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05-27-09, 10:51 AM


05-27-09, 10:54 AM
Good riddance to that POS that DESTROYED AOW. :thumbup:

TONY GEORGE's legacy is sound....:flame:

George, who started the Indy Racing League in 1996, will continue as CEO of the IndyCar series and is expected to take more of a hands-on role after Tuesday's developments at the Speedway.

It had been rumored for several years that his sisters were concerned with the amount of money George had spent on keeping the IRL afloat and changing the look of the Speedway.

It's estimated that between paying purses, supplying cars, engines and parts for other teams, hiring high powered public relations firms and starting his own IRL team, plus remaking Indy to accomodate Formula One, the IRL founder has spent more than $600 million during the past 13 years.

And his siblings were reportedly concerned about running out of money.

The Speedway currently has two Challenger airplanes for sale, sold the helicopter used by George's family and has cut some 60 people from its IMS and IRL staffs during the past six months.

George's ouster comes a couple weeks after his wife, Laura, was removed from her job as staff advisor at the Speedway.

05-27-09, 11:01 AM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaahahaaahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaaahahahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahaahhahahaahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah ahhaahhahahahaahahhahahah........

05-27-09, 11:15 AM
Yeah, but he's still CEO...of The League. Wonder if the track management will try to form a competing series to save the Speedway!?:)

05-27-09, 11:18 AM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaahahaaahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaaahahahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahaahhahahaahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah ahhaahhahahahaahahhahahah........
Quoted for TRUTH!

05-27-09, 11:20 AM
PS-He'll be MORE hands on within The League?:eek: (Brainfart has to be the 1st to go, please. Enter, Cotman)

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 11:21 AM

You can say that again. I'm afraid it is too little too late. What is the gomer spin going to be? :tony:

05-27-09, 11:21 AM
Too late IMO. I don't believe the sport is fixable anymore. :irked:

opinionated ow
05-27-09, 11:22 AM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaahahaaahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaaahahahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahaahhahahaahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah ahhaahhahahahaahahhahahah........

I'm too lazy to type all this out so I'll just quote instead.

05-27-09, 11:24 AM
Too late IMO. I don't believe the sport is fixable anymore. :irked:

The Hulman/George family isn't concerned about the sport, they kicked him to the curb to stop the financial bleeding. The gomer in chief still is in charge of the IRL. That represents the sport. This may not be anything more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Or not. :tony:

05-27-09, 11:27 AM
and with that announcement, my boycott is hereby lifted: i will now buy clabber girl baking powder.

still no reason to go to IMS though...

05-27-09, 11:40 AM
This is the happiest day in my life! I almost can't believe it.

So how are the gomers taking it at Track Forum and such places now that Mr. Vision is out of a job?

i will now buy clabber girl baking powder.

I will not. Kraft's product works fine for me so why put money in TG's pocket.

Opposite Lock
05-27-09, 11:46 AM
The Hulman/George family isn't concerned about the sport, they kicked him to the curb to stop the financial bleeding. The gomer in chief still is in charge of the IRL. That represents the sport. This may not be anything more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Or not. :tony:

I suspect you're probably right about the deck chairs. Still, it's a good day. :thumbup:

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 11:49 AM
...One name making the rounds has been Humpy Wheeler, the longtime promoter at Charlotte who was at last Sunday's Indy 500 for the first time since 1970...

It went from awesome to disaster in 10 seconds. :rofl::shakehead

05-27-09, 11:50 AM
OK, so how long before the Speedway goes up for sale? My guess is Penske, Ganassi, Andretti and a few other "investors" (Kalkhoven/Cosworth :D) might be able to help the family recoup their 13 years of losses.:laugh: Then, of course, they form a competing series, call it Championship Auto Racing Teams or ChampCar, whatever, and we're on our way!:) The possibilities are endless and not ALL bad.:thumbup:

05-27-09, 11:50 AM
You can be sure the new head of IMS won't be so fond of the track funding the series.

The IRL will now have to sink or swim on its own.

