View Full Version : Serious ammunition shortage
06-10-09, 06:06 PM
Though it hasn't gotten big mainstream press coverage there is currently a widespread shortage of rifle and pistol ammunition that began last fall. At the moment you would be hard pressed to find any retail outlet anywhere that has ammunition to sell outside of really oddball calibers for old or rare foreign weapons. The factories are all working overtime, so it's not a production issue. Not only are store shelves empty but ranges can't find any ammunition to sell and reloading supplies are also non-existent. I had to wait a month to get 100 pistol primers and the price was 3x what I've paid in the past. There are a whole raft of conspiracy theories of course....:gomer:
There are a couple amusing ironies. First, there has never been a time during the last 30yrs when there has been less effort to regulate or ban guns in the US. Second, by hoarding gun enthusiasts have effectively accomplished something the anti-gun lobby has never been able to manage; preventing someone from walking in, buying a gun and ammunition and going out and committing a crime. You can buy the gun but not the ammunition....:laugh:
This seems destined to be another Y2K/generator story and and I suppose we can look forward to some sweet deals in coming years as widows and families sell off dear old dad's mountain of unused ammunition one household at a time. For now it's a pain in tail for anyone that just wants to do some shooting.
06-10-09, 07:30 PM
There is a head case down the street from me, he firmly believes that Obama is going to send the black helicopters to his house and seize all his guns & ammo. He fully intends to fight back when it happens. For that eventuality he has stockpiled literally tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.:rolleyes:
He is one of the reasons nobody else can find any ammo. I find it more than a little disconcerting that there are so many like minded people in this country that the largest ammunition industry on the planet can't even begin to keep pace with the hoarding.
My main worry is for the local fire departments when one of these ass clowns has is house catch on fire and the local fire brigade unknowingly enters a burning ammunition dump.:irked:
06-10-09, 07:38 PM
There is a head case down the street from me, he firmly believes that Obama is going to send the black helicopters to his house and seize all his guns & ammo. He fully intends to fight back when it happens. For that eventuality he has stockpiled literally tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.:rolleyes:
He is one of the reasons nobody else can find any ammo. I find it more than a little disconcerting that there are so many like minded people in this country that the largest ammunition industry on the planet can't even begin to keep pace with the hoarding.
My main worry is for the local fire departments when one of these ass clowns has is house catch on fire and the local fire brigade unknowingly enters a burning ammunition dump.:irked:
Bingo. Happened last week in Reseda (Karate Kid reference but true nevertheless). Back yard blew up. Firefighters had to fight it from 50 feet away because the ammo kept going off. Guy had a permit for it all so the only result was a scorched backyard and probably some traumatized neighbors.
TravelMom says this type of thinking is rampant in Florida also. :shakehead
Though it hasn't gotten big mainstream press coverage there is currently a widespread shortage of rifle and pistol ammunition that began last fall. At the moment you would be hard pressed to find any retail outlet anywhere that has ammunition to sell outside of really oddball calibers for old or rare foreign weapons. The factories are all working overtime, so it's not a production issue. Not only are store shelves empty but ranges can't find any ammunition to sell and reloading supplies are also non-existent. I had to wait a month to get 100 pistol primers and the price was 3x what I've paid in the past. There are a whole raft of conspiracy theories of course....:gomer:
whenever truckloads of new stuff come into the Academy or Dick's in TX, *poof* gone in a second marked up 500% down the street.
'necks are funny. :laugh:
so many reasonable, otherwise normal people I know were partaking in the idiocy and were yapping non-stop in the fall about new laws (nevermind as you said it's so bloody easy to carry now). of course, they were all over 30, so I'm blaming it on their old age :gomer:
06-10-09, 07:53 PM
whenever truckloads of new stuff come into the Academy or Dick's in TX, *poof* gone in a second marked up 500% down the street.
'necks are funny. :laugh:
And you can bet that the same people cashing in on the 500% markups are the same people saying that Obama's bad for the economy.:laugh:
Maybe Detroit could retool to fill demand. :p
06-10-09, 09:41 PM
There is a head case down the street from me, he firmly believes that Obama is going to send the black helicopters to his house and seize all his guns & ammo. He fully intends to fight back when it happens. For that eventuality he has stockpiled literally tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.:rolleyes:
They're coming for our cars too. Or at least that's what the local nutters have declared. Between that and the crapstorm that blew up when the state prohibited concealed carry in bars and clubs, it's been a banner year for nutjobbery.
True. The stores are empty.
Huge markups and waiting lists on the Black Rifles as well (anything that remotely resembles an AR15).
