View Full Version : Road annoyances
05-12-10, 05:10 PM
And a car fire does not justify this piece of driving. :flame:
Damn, how funny would it have been if I'd been following THAT fire truck.:laugh:
My wife's biggest adjustment to driving in the Pacific NW, was that her Euro background had her always leaving a few car lengths between her car and the car in front of her. Here, if you leave three car lengths, if will quickly become filled with three cars. To her, it was an invisible safety barrier - to us, it's useable space...:laugh:
Always been that way for me. That gap between me and the car in front is for my safety, not a place for you to stick your %$R^&%# SUV. :flame:
05-12-10, 09:52 PM
And a car fire does not justify this piece of driving. :flame:
Nor does a wreck that has already been attended to justify this piece of driving:
There is no justice when a cop is at fault. (
lllinois trooper Matt Mitchell insisted in a civil hearing this morning that he was not at fault for their deaths. (
05-12-10, 09:58 PM
Nor does a wreck that has already been attended to justify this piece of driving:
There is no justice when a cop is at fault. (
lllinois trooper Matt Mitchell insisted in a civil hearing this morning that he was not at fault for their deaths. (
What a piece of ****, they should torture him to death. He's the kind of prick that gives cops a bad name :mad:
05-12-10, 10:37 PM
And a car fire does not justify this piece of driving. :flame:
The local FD does that quite often around here, there is no other way to get through the traffic. He was being pretty circumspect for a fire truck.
What a piece of ****, they should torture him to death. He's the kind of prick that gives cops a bad name :mad:
If they were my daughters, he would be tortured to death. I might have something to say about the continued existence of his gene pool, too.
05-13-10, 05:24 PM
Nor does a wreck that has already been attended to justify this piece of driving
Mitchell said that he felt he was exercising reasonable care when he was sending e-mails on his dashtop computer, talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone and driving at triple-digit speeds in busy, day-after-Thanksgiving traffic.
I get that they are trying to preserve the civil case for the family by eliminating even the outside chance of a not-guilty verdict, but this piece of manure desperately deserves to be locked away for good. The commanding officer deserves a hard look as well as this doesn't seem like a one time act and it's likely there was prior behavior.
05-14-10, 12:27 AM
Instead, his only punishment is loss of a job he does not deserve, and we get to pay the $46 million if the civil suit succeeds. He should die, slowly.
Out on the road Friday for some inspections. I hear the PD in the neighboring township get a call for a reckless motorist. A black Honda with NJ tags speeding and weaving in and out of traffic on a local road. There is someone on the phone with 911 trying to get the police to catch up but no PD close by. After a couple minutes, the caller terminates the call.
About 20 minutes later, our PD gets a call for a reckless motorist. A black Honda with NJ tags now heading southeast through our Township at a high rate of speed. Now how much of an a$$#@!& do you have to be to have two people call the PD about you in less than an hour :rolleyes: ? The caller is not following the Honda, just reporting it.
The car is past my location and going in the other direction. I drive about 2-3 more minutes to my next inspection. Just a I pull in, we get dispatched for an accident with injuries.
I arrive right behind the first PD unit. Black Honda with NJ tags facing east in the westbound land - heavy front end damage, but the kid is out of the car walking around.
The westbound car is in the trees with front end damage. The guy in this car is has gotten out and is on the ground - chest pain probably from the airbags. All he keeps repeating is that the oncoming car was in his lane and he tried to avoid it but couldn't.
The kid was getting checked out by the medics when I was heading out but appeared to be unhurt.
I really don't care how fast anyone drives. I don't know if the kid ran out of talent or never had any. The medics and PD had it well in hand - but I really had to leave before I said something I'd regret later. :shakehead
12-08-10, 09:44 AM
Simple question: is it against local law to use turn signals in the Cincinnati area? :flame:
Don Quixote
12-08-10, 09:53 AM
Simple question: is it against local law to use turn signals in the Cincinnati area? :flame:I don't know about that, but it is required that three cars go through the light after it turns red.
Simple question: is it against local law to use turn signals in the Cincinnati area? :flame:
I think they operate on the theory that if they let you know what they intend to do then you might block it. Random moves into the left lane and turns from the center lane are best executed by surprise.