05-27-09, 11:51 AM
Eeeew...that's one of the BAAAAD ones!:flame: (The Humpy thing)

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 11:53 AM
The IRL will now have to sink or swim on its own. Then it is doomed. Soon. :thumbup:

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 11:53 AM
The Hulman/George family isn't concerned about the sport, they kicked him to the curb to stop the financial bleeding. The gomer in chief still is in charge of the IRL. That represents the sport. This may not be anything more than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Or not. :tony:

I'm trying to digest the impact and can't really find anything. TG seemed to me to let his underlings run things anyway. More hands on with the IRL is scarier.

05-27-09, 11:57 AM
Hey, we could take the whole thing public, sell shares to the dozens of remaining rabid fans and...oh, wait a minute. Never mind.:(

05-27-09, 11:59 AM
Any one good with photoshop here? I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of TG selling apples (a la one of those picture from the depression) or in a soup line or standing outside one of those day laborers places.

05-27-09, 12:08 PM
WGAF. It just means the IRL will be allowed to die (good), no more open wheel in NA (bad) and IMS will be another Cab Track (bad). All they have to do is rip up the infield for campers and sell fried chicken to complete the transition from Open wheel greatness----> Gomer racing------->Hillbilly racin'

Opposite Lock
05-27-09, 12:18 PM
Any one good with photoshop here? I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of TG selling apples (a la one of those picture from the depression) or in a soup line or standing outside one of those day laborers places.

It's not like he's really getting any poorer by getting ousted. Hell, his sisters probably did him a favor by effectively forcing him to cut his losses. Dude is still richer than I can even comprehend, let alone than I will ever actually be.

But I wouldn't mind seeing someone hit him in the face with a pie. Or an anvil.

05-27-09, 12:19 PM

$10 the track is sold to the Frances w/in two years.

I wonder how this will affect :tony:s decision whether to shutdown the series in '13? :gomer:


Sean Malone
05-27-09, 12:21 PM
WGAF. It just means the IRL will be allowed to die (good), no more open wheel in NA (bad) and IMS will be another Cab Track (bad). All they have to do is rip up the infield for campers and sell fried chicken to complete the transition from Open wheel greatness----> Gomer racing------->Hillbilly racin'

that's what I was thinking also. The first thing humpy will recommend is 'all NASCAR, all the time'.

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 12:22 PM

$10 the track is sold to the Frances w/in two years.

I wonder how this will affect :tony:s decision whether to shutdown the series in '13? :gomer:


I'd be willing to bet he has notification letters for the teams already drafted.

05-27-09, 12:25 PM
This bears repeating...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahaahahaaahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaaahahahah ahahhahahahahahahhahahaaahhahahahahaahhahahaahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahaahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah ahhaahhahahahaahahhahahah........

05-27-09, 12:28 PM
I agree that the league will now have to sink or float on its own....

But I'd think he'd try to sell the league first before IMS is sold. NASCAR open wheel division.... :\ :irked:

05-27-09, 12:29 PM
and with that announcement, my boycott is hereby lifted: i will now buy clabber girl baking powder.

still no reason to go to IMS though...

The museum. At least now I could go to the museum without feeling like I needed a three hour shower with a horse brush afterwards.

05-27-09, 12:46 PM
I am stunned. Doesn't seem real.

05-27-09, 12:47 PM
Tony has to spend his own money now to keep the earl afloat.

this won't last long.

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 12:49 PM
Why would Tony Jr be in a position to assume the thrown when Tony and Laurie were just given the axe?

I didn't see Tony during the 500 coincidentally.

05-27-09, 01:01 PM
sold the helicopter used by George's family

Damn. He is still CEO and now the chances of a crash are reduced.

Andrew Longman
05-27-09, 01:24 PM
This seems to be the prototypical post on the subject at TF


Isn't this just like the IMS/ICS, if it is true?

Coming off a great month of May, exciting qualifications, a pretty decent race with a good crowd and decent viewership numbers, TPTB have to go and erase the aura with the leak of a family squabble. How typical it is of this outfit to consistently grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Public relations just falls short with this crowd. Why not wait until the dog days of the season to make a quiet, full information, public statement? How professional would that look, and the fans wouldn't have to wonder if their beloved sport is falling aprt, once again.

