View Full Version : college hoops, pre-march edition

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04-09-10, 04:31 PM

#1: Purdue
#12: OSU

Don Quixote
04-09-10, 04:50 PM
Andy Katz. ESPN. Next.

04-10-10, 10:39 PM

#1: Purdue
#12: OSU

We're talking about preseason polls? Preseason polls? </Iverson> :gomer: Why didn't you mention the Fox Sports poll (http://msn.foxsports.com/cbk/story/never-too-early-for-a-new-top-25) that has PU #4 and OSU #5, WB? And you call me a homer. :laugh: And call me out for referring to El Tigre as Tigger when you referred to Favre as Green and Yellow Jeebus. :shakehead :p

And BTW, I actually like PU more than IU and prefer the type of hoops PU plays.


04-11-10, 10:57 PM
We're talking about preseason polls? Preseason polls? </Iverson> :gomer: Why didn't you mention the Fox Sports poll (http://msn.foxsports.com/cbk/story/never-too-early-for-a-new-top-25) that has PU #4 and OSU #5, WB? And you call me a homer. :laugh: And call me out for referring to El Tigre as Tigger when you referred to Favre as Green and Yellow Jeebus. :shakehead :p

Stop calling me out on my inconsistencies! It all made sense when I did it!

Don Quixote
04-14-10, 03:15 PM
Boil's JaJuan Johnson and E’Twaun Moore declare for the NBA draft. That could affect their solid #1 Preseason Ranking. :gomer:

Don Quixote
04-15-10, 03:14 PM
In this, the most annoying video ever, Dickie V picks 3 Big Ten teams in the top 6 for next year. Did I mention that this is annoying? :gomer: