View Full Version : Road annoyances
11-02-09, 02:11 PM
Unfortunately for my blood pressure, I'm in a near-constant state of annoyance when driving on the roads of Central Indiana. Let me list just a few pet peeves, and encourage you to chime in with your own. What good will this do? Probably nothing, but perhaps one of us will see something that we routinely do or do not do, and stop it/start it for the benefit of all.
- Not using turn signals / using them inappropriately. This is followed closely by "police who do not enforce turn signal laws or use them in their patrol car".
- Not pulling into an exit lane as soon as it begins. You're on the interstate, a lane begins on the right shoulder to pull into to begin deceleration for your exit, and you pull in. Oh, but 30 yards before that lane splits from the highway, Gimpy McBraindead in front of you decides "welp, I otter get over now!! H'yuck!".
- Waiting at a four-way stop for an indeterminable period of time for me to come to a stop at the intersection before you will go. Granted, if I were screeching and sliding into the stop sign, I can see why you would pause, but I'm going 5mph and coasting to a stop. You can go before I stop at my sign! You are holding up everyone behind you!
- Riding with your left foot on the brake, causing your brake lights to be in a constant "on" state. Do you realize that nobody knows when you're *actually* slowing down when the lights are always on? "But I'm driving like a real racecar driver!" A really bad one, maybe.
- Failing to move out of the fast lane when the flow of traffic calls for it. The left lane (check local listings) is there to pass people, not to cruise at 57mph. "But I'm obeying the law! *snarf*" All you are doing is entangling traffic.
- Speeding up to pass me, then going back to your original speed, which means I have to overtake you. Then doing it again and giving me a dirty look when you pass the second time. Generally, I mouth "CRUISE CONTROL" when you pass the second time.
- I put my signal on to get into the left lane, and you speed up to ensure that I cannot.
- Failing to take your right-of-way. You may think you're being nice by stopping in the middle of the road to allow the guy in the opposite lane to turn left in front of you, but you are breaking the law. When you are the fifth car in a line at a light, and the light turns green, you should *not* wave the guy from the gas station out in front of you. You are impeding traffic; the impetus is on him to wait for a suitable time to get out onto the road.
- On a left-turn arrow, everyone allowing 5-10 carlengths between each car going through the light. (then naturally, the next bullet point happens) Hey good work fellas, we got six whole cars through that arrow that was 35 seconds long!
- The last two cars turning left on a yellow/red arrow, killing the flow of the intersection.
Okay, this is about 1/20th of what peeves me on the road... happy to hear your additions or rebuttals..
11-02-09, 02:25 PM
my biggest has always been the people who fail to use the on ramp/off ramps properly.... get up to highway speed on the acceleration ramp, not go half speed on it until you merge fully, force a bunch of people to slow down/change lanes then start to speed up. When I'm stuck behind these people, Its guaranteed to have to try and merge with a truck barrelling up in the right lane.
On the flip side, don't brake till you're fully in the deceleration lane. They make these ramps long enough to allow this people.
The other highway one would be people who pass while remaining on cruise control.... at about 1 mph faster than the car they're passing. Most cruises remain on even if you put your foot on the gas so that when you're done, just remove your foot and the car will return to its original cruise speed.
11-02-09, 02:27 PM
-if the passee has to use the brakes to accomodate the passer, then the passer made an improper pass. now, that said, if I'm in the left lane, moving faster than traffic on the right, and you're riding my a$$, then screw you, you can wait until I get a gap.
-"zipping" up the left to cut in front of everyone waiting in a line for an exit. unless you've got lights & a siren, or have a name that begins with HRH, wait with the rest of us - i'm not leaving you a gap (i'm the guy always yelling at the guy in front who made room for someone to cut in).
-and the immortal GET OFF THE FRIGGIN PHONE!
11-02-09, 02:31 PM
- Failing to move out of the fast lane when the flow of traffic calls for it. The left lane (check local listings) is there to pass people, not to cruise at 57mph. "But I'm obeying the law! *snarf*" All you are doing is entangling traffic.
Here in VA (and other states, I suspect), if you're in the left lane with faster traffic approaching from the rear, you're required by law to move to the right, regardless of the speeds involved.
If State Police ever chose to actually enforce that particular law, there would be enough revenue generated on I-95 North between Richmond & DC alone to counteract any budget shortfalls for the next decade.
11-02-09, 02:42 PM
- Failing to take your right-of-way. You may think you're being nice by stopping in the middle of the road to allow the guy in the opposite lane to turn left in front of you, but you are breaking the law. When you are the fifth car in a line at a light, and the light turns green, you should *not* wave the guy from the gas station out in front of you. You are impeding traffic; the impetus is on him to wait for a suitable time to get out onto the road.
This drives me freaking nuts. Where I run into it is at the intersection of the minor road and the major road. I'm waiting patiently to make my left hand turn, and every guy opposite me wants to generously wave me through ahead of them. :saywhat:
Are you ALL from Minnesota? If you'd gone when you had the right of way, it WOULD be my turn now!!!! :flame::flame:
Oh, I do feel so much better now.
Let me add a new one:
-police who flick on the lights just to scoot through an intersection, then go back to running slow and silent on the other side. :irked:
Sean Malone
11-02-09, 02:53 PM
"- Speeding up to pass me, then going back to your original speed, which means I have to overtake you. Then doing it again and giving me a dirty look when you pass the second time. Generally, I mouth "CRUISE CONTROL" when you pass the second time."
Which is why I think there should be a cruise control indicator light on the back of cars. When I used to run up and down 95 between VA and FL by biggest pet peeve was when I would be in the right hand lane with cruise control on...closing in on slower traffic but the guy flying up on my left decides to conveniently slow down right when he gets next to me which causes me to cancel cruise control, slow down, get behind him and then follow him past the slower traffic. Oh look, he's speeding up now, ugh!!!
Maybe just a little purple light on the back of the car that shows people your on cc.
11-02-09, 03:11 PM
Here in VA (and other states, I suspect), if you're in the left lane with faster traffic approaching from the rear, you're required by law to move to the right, regardless of the speeds involved.
the epic battle between "failure to yield to oncoming traffic" versus "assured clear distance". all i know is, when the cop sees damage to the back of the leading vehicle, and the front of the trailing vehicle, it's game over; here's your "assured clear distance" ticket. thanks for coming.
11-02-09, 03:52 PM
- The last two cars turning left on a yellow/red arrow, killing the flow of the intersection.
If you had ever driven in Utah you would have written
- The last six cars turning left on a red arrow, killing the flow of the intersection.
I go over a small hill every morning. At the bottom most people are doing 60-65 mph. At the top we're all doing 45-50 mph because no one adjusts the gas pedal.
Here in VA (and other states, I suspect), if you're in the left lane with faster traffic approaching from the rear, you're required by law to move to the right, regardless of the speeds involved.
If State Police ever chose to actually enforce that particular law, there would be enough revenue generated on I-95 North between Richmond & DC alone to counteract any budget shortfalls for the next decade.
Unfortunately not so here in oHIo (check my location 411). Folks here are allowed to cruise all day in the left lane. In PA there are signs the left lane being for passing only (it's the law), but it's been getting worse with each passing year on our way to OCNJ. :irked:
Sean Malone
11-02-09, 05:11 PM
In VA on 95... if you're in the left hand lane and holding people up you WILL be pushed out of the way. And if you're stubborn about it...prepare yourself for a mercilessness onslaught.
In VA on 95... if you're in the left hand lane and holding people up you WILL be pushed out of the way. And if you're stubborn about it...prepare yourself for a mercilessness onslaught.
Come drive in oHIo's NASCAB drafting @ it's finest. One car holds up a dozen or so cars, so occasionally ya hafta get out of line and race the cars on the left to the car ahead in the right hand lane. :saywhat: Drives the wife nutz when I do this. :gomer:
11-02-09, 06:50 PM
People not speeding up on onramps getting onto the freeway. Cannot even begin to tell you the number of times I have either been on the freeway with ALL lanes doing 65+ and having to slam onto the brakes or speed up to let these asshats into traffic, or being stuck behind another car getting on doing a nice pleasant 35mph, causing absolute havoc on the freeway trying to let us in.
Also, morons that feel like driving through a contruction zone, is actually reason to drive like you are in an autocross event and go FASTER than you were in the non construction zone.
I think signaling is now optional.
What annoys me is when I stop at a four-way stop sign, apparently that means the other car approaching his stop can just run it because he's clear on my side.
In VA on 95... if you're in the left hand lane and holding people up you WILL be pushed out of the way. And if you're stubborn about it...prepare yourself for a mercilessness onslaught.
Wait for someone to punch a hole, then follow your lead blocker thru the gap before the slow poke can move over to close it down.
Sometimes though I figure the guy slicing and dicing his way thru traffic doesn't really want me to get out of his way because he's having more fun weaving back and forth.
11-02-09, 07:44 PM
I have to drive past/thru the airport on my way home from the office. I hate with a passion those people pulling out of the airport who are in the left hand lane futzing with their GPS in their rental car while going 30 mph in a 50 zone.
Also related are those people leaving said airport who decide they need to get off at the 90 exit that's on the far right, and decide to cut across three lanes of traffic and/or come to a complete stop so someone will let them cut across.
11-02-09, 07:56 PM
Big trailers who think they own the road and two, sometimes three block all the traffic.
Good thing we have a local ordinance banning trailer trucks in the left lane.
The other highway one would be people who pass while remaining on cruise control.... at about 1 mph faster than the car they're passing. Most cruises remain on even if you put your foot on the gas so that when you're done, just remove your foot and the car will return to its original cruise speed.
Preach it brother Steve!
I'd like to add another. The dooshbags who make a turn in front of you and force you to slam on the brakes and then looking in the mirror and seeing that there is no one behind you. :finger:
Random Acts of Senseless Braking.
Harshes my tailgating buzz... ;)
- Waiting at a four-way stop for an indeterminable period of time for me to come to a stop at the intersection before you will go. Granted, if I were screeching and sliding into the stop sign, I can see why you would pause, but I'm going 5mph and coasting to a stop. You can go before I stop at my sign! You are holding up everyone behind you!
Sorry, maybe I just don't trust you. :D I understand and agree with your point in principle. But most people on the roads are idiots and I really don't trust them. If they're clearly stopping and have obviously seen me then I'll proceed. "Clear" and "obvious" are key words in there. One of my pet peeves is people who fly up to stop signs either not seeing cross traffic until the last minute or hoping it will clear and allow them to make a 25 mph rolling "stop". Those people get to come to a complete stop before I toddle on through the intersection. :p
- Speeding up to pass me, then going back to your original speed, which means I have to overtake you. Then doing it again and giving me a dirty look when you pass the second time. Generally, I mouth "CRUISE CONTROL" when you pass the second time.
But wait it gets worse. I just closed a mile gap on them on cruise control. I pull out to pass them and they start to match my speed. Now my options are to speed up and pass or slow down and fall in behind. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Fall in behind and they slow down. Speed up and they match my speed unless I'm willing to creep up to reckless op ticket speeds. Usually they'll let me slowly creep past. THEN they pull the repass/dirty look move.
I like the cruise sign idea. Especially if it's projected with brain frying lasers.
- I put my signal on to get into the left lane, and you speed up to ensure that I cannot.
Conversely, you signal to get in the left lane, I courteously leave a gap for you and you just sit there and do nothing until the very last second.
Or - I'm passing a line of traffic and you are behind me. A reasonable gap appears ahead and I courteously move to the right. Now we are approaching slower traffic and you haven't passed but you have moved up just far enough to block me from moving left again to pass. I believe that the there is a formula based on the number of miles per hour that I have to slow to fall in behind you that would allow me to calculate your IQ but I have not proven it yet.
- Highway lampreys. These are the people who have no pace of their own but attach themselves to someone else, generally getting in their way and performing any number of the other maneuvers mentioned here to compound the annoyance. They love to latch on and tailgate someone cruising at 85 until the leader pulls off at an exit and they immediately return to wandering down the road at random speeds varying between 65 and 75.
11-03-09, 06:01 AM
I go over a small hill every morning. At the bottom most people are doing 60-65 mph. At the top we're all doing 45-50 mph because no one adjusts the gas pedal.
You have just explained morning rush hour on the 405. :mad:
11-03-09, 06:59 AM
- I put my signal on to get into the left lane, and you speed up to ensure that I cannot.
This is easily solved by having an old car that you're not afraid to crunch up and simply cutting in front of them anyway. Either hit the brakes or hit me - I don't really care which. Those that drive with courtesy are afforded the same. :thumbup:
Some of mine are the people that stop on the on ramp and the others that don't know who has the right of way at a 4-way stop. Usually geezers or teenage girls, it seems.
Another is what we called "The Wisconsin Wedge" growing up, where either 2 or 3 drivers, depending on the number of lanes, will all go within 1-3mph of each other, backing traffic up behind them, completely oblivious to what's happening. :gomer:
- Waiting at a four-way stop for an indeterminable period of time for me to come to a stop at the intersection before you will go. Granted, if I were screeching and sliding into the stop sign, I can see why you would pause, but I'm going 5mph and coasting to a stop. You can go before I stop at my sign! You are holding up everyone behind you!
x 1,000,000
11-03-09, 11:11 AM
my biggest has always been the people who fail to use the on ramp/off ramps properly.... get up to highway speed on the acceleration ramp, not go half speed on it until you merge fully, force a bunch of people to slow down/change lanes then start to speed up. When I'm stuck behind these people, Its guaranteed to have to try and merge with a truck barrelling up in the right lane.
One of my pet peeves is the opposite. The idiots who accelerate in the on ramp and pull out expecting everyone else on the rode to mysteriously change to another dimension, all so they don't have to slow down or look over their shoulder. The sign says yield, and it isn't there for the people already on the highway!
11-03-09, 12:12 PM
One of my pet peeves is the opposite. The idiots who accelerate in the on ramp and pull out expecting everyone else on the rode to mysteriously change to another dimension, all so they don't have to slow down or look over their shoulder. The sign says yield, and it isn't there for the people already on the highway!
Guessing you're from VA or TX -- the sign in most states says "Merge". Only a few states use "Yield" for highway entrances.
Sean Malone
11-03-09, 12:24 PM
Guessing you're from VA or TX -- the sign in most states says "Merge". Only a few states use "Yield" for highway entrances.
On the toll road I commute on here in FL, simply has painted white arrows pointing towards the main road. I rarely see people yielding.
Another is what we called "The Wisconsin Wedge" growing up, where either 2 or 3 drivers, depending on the number of lanes, will all go within 1-3mph of each other, backing traffic up behind them, completely oblivious to what's happening. :gomer:
"Polish Roadblock"
11-03-09, 01:17 PM
You are heading south on Meridian at rush hour at the I-65 interchange. Traffic is stacked up at the next red light, your light is green, and there is no movement in southbound traffic. You pull into the intersection anyway, knowing full well that you will sit there for the entire green arrow cycle, preventing me from turning.