I can't help thinking, 'what would Roger do if he was faced with this situation'?

Family business would stay where it belongs. A well worded press release would be sent out telling what the changes are, and how they are VERY good for the sport. Otherwsie, there would not have been a change.

Isn't that the way this change, if it is true, should have been handled?

Which leads me to wonder whether it is all just made up in Robin's mind.

05-27-09, 01:28 PM
TG says it isn't true: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/19580435/detail.html

05-27-09, 01:31 PM
TG says it isn't true: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/19580435/detail.html He's too stupid to remember what happened last night....somebody will have to remind him on a regular basis.

05-27-09, 01:33 PM
TG says it isn't true: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/19580435/detail.html

Buzz killer. :gomer:


05-27-09, 01:35 PM


05-27-09, 01:37 PM
I'm shocked! Did the final ratings come out yet?

Edit: I don't see any mention of this at TrackForum.

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 01:50 PM
That's hysterical! Tony doesn't know yet!!!! :rofl::rofl:

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 01:54 PM
a. he was at the meeting, but didn't understand what they were talking about.
b. he was not at the meeting, and they haven't told him yet.
c. he was at the meeting, but they waited to vote on this when he took a potty break.

Andrew Longman
05-27-09, 01:57 PM
TG says it isn't true: http://www.theindychannel.com/news/19580435/detail.html

Why am I believing RM and SI more than TG? Delusional. This looks like it is headed to the courtroom.

Sean Malone
05-27-09, 01:58 PM
a. he was at the meeting, but didn't understand what they were talking about.
b. he was not at the meeting, and they haven't told him yet.
c. he was at the meeting, but they waited to vote on this when he took a potty break.

Gotta be 'a'. He said it was a typical board meeting which means they gave him his favorite coloring book and his sippy cup of punch.

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 02:01 PM
"sippy cup"

05-27-09, 02:06 PM
Six hundred million dollars? He spent $600 million on the IRL, et. al? Geez, he is stupider (yes, I know this isn't a word) than I thought!


Still, this is a happy, happy, happy, day for me. Yeah, I know he is still around, and I know CART/CCWS is dead, and I believe it is way to late to save American open wheel, but I'll take small consolation in this.

Ha ha ha ha ha hee hee hee hee hee hee!

Too bad this couldn't have happened a decade ago..when hope still lived, but sometimes you gotta take what you can get.

So, they're about to run out of money? Did they have it all invested in Bear Stearn or Chrysler? Or with Madoff? Even $600 million is a drop in the bucket for the Hulman/George clan, isn't it?

Apparently not, LOL!


Normally, I don't think it is a good idea to make fun of others' misfortune, but in this case I'll make an exception.

Good f*&(#$&958#&ing riddance, FTG. Go all the way--out! And take your bloody "vision" with you. I'm getting old and would like to watch the Indy 500 at least once again. Haven't seen it since Jacques won. Ciao, baby!


Don Quixote
05-27-09, 02:08 PM
Mary, you rock! :thumbup:

05-27-09, 02:18 PM
The only way this could be sweeter would be a giant family squabble that would leave him penniless and destitute. Or if it had happened 10 years ago. :(

Obviously they're removing the money hose that's keeping the IRL alive. It will be interesting to see how quickly The Moron can either sink the whole thing or find a scapegoat to dump it on.

Amazing. Billions of dollars and an entire legacy flushed down the toilet for one man's ego. :shakehead

05-27-09, 02:27 PM
Mary, welcome back ex-Clevelander.

05-27-09, 02:35 PM
The only way this could be sweeter would be a giant family squabble that would leave him penniless and destitute.

I would argue it would be even sweeter if they replaced him with Andrew Craig

05-27-09, 02:35 PM
Looks like Cavin has picked up his hotline to get a denial from Mamma.

Hulman George also said there was no call to oust her son, who has held leadership positions at IMS since 1990.

