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Poor guy was provoked into beating the crap out of a little 15 year old girl who was a passenger in her parents car, taken for a joy ride after midnight.
She "assaulted" him first, according to him.
Watch bottom video with the time 11:11 (
03-02-09, 08:09 AM
Enjoy your new friends in prison you psycho piece of ****.:mad:
Don Quixote
03-02-09, 10:55 AM
Wow, he sure is a tough guy throwing that 15 year old girl around that he outweighs by 120 lbs. The other cop that stood by and did nothing needs to go to the slammer as well.
Andrew Longman
03-02-09, 11:15 AM
OK, So I have a theory that this was some psycho-sexual frustration thing. Despite his badge and power he couldn't hit on the cute 15 year old, so he just beat the crap out of her.
Amazing that this guy knows there are security cameras on them (and a witness) but chooses to do this anyway.
The bad guys are really bad and will try to kill/hurt cops in a heartbeat. I will give them a lot of latitude, but there are also too many who are drawn to the profession for all the wrong reasons. I have buddy who is a NJSP trooper. He and his wife will not socialize with other trooper except when politically necessary because too many are just not "right" and they get worse when in a group.
03-02-09, 12:34 PM
My nephew had a job while in psychology grad school screening candidates for a police department :eek: Let's just say a large number of candidates were rejected because of their outlook on life and their fellow man. The guy in this video apparently got through the filter.
03-02-09, 12:56 PM
A cop here in Indy was suspended for choking out his 13 year old daughter because she wouldn't put up with his trash talking about her mother.
Accourse peeps came to his defense on the forums saying what a gratee guy he is and that WE don't know everything about the situation. I guess he was trying to stop her from becoming the whore he now says his ex is.
03-02-09, 04:07 PM
Enjoy your new friends in prison you psycho piece of ****.:mad:
Yeah, you'd think. But since all they are charging him with is fourth-degree assault more likely he maybe loses his job and gets probation. Even if a judge hit him with the max it would be 90 days county time. If there hadn't been video and if it hadn't made the network news this would have quietly gone away like it usually does. Regardless, it'll be back to bidness as usual for the sheriffs department real soon.
Network coverag (
Don Quixote
03-02-09, 04:13 PM
If there was no video, they would have charged her for assault for him getting hurt when he was beating the **** out of her. :thumdown:
I am surprised a female corrections officer wasn't in charge and that the girl wasn't taken to a junvenile facility.
Also, I wonder if the deputy was working the jails as punishment for his previous shooting of an unarmed man.
03-03-09, 12:39 AM
Those security cameras should be required to have audio. Got to wonder what was said to the girl while they were waiting for the paramedics.
03-03-09, 12:51 AM
Amazing how the "law" is applied. She throws a shoe and gets booked for third degree assault, he beats the crap out of her and he gets 4th degree assault.
03-03-09, 03:00 AM
If there was no video, they would have charged her for assault for him getting hurt when he was beating the **** out of her. :thumdown:
100% correct.
If that was my kid I'd take a bat to that cops kneecaps.
03-03-09, 02:00 PM
It was all her fault for throwing her shoe.
It can be considered a weapon of mass destruction. :tony:
I am completely missing something.
I watched the vid a few times, but didn't really read up on this cop or the story.
It appears to me that before they closed the door, they asked her to remove her shoes (fairly standard; too many surprise self-hangings with shoelaces). It looked like she flipped the shoe out the door.
I REALLY didn't see that as anything except the above. It didn't look like it went at the cop(s), but out into the hall. It didn't look like it was up high (towards a face, or the jewels, etc.), but it was below the knee level.
This is the "assault" (by her. The cops assault was a bit more obvious.)??
It ended with the removal of the other shoe.
The takedown and cuffing (for whatever magically "forced" the cop to do this) seemed routine, well, except for the throwing into a corner, and the whole punching in the head part. *******. But what really pisses me off the most, is picking her up by her hair.:flame:
I don't know why that bugs me so bad, but it does. :mad:
Kneecap indeed.
If anybody has any relatives in the system, make sure you put in a good word for Officer Friendly.
what's worse:
a) someone strangling a random 5 year old.
b) a father strangilng his own 5 year old.
that someone charged with authority over and the protection of another person makes b) that much more unconscionable.
shoot someone on the street, first degree murder. shoot a cop, capital murder. the penalty is elevated by 1 degree due to the victim's status.
criminal actions by officers should in turn be elevated by 1 degree due to the trust and authority granted to officers by default.
fair's fair.
Sean Malone
03-03-09, 03:03 PM
what's worse:
a) someone strangling a random 5 year old.
b) a father strangilng his own 5 year old.
that someone charged with authority over and the protection of another person makes b) that much more unconscionable.
shoot someone on the street, first degree murder. shoot a cop, capital murder. the penalty is elevated by 1 degree due to the victim's status.
criminal actions by officers should in turn be elevated by 1 degree due to the trust and authority granted to officers by default.
fair's fair.
Good point. The trust and authority is augmented by the supposed training that cops get. I can't say I'm anti-authority, but in my 20's I thought the anti0 gov types were quacks, in my 40's I've grown to be suspicious of the seemingly daily encroachment into our free will. By my 60's I'll probably be living in North Dakota with barbed wire fence surrounding my compound. But I hate winters. :)
If that was my kid I'd take a bat to that cops kneecaps.
And the partner. :mad:
03-10-09, 01:28 PM
Prosecutors are expected to file charges today against Marion County corrections officer Sydney Eghan and his fiancee, Betsy Chestnut. They believe the couple handcuffed Chestnut's 12-year-old son for more than six hours as a disciplinary measure. Eghan, who could face multiple charges, including criminal confinement, has been suspended without pay pending an internal investigation.
03-11-09, 02:20 AM
Betsy Chestnut? I have the perfect line of work for her. :D
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