View Full Version : Snow
I have some piled all over here if you need any. :saywhat:
We got only about 12" for the first round over the weekend. We had another 10" this AM, followed by rain and freezing rain.
Blizzard conditions now with another 8-10" expected before it finally stops.
And we aren't even getting the worst of it.
02-10-10, 05:09 PM
Andrew Longman
02-10-10, 05:28 PM
And we aren't even getting the worst of it.
I think I might. I just walked downtown and the snow was coming down so hard I literally was having trouble breathing because I was inhaling snow. It was almost like standing under a waterfall.
I have to go back downtown at 7:30. Hopefully it will let up. Already over 18" and it isn't supposed to stop until midnight.
02-10-10, 05:48 PM
We should see if we can ship some to Vancouver...I hear they are running a little low at the moment...
I have some piled all over here if you need any. :saywhat:
We got only about 12" for the first round over the weekend. We had another 10" this AM, followed by rain and freezing rain.
Blizzard conditions now with another 8-10" expected before it finally stops.
And we aren't even getting the worst of it.
We had ~14" here last Fri/Sat and another 6"+ yesterday/today. A lady I work with in MD got 37" over the weekend and then another foot today. Plus, lost power overnight Sat, back on finally yesterday. Could go out again yet today. The shots of DC I saw today were amazing...absolutely could not see the WH or Capitol from a few hundred yards. :eek: Global Warming my @ss. :saywhat: :mad:
No school for the kids tomorrow now too. :saywhat:
No school for the kids tomorrow now too. :saywhat:
We've has two straight days of that after a couple of days in a row a couple of weeks ago. :irked:
Andrew Longman
02-10-10, 07:46 PM
No school for the kids tomorrow now too. :saywhat:
Same here. Kids already had Friday and Monday off for Presidents Day/Weekend and then last week they added Tuesday because they had too many unused snow days. Kids will be off a week and cooped in the house. I hope we still love each other by then. :gomer:
02-10-10, 08:27 PM
We thought we were completely clear on this one, yet woke up to 4 inches of snow over 1/2 inch of sleet/ice, 400ish state police calls and major school systems in chaos.
By noon, there was sunshine and less snow than when it started. I want off this ride, plz.
The driveway is clear for the time being. I haven't seen a snow plow in the neighborhood since 0500, so I am not going anywhere soon. We've had at least another foot since 1PM. :eek:
Plow crews have their hands full. Big problem now is power outages. (That and BMW drivers.) We've been good, but local electric company is saying some will be without power until Sunday.
The driveway is clear for the time being. I haven't seen a snow plow in the neighborhood since 0500, so I am not going anywhere soon. We've had at least another foot since 1PM. :eek:
I'll think warm thoughts for you in a couple of weeks in WDW. :gomer: :p
Philly now @ 70"+ for the season. :eek:
02-11-10, 09:36 AM
Global Warming my @ss. :saywhat: :mad:
You do know the difference between weather and climate, right? And that climate change brings more extreme weather events, right? And that Vancouver a place that should be a zillion feet under snow right now for the Olympics is having one of their warmest Februaries ever, right?
You do know the difference between weather and climate, right? And that climate change brings more extreme weather events, right? And that Vancouver a place that should be a zillion feet under snow right now for the Olympics is having one of their warmest Februaries ever, right?
It's an inconvenient truth that much of the climate change data is fraudulent. What we're experiencing now is a weather cycle and freakish timing. Just like we had a heavy period of tropical activity several years ago. Recently not so much. IMO, it's pretty damn arrogant to believe that mankind's impact is greater than the forces of nature or those beyond the Earth. I think the history of the Earth kinda proves that. Some impact? Yes. To the extent being perpetrated? Not so much. YMMV.
opinionated ow
02-11-10, 10:17 AM
It's an inconvenient truth that much of the climate change data is fraudulent. What we're experiencing now is a weather cycle and freakish timing. Just like we had a heavy period of tropical activity several years ago. Recently not so much. IMO, it's pretty damn arrogant to believe that mankind's impact is greater than the forces of nature or those beyond the Earth. I think the history of the Earth kinda proves that. Some impact? Yes. To the extent being perpetrated? Not so much. YMMV.
Amen. AGW is falling in a nice little heap as we speak. Take that ecomentalists.
Mr. Vengeance
02-11-10, 10:21 AM
You do know the difference between weather and climate, right? And that climate change brings more extreme weather events, right? And that Vancouver a place that should be a zillion feet under snow right now for the Olympics is having one of their warmest Februaries ever, right?
Um, actually, it rarely snows in Vancouver. Two or three times a winter and it's gone in a day or two.
02-11-10, 10:26 AM
It's an inconvenient truth that much of the climate change data is fraudulent. What we're experiencing now is a weather cycle and freakish timing. Just like we had a heavy period of tropical activity several years ago. Recently not so much. IMO, it's pretty damn arrogant to believe that mankind's impact is greater than the forces of nature or those beyond the Earth. I think the history of the Earth kinda proves that. Some impact? Yes. To the extent being perpetrated? Not so much. YMMV.