It's a good bet that where there's smoke there's fire. It's all about Tony's ego so my guess is that this is all structured to salve his wounded pride. The money hose is removed, titles remain the same for a while and later Tony steps down.

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 02:45 PM

It's a good bet that where there's smoke there's fire. It's all about Tony's ego so my guess is that this is all structured to salve his wounded pride. The money hose is removed, titles remain the same for a while and later Tony steps down.

From that article:

"There haven't been any changes," she said. "We just discussed things like we usually do and how to make things better."

So, how do we make things better? Dump the idiot.

05-27-09, 02:46 PM
Alternate version of the denial story from SI. Seems to leave open the possibility of a special "ouster" session.

George said there was a scheduled board meeting Tuesday, during which the board discussed the race, the annual report and talked about organizational issues - topics he referred to as "fairly typical stuff.'' He said he was unaware of any meeting Tuesday night.

"Maybe something did happen, but I'm not aware of it,'' he told the local TV stations.

So is it possible that the sisters got together with the lawyer after the main meeting to vote him out without mamma's input?

05-27-09, 02:50 PM
So is it possible that the sisters got together with the lawyer after the main meeting to vote him out without mamma's input?

Most corporate by-laws require x-days notice before a director or shareholder meeting is held. In closely held corporations often things are just done on paper, but even so the paper (a resolution) will start with a recitation that everyone waived notice (or even if it is minutes of a meeting it will either note that notice was properly given or that it was waived). If that is what they did there is a pretty good chance it would be open to attack.

Elmo T
05-27-09, 03:04 PM
"Maybe something did happen, but I'm not aware of it,'' he told the local TV stations.

Really? This from the CEO of a multi-million dollar operation? :saywhat:

I'll defer to Mr. Longman as to whether that is a "real world" business possibility.

Too much going on for this to be a big misunderstanding.

05-27-09, 03:07 PM
"Maybe something did happen, but I'm not aware of it,'' he told the local TV stations. "

That sounds like a quote from Shakespeare compared to his usual, "uh, ummmm, uh........uh.........I dunno"

05-27-09, 03:30 PM
As I suspected, a heaping dollop of ego salve for the Chief Executive Moron.

George has been asked to put together a management plan for IMS and related companies, including the Indy Racing League, that would allow him to focus on the business requiring the most attention. That plan is expected to be presented to the board later this year.

By "the business requiring the most attention" they mean the IRL. So they're allowing him to write his own pink slip but they expect it by the next meeting.

05-27-09, 03:45 PM
14 years too late. The truly stupid thing is Penske, Mr. potato head and the others scuzzballs would've sold CART for a hell of a lot less than $600 million.

But it is always nice to see someone say FTG. Surprised it happened while the old riding instructor humper was still alive.

Elmo T
05-27-09, 03:45 PM
George has been asked to put together a management plan for IMS and related companies, including the Indy Racing League, that would allow him to focus on the business requiring the most attention.

Because his other plans have been so successful? :rolleyes:

Because TG's focus will truly help the business requiring the most attention?? :shakehead I see it working wonders already.

They don't have a management plan already? They need a NEW management plan?

05-27-09, 03:45 PM
"George has been asked to put together a management plan..."

:rofl: :rofl:

05-27-09, 04:03 PM
the article on the Speed website appears to be gone...

It's amazing. He's too effing stupid to realize he's a moron. If he had any sense of self he'd walk out to the Yard of Bricks with a camera crew and eat a pistol.


05-27-09, 04:07 PM
the article on the Speed website appears to be gone...

It's a amazing. He's too effing stupid to realize he's a moron. If he had any sense of self he'd walk out to the Yard of Bricks with a camera crew and eat a pistol.

:mad: Jumping off the Vigoda would be his best business plan.

05-27-09, 04:12 PM
the article on the Speed website appears to be gone...

Bad form by Speed. They should have updated the existing article. :irked: :saywhat:


Opposite Lock
05-27-09, 04:27 PM
Bad form by Speed. They should have updated the existing article. :irked: :saywhat:



I can still see it:

Just takes a while for the trucks and the Jenson Button articles to cycle through. Whoever approved the design for the Speed page should find a new line of work.

