View Full Version : Tiger Woods
11-28-09, 12:23 AM
Always fun to speculate -- what on earth caused Tiger to leave his house at 2:30am, hit a hydrant, hit a tree, have to be rescued out of the back of the vehicle by his wife who couldn't possibly "rescue" him, and lay bleeding on the pavement until the police arrived?
Winston Wolfe
11-28-09, 12:51 AM
he obviously could've used a driver..... <rimshot>:p
Hope he's OK - being a new Dad and all - but really, what is a guy like Tiger doing out at 2:30am after Turkey Day ? Going to the store to get some milk ?
a lesson for all children: don't make michael jordan your buddy and role model. but if you do, keep golf clubs out of your house...
11-28-09, 01:38 AM
Always fun to speculate -- what on earth caused Tiger to leave his house at 2:30am, hit a hydrant, hit a tree, have to be rescued out of the back of the vehicle by his wife who couldn't possibly "rescue" him, and lay bleeding on the pavement until the police arrived?
Hmmm. Police arrive, find wife standing over a bloodied Tiger with a golf club.
Maybe Tiger was in a hurry 'cuz she was chasing him with a golf club? Crashing the car might have just slowed him down enough for her to catch up with him... :saywhat:
Seriously, hope he's OK, and I'm sure there's a a more reasonable explanation.
opinionated ow
11-28-09, 05:17 AM
Hmmm. Police arrive, find wife standing over a bloodied Tiger with a golf club.
Maybe Tiger was in a hurry 'cuz she was chasing him with a golf club? Crashing the car might have just slowed him down enough for her to catch up with him... :saywhat:
Seriously, hope he's OK, and I'm sure there's a a more reasonable explanation.
According to Australian media your story is pretty much accurate. Supposedly wife chased him with a glof club and accused him of having an affair with some woman.
According to Australian media your story is pretty much accurate. Supposedly wife chased him with a glof club and accused him of having an affair with some woman.
That sounds likely --- Tiger sporting a little too much wood.
he obviously could've used a driver..... <rimshot>:p
Hope he's OK - being a new Dad and all - but really, what is a guy like Tiger doing out at 2:30am after Turkey Day ? Going to the store to get some milk ?
Black Friday sales events even attract the rich and famous. I bet he wanted that Rock Band special edition bundle from Walmart for $50.
Don Quixote
11-28-09, 11:14 AM
Tiger is super sensitive about his privacy. This one is going to be tough for him.
11-28-09, 04:12 PM
Black Friday sales events even attract the rich and famous. I bet he wanted that Rock Band special edition bundle from Walmart for $50.
:rofl: :thumbup:
11-28-09, 09:11 PM
This is shaping up to be a really ugly story for Tiger.
This is shaping up to be a really ugly story for Tiger.
Someone 'splain to me why he gets a pass two straight days to talk to the FHP? If it were you or me, they'd have hauled our @ss in for questioning two seconds after being released from the H. :saywhat: :irked: :shakehead
Someone 'splain to me why he gets a pass two straight days to talk to the FHP? If it were you or me, they'd have hauled our @ss in for questioning two seconds after being released from the H. :saywhat: :irked: :shakehead
rules are diff when you're on your way to becoming a billionaire.
Tiger's wood has been on display in Vegas for years, shocking that it's never become public before this week
11-29-09, 06:19 AM
Someone 'splain to me why he gets a pass two straight days to talk to the FHP?
Easy, there are two sets of rules in this country.
Someone 'splain to me why he gets a pass two straight days to talk to the FHP? If it were you or me, they'd have hauled our @ss in for questioning two seconds after being released from the H. :saywhat: :irked: :shakehead
Since the FHP already said that alcohol wasn't involved, if it were you or me they'd have likely charged us with failure to control the day of the incident and that would have been the end of it.
People who don't want to talk to the police avoid doing it all the time. Police usually don't pursue such things very vigorously for petty crimes and traffic accidents.
11-29-09, 03:43 PM
Since this week is Tiger's tournament he couldn't have picked a worse time for whatever it was that happened. If he doesn't show it'll be bad juju an fuel all kinds of speculation.
Meeting with FHP canceled again. I call shenanigans. :thumdown:
Since the FHP already said that alcohol wasn't involved, if it were you or me they'd have likely charged us with failure to control the day of the incident and that would have been the end of it.
People who don't want to talk to the police avoid doing it all the time. Police usually don't pursue such things very vigorously for petty crimes and traffic accidents.
pills = DUI
domestic violence = some more investigatin' beyond a traffic citation
11-29-09, 04:46 PM
Meeting with FHP canceled again.
And that cancellation was the third cancellation on Tiger's part.
Sean Malone
11-29-09, 04:47 PM
pills = DUI
domestic violence = some more investigatin' beyond a traffic citation
True, but they have a hard time proving pills now. The wife is the one they should be talking to.
11-29-09, 05:01 PM
TMZ says Tiger was looking to get a "Kobe special" for the Mrs. as a result of all of this.
And Tiger's alleged hookup has already lawyered up.
Tiger has released a statement at his website.
Says it's all his fault. (
True, but they have a hard time proving pills now. The wife is the one they should be talking to.
Toxicology should have been preformed @ the hospital. I don't care who you are, you don't deserve this kind of preferential treatment. Too much about this smells funny (break out the back window of a huge SUV to save the driver?). :saywhat: :shakehead
TMZ says Tiger was looking to get a "Kobe special" for the Mrs. as a result of all of this.
And Tiger's alleged hookup has already lawyered up.
It's going to be fun to watch how the national media deals with this starting tomorrow, having been on holiday since this occurred. :saywhat:
11-29-09, 05:40 PM
Toxicology should have been preformed @ the hospital. I don't care who you are, you don't deserve this kind of preferential treatment. Too much about this smells funny (break out the back window of a huge SUV to save the driver?). :saywhat: :shakehead
I dunno. i think it's also just as likely that if it's you or me, we'd get charged for the hydrant and the police wouldn't really think twice about it. Probably completely depends on the first officer on the scene and whether he's interested in pursuing it. But it's Tiger Freaking Woods, we gonna get some TV time fellas!
But it's Tiger Freaking Woods, we gonna get some TV time fellas!
I haven't seen one clip with the FHP talking about this (albeit I've been rather busy with holiday festivities). There's just too much about this that smells funny. She's a super model type and somehow got him out of an Escalade after breaking out the back window with a golf club? I don't buy it one bit. Just ask Billy Joel how those single-car accidents work out (or any number of other celebs). There's more here than meets the eye, IMO. I'm not a Tiger homer for certain, but I respected him and his accomplishments. This kind of thing is the last thing I could imagine him being involved in.
911 tape (
Gaps in the tape. Nothing mention of Elin being there. ???
11-29-09, 06:07 PM
You're proving my point. If you were saying "blub blub blub" in the middle of the street at 2:30am with cuts on your face, there would probably be tons of gaps and holes in your story too... but nobody would care, you aren't a celebrity.
11-29-09, 06:28 PM
there was no crime involved therefore the fuzz can't compel him to talk to them
Tiger has released a statement at his website.
Says it's all his fault. (
Gotta love PRspeak. :rolleyes:
11-29-09, 07:17 PM
there was no crime involved therefore the fuzz can't compel him to talk to them
. . . and if there was a crime involved he has an absolute right not to incriminate himself (ie, invoke his 5th Amendment rights).
Then why clicky the linky? Guilty. :gomer:
11-29-09, 07:49 PM
The National Enquirer story saying Tiger is cheating on his wife. ( (by the way, they have a pretty good track record in recent years on this type of story)
TMZ says Tiger was looking to get a "Kobe special" for the Mrs. as a result of all of this.
not believable. Tiger's going to shop at Zales? Does Zales even carry diamonds that massive?
11-29-09, 09:25 PM
not believable. Tiger's going to shop at Zales? Does Zales even carry diamonds that massive?
Probably not.
Until he speaks to the cops, the questions and spec aren't going to go away.
11-29-09, 09:39 PM
Probably not.
Until he speaks to the cops, the questions and spec aren't going to go away.
It's being treated like Chappaquiddick. It's a fire hydrant and an Escalade that was probably free.
$10 he was headed out to hang with Long John Daly @ a local Hooters. Wanna bet? :gomer:
Sean Malone
11-29-09, 10:01 PM
Driving is a privilege not a right... an accident on someone else's private property is cause for police investigation.
Driving is a privilege not a right... an accident on someone else's private property is cause for police investigation.
Beat me to it....or public property for that matter. If the *state* police are involved, they should be doing a better job than this. Period. :thumdown:
Then why clicky the linky? Guilty. :gomer:
Hey, man, this is offcamber. I clicky all the linkys here. :tony:
It's being treated like Chappaquiddick. It's a fire hydrant and an Escalade that was probably free.
the only thing more Fuzzy Zoeller than the Escalade's the white prize :D getting whupped by the white prize, not so Zoeller...
Driving is a privilege not a right... an accident on someone else's private property is cause for police investigation.
There was an initial investigation at the scene. Police said there was no indication of alcohol and no signs of domestic violence. The police can't prove anything and no amount of investigating after the fact will change that.
In the real world under those circumstances they cite the driver for failure to control and that's the end of it. In America you're under no obligation to help the police with an investigation. Tiger has every right to say, "No thanks" when they ask to talk with him. Good luck getting an arrest warrant for anything based on the information available.
Sorry folks, you're getting caught up in a celebrity witch hunt.
Sean Malone
11-30-09, 09:21 AM
There was an initial investigation at the scene. Police said there was no indication of alcohol and no signs of domestic violence. The police can't prove anything and no amount of investigating after the fact will change that.
In the real world under those circumstances they cite the driver for failure to control and that's the end of it. In America you're under no obligation to help the police with an investigation. Tiger has every right to say, "No thanks" when they ask to talk with him. Good luck getting an arrest warrant for anything based on the information available.
Sorry folks, you're getting caught up in a celebrity witch hunt.
I actually haven't read anything about the incident, I was just assuming there wasn't a police investigation when I read here that the police were requesting more interviews and not getting a response.
When I was young and wild I wrecked my car into a tree one night and was able to limp it into a friends driveway. The next day the police called me and said a witness saw my car hit the tree and that I MUST come down to the station for an interview. If I had the resources at the time, a lawyer would have informed me of my rights but I went down there, told them a dog ran out in front of me...end of story. :)
Don Quixote
11-30-09, 10:56 AM
When I was young and wild I wrecked my car into a tree one night and was able to limp it into a friends driveway. The next day the police called me and said a witness saw my car hit the tree and that I MUST come down to the station for an interview. If I had the resources at the time, a lawyer would have informed me of my rights but I went down there, told them a dog ran out in front of me...end of story. :)
Good thing the statute of limitations has run on that incident. Tree bashing is looked down upon these days, almost as bad as murder. :D
There was an initial investigation at the scene. Police said there was no indication of alcohol and no signs of domestic violence. The police can't prove anything and no amount of investigating after the fact will change that.
In the real world under those circumstances they cite the driver for failure to control and that's the end of it. In America you're under no obligation to help the police with an investigation. Tiger has every right to say, "No thanks" when they ask to talk with him. Good luck getting an arrest warrant for anything based on the information available.
Sorry folks, you're getting caught up in a celebrity witch hunt.
BS. Initial investigation? He was in and out of consciousness per the police report and 911 call. How do you initially investigate properly under those circumstances? If it were you or me, charges would be pending toxicology results (if alcohol wasn't suspected). Plus you factor in how in the hell did a ~100 lb. wife pull her ~240 lb. hubby from a large SUV after supposedly breaking our the rear window with a golf club @ 2:30 AM. Tiger's silence has made this a story. Sorry, but that's the other side of the sword involving fame. IMO, this just does not pass the sniff test. I could care less about this other than the fact that Tiger is getting favorable treatment due to his power and stature. Anyone else and charges would have been filed one way or the other.
11-30-09, 04:15 PM
He's skipping his own tournament so he's not likely to run into the press for some time. Doesn't look like there is going to be be any more information.
Don Quixote
11-30-09, 04:24 PM
BS. Initial investigation? He was in and out of consciousness per the police report and 911 call. How do you initially investigate properly under those circumstances? If it were you or me, charges would be pending toxicology results (if alcohol wasn't suspected). Plus you factor in how in the hell did a ~100 lb. wife pull her ~240 lb. hubby from a large SUV after supposedly breaking our the rear window with a golf club @ 2:30 AM. Tiger's silence has made this a story. Sorry, but that's the other side of the sword involving fame. IMO, this just does not pass the sniff test. I could care less about this other than the fact that Tiger is getting favorable treatment due to his power and stature. Anyone else and charges would have been filed one way or the other.
I sorta agree with you, however, anybody with the means to hire a good lawyer probably wouldn't have to talk to the cops at their beck and call. Tiger obviously fits into this category. :gomer:
11-30-09, 04:55 PM
Probably not.
Until he speaks to the cops, the questions and spec aren't going to go away.
Meh, or until some other athlete does something stupid. That should be [checks watch] pretty soon now.
I'm with WB here. They guy hit a fire hydrant and tree. You don't put people in the slammer for that. Either he knocked himself stoopid or his wife did. Absent any witnesses, that's all we'll EVER know. The police are only trying to C their A's, not trying to do any sort of major investigation.
He's skipping his own tournament so he's not likely to run into the press for some time. Doesn't look like there is going to be be any more information.
It will run its course this week unless something arises from the FHP side or the chick in NYC starts to sing. She's apparently hired Allred, which is not exactly your run of the mill ambulance chaser.
Sean Malone
11-30-09, 05:22 PM
I could care less about this other than the fact that Tiger is getting favorable treatment due to his power and stature. Anyone else and charges would have been filed one way or the other.
Celebrity status has many perks. The system routinely turns a blind eye or issues the absolute minimum sentencing due to status.
I slid into a roadside mail box one snowy night when I was 18. The owner called the cops who charged me with destruction of property and failure to maintain. I had to appear in court and lost my license for 6 months.
Meanwhile, I'm watching Alaska State Troopers the other night, where a small group of fisherman were getting interrogated (harassed?) 100 miles out in the absolute middle of freakin' no where. They each had the necessary licenses and the troopers were getting ready to move on when one of them decided that field sobriety tests would be a good way to kill another half an hour. And people don't think we live in a police state. :rofl: Note to self: while ice fishing in the middle of absolute freekin' no where Alaska...don't get too might go to jail.
I hope Tiger tells the authorities and the media to shove it.,28383,26424341-5013560,00.html
TIGER Woods says he spent his nights in Australia watching the NFL - not out partying with a New York nightclub hostess.
"I enjoyed being there. I was made to feel very welcome and it was nice to win for the first time in Australia.
I like the theory that Tiger is protecting his wife from being arrested for domestic violence charges. If Florida law prevents the victim from not pressing charges, the only way to prevent her arrest is to pretend his injuries were self inflicted. With Tiger as the only witness, it would be hard for the police to prove otherwise.
Maybe she busted out the back window because Tiger was knocked out and all the doors were locked, or maybe she did it as he tried to drive away after a fight. Who knows?
IMO, the cops should drop it. If it was domestic violence, odds are she'll pop him again.