Thanks a lot.
11-03-09, 02:38 PM
Random Acts of Senseless Braking.
Harshes my tailgating buzz... ;)
Sounds reminiscent of a Tora Takagi brake-check for no apparent reason
Al Czervik
11-03-09, 05:30 PM
I have but one simple request:
Drive like you've driven before.
If you're driving during commuting hours or on a major highway, drive like you want to get somewhere.
If you're first in line at a traffic signal, everybody behind you is counting on you to go when the light turns green. You actually get better mileage if you accelerate briskly to your cruising speed.
I've seen an accident on the side of the road. You don't need to slow down to look at it. Especially true if you're going the other direction.
Be respectful and courteous. If traffic is stopped and going from 2 lanes to 1, I may choose to let one car in front of me. The second car can go behind me. If there have been signs for the last 5 miles telling you there is a lane closure coming and you wait 'til the last moment to try to get into my lane, the line forms behind me.
Another is what we called "The Wisconsin Wedge" growing up, where either 2 or 3 drivers, depending on the number of lanes, will all go within 1-3mph of each other, backing traffic up behind them, completely oblivious to what's happening.
"Polish Roadblock"
Driving through Milwaukee is called the "Polish 500", for reasons of "The Wisconsin Wedge", aka the "Polish Roadblock".
opinionated ow
11-03-09, 07:01 PM
Driving through Milwaukee is called the "Polish 500", for reasons of "The Wisconsin Wedge", aka the "Polish Roadblock".
In South Australia this is common practice. Except it'll be Toyota Camrys and they will be 10km/h below the speed limit. The one in te left lane will have two wheels in the bike lane (if there is one) and they'll have no concept of fair road use.
In Queensland they don't know how to use blinkers.
In Victoria the police will book you for one km/h over the limit. If you're from NSW with your yellow and black numberplates (which stand out like a sore thumb) they'll stalk you trying to wait to catch you out.
In Canberra the merge is the responsibility of both lanes rather than that of the one merging into the continuing lane. This also happens at some points in SA where the other lane will just end without warning.
In Sydney the wog boxes will get in your way. Camrys should be avoided because they're driven by people with no clue how to, WRXs are driven by people with small male parts, Barinas/Corsas/Kalos' should be avoided because they're always driven by a 20 something blonde late for gym class who treats them like an F1 car. Mercs are driven by drug dealers and other self gratificationists, Audis by doctors and BMWs by others trading in illegalities in the Bankstown/Punchbowl area.
11-03-09, 07:46 PM
We have an intersection here on the way to work (Valley View and Alondra.) When the light goes green, heading southbound on Valley View, there are cars that do not accelerate fast enough and proceed to open up a 15 car gap to the car in front of them. This creates a huge traffic jam. Annoying as hell! These non flow with the traffic Idiots should be ticketed.
11-03-09, 08:05 PM
People not speeding up on onramps getting onto the freeway. Cannot even begin to tell you the number of times I have either been on the freeway with ALL lanes doing 65+ and having to slam onto the brakes or speed up to let these asshats into traffic, or being stuck behind another car getting on doing a nice pleasant 35mph, causing absolute havoc on the freeway trying to let us in.
YEP! We have a nice flat out right hander onramp I like to speed up for while on the street. I can hold the Escort wagon at the apex around 55-60 when not loaded for gigs and then after the corner there is some more straightaway, at which point im now going faster than freeway traffic. Great fun. Absolutely hate getting stuck behind those 45 mph freeway onramp idiots.
11-03-09, 09:29 PM
Here is a piece of advice for all of you in such a GD hurry. Buy an alarm clock, get up and leave for wherever you are going five minutes early, and viola, you will already be ahead of me.
11-03-09, 09:34 PM
Oh, and another one. When you change lanes, use the turn signal. That stick opposite the cruise control/wiper control mast is not there for some kind of yin-yang balance, it has a real function - it serves to tell drivers around you what your intentions are. Also, when changing lanes, there is no reason to jerk the wheel so violently that your rolling rust-bucket lurches side to side and nearly careens out of control. I swear some swerve, pretending they are steering around a dead body in the road or something.
Here is a piece of advice for all of you in such a GD hurry. Buy an alarm clock, get up and leave for wherever you are going five minutes early, and viola, you will already be ahead of me.
you yell at the kids to get offa yer lawn, too, dontcha?
11-03-09, 10:54 PM
People not speeding up on onramps getting onto the freeway.
Agreed, we need wake up signs that say SPEED ^ UP for on ramps to remind maw & paw not to jump into 65mph freeway traffic going 35mph.
Michigan used to have some great public service TV spots in the 60's. One of them showed a car merging slowly with some goofy tewl driving and an 18 wheeler coming up fast. The tag line was; "Bob had the right of way. He was right....., dead right." then the picture froze at the point where impact would have occurred. :thumbup: Sure enough, people stopped doing that. Duh...
Driving shouldn't be a birthright, it should be a demonstrated competency. My opinion has always been that driving tests should be a lot more like FAA flight tests. I know that would be unpopular with the auto companies but I feel like a solid 60% fail rate would be worth it in saved lives and reduced aggravation for the rest of us. :D
11-04-09, 01:09 AM
Guessing you're from VA or TX -- the sign in most states says "Merge". Only a few states use "Yield" for highway entrances.
Florida, but I'd be surprised if the law in every state wasn't the same. Merging traffic yields to the traffic on the highway. I don't actually drive on the highway much if I can avoid it. We don't have any real highways in our county! Not to mention I put more miles on my bikes than I do my car.
Which reminds me of another annoyance. If you see a cyclist stopped at a cross street, you don't have to stop to let him cross! Many of us use special pedals that our special cycling shoes clip into, amazingly called clipless pedals. These are no problem to get into, except when there is a car sitting there waiting for you to cross and you have to rush. That is when you always miss the pedal and have trouble getting going again! Something about an audience . . .
11-04-09, 02:18 AM
If you see a cyclist stopped at a cross street, you don't have to stop to let him cross!
I have ridden a bicycle in Salt Lake City for more than 20 years now and I can very safely say that no one has ever stopped (sans red light or stop sign) to let me cross. Hell, half the time I'm thankful that they even slow at the stop signs.:shakehead
Motorists who fail to yield to emergency vehicles OR those who don't move to the right. It only takes one car moving to the left to block the only open lane because everyone else has properly moved to the right.
Even worse are the people who drive faster to stay in front of me, using my red lights and siren to move traffic for them. And this is far more common than you might think. :flame:
In PA, we have the YIELD signs - except for the places that put STOP signs at the top of the ramp. So I am getting up to speed, looking to MERGE/YIELD, the road looks clear, then STOP!!!!
11-04-09, 10:36 AM
Driving through Milwaukee is called the "Polish 500", for reasons of "The Wisconsin Wedge", aka the "Polish Roadblock".
I've also heard it called a "Fat Albert."
Driving shouldn't be a birthright, it should be a demonstrated competency. My opinion has always been that driving tests should be a lot more like FAA flight tests. I know that would be unpopular with the auto companies but I feel like a solid 60% fail rate would be worth it in saved lives and reduced aggravation for the rest of us. :D
I'd also vote for the DMV to cross reference paperwork. There was just an accident here Monday that killed 4 teenagers and its now come out that the driver had many violations for speeding/reckless driving (and he was all of 18!) but the DMV never took action to suspend/revoke the license until he got his head screwed on straight because they only deal with convictions and not actual tickets.
In South Australia this is common practice.
I thought you guys all used rocket launchers and grappling hooks and such to self-police your own roads??
Hey, a fourth movie in the pipeline! :thumbup:
Charlize Theron will take a starring role in the fourth Mad Max film, it has been confirmed.
Charlize Theron
Leg hump. :gomer: :D
Hard Driver
11-04-09, 12:53 PM
Here is a piece of advice for all of you in such a GD hurry. Buy an alarm clock, get up and leave for wherever you are going five minutes early, and viola, you will already be ahead of me.
And I will still be pissed when you hog the left lane...
1) Yes, my biggest beef is moving wall, or called the "Wisconsin Wedge" here. I admit, I am a lead foot. I drive a busy 6 lane highway (3 each way) and am fine with the flow going 75 in the left lane most mornings. But then you get some douche bag out in the left lane who decides that they are going to go 65 like the car next to them. So then the road in front of them is wide open and behind them is jammed up 100 cars deep. As they putz along it takes miles to pass a single car.
2) My other beef is if you are on the highway going 65 and come up on a car hogging the left lane. I always wait, give it an opportunity to pull over. But eventually, I will pass on the right. Then all of a sudden as I speed up to 75 to pass, they speed up to 75 too to keep me from passing. I go up to 80, and they go up to 80. So I slow down and get behind them, and then they slow back down to 65.
11-04-09, 12:57 PM
Motorists who fail to yield to emergency vehicles OR those who don't move to the right.
And then you have the ones that pull over and slow down when an emergency vehicle is approaching from the other way on a fully divided interstate. What you actually think that the fire truck is going to vault over the 100 yard gap with the 200 foot elevation difference between the east & west bound lanes? I mean really, wtf are you thinking:flame::flame::flame:
11-04-09, 02:17 PM
Leaving on turn signals-for miles when you are not turning then ignoring my flashing lights in your mirros that are trying to signal you to turn them off (and return the annoyance). (This happened this morning- blind and dumb!)
Andrew Longman
11-04-09, 02:31 PM
In PA, we have the YIELD signs - except for the places that put STOP signs at the top of the ramp. So I am getting up to speed, looking to MERGE/YIELD, the road looks clear, then STOP!!!!
That's PennDoT for you.:gomer:
PA also is the only place I seen Stop signs with "Unless Turning Right" written in small print below.
Even worse are the people who drive faster to stay in front of me, using my red lights and siren to move traffic for them. And this is far more common than you might think. :flame:
In PA, we have the YIELD signs - except for the places that put STOP signs at the top of the ramp. So I am getting up to speed, looking to MERGE/YIELD, the road looks clear, then STOP!!!!