05-27-09, 04:27 PM
Speed had to rewrite the article so FTG didn't look so dumb.
In the new version he wasn't fired; he was promoted. The new headline will read.

Indy's Special Son Earns Special Assignment

*edit: Miller's article still up at Speed

05-27-09, 04:34 PM

I can still see it:

Just takes a while for the trucks and the Jenson Button articles to cycle through. Whoever approved the design for the Speed page should find a new line of work.

Despite time posted on the article, that's not the original piece. They obviously were updating it earlier when we tried to hit it. My browser had finsihed loading and the content block was blank. Even worse form to not update the date and time stamp on the article. :irked:


Opposite Lock
05-27-09, 04:48 PM
Despite time posted on the article, that's not the original piece. They obviously were updating it earlier when we tried to hit it. My browser had finsihed loading and the content block was blank. Even worse form to not update the date and time stamp on the article. :irked:


I didn't realize that it had been altered, and I agree that it's lame of Speed to not update the time stamp if it's going to be edited once posted.

I think I could provide a cut'n'paste of the original version, (I emailed it to someone this morning), but I know posting entire articles is frowned on here, so I won't. I'll compare the two versions this evening, and if there are substantial deviations, maybe I could post just those parts.

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 04:59 PM
"George has been asked to put together a management plan..."

:rofl: :rofl: Before that, I think he should work up a mission statement. :D

05-27-09, 05:05 PM
Before that, I think he should work up a mission statement. :D

It is called a Vision Statement at IMS.

Don Quixote
05-27-09, 05:06 PM
It is called a Vision Statement at IMS.
Oops, I forgot. :laugh: :laugh:

05-27-09, 05:21 PM
Jumping off the Vigoda would be his best business plan.

Yeah, but Abe doesn't like shoeprints on his head...


05-27-09, 06:18 PM
Chairman of the board Mari Hulman George added: "The Indy Racing League represents our greatest growth opportunity and therefore deserves the most attention at this point."
When you have more inherited money than even epic stupidity can squander...:tony:


05-27-09, 07:30 PM
Jumping off the Vigoda would be his best business plan.

I'm sure Abe may have a thing or two to say about that.

05-27-09, 08:00 PM

Now I get it. :gomer:

hEy caN BiF rUn foR C3O noW tHaT tHe jObs oPeN?

05-27-09, 08:42 PM
I can't seem to find it, but does Robin Miller have an email at Speedtv.com?

05-27-09, 08:59 PM
I can't seem to find it, but does Robin Miller have an email at Speedtv.com?

There's a Contact link in the upper right corner of the article.


It goes to author@speedtv.com, so it's probably a collective mailbox.


05-27-09, 08:59 PM
Here's a link to his mailbag: (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/robin-millers-mailbag-for-november-18/)

You might also try sending a note to windtunnel at speedtv dot com.

05-27-09, 09:09 PM
The Miller story and Hulman-George rebuttal scan like they're putting IMS and Clabber Girl up for sale. They handed :tony: some crayons and paper to keep him occupied while the real business gets done.

05-27-09, 09:54 PM
Yup. Hope SPEED sees the truth, sticks with RM and waits 'rm out! So, is the Speedway worth the 600 mil. :tony:'s blown in the last 13 years? Geez, did you get the part about the IRL being the part of the empire with "the greatest growth opportunity" or something like that? Holy, cr...they ARE in trouble!

05-27-09, 10:46 PM

If you can't stand to watch the whole thing, you at least have to watch at around the 6:55-7:00 area.... I love live TV.

05-27-09, 10:54 PM
The Clabber Girls fired the ****er, but it was not supposed to be public. It leaked so they "rehired" the idiot publicly. Private company, they don't have to say **** to the press or report to anyone. Bottom line, Mom cut off the idiot's allowance and the IRL is history.

05-27-09, 10:59 PM
The museum. At least now I could go to the museum without feeling like I needed a three hour shower with a horse brush afterwards.