What a pile of bollocks..."Much" of the data? Care to put a number on that?
In a period of global warming it will still snow because, you know, IT'S WINTER...Just because birds fly does that disprove the existence of gravity?
The inconvenient truth is that man IS having an impact on the global climate, like it or not. Is man the sole reason for it, no, of course not, but to deny that global climate change is real, or that the planet is getting warmer, is almost as daft as still suggesting that the earth is flat...
02-11-10, 10:50 AM
It's an inconvenient truth that much of the climate change data is fraudulent. What we're experiencing now is a weather cycle and freakish timing. Just like we had a heavy period of tropical activity several years ago. Recently not so much. IMO, it's pretty damn arrogant to believe that mankind's impact is greater than the forces of nature or those beyond the Earth. I think the history of the Earth kinda proves that. Some impact? Yes. To the extent being perpetrated? Not so much. YMMV.
That is a complete pile of BS
02-11-10, 11:43 AM
the biggest pile of BS is relying on the IPCC for scientific data. that fact they relied on the WWF, a mountaineering magazine, and a college student's dissertation for Himalayan glacier melt data just points to what sham all of this is.
(btw, this thread is ripe for a CCF countdown)
I was just venting 'cause I was tired of the snow. :gomer:
Maybe we should change the topic to something less controversial...
Like peace in the Mid-East? ;)
02-11-10, 12:12 PM
I was just venting 'cause I was tired of the snow. :gomer:
Maybe we should change the topic to something less controversial...
Like peace in the Mid-East? ;)
:rofl: ... try abortion, or gun control. There's less screaming that way. ;)
Sean Malone
02-11-10, 01:04 PM
I with my main man Charles Krauthammer when it comes to 'global warming', (oops, strike that, I meant to use the new and improved, and conveniently ambiguous moniker of 'climate change' that the activists circles are using now) in that I am an environmental 'agnostic'. Are man made emissions harmful to our bioshere? I imagine that is reasonably possible. Is there an impending doom because of this? Probably not. It's pure speculation. Should humans be environmentally responsible? Of course. Should I be considered a criminal for driving a V8 pick up truck? That doesn't even warrant an answer.
Along with those who site heavy snow fall as proof there is no global warming, those on the other side of the debate use it as proof that indeed there is global warming. As Mr Krauthammer said last night while discussing this very topic, if science is used as an excuse to prove everything, than in reality it is proving nothing at all. Heavy.
02-11-10, 01:15 PM
No complains this side of the country, had some rain last night, way less than an inch.
Nice and sunny right now with 47 F.
Snow usually lasts for a day or two in this area.
02-11-10, 01:24 PM
If I may paraphrase the Jimmy Griffin, the late mayor of Buffalo, the best way for dealing with a snowstorm is to grab a six pack and stay home. :)
Like peace in the Mid-East?
Only if we can include religion in this debate. ;)
Sean Malone
02-11-10, 01:29 PM
If I may paraphrase the Jimmy Griffin, the late mayor of Buffalo, the best way for dealing with a snowstorm is to grab a six pack and stay home. :)
Only if we can include religion in this debate. ;)
Or Canon vs Nikon!:)
I like snow.
The only thing certain to heat up is the argument when climate change is discussed. Let's keep it civil or I'll clean out everything unrelated to "Snow".
02-11-10, 02:11 PM
Um, actually, it rarely snows in Vancouver. Two or three times a winter and it's gone in a day or two.
True, some winters they don't get bit of snow or a hard freeze. Same with Seattle and Portland. Since the first of the year the region has been dryer and warmer than normal, but it's not all that unusual. The Camelias are blooming and we saw 60 degrees last week. The snowpack is around 60" of normal so electricity will cost $$$ this summer.
Almost makes up for being snowed in for 3 weeks last winter...:saywhat:
02-11-10, 02:31 PM
Or Canon vs Nikon!:)....which inevitably leads to Apple vs Pc. :)
But back to snow, this whole climate change thingie is making the local skiers (and resorts) awfully happy. We're heading up to Big Bear this weekend, it'll be the dog's first pawprints in snow .... I envision a look of confusion on the boy. :confused: My wife envisions a 90 lb Lab wearing booties.
02-11-10, 02:37 PM
the biggest pile of BS is relying on the IPCC for scientific data. that fact they relied on the WWF, a mountaineering magazine, and a college student's dissertation for Himalayan glacier melt data just points to what sham all of this is.
(btw, this thread is ripe for a CCF countdown)
Yup..those are the SOLE resources used to back up climate change...
It's ALL a sham...
