View Full Version : DNS Problem

01-10-10, 02:30 PM
We're experiencing a DNS issue right now because EditDNS.net has broken out their free service to a separate system and turned off some or all current free accounts on their existing system for non-payment.

I'll resolve this as quickly as possible. Until then, if you get a DNS error attempting to access offcamber.net you can still get in via offcamber.org. Tell a friend.

01-10-10, 04:55 PM
Yay, I'm in.

01-10-10, 05:35 PM
Ok, this should be resolved. :thumbup:

01-10-10, 05:57 PM

01-10-10, 07:11 PM

01-11-10, 12:04 AM
just a heads up, i'm still getting can't find server at www.offcamber.net

01-11-10, 01:10 AM
Depending on your how often your ISP expires their DNS cache it may take some time for the fix to propagate.

If you want to try some command line stuff open a windows command line and enter:

ipconfig /dnsflush

That will flush your local DNS cache. If that doesn't fix it, do this command and PM me the results:

ipconfig /displaydns

The most likely cause at this point is that something in your DNS chain isn't updating as often as it should.