And buying anything in .308 is damn near impossible, unless it's a really cheap bolt action.
But I'm afraid (or glad??) that oc's prediction on sealed tubes of ammo showing up in estate sales ain't gonna happen. The widows and orphans are probably going to donate it to the cops. Probably for the best.
Well, time to check my inventory.
Anybody got a backhoe?
:laugh: ;)
(no, I don't have a stockpile. Might have a few extra primers somewhere...)
06-10-09, 10:55 PM
I'm stockpiling Spam, Slim Jims and Bud Light. They will be the currency of the New World.
I'm stockpiling Spam, Slim Jims and Bud Light. They will be the currency of the New World.
Bud Light??
Careful, you might get shot.
06-10-09, 11:11 PM
I work Customer Service for one of the largest mail order reloading companies in the country. The job security is nice, but it's certainly been a revealing look at the industry and the demographics...
I work Customer Service for one of the largest mail order reloading companies in the country. The job security is nice, but it's certainly been a revealing look at the industry and the demographics...
Do you ship to Illinois?
06-11-09, 09:49 AM
so many reasonable, otherwise normal people I know were partaking in the idiocy and were yapping non-stop in the fall about new laws (nevermind as you said it's so bloody easy to carry now). of course, they were all over 30, so I'm blaming it on their old age :gomer:
To be fair, lots of money and effort was expended by a couple of organizations to create exactly that impression. Good to see they got their money's worth. :shakehead
06-11-09, 10:20 AM
Do you ship to Illinois?
Only if we've got a copy of your FOID card.
Though it hasn't gotten big mainstream press coverage there is currently a widespread shortage of rifle and pistol ammunition that began last fall. At the moment you would be hard pressed to find any retail outlet anywhere that has ammunition to sell outside of really oddball calibers for old or rare foreign weapons. The factories are all working overtime, so it's not a production issue. Not only are store shelves empty but ranges can't find any ammunition to sell and reloading supplies are also non-existent. I had to wait a month to get 100 pistol primers and the price was 3x what I've paid in the past. There are a whole raft of conspiracy theories of course....:gomer:
There are a couple amusing ironies. First, there has never been a time during the last 30yrs when there has been less effort to regulate or ban guns in the US. Second, by hoarding gun enthusiasts have effectively accomplished something the anti-gun lobby has never been able to manage; preventing someone from walking in, buying a gun and ammunition and going out and committing a crime. You can buy the gun but not the ammunition....:laugh:
This seems destined to be another Y2K/generator story and and I suppose we can look forward to some sweet deals in coming years as widows and families sell off dear old dad's mountain of unused ammunition one household at a time. For now it's a pain in tail for anyone that just wants to do some shooting.
I saw mentions about this leading up to the Inauguration. Since then the media has been busy giving us updates on Super Prez date nights and Michelle Obama clothing in between news on GM, bailouts and the so-called pandemic. :gomer: The gun control nazis will be coming out of the woodwork after yesterday's shooting...CNN was all over that subject last night like white on rice. :saywhat: :irked: BTW, I'm not a gun owner, but I support the right.
06-11-09, 12:45 PM
The gun control nazis will be coming out of the woodwork after yesterday's shooting.
It isn't any different than any of the other weekly workplace shootings. Just a higher profile location. Nobody is going to propose anything that has the slightest hope of passage. CNN can hunt ratings to their heart's content, the laws won't change.
It isn't any different than any of the other weekly workplace shootings. Just a higher profile location. Nobody is going to propose anything that has the slightest hope of passage. CNN can hunt ratings to their heart's content, the laws won't change.
There seemed to be a bit more vehemence to the discussion last night than previous discussions I've seen. Albeit, I'm not a regular CNN watcher and just happened to stumble across Campbell Brown's show to check it out. I also keep thinking back to the comments Super Prez made on gun control...that he would change the laws, but doesn't have the votes. Considering the sea changes we've witnessed the past 100+ days, I wouldn't put anything past this bunch in the WH or on the Hill. :saywhat: In the infamous words by Rahm Emmanuel and HRC...never waste a good crisis. :irked: :mad:
If cable news is harping about something coming, all the more reason not to be worried about it happening
06-11-09, 02:23 PM
This sounds like Chris Rock's comedy routine (making ammo too expensive to actually fire a weapon). ;)
I believe you have my property. :laugh:
Like a not seen in a long time friend and ardent cluster fox watcher said just a few months ago... "I just bought a 38 and a 45, I don't know why."
I agree with Ankf00 cable news isn't the bellwether of coming events, factual or creatively fictional. Fear that fear and keep tuning in.
