitude when Bubba is pounding it in his back door and his sister is dyking it out with Bertha the manimal!

10-03-08, 08:38 AM
Karma's a bitch, I don't feel bad for him one bit I will take this as pay back for taking me out on his little scooter at Long Beach and not even stopping to see if I was ok or saying sorry. I was taking a picture of some cars in the pits with my back to the isle when he comes by and hits me from behind. No excuse me, look out, nothing just his red little scooter in my back.

10-03-08, 09:44 AM
No names 'cause I don't know present status, but last I worked in Indy in 2005, Alan Miller represented a lot of U.S. based drivers.

Don Quixote
10-03-08, 10:13 AM
Lawyer's website is "down for maintenance".


10-03-08, 10:50 AM
So how are the IRListas spinning this.

We should get together and buy HCN some soap on a rope that he can take with him to prision.

Mr. Vengeance
10-03-08, 11:01 AM
now he can put his experience at climbing fences to some good use.

Line of the day! :D

10-03-08, 11:22 AM
No names 'cause I don't know present status, but last I worked in Indy in 2005, Alan Miller represented a lot of U.S. based drivers. Hmmmmm...this has the potential to really screw up motorsports............at least what little is not already screwed up.

10-03-08, 11:36 AM
So how are the IRListas spinning this.

We should get together and buy HCN some soap on a rope that he can take with him to prision.

I know this is off topic, but did anyone see Keefer Southerland on Letterman about 2 wks - month ago? He was talking to Dave about his time in jail for DWI.

He said all his friends warned him about not dropping the soap before he went IN. So, the first shower, what does he do.... He drops the soap! :eek:

Looks around the room, and decides he doesn't realllly need that bar of soap. :laugh:

Andrew Longman
10-03-08, 12:53 PM

From what I can gather from the indictment, here's how it went down:

Castroneves cut a deal with Penske to drive from 2000-2002.

On paper, Penske paid Helio $1 million for those three years. Chump change.

But Penske then paid "Seven Promotions" $5 million for "licensing" for those three years.

"Seven Promotions" was a Panamanian-registered company wholly owned by Helio. A shell corporation, in other words, designed to hide the true extent of his income.

It's also alleged that he paid huge kickbacks to Coimex executives for their sponsorship of him from 1999-2001.

Add to that that he and his lawyer lied repeatedly to the IRS counsel and tried to cover their tracks by selling the licensing right to a company in Europe.

That will make it a lot harder to negotiate a deal. This looks really bad. Wesley Snipes bad.

10-03-08, 07:00 PM
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8ce22b3127ccec512b00ae03b00000040O00KbOGrZoxYg9 vPgY/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/


10-03-08, 07:24 PM

Castroneves, 33, spoke after his release on $10 million bail following a court appearance in which he was shackled in handcuffs and leg chains and was visibly weeping into a wad of white tissue. Outside, Castroneves acknowledged he was overwhelmed by the weight of the moment.


Bend over biotch. :gomer:


10-03-08, 07:42 PM
So who is the likely screwed-over "informant" who went to the feds?

10-03-08, 08:18 PM
^^^the irl management, they know this is more publicity than they will ever get on Reversus :cry:

10-03-08, 09:07 PM
Add to that that he and his lawyer lied repeatedly to the IRS counsel and tried to cover their tracks by selling the licensing right to a company in Europe.

That will make it a lot harder to negotiate a deal. This looks really bad. Wesley Snipes bad. So he was audited and lied? Bad, bad idea, all the IRS wants is the money..........Helio must not watch Martha Stewart.

Sean Malone
10-03-08, 10:14 PM
So sis is involved too eh? Ouch.

10-03-08, 11:44 PM
Will they dig through Penske now?

Andrew Longman
10-04-08, 11:04 AM
Will they dig through Penske now?

I was wondering that. In the indictment it says that Penske told him that they would have to report to the IRS the payments to Panamanian shell company and Penske was then told to hold the payments until they worked out the deal with the European company to hold the licensing rights.

It would seem that Penske knew exactly what they were trying to do and was helping them to do it. Is that illegal? I don't know, but helping people commit a crime usually is.

