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The Dark Side of Dubai (
But they have cool lights on weirdly-shaped hotels, so it's all good.
This is a city built from nothing in just a few wild decades on credit and ecocide, suppression and slavery. Dubai is a living metal metaphor for the neo-liberal globalised world that may be crashing – at last – into history.
They can slap a veneer of modernity on the middle east but it is still a region which at its core is still mired in the medieval nomadic cultures of the Saracens and the Arabs.
12-31-09, 09:34 AM
Stephane Saracen?
Sorry. Had to try and stay racing-related. :D
12-31-09, 11:15 AM
Students caught in terrorism net
Sydney Morning Herald - Heath Gilmore
A NUMBER of students who dropped out of an Australian-affiliated university in Dubai are being investigated for links to the Nigerian accused of trying to blow up plane
US plane suspect 'disappeared' mid-year in Dubai
Abdulmutallab Spent 2 ½ Months in Dubai
Towering ambition always comes before a fall
Dubai has amassed $80 billion in debt
Arab bourses fail to regain major part of losses
The problem erupted when Dubai World revealed it was seeking at least a six-month delay on repaying its $60 billion debt.
Donington Ventures Leisure Limited (racing forum related) just on a larger scale with the added feature that upperclass twits appear to have fallen for it.
Who wants to go there for a vacation anyway? :gomer:
60 bil. in debt? Big whup...what's California's, TWICE that!? (must need more superspeedways)...ahhh..."sub-prime in the desert"...I like that. PS-they aren't changing that tunnel at pit exit, either!
from the article:
"All the people who couldn't succeed in their own countries end up here, and suddenly they're rich and promoted way above their abilities and bragging about how great they are. I've never met so many incompetent people in such senior positions anywhere in the world."
Detroit doesn't seem so bad now.
12-31-09, 03:23 PM
what's California's, TWICE that!? (
But they have what, the 5th biggest economy in the world and around 30m people or something like that, and all Dubai has is some sand and a couple dozen goat herders. Big difference in who will be able to pay their debt off first.
The whole concept of what they were trying to do in Dubai never made any sense. It is just amazing that so many people got suckered. I can't seem to make a racing related reply to that one:D So the UAE bails out Dubai. What's next, you and me bailing out Maxine and Barbie? Don't bet against it. (AND those poor unfortunates in Nebraska too?)
Rogue Leader
12-31-09, 06:45 PM
60 bil. in debt? Big whup...what's California's, TWICE that!? (must need more superspeedways)...ahhh..."sub-prime in the desert"...I like that. PS-they aren't changing that tunnel at pit exit, either!
That was Abu Dhabi... the part of the UAE that isn't ****ed.
They can slap a veneer of modernity on the middle east but it is still a region which at its core is still mired in the medieval nomadic cultures of the Saracens and the Arabs.
And again, for emphasis.
Dubai is a living metal metaphor for the neo-liberal globalised world that may be crashing – at last – into history.
May we be so fortunate.
01-01-10, 01:29 PM
Dubai, more florida swampland scam. the head sheik owns all the property in Dubai.
Consider the article in the first post was written in April before the SHTF in November.
Hard Driver
01-05-10, 03:11 AM
Note to self:
Stay out of Dubai.
01-05-10, 07:20 PM
That was Abu Dhabi... the part of the UAE that isn't ****ed.
They've partly bailed out Dubai apparently...
01-06-10, 03:17 AM
But they have cool lights on weirdly-shaped hotels, so it's all good.
even that is a bit Dubaious. :D
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