Sean Malone
06-11-09, 04:40 PM
I feel great since I've sworn off cable news. I can think for myself again! Seriously!:)
I feel great since I've sworn off cable news. I can think for myself again! Seriously!:)
Campbell's show was really not news, just a discussion with several talking heads Brady Bunch style. Just a step above Jerry Springer in reality. :gomer: :shakehead
06-11-09, 07:17 PM
Sales of emergency/disaster food is off the charts as well, so maybe there's anti-food legislation on the way....? :laugh:
06-11-09, 07:56 PM
Sales of emergency/disaster food is off the charts as well, so maybe there's anti-food legislation on the way....? :laugh:
Sales of emergency/disaster food is off the charts as well, so maybe there's anti-food legislation on the way....? :laugh:
Well, we're at defcon 6 for the flu pandemic.
Maybe that's it?
Time for some canned bacon, I s'pose.
bacon infused vodka w/ canned bacon?
I think, "yes."
Don Quixote
06-11-09, 10:43 PM
06-11-09, 11:00 PM
So since it's a pandemic, do the heavily armed crackers and necks have enough ammo to shoot each flu virus as it approaches their bunkers?
06-12-09, 12:46 AM
Sales of emergency/disaster food is off the charts as well, so maybe there's anti-food legislation on the way....? :laugh:
Oh, you go ahead and laugh. The rest of us will be ready, though.
06-12-09, 02:54 AM
Sales of emergency/disaster food is off the charts as well, so maybe there's anti-food legislation on the way....? :laugh:
it's illegal to hoard food in 49 of all 50 states.
that Alex Jones is storing 3 years supply of canned food in his attic. Slim Jim fans will cry that Conned-Agra foods got themselves blowned up on Tuesday.
what next, buying ammo from the 'company store'?
I don't know about food, but you may want to stock up on those clove cigarettes.
06-12-09, 09:28 PM
go read "One Second After". You'll want to stock up on EVERYTHING.
go read "One Second After". You'll want to stock up on EVERYTHING.
This guy did...
FRENCH gendarmes said today they had arrested a gun enthusiast who hoarded an arsenal of 400 weapons and 5.5 tonnes of ammunition, from assault rifles to hand grenades, at his home.
Link (,27574,25653623-23109,00.html)
06-17-09, 08:19 PM
Idaho is in France? wut?
Nah, he's in Idaho.
The Euros probably paratrooped outta them black helicopters buzzing Coeur d'Alene.
06-17-09, 09:25 PM
This guy did...
Link (,27574,25653623-23109,00.html)
400 guns and only 250 lb of powder and TNT? Typical Eurotrash poseur.... Dumb bugger doesn't realize you gotta have ammo otherwise they're all expensive paperweights.
06-17-09, 10:31 PM
400 guns and only 250 lb of powder and TNT?
Ummm 250 lbs of powder mixed in among 5.5 tonnes of ammunition. That's a whole lot of rounds to work through before you need to worry about reloading.
06-17-09, 11:29 PM
Ummm 250 lbs of powder mixed in among 5.5 tonnes of ammunition. That's a whole lot of rounds to work through before you need to worry about reloading.
Au Contraire, Mon Capitan (5 bonus points for whoever can cite the TV episode that line is from), it says 5.5 tons of WEAPONS and ammunition, not 5.5 tons of AMMO. 400 guns could range from 500 pounds to two tons and that doesn't include the knives or inert grenades, yadda, yadda, yadda. Your point is taken, however, that even in my most optimistic situation two tons of ammo is a bunch. I stand corrected.
I hope he's got a couple of duece and a halves to carry all that stuff...
06-17-09, 11:38 PM
Deja Q.
Please kill me.
06-17-09, 11:54 PM
Au Contraire, Mon Capitan (5 bonus points for whoever can cite the TV episode that line is from), it says 5.5 tons of WEAPONS and ammunition, not 5.5 tons of AMMO.
FRENCH gendarmes said today they had arrested a gun enthusiast who hoarded an arsenal of 400 weapons and 5.5 tonnes of ammunition, from assault rifles to hand grenades, at his home.
Hmmm, other stories have it at 2 tonnes of ammunition which would be French for 4400 lbs.
However you look at it with a single .30-06 round costing ~$1, I'd sell that hoard & retire before I shot any of it.
06-18-09, 08:00 AM
Deja Q.
Please kill me.
DC, I've never laughed harder from a posting. Five bonus points for you, FWIW...
06-18-09, 08:02 AM
Hmmm, other stories have it at 2 tonnes of ammunition which would be French for 4400 lbs.