10-04-08, 11:48 AM
I was wondering that. In the indictment it says that Penske told him that they would have to report to the IRS the payments to Panamanian shell company and Penske was then told to hold the payments until they worked out the deal with the European company to hold the licensing rights.

It would seem that Penske knew exactly what they were trying to do and was helping them to do it. Is that illegal? I don't know, but helping people commit a crime usually is.

I suspect Penske's lawyers are smarter than Helio's lawyers, though. Wouldn't surprise me if Team Roger did everything legally-enough not to get nailed.

10-04-08, 12:55 PM

10-04-08, 01:12 PM
I was wondering that. In the indictment it says that Penske told him that they would have to report to the IRS the payments to Panamanian shell company and Penske was then told to hold the payments until they worked out the deal with the European company to hold the licensing rights.

It would seem that Penske knew exactly what they were trying to do and was helping them to do it. Is that illegal? I don't know, but helping people commit a crime usually is.

They could also dig into his other (current and former) drivers to see if they were involved in similar schemes. It could get messy for a few people.

10-04-08, 01:24 PM
So he was audited and lied? Bad, bad idea, all the IRS wants is the money..........Helio must not watch Martha Stewart.
Once it's fraud, all they want is jail time.

They could also dig into his other (current and former) drivers to see if they were involved in similar schemes. It could get messy for a few people.

But CART/CCWS/IRL HAD to do SOMETHING to retain kwality drivers so they could compete with NASCAR.

I'm sure the Feds will let this one slide...

: gomer :

10-04-08, 01:51 PM
They could also dig into his other (current and former) drivers to see if they were involved in similar schemes. It could get messy for a few people.

There's going to be a lot of dirty laundry aired over the next little while. Between this and PT's lawsuit, I'm learning a heck of a lot about the behind-the-scenes side of racing.

And there's a NASCAR link to this case. CNN is reporting that the same lawyer has also represented Jimmie Johnson and Clint Boyer.

10-04-08, 02:33 PM
Monumentally stupid, a solid 9 on the Gene Haas scale of tax evasion. :gomer:


10-04-08, 03:18 PM
Who knows, maybe Penske is behind the whole thing...especially if it would save HIM some $$. Didn't Andre Ribiero disappear sort of quickly with ol' Rog setting him up in a Brazillian car dealership or two as hush mo...I mean, a going away gift?;)

10-05-08, 09:18 PM
I'm sure the boys in cell block D can't wait to teach the dancing with stars winner the hokey pokey.

10-05-08, 10:58 PM
I don't understand why people who make that much money try to hide it. If you make 10 million and have to pay 5 million in tax, you still have 5 million and the rules are the rules.

10-05-08, 11:44 PM
I don't understand why people who make that much money try to hide it. If you make 10 million and have to pay 5 million in tax, you still have 5 million and the rules are the rules.

If you made $50K and had to pay $25K in taxes, you'd probably understand.


10-06-08, 07:45 AM
If you made $50K and had to pay $25K in taxes, you'd probably understand.

In that case it's 50%, but you have only 25k left. In the other case it's 50%, but you have 5 million left, how much money does a person need?

10-06-08, 08:51 AM
I don't understand why people who make that much money try to hide it. If you make 10 million and have to pay 5 million in tax, you still have 5 million and the rules are the rules.

Benefit of the doubt is they thought they were using a valid loophole. A lot of people will go into a gray area if it is possible. U.S. tax code has plenty of them.

10-06-08, 09:55 AM
In that case it's 50%, but you have only 25k left. In the other case it's 50%, but you have 5 million left, how much money does a person need?

That depends on how much you like fabulous shoes.

10-06-08, 10:48 AM
Give him the chair, give him the chair. :D

"Oh, no! Not the comfy chair!"


Andrew Longman
10-06-08, 11:39 AM
Benefit of the doubt is they thought they were using a valid loophole. A lot of people will go into a gray area if it is possible. U.S. tax code has plenty of them.

Among the accusations is they told the IRS that they did not and had not had any ownership of the Panamanian shell company when in fact they did. There is a lot of "covering the tracks" stuff in the indictment that suggest they knew exactly what they were doing.

The IRS takes a completely different view of that than simply admitting you might have been a little to agressive in your tax strategy and agreeing to pay up.