Don Quixote
12-08-10, 11:18 AM
I think they operate on the theory that if they let you know what they intend to do then you might block it. Random moves into the left lane and turns from the center lane are best executed by surprise.That is a great theory. I noticed while driving in Cali that if you signal a lane change, the car in the lane will move up to keep you from doing it. After a while you learn to stop using the turn signal.
12-08-10, 11:20 AM
My wife was pulled over last week for "improper seat belt usage". Yes, she was wearing her seat belt, but in the officer's opinion the shoulder belt was worn too far down (it was just over her shoulder at the top of her arm instead of the "proper" method of across the collar bone). After a 10 minute lecture and 10 more minutes of running her plates he wrote her a warning. In VA the police were not allowed to pull someone for a seat belt violation only, it had to be observed while witnessing a moving violation...obviously FL is different.
The same evening my 27 year old nephew was given a $100 ticket for playing his car stereo too loudly. This was witnessed by a police officer while both were stopped at a red light. The police car was 8 cars back! My nephew claimed he didn't even have his stereo on but the officer said his windows were down so it had to be him. To make things more frustrating, the officer had a ride along passenger...plains clothes with no visible identification i.e. badge on his belt. This unidentified person proceeded to stick his head inside my nephews car to look around. My nephew asked him what he was looking for and instead of answering him directly, he said to the uniformed cop (standing on the other side of the car) "this one's got an attitude problem.) and then asked my nephew what was in his trunk. At that point my nephew asked him "who are you?" and the uniformed cop responded with emphasis "that's none of your business!" and dropped the ticket in his lap.
BS. Maybe I should have put this in the 'Welcome to the USSA' thread. Annoys the hell out of me.
Sean, if he is in that situation and can pull it off, he should take a picture of the cop (or cop's drinking buddy, or whomever) and then ID him later. But be aware that they are not fond of that, and in some jurisdictions, it is illegal to do so (USSA indeed). But you should also tell him that if he played his stereo too loudly, he is an ******* and deserved it. :laugh:
12-08-10, 11:46 AM
Sean, if he is in that situation and can pull it off, he should take a picture of the cop (or cop's drinking buddy, or whomever) and then ID him later. But be aware that they are not fond of that, and in some jurisdictions, it is illegal to do so (USSA indeed). But you should also tell him that if he played his stereo too loudly, he is an ******* and deserved it. :laugh:
That's the rub...I only half believe my nephew. I mean...he does have 2 700w amps in the back with 4 12" subs. :)
I'm just glad I'm not 27 any more.
Both of those stops sound like "fishing expeditions". :rolleyes:
You know, I don't think my attitudes about authority have changed much since I was 27. What has changed is my experience level and ability to avoid trouble rather than find it. Plus, I look like an old fart, so they never suspect me. :rofl:
12-08-10, 11:53 AM
I don't know about that, but it is required that three cars go through the light after it turns red.
They really should come up with a national standard for that, it is five in Salt Lake. It gets confusing.
Simple question: is it against local law to use turn signals in the Cincinnati area? :flame:
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it is in Connecticut. The last minute braking before the turn is the only warning you get here.
12-08-10, 12:26 PM
In VA the police were not allowed to pull someone for a seat belt violation only, it had to be observed while witnessing a moving violation..
That's how it rolls for texting while driving up here. They can't nail you specifically for the texting, it has to be observed while making another moving violation. However, they can and will nail you for $300 and 2 points if you're yammering away on your cell.
That's how it rolls for texting while driving up here. They can't nail you specifically for the texting, it has to be observed while making another moving violation. However, they can and will nail you for $300 and 2 points if you're yammering away on your cell.
I think texting while driving is far worse than talking. You may as well be reading a book.
12-08-10, 01:29 PM
Situation 1: Blue Ash, OH. Driving on four lane road, I'm in right lane, 2 carlengths behind car in left lane. Car comes over to right lane without signal; now I am right on top of the offending car. Car immediately hits the brakes, slows, and makes a right turn into an office complex... no signal for any of the moves.
Situation 2: Cincinnati, OH. I'm behind a car leaving Walgreens. Exit area is two lanes wide, clearly marked left turn and right turn lanes. Car in front is straddling the lanes with no signal on. Based on prior experience, people who do this are *always* turning left -- people turning right will hug the right-side curb. So since this Einstein is not moving despite no traffic -- NONE --, I start to squeeze past him to the right so I can make a right turn. Horn blast, fist shake, and an immediate right-hand turn by the car. No signal...