I can now take my ten year old son there with a clear conscience. At three he was blitzing the tube with the remote looking for more cartoons on a Saturday afternoon and roused me from the couch to sit with him on the floor by saying, "There are real race cars on TV!". He'd found the ALMS race. :)

05-27-09, 11:09 PM
Thanks dando and gnam. :thumbup:

05-27-09, 11:09 PM

If you can't stand to watch the whole thing, you at least have to watch at around the 6:55-7:00 area.... I love live TV.


Dumbass. :tony:


05-27-09, 11:15 PM

If you can't stand to watch the whole thing, you at least have to watch at around the 6:55-7:00 area.... I love live TV.

"Is someone stealing my car?" :laugh:

05-27-09, 11:37 PM
I didn't realize that it had been altered, and I agree that it's lame of Speed to not update the time stamp if it's going to be edited once posted.

I think I could provide a cut'n'paste of the original version, (I emailed it to someone this morning), but I know posting entire articles is frowned on here, so I won't. I'll compare the two versions this evening, and if there are substantial deviations, maybe I could post just those parts.

You can see how poorly it reads now with the statement quote inserted, which was issued in the afternoon.

INDYCAR: Transition Coming At IMS
Written by: Robin Miller
05/27/2009 - 10:06 AM
Indianapolis, IN

The Speedway issued a statement Wednesday afternoon that read:

At a regular meeting of the board of directors of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Tuesday, May 26, board members asked Tony George, chief executive officer of the IMS companies, to devise a plan for management of Hulman & Company, the Indy Racing League, Clabber Girl and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway that would allow him to focus on the business which requires the greatest attention. This plan is to be presented to the board at a meeting later this year.

IMS Chairman of the Board Mari Hulman George said: “There was a general discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing all of our companies and where most of our energies need to be spent. All of our properties are doing well, given the challenges of the current economy. The Indy Racing League represents our greatest growth opportunity and therefore deserves the most attention at this point.”

What a bunch of bozos. :shakehead :saywhat: I sent a note to the windbags mailbag about it.


05-28-09, 01:52 AM
What's funnier?

Him getting fired, or him hearing this

The Speedway issued a statement Wednesday afternoon that read:

At a regular meeting of the board of directors of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Tuesday, May 26, board members asked Tony George, chief executive officer of the IMS companies, to devise a plan for management of Hulman & Company, the Indy Racing League, Clabber Girl and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway that would allow him to focus on the business which requires the greatest attention. This plan is to be presented to the board at a meeting later this year.

IMS Chairman of the Board Mari Hulman George said: “There was a general discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing all of our companies and where most of our energies need to be spent. All of our properties are doing well, given the challenges of the current economy. The Indy Racing League represents our greatest growth opportunity and therefore deserves the most attention at this point.”and not realizing that he was getting fired?


05-28-09, 01:57 AM
Too little too late, Sisters.


Fortunately, the news still fills me with an overwhelming feeling of



05-28-09, 06:53 AM
In the early 90s there were stories that Penske had offered the Hulman family a billion dollars for IMS...

Yup. Hope SPEED sees the truth, sticks with RM and waits 'rm out! So, is the Speedway worth the 600 mil. :tony:'s blown in the last 13 years? Geez, did you get the part about the IRL being the part of the empire with "the greatest growth opportunity" or something like that? Holy, cr...they ARE in trouble!

05-28-09, 07:27 AM
In the early 90s there were stories that Penske had offered the Hulman family a billion dollars for IMS...

I wonder what someone would pay now. How much can it make in a year on a sustainable basis?

PS after watching the TG interview - he seems to admit they are bleeding money but thinks it is about to change. I just have a hard time believing that the IRL is not a net drain, the only question would be does it offset any profit from the 500? Does anyone have a realistic count of attendees of the 500 these days and what an average ticket price may be?

05-28-09, 07:30 AM

If you can't stand to watch the whole thing, you at least have to watch at around the 6:55-7:00 area.... I love live TV.