Hew sure seems screwed. And without his passport I don't see how he keeps his job at Penske.

10-06-08, 11:49 AM
Among the accusations is they told the IRS that they did not and had not had any ownership of the Panamanian shell company when in fact they did. There is a lot of "covering the tracks" stuff in the indictment that suggest they knew exactly what they were doing.

The IRS takes a completely different view of that than simply admitting you might have been a little to agressive in your tax strategy and agreeing to pay up.

Hew sure seems screwed. And without his passport I don't see how he keeps his job at Penske.

Agree with the screwed part. Once the IRS decides you have deliberatly lied, you're in for it. Remember how your mother reacted. Times 10.

For Penske, if Helio is stuck HERE he only needs to worry about missing Canadian races. Unless you, like I, consider Iowa a foreign country. :\

Sean Malone
10-06-08, 12:31 PM
In that case it's 50%, but you have only 25k left. In the other case it's 50%, but you have 5 million left, how much money does a person need?

Well, they need however much the 'people' decide they need, comrade. :)

10-06-08, 12:46 PM
Agree with the screwed part. Once the IRS decides you have deliberatly lied, you're in for it. Remember how your mother reacted. Times 10.

For Penske, if Helio is stuck HERE he only needs to worry about missing Canadian races. Unless you, like I, consider Iowa a foreign country. :\

So Japan and Australia are not foreign countries? :confused:

I am guessing that Penske with renegotiate to pay him only 85% since he can only race in 85% of the races. And I am sure Honda won't have a problem with Helio missing their home race.

10-06-08, 02:50 PM
I am guessing that Penske with renegotiate to pay him only 85% since he can only race in 85% of the races.

Not much need for negotiation if Helio is making license plates this time next year...:\

Al Czervik
10-06-08, 04:02 PM
It would be cool if the Judge in the case were a PT fan...

'Mr. Castro dash Nieves, you're a very bad man. I sentence you to 54 months in Federal PMITA prison. However, if you tell me who really won the I500 in '02, I'll reduce your time by 12 months.'

10-06-08, 08:21 PM
In that case it's 50%, but you have only 25k left. In the other case it's 50%, but you have 5 million left, how much money does a person need?

You're looking at it from the perspective the glass is half full, and it's plenty. Some folks look at it as the glass is half empty, and it pisses them off when the reason is because Uncle Sam takes their "hard-earned money".

10-07-08, 12:58 AM
So Japan and Australia are not foreign countries? :confused:

I am guessing that Penske with renegotiate to pay him only 85% since he can only race in 85% of the races. And I am sure Honda won't have a problem with Helio missing their home race.

Sorry dooood. I like totally spaced on the Japan thing. It's such an abomination to me. Seriously, I did forget. As for Oz, it ain't on next year's schedjool. I made the crack because I thought the international races gave OUR series so much flair and they're all but gone now. I always used it as an excuse to dream about getting out into this big world of ours. Had huge plans for Surfer's this year but gave them up when the series folded. But I digress.........

10-09-08, 12:12 PM

:eek: He only failed to pay $5,000,000 in taxes :tony:

Not exactly. Didn't pay taxes on $5M in income. Not quite the same as didn't pay $5M in taxes, unless he has somehow found himself in the 100% tax bracket. :D

10-09-08, 06:08 PM
Id like to see in full his recent press conference outside the courthouse. I caught one second of a clip of it on Windtunnel and the body language was total lying and guilty. He's hosed!


10-09-08, 06:39 PM
Once it's fraud, all they want is jail time.

Not exactly, they still want the money but now you get to do time in a FPMITA facility as a bonus :laugh:

"I said dance beiotch !" :rofl:

Gaylio is F'ed :cry:

High Sided
10-10-08, 11:56 AM
Id like to see in full his recent press conference outside the courthouse. I caught one second of a clip of it on Windtunnel and the body language was total lying and guilty. He's hosed!


a few more clips on this video along with a description of helio in court:cry::laugh:


Sean Malone
10-10-08, 01:02 PM
" Yes, I'd like a one way ticket to Sao Paulo please. I need to leave tonight"

10-10-08, 01:55 PM
OK, this is a whole lotta video for a few seconds of Helio jokes (comes in just after 4 minutes in vid), but I kinda like Chelsea Handler (ok, I like her a lot!).