12-08-10, 02:19 PM
. . and in some jurisdictions, it is illegal to do so . . . .
Was it Ill or Mass they were arresting people and taking away their camaras when they taped cops beating the crap out of people, and then the prosecutors then charged the citizens with something like videotaping someone without their consent.
Bull Connor was just opperating 40 years too early.
Situation 2: Cincinnati, OH. I'm behind a car leaving Walgreens. Exit area is two lanes wide, clearly marked left turn and right turn lanes. Car in front is straddling the lanes with no signal on.
Fear of commitment: "I'd like to turn left, but if traffic is bad so I reserve the option to turn right without warning. Especially if someone else is going to go right and pass me while I'm sitting here like an idiot."
In VA the police were not allowed to pull someone for a seat belt violation only, it had to be observed while witnessing a moving violation...obviously FL is different.
Isn't there a national "Click it or Ticket" dragnet underway where they are specifically targeting seat belt violations?
It was likely just a random stop to make his quota of warnings for the day.
Remember it's all for your safety. :gomer:
Andrew Longman
12-08-10, 05:21 PM
Both of those stops sound like "fishing expeditions". :rolleyes:
In Sit. 1, racer, is she cute? You don't have to tell, but that will get you pulled over sometimes.
In Sit 2, as for the nephew, if he really wants he can ask for a tape of the dash cam (he'll likely have to supply a blank cassette -- yes many still use vhs). It goes on automatically when the lights go on and it is a public record he can ask for before he chooses to plea/pay the ticket. There might be something there to help defend both the noise complaint and question the actions of the other "cop".
Now the bad news for the motoring public is because of the dash cam the officers are watched much more closely and regularly by their supervisors and they aren't as able to "just let you go". Particularly true if there is any question about drinking and driving.
As for pulling you over for not wearing a seat belt. Many states are moving away from requiring another violation before they can pull you over for it. Jersey changed that a few years ago. They also upped the fines for talking on a phone. But first they will have to get the cops to stop. I swear I see cops pass me talking on the phone more than I don't.
12-08-10, 05:43 PM
In Sit. 1, racer, is she cute? You don't have to tell, but that will get you pulled over sometimes.
In Sit 2, as for the nephew, if he really wants he can ask for a tape of the dash cam (he'll likely have to supply a blank cassette -- yes many still use vhs). It goes on automatically when the lights go on and it is a public record he can ask for before he chooses to plea/pay the ticket. There might be something there to help defend both the noise complaint and question the actions of the other "cop".
Now the bad news for the motoring public is because of the dash cam the officers are watched much more closely and regularly by their supervisors and they aren't as able to "just let you go". Particularly true if there is any question about drinking and driving.
As for pulling you over for not wearing a seat belt. Many states are moving away from requiring another violation before they can pull you over for it. Jersey changed that a few years ago. They also upped the fines for talking on a phone. But first they will have to get the cops to stop. I swear I see cops pass me talking on the phone more than I don't.
I'm biased since I'm married to her but she's a 40 year old who looks 30 in person and probably 20 something when seen from outside the car (she's 5'1" 115lbs.). the officer saw she was wearing the belt...just not properly in his opinion. I broke out the cars owners manual and no where in it does it provide a description of improper belt usage. It simply states the manufacturer highly recommends wearing one at all times. So I'm assuming it's subjective or that there is state (maybe even federal?) regulations that detail what is proper vs improper usage.
Andrew Longman
12-08-10, 06:12 PM
I'm biased ...No you're not. Your truth is all either of you need. :)
A lot of drivers, women and especially short women, put the shoulder strap behind them or under their arm because otherwise it cuts across their throat and/or musses their dress. That rendered them pretty useless so I guess they make a law about it. A quick google didn't tell me much but I guess if the law says you have to wear it, it means you have to wear it correctly.
FWIW my current cars are the only I've ever had that had a height adjustment for the shoulder strap. I'm sympathetic to not wanting to ride around either on a phone book or with a strap across my neck.
As for pulling you over for not wearing a seat belt. Many states are moving away from requiring another violation before they can pull you over for it. Jersey changed that a few years ago. They also upped the fines for talking on a phone. But first they will have to get the cops to stop. I swear I see cops pass me talking on the phone more than I don't.Cops are above the law.