However you look at it with a single .30-06 round costing ~$1, I'd sell that hoard & retire before I shot any of it.
Yah, if he could get it over here he'd make a PILE of money, I'll grant you that. I have no idea what French firearms laws are like. You probably have to throw the gun on the ground and run away after firing no more than X number of shots or something...
06-18-09, 01:19 PM
Yah, if he could get it over here he'd make a PILE of money
Even more if he could get them to Mexico, which many apparently are able to.
Heard from a credible source yesterday at Dillon Aero, their military division, that a big chunk of the guns and ammunition that is being sold in the US is going to the Mexican drug cartels. As if on que I saw a report that showed video a massive pile of weapons and ammunition from a single seizure in Juarez, all of it from the US.
ATF has traced quite a few of the weapons to legal sales in US guns stores. ATF says it's hard to build a case against someone that bought 5 AR-15 and says they sold them to "some guy" because it's perfectly legal to do that. Even easier for ammunition.
Then there are the legal sales that get diverted.
Legal arms sales source for cartel weapons (
Seems like this shortage may have legs. :irked:
Even more if he could get them to Mexico, which many apparently are able to.
Heard from a credible source yesterday at Dillon Aero, their military division, that a big chunk of the guns and ammunition that is being sold in the US is going to the Mexican drug cartels. As if on que I saw a report that showed video a massive pile of weapons and ammunition from a single seizure in Juarez, all of it from the US.
ATF has traced quite a few of the weapons to legal sales in US guns stores. ATF says it's hard to build a case against someone that bought 5 AR-15 and says they sold them to "some guy" because it's perfectly legal to do that. Even easier for ammunition.
Then there are the legal sales that get diverted.
Legal arms sales source for cartel weapons (
Seems like this shortage may have legs. :irked:
There's a lot of press talking about the amount of guns seized in Mexico and how they have been coming from Joe Citizen and his straw purchasing ways.
There's a ton of bs coming out.
In a story published by the Associated Press in late February of this year, Mexican President Calderon is quoted alleging the following:
We need to stop the flow of guns and weapons towards Mexico. Let me express to you that we've seized in this two years more than 25,000 weapons and guns, and more than 90 percent of them came from United States, and I'm talking from missiles launchers to machine guns and grenades.
Why, just the other day I was in the store looking over the newest models of missile launchers. But I went with the grenades instead. Tough economy and all.
06-18-09, 02:09 PM
NAFTA is supposed to stimulate trade :D
06-18-09, 02:15 PM
There's a lot of press talking about the amount of guns seized in Mexico and how they have been coming from Joe Citizen and his straw purchasing ways.
There's a ton of bs coming out.
Why, just the other day I was in the store looking over the newest models of missile launchers. But I went with the grenades instead. Tough economy and all.
You're conflating the importation of legal and illegal weapons, both of which occur, and both of which (obviously) require different methods. No BS, just a little 2nd amendment paranoia.
MX has stringent gun control, US does not. Don't want to arm cartels, then take care of corruption so you can arrest & convict cartels, then you won't have smuggled guns b/c there won't be a market. Or just carpet bomb the NAFTA border trade corridor on your side of the rio.
I'll accept my nobel peace prize any time now. Thanks.
06-19-09, 02:56 AM
Even more if he could get them to Mexico, which many apparently are able to.
Heard from a credible source yesterday at Dillon Aero, their military division, that a big chunk of the guns and ammunition that is being sold in the US is going to the Mexican drug cartels. As if on que I saw a report that showed video a massive pile of weapons and ammunition from a single seizure in Juarez, all of it from the US.
ATF has traced quite a few of the weapons to legal sales in US guns stores. ATF says it's hard to build a case against someone that bought 5 AR-15 and says they sold them to "some guy" because it's perfectly legal to do that. Even easier for ammunition.
Then there are the legal sales that get diverted.
Legal arms sales source for cartel weapons (
Seems like this shortage may have legs. :irked:
nobody has yet explained to my satisfaction how people who can build semi-submersibles loaded with 15 tons of cocaine have to buy guns and ammo retail.
06-19-09, 03:10 AM
Those semi submersibles are fiberglass and duct tape death traps. There is very little technology there beyond what this guy had
nobody has yet explained to my satisfaction how people who can build semi-submersibles loaded with 15 tons of cocaine have to buy guns and ammo retail.
a) it's cheaper that way
b) it's easier that way
cheap & easy tend to win a lot of the time
06-19-09, 01:17 PM
I was thinking of the financial, more than the technical, aspects... :)
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