If you don't like Handler (on E!'s Chelsea Lately show), don't bother (it's just maybe 3 lines or so).

Otherwise enjoy!

There's some naughty-ish words, so I put the vid after the cut. So you don't ass-idently click on it and get fired cuz someone said "wussy", but with a different letter in there, somewhere.


10-10-08, 07:13 PM
Just read on Google News that the judge is allowing Helio to travel to Australia for the race. But if he takes a left turn at Sao Paolo, the judge will not take kindly to that.

10-10-08, 08:13 PM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks. He can live anywhere that isn't blue. No extradition treaty with US.


10-10-08, 10:22 PM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks. He can live anywhere that isn't blue. No extradition treaty with US.


He can move to East Timor

10-12-08, 04:44 AM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks. He can live anywhere that isn't blue. No extradition treaty with US.


That is a tough choice


10-12-08, 12:43 PM

10-12-08, 12:59 PM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks. He can live anywhere that isn't blue. No extradition treaty with US.


When did Brazil sign an extradition treaty? That's where I was going to go. :)

Rogue Leader
10-12-08, 04:11 PM
Maybe him and Randy Lanier can share a cell!

10-12-08, 05:42 PM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks.
Yeah, but with his assets frozen, what's he gonna live on? The minute he cuts loose, Penske will dump him (will have to dump him)... and I dunno, but life on the run in such garden spots as Russia and Algeria, with not much money, doesn't sound particularly enticing.

I bet you'll see him cop to a plea deal, boo-hoo to the judge about signing something he didn't read and trusting the wrong guy, and get off with a couple months in Club Fed.

Edit: VERRRRRY interesting. Brazil does not allow its citizens to be extradited for tax evasion.

10-12-08, 06:32 PM


10-12-08, 11:51 PM
I hear Djibouti is nice in the winter. Or was it in the summer?

Don't see Dubai on that list. He could do a one-off F1, assuming they build the track.


Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

nissan gtp
10-13-08, 08:58 AM
If he comes back from Surfers, he's dumber than he looks. He can live anywhere that isn't blue. No extradition treaty with US.


not very many good choices there.

10-13-08, 12:10 PM
Give him the Wesley Snipes treatment, anyway!

Not exactly. Didn't pay taxes on $5M in income. Not quite the same as didn't pay $5M in taxes, unless he has somehow found himself in the 100% tax bracket. :D

10-13-08, 07:47 PM
not very many good choices there.

Word. About the only thing you can say for the countries not in blue is that he could get a good price for the sister in any one of them...:\


10-13-08, 07:58 PM
^ :D How much for the women?


Funny that Iraq is in blue, but Afghanistan isn't. No wonder Bin Laden hangs out there. I vote Helio should go live in a cave. :thumbup:

10-13-08, 08:08 PM
I don't see a problem with Russia....Russian girls :thumbup:

10-27-08, 03:35 PM
Did he come back?

11-14-08, 02:00 PM
And the plot thickens...

Helio and Rog (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/motor/irl/2008-11-14-castroneves-trial-delay_N.htm) ask the judge to move Helio's trial from March to November so that Helio may race the 2009 IRL season.

11-14-08, 07:35 PM
Yeah right:rolleyes:

You never know until it happens but that motion has a 99.9999999% chance of being denied.

Al Czervik
11-14-08, 07:48 PM
And the plot thickens...

Helio and Rog (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/motor/irl/2008-11-14-castroneves-trial-delay_N.htm) ask the judge to move Helio's trial from March to November so that Helio may race the 2009 IRL season.

DENIED! http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hcDFaNuMzTOxWFuo1HIzObgFyx2wD94ETDUO0

11-14-08, 07:57 PM
Told ya.

11-14-08, 09:10 PM
Told ya.

Just shows that Roger must be in his dotage even thinking that a request for a postponement would be granted. :rofl:

Rogue Leader
11-15-08, 11:28 AM
Open seat for PT!

PT to Penske you heard it here first!!!!