12-08-10, 07:54 PM
I got a ticket for speeding a few months ago. The trooper approached my car from the passenger side. When she approached I unfastened my seatbelt to reach across to open my window on the passenger side. She leaned in and the first thing she said was " Is there some reason you aren't wearing your seatbelt?". When she heard this she just shrugged and wrote me up for speeding.
FWIW my current cars are the only I've ever had that had a height adjustment for the shoulder strap. I'm sympathetic to not wanting to ride around either on a phone book or with a strap across my neck.
Any luck with a cushion?
12-08-10, 11:45 PM
Was it Ill or Mass they were arresting people and taking away their camaras when they taped cops beating the crap out of people, and then the prosecutors then charged the citizens with something like videotaping someone without their consent.
"When the police act as though cameras were the equivalent of guns pointed at them, there is a sense in which they are correct. Cameras have become the most effective weapon that ordinary people have to protect against and to expose police abuse. And the police want it to stop."
It's illegal here in Illinois, using a very stretched interpretation of the law that forbids recording a telephone conversation without the consent of both parties. Of course, that law in no way applies to the cops...
"When the police act as though cameras were the equivalent of guns pointed at them, there is a sense in which they are correct. Cameras have become the most effective weapon that ordinary people have to protect against and to expose police abuse. And the police want it to stop."
It's illegal here in Illinois, using a very stretched interpretation of the law that forbids recording a telephone conversation without the consent of both parties. Of course, that law in no way applies to the cops...
I hope someone is challenging that law. This stuff is scary to me.
'Tis the season. :mad:
Interestingly, three of the four most egregiously bad drivers that I encountered this evening had out of state plates. I'm guessing that means that they're home for the holidays.
Andrew Longman
12-24-10, 11:19 AM
'Tis the season. :mad:Indeed. Came upon a wreck on the highway last night. Probably fatal. Looks like a drunk, maybe stopping off on the way home from the office party, got broadsided pulling out of the liquor store.
Be safe everyone.
12-24-10, 11:39 AM
The drivers haven't been too, too bad around here. Then again, ask me in 10 days once the Canuckistani invasion is over. (B-lo is hosting the World Junior Hockey Championships and something like 65% of the tickets have been bought by our Canuck friends.)
Don Quixote
12-24-10, 06:16 PM
'Tis the season. :mad:
Interestingly, three of the four most egregiously bad drivers that I encountered this evening had out of state plates. I'm guessing that means that they're home for the holidays.I hear that the best drivers left the state. ;) :D
12-28-10, 05:12 PM
Am sure it's on this thread every other post, people that don't signal lane changes are annoying. We counted one ahole on the freeway do it three times in a few seconds yesterday. Multiple drivers on the 5 in Orange County were doing it all day.
opinionated ow
12-28-10, 05:53 PM
South Australians are incapable of maintaining the centre of their lane. They all seem to be right on the left hand edge or over it. Apparently bicycle lanes exist for the left hand wheels of your car. (don't forget we drive on the proper side of the road).
12-30-10, 11:55 PM
I think this qualifies as a road annoyance - *****eads that shovel the snow in their driveways into the street. My wife summed it up nicely when she said "it's like kicking yourself in the butt"
On a regular basis I have to pass a car on the right. This is a dumb chick fixing her hair and make up at 55 mph while in the left lane. I zip by as fast as I can -- taking another route would add almost 30 minutes to my drive. :confused:
that shovel the snow in their driveways into the street.
The main phone line for the town rang almost constantly with complaints on snow removal. The two most common were driveways plowed in or mail boxes getting hit by the snow. These are the same people who will complain that the road is not cleared curb to curb, free of all snow, within an hour after the snow has stopped.
Pushing the snow in the street is also illegal now - police have gone so far as to pinch some plow drivers working shopping centers, etc.
Many towns have even created graphics to show how to properly clear your driveway. My neighbors think I am crazy for snow-blowing the road in front of the house - giving the plow a place to unload.
Andrew Longman
12-31-10, 11:55 AM
The two most common were driveways plowed in or mail boxes getting hit by the snow.Aren't there snow fairies with helicopters who come and carry away those piles of snow at the end of the driveway? Where else would it go? :gomer:
I do feel for people and plows though who live in an area with on street parking, sidewalks and little front yards. (S Philly, where I used to live, etc.) The plows come through and bury the cars. Those digging out the cars have to put the snow someplace. The choices are back in the street -- so you can get the car out but can't drive it anywhere, on the sidewalk, or cover up the front of the house (if there is even room for that).