I'm with WB here. They guy hit a fire hydrant and tree. You don't put people in the slammer for that. Either he knocked himself stoopid or his wife did. Absent any witnesses, that's all we'll EVER know. The police are only trying to C their A's, not trying to do any sort of major investigation.
I'm just looking for equal justice in this situation. Anyone else that did this would have been charged by now. Just because he lives in a gated community and his name is Tiger Woods doesn't mean he's above the law. Heck in my mom's gated community in HHI the rent-a cops use radar to catch speeders. :saywhat:
Dando, what exactly do you want them to charge him with?
Sean Malone
11-30-09, 07:45 PM
Dando, what exactly do you want them to charge him with?
At least failure to maintain and maybe reckless... unless a dog ran out in front of him. ;)
At least failure to maintain and maybe reckless... unless a dog ran out in front of him. ;)
Assuming there are no witnesses, how do they prove that? The legal opinions I have read say there doesn't appear to be any crime.
Sean Malone
11-30-09, 08:33 PM
Assuming there are no witnesses, how do they prove that? The legal opinions I have read say there doesn't appear to be any crime.
The crashed car is the proof. So it comes down to the neighbor pressing charges or the police. They walked away because he's Tiger Woods, now, as someone pointed out above...they are trying to cover their butts now. Tiger needs to continue to blow them off IMO.
11-30-09, 08:43 PM
Plus you factor in how in the hell did a ~100 lb. wife pull her ~240 lb. hubby
Tiger's 240? Dang. :eek: I woulda guessed 170.
ESPN has him listed as 185 lbs.
Tiger's 240? Dang. :eek: I woulda guessed 170.
Just going off a comment from one of the talking heads on E$PN (I should know better :(). I would have guessed 2 bills. According to wiki he's 6' 1" and 185, but that's got to be a solid 185. Just seems unlikely for her to have pulled him out from the rear of the SUV as described.
Dando, what exactly do you want them to charge him with?
@ least failure to control. Absent any other evidence, that should be the minimum he faces.
Lux Interior
12-01-09, 12:33 AM
I saw pics of the wreck, and he flattened a fire plug and totaled the front end into a tree hard. That's a lot of damage for just "pulling out of the driveway". My guess is she attacked him with a pitching wedge because she found out he was having an affair, he was pizzled and stormed out of the house and floored his sled, lost control, and slammed that puppy through a hydrant and into a tree. :rofl:
According to wiki he's 6' 1" and 185, but that's got to be a solid 185.
uh, have you been hanging w/ my sis lately? 185 is 185, liquid or solid
12-01-09, 03:49 AM
Dando, you'll be happy to know they finally found something illegal. Apparently he was BAREFOOT when he was lying in the street and it's illegal to drive barefoot in Florida. (Sean, is that true? I've done it many times. Good thing I didn't hit a hydrant.)
12-01-09, 06:36 AM
What's the difference between a golf ball and a car? Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.
12-01-09, 07:33 AM
What's the difference between a golf ball and a car? Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.
Oh boy, here we go.
What's the difference between a pitching wedge and an Escalade? Tiger can back up a pitching wedge.
12-01-09, 09:04 AM
According to wiki he's 6' 1" and 185, but that's got to be a solid 185.
That sounds like a legit weight to me. I am 6' 0' and range 185 to 195, and I am about his build but somewhat out of shape, a little less upper body muscularity and slightly over weight for my frame but when I was his age I was in the 170-175 range. My brother who has more upper body muscle then me (more like Tiger) and the same height (maybe ever so slightly taller) has usually run around 10 lbs heavier, which would have made him in his mid 30s close to 6' 1' 185.
Don Quixote
12-01-09, 10:54 AM
Dando, you'll be happy to know they finally found something illegal. Apparently he was BAREFOOT when he was lying in the street and it's illegal to drive barefoot in Florida. (Sean, is that true? I've done it many times. Good thing I didn't hit a hydrant.)
This just in, a team of forensics experts has determined that the force of the crash knocked his shoes off. Still no law broken. :tony:
uh, have you been hanging w/ my sis lately? 185 is 185, liquid or solid
There's a difference. Our girls are about the same weight, but one is lanky and the other stocky. The center of gravity is definitely different on Katherine, and she is a load for her size (as my back can attest). :saywhat:
This just in, a team of forensics experts has determined that the force of the crash knocked his shoes off. Still no law broken. :tony:
Was there any IRL news lately? That could have been the cause for sock and shoe loss as well. :gomer:
In other news, the chick from NYC speaks up:
12-01-09, 12:00 PM
@ least failure to control. Absent any other evidence, that should be the minimum he faces.
Evidence of what? He wrecked his own car, "regular people" crash into trees and hydrants every day, they get a ticket and a point on their insurance; that's all Woods (or anyone else) is going to get.
Unless there is a nasty divorce I doubt we'll know for sure what really happened.
I wonder if the Florida Highway Patrol can even issue citations for the roads inside that private community? At one time the sub-division I live in was completely owned by the developer. The streets were private property. Our roads have since been given to the county.
Uh oh.
A Los Angeles cocktail waitress tells the new Us Weekly (on newsstands Wednesday) that she had a steamy 31-month fling with Tiger Woods and has a voicemail recording and text messages to prove it.
Jaimee Grubbs, now 24, tells Us Weekly she began having an affair with Woods, 33, in April 2007.
She tells Us Weekly they went on to have 20 sexual encounters.
Grubbs, who recently appeared on VH1's Tool Academy, also tells Us Weekly she has photos, as well as more than 300 racy texts from Woods, who wed model Elin Nordegren in 2004.
Come back to Wednesday morning to listen to a Nov. 24 voicemail Woods left Grubbs in which he suggests his wife might suspect he is having an affair.
12-01-09, 04:17 PM
She was on VH1's TOOL Academy? :rolleyes: How appropriate.
But you're right. This looks like it's gonna get ugly.
12-01-09, 04:24 PM
In other news, the chick from NYC speaks up:
The story of the beauty queen dying of butt surgery on that site was more interesting then the chick from NYC.
Oh, and completely off topic, but does anyone know of any way you can short a person's reputation or future earnings ability from endorsements?
Careless driving citation on the way. $164 fine. Probably the least of his worries. :laugh:
GM CEO resigns over Tiger's failed airbag deployment. ;)
Don Quixote
12-01-09, 06:13 PM
His wife is waaaaaay hotter than either of those two bimbos.
Any of you single guys around Orlando, now would be a very good time to run into Elin at the local Publix. :laugh:
12-02-09, 04:17 AM
GM CEO resigns over Tiger's failed airbag deployment. ;)
Any of you single guys around Orlando, now would be a very good time to run into Elin at the local Publix. :laugh:
Not the wat she can swing a golf club. :D :eek:
12-02-09, 11:41 AM
Tigger admits transgressions...
Tigger admits transgressions...
New record for a rock on the hand of Mrs. Woods in 3, 2, 1...
Something about this hole thing smelled funny from the beginning. Now I wonder how many will come out of the woodwork since another one was rumored yesterday as well. :saywhat: Oh how the mighty fall...
Woods is also on the cover of the January issue of Golf Digest, a magazine he's had a longstanding relationship with. In a photo illustration, he's pictured with President Barack Obama. The issue offers "10 things Obama could learn from Tiger -- and vice versa" according to a Golf Digest news release.
A magazine spokeswoman said Tuesday that the issue was printed before the car crash involving Woods.
^^^ :rofl:
12-02-09, 01:10 PM
OK, that is pretty funny. Tiger ought to be glad though he is not married to someone like Michelle because with her height I bet she could put a whole lot more leverage on a golf club then his wife.
Don Quixote
12-02-09, 01:32 PM
No way!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
12-02-09, 01:39 PM
Oh how the mighty fall...