I prefer to just use y'all as a blocker for me. :gomer: :p
Ya gotta admit some of those circa 1950s exit/entrance ramps in PA are just insane. Some of them on 70 around Washington, PA are practically right turns to exit and left turns to enter. :saywhat: :irked: Oh, and drive around in and near Pittsburgh sometime. :eek:
nissan gtp
11-04-09, 08:15 PM
People talking on their damn cellphones while attempting to drive.
I hope they crash and die. :flame:
11-04-09, 10:50 PM
That's PennDoT for you.:gomer:
PA also is the only place I seen Stop signs with "Unless Turning Right" written in small print below.
I think Wisconsin has those as well.
11-05-09, 03:13 AM
I think Wisconsin has those as well.
Some t-intersections in WI have a sign below the stop sign that says "Right Turn No Stop". Not very common, though.
opinionated ow
11-05-09, 08:48 AM
People talking on their damn cellphones while attempting to drive.
I hope they crash and die. :flame:
Tis illegal in this country. Just not enforced because the police do it too. :shakehead
Some t-intersections in WI have a sign below the stop sign that says "Right Turn No Stop". Not very common, though.
Very rare, but they exist here as well.
opinionated ow
11-05-09, 10:28 AM
I'm a big fan of the "left turn on red permitted after stopping" sign.
11-05-09, 03:00 PM
I'm a big fan of the "left turn on red permitted after stopping" sign.
On the other hand, here in town we have a couple of intersections where the right turn is a bit small and you require to use both lanes. A big sign says not to turn on red, yet some people bock the coming traffic turning in red.
11-05-09, 03:04 PM
Slightly different topic, but I'm thinking about ordering some of these just for cathartic purposes...
PA also is the only place I seen Stop signs with "Unless Turning Right" written in small print below.
Passed this on the way back into the office today. ;)
11-05-09, 04:49 PM
Slightly different topic, but I'm thinking about ordering some of these just for cathartic purposes...
Nice :thumbup: Not such a different topic as the same twits that gum it up on the roads eventually come to rest somewhere and continue the idiocy.
eventually come to rest somewhere and continue the idiocy.
An appropriate rerun on my photo from the summer. Intersection across from my office:
Another internet favorite - and believe me - the firefighters will absolutely do this!
11-05-09, 05:27 PM
1. A dog in the driver's lap. Well, I shouldn't say that. People with real dogs don't do this. It's the ****ing rat on a leash dog owners who do this. I've almost been sideswiped a few times by these jackoffs because they don't want to knock their precious Taco Bell dog off of their lap by doing something crazy like steering the car. Die, Taco Bell dog, die.
2. Jesus fish emblems. I don't know what kind of metal they use in those things, but it must weigh a ton, because any car equipped with one seems to have it's speed reduced by about 15mph. More than once I've driven past while shouting, "Jesus wants you to drive faster!"
11-06-09, 02:29 AM
Slightly different topic, but I'm thinking about ordering some of these just for cathartic purposes...
My parking garage at work is one-way, diagonal parking on both sides of the aisle. There are 5-10 people that back into the spots every day. The aisles are narrow enough that this takes at least a 3-point turn to get either in or out of the spot, but there's obviously some advantage to doing it this way that I'm just not hip to. :gomer:
11-06-09, 10:46 AM
My parking garage at work is one-way, diagonal parking on both sides of the aisle. There are 5-10 people that back into the spots every day. The aisles are narrow enough that this takes at least a 3-point turn to get either in or out of the spot, but there's obviously some advantage to doing it this way that I'm just not hip to. :gomer:
oh man, that is terrible. In a garage I just parked in this morning, there is a spot at the end of the row marked "Small Car Only". Sitting in it is a crew-cab full sized Dodge Ram. I knew I should have taken a picture to post it in this thread. You can barely get around the corner in the garage due to this guy.
In the western suburbs o Chicago, we have a number of Off-ramps with 2 Right Turn lanes. There are signs posted stating "Right Turn on Red from Right Lane only." Yet, invariably, I am looking for my opportunity to turn and the $@^*&^ next to me pulls out from the 2nd lane.
Sean Malone
11-06-09, 11:39 AM
2. Jesus fish emblems. I don't know what kind of metal they use in those things, but it must weigh a ton, because any car equipped with one seems to have it's speed reduced by about 15mph. More than once I've driven past while shouting, "Jesus wants you to drive faster!"
I thought the same thing with the 'evolution fish'. You've inspired me to yell "evolution supposedly made you smarter than a faster!", but I pass them too fast to get that all out.
11-06-09, 02:43 PM
but there's obviously some advantage to doing it this way that I'm just not hip to. :gomer:
Maybe they're trying to hide their expired tags. :tony:
High Sided
11-06-09, 03:19 PM
what about people texting and talking on cell phones?
except for this guy :eek:
11-06-09, 04:03 PM
[QUOTE=High Sided;265375]what about people texting and talking on cell phones?
except for this guy :eek: /QUOTE]
Somehow I don't think that's what they mean when they say to use a hands-free device.