About the best you can do is get the car out as best you can and park it over at a supermarket parking lot and wait until spring.
12-31-10, 12:45 PM
My neighbors think I am crazy for snow-blowing the road in front of the house
We have on-street alternate side parking in the city. When the cars are parked on my side of the street, we do have to snow-blow the road between the two parked cars. Basically, we have to plow the street from the end of our driveway to where the tire tracks are in the middle of the road. It stinks that we have to do it, but if we didn't, that space wouldn't see a plow until after the cars move to the other side of the street.
Also, I hate people who fail to move their cars to the opposite side of the street at the designated day/time. It just makes it that much more difficult for a plow to get down the street.
for reals? :D
New York Snow Removal Technique:
Step 1 - Obtain numerous wooden shipping pallets - 100 or so.
Step 2 - Arrange uniformly across your snow covered yard. Do not overlap or stack. Air flow is utmost.
Step 3 - Sprinkle the pallets liberally with gasoline.
Step 4 - Ignite.
Step 5 - Sit back and watch as the frozen bane melts away down the street.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but creepers drive me nuts. Folks sitting @ lights moving forward a few feet @ a time anticipating lights, etc. (usually wrongly due to left turn signals or different light sequences). :saywhat:
I always judge them to have jumped the start or red lighted and then disqualify them from the subsequent standing start/drag race.
Winter Edition
People don't seem to understand that the real danger of driving in the winter isn't the conditions at any given moment, it's how quickly conditions can change. So they're zipping along at 75 on clear, dry pavement and suddenly they find themselves on a curved bridge covered with patchy ice.
So what do they do? They hit their brakes on the icy bridge. :irked:
01-22-11, 07:57 PM
I read this and ya know who really annoys me, ****ers who go the speed limit, especially on roads where it's illegal to pass. :mad: Unless you're an old-timer or a kid who just got their license, it's ok to go 5-7 mph over. Really it is, you won't crash and the cops don't care.
I read this and ya know who really annoys me, ****ers who go the speed limit, especially on roads where it's illegal to pass. :mad: Unless you're an old-timer or a kid who just got their license, it's ok to go 5-7 mph over. Really it is, you won't crash and the cops don't care.
Ever driven I-70 in Ohio? Do the speed limit or get pinged. Ohio State Troopers dont give any slack. Not even 5MPH.
01-22-11, 08:25 PM
Ever driven I-70 in Ohio? Do the speed limit or get pinged. Ohio State Troopers dont give any slack. Not even 5MPH.
You are correct. Ohio does not count, I'm talking about the real world which is all the rest of the roads. And those Ohio nazis know nobody will challenge the ticket because most would be dismissed for speedo error.
01-22-11, 08:36 PM
You do the speed limit in Utah and you will get run over. More than once I have marveled at five lanes of dense traffic cruising along at 80mph:eek:
Evidently readymix concrete trucks do not have speed limiters on them.:saywhat:
There are parts of Utah where the speed limit is 80 mph. I have to say that a 1995 Subaru Outback has a built in speed limit of ~95 mph, downhill with a tailwind:saywhat:
Ever driven I-70 in Ohio? Do the speed limit or get pinged. Ohio State Troopers dont give any slack. Not even 5MPH.
It's the opposite of the old saying about bears. You don't have to be the slowest guy on the road. Just slower than someone in front of you. Anyway, I routinely drive 10 over and haven't had an Ohio ticket in four years.
I read this and ya know who really annoys me, ****ers who go the speed limit, especially on roads where it's illegal to pass. :mad: Unless you're an old-timer or a kid who just got their license, it's ok to go 5-7 mph over. Really it is, you won't crash and the cops don't care.
I can't fault anyone for driving the speed limit. Just keep right and if you're on a road with limited passing opportunities be courteous and let traffic by when you have an opportunity. Don't be that guy who speeds up when the passing zone finally opens up.
opinionated ow
01-22-11, 09:11 PM
Was driving through Munno Parra this morning (for those who know SA; for those who don't it is absolute bogan country) and I went to run right at a T-intersection whilst a car turned left, so I went around him to get to the other side (remember reversed compare to you guys). As I'm 3/4 of the way around the turn some stupid old bag too busy smoking a cigarette to pay attention decides to go around the turning vehicle in front of her by driving on the wrong side of the road. It's a good thing I have ABS because otherwise I'd have t-boned her and her 20 year old Suzuki Swift would have crumpled on her.