He may have to switch to another color shirt so that the scarlet letter doesn't clash.
opinionated ow
12-02-09, 06:51 PM
You know, I feel sorry for the entire Woods family. What he chooses to get up to is his problem and should be left between him and his wife. It's none of our business.
You know, I feel sorry for the entire Woods family. What he chooses to get up to is his problem and should be left between him and his wife and his girlfriends. It's none of our business.
Fixed it for you.
12-02-09, 07:08 PM
Well TV just played part of a voicemail message Tiger left on his girlfriends phone 3 days before his accident in which he ask her to remove her name from her phone because it was showing up on his phone and and his wife had been going through his phone and checking who had been calling. He also told her to expect a call from her.
Well TV just played part of a voicemail message Tiger left on his girlfriends phone 3 days before his accident in which he ask her to remove her name from her phone because it was showing up on his phone and and his wife had been going through his phone and checking who had been calling. He also told her to expect a call from her.
It wasn't really clear to me if it was her voicemail or her phone he wanted her to remove her name. I think it was her voicemail message. Her name should only show up on his phone if he has her # as a contact. Anyway....busted! Gotta like how she cashed in on him. :saywhat: :shakehead
You know, I feel sorry for the entire Woods family. What he chooses to get up to is his problem and should be left between him and his wife. It's none of our business.
But that's not the American way, yo. ;)
12-02-09, 07:40 PM
It wasn't really clear to me if it was her voicemail or her phone he wanted her to remove her name.
They played the voicemail on TV and it was Tiger's voice saying what I said he said.
he wanted her voicemail to go to the default computer voice, not her own (the side-trim).
Heard on the radio that ESPN had the dirt on him 2 years ago. They remained silent on his "transgressions" and he magically appeared on ESPN's Golf mag. cover, which was a coup for them, since he was affiliated with another competing mag.
If so, there could be some problems for ESPN, or the Tiger/Favorite Gold Mag.
A conspiracy could be unfolding.
No idea if any of this is really true, and I honestly don't care, so feel free to research this out, or not.
12-02-09, 08:43 PM
Comments ( from Jesper Parnevik, who introduced the Woodses to each other.
"I would be especially sad about it since I'm kind of -- I really feel sorry for Elin -- since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him," Parnevik said. "We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron."
he wanted her voicemail to go to the default computer voice, not her own (the side-trim).
Heard on the radio that ESPN had the dirt on him 2 years ago. They remained silent on his "transgressions" and he magically appeared on ESPN's Golf mag. cover, which was a coup for them, since he was affiliated with another competing mag.
If so, there could be some problems for ESPN, or the Tiger/Favorite Gold Mag.
A conspiracy could be unfolding.
No idea if any of this is really true, and I honestly don't care, so feel free to research this out, or not.
Well, I heard someone on that network mention that he supposedly paid off the Enquirer not to run the story a couple of years ago as well. It's also interesting to note that nothing was mentioned in the mainstream media about the Enquirer story until after the Black Friday accident. Make of that what you want. Of course every nutcase and G. are coming out to comment on this now. :gomer: ;)
You know, I feel sorry for the entire Woods family. What he chooses to get up to is his problem and should be left between him and his wife. It's none of our business.
"I would be especially sad about it since I'm kind of -- I really feel sorry for Elin -- since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him," Parnevik said. "We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron."
Classic! :rofl:
Gotta like how she cashed in on him. :saywhat: :shakehead
Now THAT is the American way!
I guess the thinking is that now that Tiger is caught and can't play around anymore, it's time to get paid. At least the one from NY knows the game: deny, deny, deny.
12-03-09, 01:47 AM
Jesus Tiger. Either be married and don't screw around- or don't be married and just bang everything in sight. I would take the latter. From the sketch I saw of his little Escalade trip- it sounds like he was just pissed off , floored it and bounced it off everything he could for a block or so. Being angry is as bad as being sleepy or drunk.
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