2. Jesus fish emblems. I don't know what kind of metal they use in those things, but it must weigh a ton, because any car equipped with one seems to have it's speed reduced by about 15mph. More than once I've driven past while shouting, "Jesus wants you to drive faster!"
11-08-09, 04:52 PM
This one seems to be a recent trend in the world of "me first" driving (at least to me):
A car wants to turn left out of a strip mall or side street on to a congested main thoroughfare. Instead of timing it correctly, the car simply pulls out and blocks two lanes of oncoming traffic until they have an opening in the opposite direction.
You know, pulling out is not always a good idea. :rofl:
Not driving, exactly, but parking. Recently I witnessed a very fat person who really had no choice but to thrust her door outward forcefully in order to gain the leverage needed to extract herself from her car. As she did this, of course, she put a significant ding in the door of the car beside her. She must have heard the metal on metal, but she walked away without so much as a glance at what she did.
What makes it even more infuriating is that she could have parked another fifty feet further from the door and not damaged anything. But I suppose the extra fifty feet of walking would have been too much effort. :flame:
11-08-09, 08:08 PM
I'd like to add to my list.
Entrance/exit from a neighborhood, strip mall, etc. Concrete divider in the middle of the driveway, one side for enter, the other side for exit. The exit side is easily big enough for three cars side-by-side.
Stupid, cell-phone chatting, smoking, clueless person in front of me is way to the right of the exit area, left turn signal on. Tons of traffic, so she cannot get out -- but she's so far right that the cars behind her wanting to turn right can't get past her.
Oh, that one drives me nuts. People who don't leave space for another person to pull alongside and turn the other direction. :mad:
11-10-09, 02:10 PM
Driving down a two lane road at the posted 55mph speed limit (give or take a few) and you see a car approaching an intersection ahead of you. The car stops at the stop sign (there is no stop sign for you). They wait a bit... maybe they think they know you and they want to wave when you drive by.
Suddenly they pull out in front of you, forcing you to get on the binders to avoid placing your front bumper in their rear seat. You think about passing them (dashed yellow line) but of course there's an abundance of oncoming traffic.
Then, 200 yds later, the mother!@#$%^er slows to a stop to make a left-hand turn.
I bleed from my ears when this happens to me.
Entrance/exit from a neighborhood,...but she's so far right...
I am guilty of this in some locations - not by my own stupidity, but by that of the cars turning into the development. My development entrance/exit has essentially three lanes: one in, one out left, one out right.
The problem is cars turning left into the development - at roadway speed - who cut the turn in tight while I am approaching to make a left out of the development. They sometimes turn in so tight that they nearly clip the curb on their driver's side of the car. :shakehead
The end result is me staying further to the right as I approach - thus preventing me from getting my front end chopped by entering traffic.
opinionated ow
11-10-09, 06:30 PM
I am guilty of this in some locations - not by my own stupidity, but by that of the cars turning into the development. My development entrance/exit has essentially three lanes: one in, one out left, one out right.
The problem is cars turning left into the development - at roadway speed - who cut the turn in tight while I am approaching to make a left out of the development. They sometimes turn in so tight that they nearly clip the curb on their driver's side of the car. :shakehead
The end result is me staying further to the right as I approach - thus preventing me from getting my front end chopped by entering traffic.
I nearly had my front end taken off in a right turn bay at traffic lights by a truck the other day. One of the dirty great b-doubles too. Must have just been this crap driver because the one that followed him missed me by miles
Driving down a two lane road at the posted 55mph speed limit (give or take a few) and you see a car approaching an intersection ahead of you. The car stops at the stop sign (there is no stop sign for you). They wait a bit... maybe they think they know you and they want to wave when you drive by.
Suddenly they pull out in front of you, forcing you to get on the binders to avoid placing your front bumper in their rear seat. You think about passing them (dashed yellow line) but of course there's an abundance of oncoming traffic.
Then, 200 yds later, the mother!@#$%^er slows to a stop to make a left-hand turn.
I bleed from my ears when this happens to me.
And any other like combination that ends with the same end result left or right hand turn with no signal. :flame:
People talking on their damn cellphones while attempting to drive.
I hope they crash and die. :flame:
I use to drive a large territory for years,
Cellphone, Laptop, morning coffee, eating, smoking anything/rolling, dog/cat/kid/girlfriend on their lap, Sex, reading the newspaper fully opened, having a domestic dispute, applying makeup with eye shadow being the worse, shaving, or any combination of the above while using their knees to hold the steering wheel and no clue taken as to the current road conditions.
Some have crashed, some have died, some must still think they're gifted. :shakehead
11-10-09, 07:44 PM
I thought the same thing with the 'evolution fish'. You've inspired me to yell "evolution supposedly made you smarter than a faster!", but I pass them too fast to get that all out.
Yeah, that's way too wordy. If I were on your side of the fence I'd probably just shout, "Burn in hell!"
Unimpaired or otherwise distracted, as far as I know, drivers that weave and drift over the centerline of the road on two lane, two way
streets/roads/highways day or night like they are magnetically drawn to have a head on collision with you.