01-22-11, 11:37 PM
I can't fault anyone for driving the speed limit. Just keep right and if you're on a road with limited passing opportunities be courteous and let traffic by when you have an opportunity. Don't be that guy who speeds up when the passing zone finally opens up.
Remember Nigel and the end of the '93 500? "Everybody kind of cheats on the restarts" When you know a passing zone is opening up, drop back, then accelerate so you have the momentum to make the pass right at the start of the passing zone.
I had to do this in Michigan on US 10 when the passing lanes would open up.
Remember Nigel and the end of the '93 500? "Everybody kind of cheats on the restarts" When you know a passing zone is opening up, drop back, then accelerate so you have the momentum to make the pass right at the start of the passing zone.
I had to do this in Michigan on US 10 when the passing lanes would open up.
That's how I got my last speeding ticket. :tony:
01-23-11, 01:45 AM
Jeebus, you folks sure are not into lawns in Adelaide.:eek: Don't you get huge dust storms every time the wind blows?
01-23-11, 02:15 AM
Ever driven I-70 in Ohio? Do the speed limit or get pinged. Ohio State Troopers dont give any slack. Not even 5MPH.
What's the speed limit on the tollway there? Here we're utterly screwed, because the limit is 55, and 30 over is now a felony, or somesuch. Unless you're trooper Matt, in which case you can just drive along texting at 126+ and kill people.
opinionated ow
01-23-11, 04:18 AM
Jeebus, you folks sure are not into lawns in Adelaide.:eek: Don't you get huge dust storms every time the wind blows?
It's just brown grass :laugh:
Most places do have a lawn but half the time it doesn't rain here so it tends to look rather horrid.
02-02-11, 02:31 AM
Seeing a big American flag flying out the window of an import- a 2002 Toyota Corolla. F u u are an idiot! This should be illegal. Would have flipped him off if I was near it ( I was in the parking lot- it was driving by. )
02-10-11, 10:53 PM
Strange cop cars pulling people over, and then I call 911, thinking it's an impersonator. (Last week) There's an undercover La County Sherrif's deputy who's pulling people over in this neighborhood- in a RED at least 15 years old, fourth gen 91-96 Caprice. The car is unmarked and has standard civilian plates. It's totally bizarre. Even the undercover stuff around here is totally obvious and this car is not obvious.
Apparently it's legit, because I saw him a second time this week. Ah well the good thing is, after I seen him the first time his cover's blown, I'll make sure I don't do anything stupid driving around here. :thumdown:
That is wierd. I don't know if I'd stop for a Red police car. I might pull to the right thinking it was a fire chief, but I'm not waiting for the guy to walk up to my door.
This morning I saw emergency license plates on a unmarked, two tone 15-year old Ford pickup complete with a ladder rack and locker boxes in the bed. It looked like a contractor's truck with stolen cop plates. Very suspicious, especially since he was driving 5 mph below the posted speed limit.
Ridley Township, PA has had cars like these for years:
My Dad was was Police Chief for >20 years. He said if you were sure it was a real PD officer pulling you over - turn on flashers, drive slowly, call 911 - all the same info as here (
Unmarked cars are all sorts any more. Some PD's have stopped painting old PD cars and now purchase used rental cars for umarked units.
02-12-11, 02:42 AM
As soon as I can I'll get a pic. This is a serious q: It's not illegal to photograph a cop car right? (Ill make sure it's not with a camera phone while driving, then I'm getting a ticket too!) I don't care if he starts harrasing me and running all my clean record just to screw with me, I just want a pic of this.
Plays to the least common denominator, but a needed message for one of my road annoyances...
Plays to the least common denominator, but a needed message for one of my road annoyances...
Yeah, it just makes sense to pull over...and then follow them like a lead blocker. :gomer: :p
opinionated ow
04-25-11, 09:21 PM
south australians are the most annoying thing on the road. They have no common sense, common decency or skill. In NSW we'd fail them in a driving test...
