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View Full Version : Ghost Fleet: Biggest gathering of ships in maritime history

09-24-09, 10:32 PM
A vast parking lot of ships with no cargo, no destination, and skeleton crews.


Link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1212013/Revealed-The-ghost-fleet-recession-anchored-just-east-Singapore.html)

09-24-09, 11:14 PM
Related to that - the Baltic Dry Index (http://www.purchasing.com/article/355211-Baltic_Dry_Index_plunges_to_quarterly_low.php)has dropped since June


09-25-09, 05:41 AM
I almost posted this a week ago when I saw this on another non-racing website I post on sometimes. One of the posters there mentioned he had been in Singapore a few weeks earlier and he just figured all the ships he could see sitting off shore were waiting for births to open up. Just amazing.

09-25-09, 03:29 PM
There is also a massive anchorage of mothballed ships parked in the Aegean off of Greece. Ships show up real well against a backdrop of water and the shipping stats are discrete, easily accessed and quantifiable.

Imagine instead what it would look like if all the empty factories around the Great Lakes and Midwest were all parked next to each other and laid out on an open plain somewhere. It would make this look like a holiday boat club regatta.


09-25-09, 03:48 PM
Imagine instead what it would look like if all the empty factories around the Great Lakes and Midwest were all parked next to each other and laid out on an open plain somewhere.

That already exist, in the town I grew up in (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrwC3ceyx2M&feature=PlayList&p=8D4FE4741647D825&index=18)(video is at the link).

PS, Ok this one is kind of funny about where I grew up.


09-26-09, 01:12 AM
from a relative of mine...

When we ride our bikes in the East Coast Park, which runs alongside the eastern coastline of Singapore, we can see hundreds of ships waiting to be loaded or unloaded. Yes there are many idled ships just sitting, but the one picture of the lights at night are mainly from the active ships not the ‘ghost fleet’. They do not expect the activity once seen to return until 2012.

09-26-09, 04:51 AM
APL is in a world of hurt. The APL California is brand new. It was delivered in January and I believe it was laid up immediately. The APL Florida is only a couple months older. Those are 6350 TEU container ships. They are top of the line ships:shakehead

09-28-09, 04:18 PM
A vast parking lot of ships with no cargo, no destination, and skeleton crews.


Link (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-1212013/Revealed-The-ghost-fleet-recession-anchored-just-east-Singapore.html)

They should just tie them up all together and a make a party out of it.

When's the government bailout scheduled?

09-28-09, 04:29 PM
They should just tie them up all together and a make a party out of it.

Google "Party Cove"

09-28-09, 04:33 PM
Google "Party Cove"


sort of NSFW (http://www.partycoveusa.com/uploads/b4/d0/b4d0b140eba6bba63d2e369eba8ea052/45951DSC00017.JPG)

in this case, w could also stand for wives ;)

09-28-09, 05:03 PM

If I now get in an accident driving home from work because my full concentration is not on driving, it is your fault.