Shorter TG "none of it is my fault"

Andrew Longman
05-28-09, 07:40 AM
Really? This from the CEO of a multi-million dollar operation? :saywhat:

I'll defer to Mr. Longman as to whether that is a "real world" business possibility.

Too much going on for this to be a big misunderstanding.

I think Dr. Phil may have more and better advice on what's goiing on. This is a dysfunctional family (as so many family businesses are) and if we think about our typical Thanksgiving dinner we may gain more insight that viewing it in a typical business context.

The fact that they couldn't/didn't actually make the call to boot TG and then spun it to be something other than it actually was is telling. Fact is they want him out and he can play with the IRL if he wants. Done. But they aren't really coming to grips with that.

More so, that may actually be a bad choice. If it were your money, you probabky would want the the IRL run better, not isolated as they seem to be doing.

05-28-09, 07:59 AM
The Huhlman/George family has long been an alcoholic, promiscuous, drug addled, dysfunctional mess. The only question that matters is, "Is open-wheel auto racing better off today than it was yesterday?"

The answer, sadly, is, "No."

Call me when they are gone.

05-28-09, 08:03 AM
If it were your money, you probably would want the the IRL run better, not isolated as they seem to be doing.

The relationship is totally symbiotic. Letting TG go off and do his thing with the IRL is like putting one Siamese twin on a diet and exercise program and ignoring the fact the other twin does meth. Sure if the IRL disappeared tomorrow I am sure IMS could survive on the other races, but in a lot of ways that would destroy its claim to being special and therefore a lot of its value. And its unrealistic to think any third party would ever take the IRL, even if for free, under current circumstances.

On Elmo T question on what goes on at some large business enterprises my brother is high up in finance at a large company that everyone would know and has similarly been at 3 other companies everyone would recognize (two of which are perceived as "family" concerns even though they are publicly traded) and if you think that all decisions and actions of these large companies are well thought out and that all of the employees staffing upper level positions are well qualified for those positions you are living in a fantasy world.

05-28-09, 08:41 AM
if we think about our typical Thanksgiving dinner we may gain more insight that viewing it in a typical business context.

Except that your Thxgiving gatherings are anything but typical. :p


05-28-09, 08:48 AM
i'lL bet aLL of baRGerSVille'S solD ouT of wHiled turnkey tHIS moRNInG. :tony:

05-28-09, 09:40 AM
The relationship is totally symbiotic. Letting TG go off and do his thing with the IRL is like putting one Siamese twin on a diet and exercise program and ignoring the fact the other twin does meth.

Your analogy is awesome, but doesn't work here.

I can think of no quicker weight loss program than diet, exercise and meth. Eggcept maybe amputation.


05-28-09, 10:15 AM
The Huhlman/George family has long been an alcoholic, promiscuous, drug addled, dysfunctional mess. The only question that matters is, "Is open-wheel auto racing better off today than it was yesterday?"

The answer, sadly, is, "No."

Call me when they are gone.

Please don't wait by the phone. :laugh:

05-28-09, 10:21 AM
i'lL bet aLL of baRGerSVille'S solD ouT of wHiled turnkey tHIS moRNInG. :tony:

DANg neer. WAht in teh hell happend yesterday? WEHn I found out bout this at work I neerly peed my pants off. SO I started drinkn when I got home and now Im hangedover. iTs super size. ANd I been in the number 1 pit at JIffy LUbe sense 8 o colck and I feel liek carp. BUT at leased the haters didnt win and we still got our TOney right were he belongs. CAn you imagane where wwed be without TONey GOrge? BOggels the mined.


THe IRl - a press release away from panic

Sean Malone
05-28-09, 10:31 AM
The IRL offering the greatest growth opportunity of their various ventures is simply business lingo that means its the weakest link. :)

05-28-09, 10:33 AM
The IRL offering the greatest growth opportunity of their various ventures is simply business lingo that means its the weakest link. :)

That being said, would any sane person put :tony: in charge of that entity considering the cash burn rate @ IMS the past 13 years? :saywhat: :eek: Boggles the mind.... :shakehead