04-26-11, 02:43 AM
Seeing a big American flag flying out the window of an import- a 2002 Toyota Corolla. F u u are an idiot! This should be illegal. Would have flipped him off if I was near it ( I was in the parking lot- it was driving by. )
I like the ones flying off of American cars and trucks, the ones where the wind has ripped the flag to shreds and it's plastered with road grime. They usually have some ultra patriotic stickers on the back, suggesting that they would support laws that would prevent flag desecration.:saywhat:
Speaking of flags, lately my favorite annoyance involves those who somehow get to claim they are more patriotic than everyone else while flying the flag of treason. :shakehead (
How does a thread on bad driving habits turn political? :yuck:
04-26-11, 12:44 PM
Okay you know how you are supposed to pull off to the right & stop when a fire truck is coming down the road in front of you... All fine & good and I do it all the time except yesterday I was almost hit by some abject moron who saw the fire truck coming down the road and immediately swerved right and stood on the brakes. The road, 7th East, is the largest north/south arteries in Salt Lake. three lanes in each direction with a 15 foot wide AND 2 FOOT TALL concrete garden box divider for a median. Unless that fire truck was going to sprout wings and learn to fly it wasn't getting onto our side of the road. This jackass didn't bother to look to see if anyone was in the two lanes to the right when they dove for the side of the road either.:irked: Damned fool nearly caused a multiple car accident.
All of this in a town where people not yielding to fire trucks is a major problem:shakehead
Seriously, would you think a fire truck is going to hop this median?
04-26-11, 01:22 PM
Seriously, would you think a fire truck is going to hop this median?
The panicky drivers are the best. On Ouelette Ave here (the major north/south street out of downtown) you see them all the time. Ouelette houses Fire Station 1 and HQ, and one of the larger hospitals that services the whole west side. Needless to say, it sees alot of flashing lights on a daily basis. A few times i've watched cars damn near hit parked cars because they swerve when they first hear or see the siren, even though its usually still a good ways away.
04-26-11, 01:28 PM
Local towns around here have been pulling people over for having obstructed vision due to air fresheners.
04-26-11, 03:18 PM
How does a thread on bad driving habits turn political? :yuck:
no offence intended, I just struggle with hypocracy in all forms.
04-26-11, 04:28 PM
no offence intended, I just struggle with hypocracy in all forms.
There you go again! Hypocrisy is all some folks have, and here you are wanting to take it away from them?
Typical West-coast elitist.
no offence intended, I just struggle with hypocracy in all forms.
It wasn't your post I thought was inappropriate.
It wasn't your post I thought was inappropriate.
Huh? Political? Maybe it's political circa 1863 to call the Confederate flag "the flag of treason" but I'm not sure that really plays these days.
Treason or no, it's pretty stupid to paste the battle flag of a long dead rebel army over a the symbol of the government that they fought and put "these colors don't run" under it. :shakehead
</segue back on topic>
As for yielding to emergency vehicles - that's the point. Yield. Make your best effort to quickly, safely allow them by. In general I think you're best not to make any sudden moves, especially in traffic. Signal what you're doing, make sure you're clear, and do it.
And I don't think there's a need to pull over or stop for one on the other side of a divided road except that you should never enter an intersection in case they're turning and you should be alert for them possibly crossing the median to get around backed up traffic at an intersection or accident scene.
04-26-11, 06:52 PM
I hate siren sounds in radio commercials...
I hate siren sounds in radio commercials...
There should be a law...
In general I think you're best not to make any sudden moves, especially in traffic. Signal what you're doing, make sure you're clear, and do it.
If there is no shoulder or a safe place to yield, put your right indicator on showing you see me, and drive along to somewhere you CAN safely yield.
That said, I've had to train many responders that blowing the siren can't make cars in front levitate.
04-26-11, 08:55 PM
Speaking of flags, lately my favorite annoyance involves those who somehow get to claim they are more patriotic than everyone else while flying the flag of treason. :shakehead (
04-26-11, 09:04 PM
Bs, you agree that it's questionable behavior, or Bs, you dispute his assertion that he finds it annoying?
04-26-11, 09:52 PM
Bs, you agree that it's questionable behavior, or Bs, you dispute his assertion that he finds it annoying?
You tell me smart guy. :gomer:
04-26-11, 10:30 PM
There you go again! Hypocrisy is all some folks have, and here you are wanting to take it away from them?
Typical West-coast elitist.
We all have to make sacrifices in these difficult times...
04-27-11, 01:23 AM
Well I'll chime in that I find that eagle to be highly offensive bordering on the treasonous and I would find it annoying to see it on somebody's truck while driving down the road.
04-27-11, 02:10 AM
You tell me smart guy. :gomer:
Hmmm. Neither- you're just flirting with Indy?