11-15-08, 12:31 PM
:tony: I call dibs in the Penske Seat for 2009

11-15-08, 01:22 PM
:tony: I call dibs in the Penske Seat for 2009

Penske will probably hire David Donohue and pretend nothing has changed since 1972.

11-16-08, 06:50 AM
Penske will probably hire David Donohue and pretend nothing has changed since 1972.

That's a good one! :thumbup:

11-16-08, 10:02 AM
They just pissed off the judge, a very bad tactical move on their part. After he denied the motion, the judge probably looked up how many years he could add on. This trial may not take very long.

11-16-08, 01:10 PM
They just pissed off the judge.

Nah. If that pissed off judges they would all be dead from aneurisms by now. The clerk got the motion, read it & rolled his eyes. He went to the Judge and said "He wants an extension" the Judge went "Why?" The clerk said "He wants to run the 2009 IRL season". The Judge rolled his eyes and said "Denied." The clerk went back to his office and wrote the boilerplate order, signed it electronically for the judge and sent the paperwork on its way.

11-16-08, 02:17 PM
Nah. If that pissed off judges they would all be dead from aneurisms by now. The clerk got the motion, read it & rolled his eyes. He went to the Judge and said "He wants an extension" the Judge went "Why?" The clerk said "He wants to run the 2009 IRL season". The Judge rolled his eyes and said "Denied." The clerk went back to his office and wrote the boilerplate order, signed it electronically for the judge and sent the paperwork on its way.

A friend of mine who is criminal defense attorney would disagree with you.

11-21-09, 04:53 PM
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Moore_(race_car_driver)

This is interesting:

Moore's affiliation with the former American Football League running back Miller led to controversy in 2008, when federal authorities indicted Moore's agent, Miller, fellow driver Hélio Castroneves, and his sister Kati for tax evasion charges directly linked to Moore for a series of events that took place because of the happenings in Fontana.

Hogan Racing was shutting down at the end of the 1999 CART season because of a lack of sponsorship, and driver Castroneves was set to be a free agent. After an engine failure midway through the race, and team debriefing, representatives of Penske, stunned at Moore's fatal crash, came to Castroneves in the parking lot of the track, needing a replacement for the 2000 season. Returning home, Castroneves discussed the issue with his attorney, and recommended Moore's agent, Miller, who had spent six months dealing with Moore's contract.

As the discussions were taking place with representatives of Castroneves and Miller, the schedule was packed. The CART end of season banquet was Monday (November 1), and Moore's funeral was Wednesday (November 3). Meanwhile, 2000 season preparations were beginning for Penske, and sponsors pressured Miller and Penske to finish the replacement driver's contract by that Friday (November 5).

In the haste to prepare Castroneves' contract, Miller simply replaced Moore's name with Castroneves' name. Because of how Castroneves had signed Moore's contract, with names changed (Moore legally resided in the Cayman Islands and Castroneves in metropolitan Miami), Castroneves, his sister, and Miller were indicted in 2008 because of tax issues relating to Moore's death and how Castroneves had signed that contract.[1]

The dealings with the trial only involved the initial five-year contract, hastily signed using Moore's contract in light of the tragic situations. Castroneves later signed an extension with Penske that was not part of the situation. Eventually, Castroneves was acquitted in April 2009, after missing one race in the 2009 Indy Racing League season

11-21-09, 05:19 PM
Thanks for that. Damn, that saying about about always reading the fine print is true...Sheesus!


11-21-09, 05:28 PM
That came out during the trial. As buttoned down as the Captain is, I found that odd. Very odd. Didn't seem plausible to be.

But then, I wasn't on the jury.

11-22-09, 07:17 AM
That came out during the trial. As buttoned down as the Captain is, I found that odd. Very odd. Didn't seem plausible to be.

Especially since some (all?) of his enterprises have in-house legal departments (a friend of mine worked in Penske's legal department for a time).

11-22-09, 03:19 PM
I had seen that previously while looking at the Greg Moore page around the anniversary of his death. I posted a comment there in discussion that I don't really think that all the details are relevant to the Greg Moore entry. It's only tangentially related to Greg Moore. One sentence with a link to the information on Helio's entry would be more appropriate in my view.