11-10-09, 09:32 PM
I seem to get stuck behind the teenagers making out in the drive thru line at Tim Hortons.
11-10-09, 09:47 PM
I seem to get stuck behind the teenagers making out in the drive thru line at Tim Hortons.
You got me wondering; at what age does food become more important than sex for most folks...:D
11-10-09, 10:15 PM
You got me wondering; at what age does food become more important than sex for most folks...:D
That only happens when you give up.:)
If I had known how good it would be I would have given up much sooner.
:tenderloin: :gomer:
BTW, big thumbs up to the woman who, at 11:00 AM on the I-465 eastbound entering from Meridian, driving the Caddy family truckster, entered and swerved across all lanes of traffic while drinking something and chatting on the cell phone. The cool thing was that you did not even notice the Suburban going 80 mph who locked up his brakes and nearly lost control of his vehicle in heavy traffic, just to avoid turning you into a pancake.
You can't buy entertainment like that. :saywhat:
11-11-09, 03:22 AM
I seem to get stuck behind the teenagers making out in the drive thru line at Tim Hortons.
(MHF goes away to work on "rolling donut" joke...:\)
Solely for Mr. Longman -
Try driving from PA to NJ: I95 off-ramp to Route 29 towards Lambertville. :saywhat: Try remembering which way to yield!
Google Maps View (,-74.84318&spn=0.008089,0.019119&z=16)
Solely for Mr. Longman -
Try driving from PA to NJ: I95 off-ramp to Route 29 towards Lambertville. :saywhat: Try remembering which way to yield!
Google Maps View (,-74.84318&spn=0.008089,0.019119&z=16)
Whoever designed that was smoking some good stuff. :saywhat:
11-11-09, 04:53 PM
Here in LA: "The Mexican Turn"
come across two to three lanes at the last second to make a left or right turn- which is right there. Normally done at a slow speed. No signals needed.
A variation of the PA favorite "STOP - EXCEPT RIGHT TURN"
Classic Apex
11-12-09, 06:45 PM
For some reason the people of Wisconsin are terrified of any form of a police vehicle. Case in point, yesterday...
Hwy 190/Capitol drive in Brookfield. 55mph zone. Some a$$hat a few cars in front of me decided to slam on his brakes and come to a complete stop. Why? Because there was a squad car on a side street with his roof lights flashing, as in...when you guys in traffic go buy I am going to then cross traffic and go get some donuts.
But no. Because of the previously mentioned moron, two lanes of traffic doing at least 55mph all came to a screeching halt, inches apart from each other. :flame:
Pelicans and cell phones...:laugh:
11-13-09, 12:34 AM
Picture here (, but they pulled the video.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Quit being part of the ****ing problem and chew some gum...
Home cure: Peppermint or cinnamon gum
Use it for: The stress of a traffic-packed commute
In a NASA-funded study, scientists from Wheeling Jesuit University monitored the responses of 25 college students during simulated driving scenarios. The volunteers reported that peppermint lowered their feelings of fatigue or anxiety by 20 percent. Peppermint and cinnamon each decreased frustration by 25 percent, increased alertness by 30 percent and made the ride seem 30 percent shorter. Not a gum or candy person? Buy peppermint or cinnamon aromatherapy diffusers for the car.
12-04-09, 11:11 PM
Solely for Mr. Longman -
Try driving from PA to NJ: I95 off-ramp to Route 29 towards Lambertville. :saywhat: Try remembering which way to yield!
Google Maps View (,-74.84318&spn=0.008089,0.019119&z=16)
To quote James Earl Jones in (I think) Hunt for Red October, "Holy Mother of God." I'll show that to TravelGuy the next time he complains about the south Sepulveda Blvd/north 405 on ramps.
Solely for Mr. Longman -
Try driving from PA to NJ: I95 off-ramp to Route 29 towards Lambertville. :saywhat: Try remembering which way to yield!
Google Maps View (,-74.84318&spn=0.008089,0.019119&z=16)
Bet they have a lot of wrong way accidents around there. :eek:
opinionated ow
12-05-09, 05:09 AM
Bet they have a lot of wrong way accidents around there. :eek:
We've got our own brilliant one. The radio traffic guys call it spaghetti junction:,150.853636&spn=0.008416,0.027466&z=16
12-05-09, 12:37 PM
People making a right-hand turn off of a major thoroughfare into a parking lot/strip mall at single-digit speeds. No pedestrians nearby, no other traffic, no nothing. Are they hypermiling?
I've always wanted to see/drive the Magic Roundabout in Swindon, UK eg
googly maps (,150.853636&spn=0.008416,0.027466&z=16)
One of the first instances I'd ever seen for a webcam was here (or a similar roundabout in the UK). Pics and maps help, but watching video traffic really gives you a better sense of the thing.
People making a right-hand turn off of a major thoroughfare into a parking lot/strip mall at single-digit speeds. No pedestrians nearby, no other traffic, no nothing. Are they hypermiling?
That one kills me. I keep trying to remind myself, who's being safe and who's being the ******.
Doesn't help.
Edit: wait. Az z hat get's asterisks? What's next, golly darn? :D
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