Don Quixote
04-27-11, 07:47 AM
How did they get the eagle to hold still long enough to paint a flag on its face? :gomer:
Is that your pet name for me or should I be offended? :gomer:
Seriously, I was not thinking about that being political. It really has no bearing on current politics, unless you want to identify brain-dead rednecks as a goup who deserve protection from hate speech. I picked that image because I saw something similar to it recently, but more often I have seen trucks with American AND Confederate flags affixed, which makes me wonder if the driver is a traitor to the U.S. or to the Confederacy. Or if he is a stealth genius who enjoys irony.
Regardless, it is a road annoyance to me.
Thinking about the responders in the "Pull to the Right" video I posted. :(
No doubt they have their hands full there this weekend.
High Sided
05-02-11, 06:59 PM
newest annoyance... Red Light Camera's :thumdown:
just found out my last trip to the Dr's office is costing me $100 extra for making a right on yellow/red, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr:irked:
pic's and notice came in the mail today along with a link to watch it all unfold on video. i came to the intersection while the light was yellow but the dam thing turned red before my tires crossed the white line. you can see that i was braking and in the turning motion from the pics but the video surely got me not stopping. Sucks because my driving style has change so much with the gas crisis. after making the right i got onto the highway and drove home in the slow lane 50-55 mph trying to squeeze as many miles as i can out of a tank of gas. i've actually been having fun driving slow, coasting whenever possible, anything to slow down the gas gauge.
My latest annoyance:
A FedEx 18-wheeler on the freeway that at the last second swerves across 3 lanes of traffic to avoid missing an exit. :eek::eek::eek: I have never seen anything like that. holy moly. :shakehead
So after we dumped the Odyssey and picked up the Suburban - I am driving something larger than 95% of the other stuff on the road. Not counting the commercial trucks at least.
Yet I am have had more close calls driving the USS Family Cruiser Truck than with any of my other stuff combined. :saywhat: People cut me short changing lanes in traffic, pull out directly in front of me, race me to merge points, etc, etc.
Black paint and they can't see me? Anger at my hunk of fossil fuel burning iron? Everyone hates GM? :confused: At least the laws of physics are on my side.
03-12-13, 11:43 AM
I feel the need to rant. I have to make a left turn onto a marginally busy four lane road every morning. It is quite possibly the most aggravating point of my day. Utah drivers generally suck and the traffic on the road is a mixture of people going 25 mph to 45 mph when it is posted 35 mph. There are traffic lights a quarter mile in either direction and half drivers will see it turn red and immediately lift and coast for that quarter mile while the other half maintains their 10 mph over the limit until the last possible second. And then there are the center left turn lane crowd who want to turn somewhere along that half mile so they pull into the center lane and coast up to their turning point, sandbagging essentially, waiting for a gap. They'll creep along at 10 mph and essentially block anyone else from using that lane.
These people are why I do not own semiautomatic weapons.
03-12-13, 02:15 PM
You say Utah drivers suck, but I think drivers must suck, period. Nobody has ever gotten on here and said "the drivers in my <area, town, city> are pretty good."
Your description may as well be a description of the Southport Road area in Indianapolis. Idiots.
03-12-13, 02:38 PM
There's a very narrow, windy, and beautiful road that runs between the small city I live in and the small town where I went to college. It's heavily wooded with some nice elevation changes. It's fabulous for pretending that you're Caracciola on the Nordschleife, until you come screaming around a corner behind a tractor or something similar. The best part is two low clearance railroad underpasses, each at the apex of a 10-mph corner. This is clearly not a road suitable for commercial traffic, and as there's a major highway a few miles North it doesn't get any.
Until now. Twice in two weeks some bozo in a tractor trailer has managed to wedge himself under one of the underpasses. This road would be a nightmare for a heavy truck even without the clearance problems. These things have been here for nearly 100 years, so it's not like it's a recent problem. I suspect they're getting creative trying to circumvent a weigh station...
Is that last picture in 3D?:gomer:
03-12-13, 02:53 PM
Our police cruisers have calibrated crimson and cyan lights to aid with anaglyph photography. :tony:
03-12-13, 03:58 PM
Hey Data, Cleveland got you beat on that one. The Cleveland Shoreway was closed the last few days when some guy in a truck with a bed that lifts somehow was driving with the bed up and hit a pedestrian bridge and knocking it partially off its base:
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