02-11-10, 03:21 PM
16 different times they quoted articles from the WWF website in their report. The last time I looked the WWF is a advocacy group with a very definite agenda, not an unbiased group of climatologists.
You can be facetious about it if it makes you feel better, but the idea that you're not shocked by the IPCC quoting as FACT the dissertation of an undergraduate Geography student who based his paper on INTERVIEWS of climbing guides, means that you (like the IPCC) are just believing what you want to believe and ignoring what makes you uncomfortable.
You can be facetious about it if it makes you feel better, but purposely hiding data that disproves your conclusions means you don't have confidence in the rest of the data.
Mistakes can happen, hence "peer review".
Coverups mean "do-over", somebody else "do-over".
I like the agnostic perspective.
But I still want to get a windmill, just don't have a use for one...
Yup..those are the SOLE resources used to back up climate change...
It's ALL a sham...
Yes, and all of the anti-climate change propaganda has absolutely nothing to do with underlying economic interests.
The "solution" we get will have everything to do with who profits, pro AND con. :shrugs:
True, some winters they don't get bit of snow or a hard freeze. Same with Seattle and Portland. Since the first of the year the region has been dryer and warmer than normal, but it's not all that unusual. The Camelias are blooming and we saw 60 degrees last week. The snowpack is around 60" of normal so electricity will cost $$$ this summer.
Almost makes up for being snowed in for 3 weeks last winter...:saywhat:
Yer not out of the woods yet (so to speak), yo. ;) We were the same as you guys in Nov and Dec, but Jan and Feb have been the reverse. The trends will likely flip before the end of the season.
02-11-10, 08:55 PM
Mistakes can happen, hence "peer review".
I agree. But several of their reports were not subject to peer review, and they seem to be ok with that.
02-12-10, 03:34 AM
Yer not out of the woods yet (so to speak), yo. ;) We were the same as you guys in Nov and Dec, but Jan and Feb have been the reverse. The trends will likely flip before the end of the season.
The season is over around here by the 3rd week of February 19yrs out of 20, so I'm not holding my breath. We had record cold in December but it was dry.
NWS is predicting another coastal storm for Monday 15th into Tuesday 16th. :saywhat:
From their first storm forecast:
Significant winter storm expected for Monday night Feb 15th into Tuesday Feb 16th Storm has the potential to produce 8+ inches of snow Storm has the potential to produce minor coastal flooding along Atlantic coasts of NJ & DE High tides to watch are on Tuesday Feb 16th Storm has the potential to produce gale force winds over the coastal waters Winds gusts to 40 miles an hour are possible in coastal areas, 30 miles an hour over inland locations.
Risk of blowing & drifting snow
NWS is predicting another coastal storm for Monday 15th into Tuesday 16th. :saywhat:
I read a quote from a congressman the other day that claimed the blizzards would keep coming until Al Gore cried uncle. :gomer: :rofl:
Forty-nine states had snow on the ground as of this morning.
Forty-nine states had snow on the ground as of this morning.
Thank goodness we have global warming because I would hate to see what global cooling would bring;)
02-13-10, 06:00 PM
Personally I'd like to smack Al Gore upside his endlessly babbling head. The problem is unnaturally rapid climate change linked to excessive carbon-based air pollution. Some locations may actually get colder. I don't know who bugs me more, the ones who believe that no matter how much crap we pump into the air nothing will happen or the ones who have turned global warming into their religion.:flame:
We've got another 6"+ of global warming underway. :saywhat: :mad: :gomer:
We've got another 6"+ of global warming underway. :saywhat: :mad: :gomer:
That's just a dusting.
nissan gtp
02-15-10, 05:19 PM
Personally I'd like to smack Al Gore upside his endlessly babbling head. The problem is unnaturally rapid climate change linked to excessive carbon-based air pollution. Some locations may actually get colder. I don't know who bugs me more, the ones who believe that no matter how much crap we pump into the air nothing will happen or the ones who have turned global warming into their religion.:flame:
couldn't agree more. it's typical american politics, both sides are dominated by extremist nut-jobs
That's just a dusting.
It'll make 2'+ in a week, following 17 straight days of snow in January. :saywhat: :mad: In two weeks I'll be hanging in Mickey's crib in Orlando. It can't get here soon enough. :saywhat: In total we're working on 50"+ for the season...I know that pales in comparison to the east coasters, but that's a lot for the moron drivers around here. :irked:
02-15-10, 05:46 PM
The average hemispheric temperature is not closely related to the amount of snow next to one person's bird feeder. :)
Mickey's crib in Orlando.
Given the weather, I hope you have a travel Plan "B" in lieu of flying. :saywhat:
Sounds like another 1-2" for the AM commute with a total of 6" by Tue PM.
The kids need to go back school.
Given the weather, I hope you have a travel Plan "B" in lieu of flying. :saywhat:
Well, duh...I was planning on borrowing a friend's Subie. The only issue with plan B is getting him to drive it here. :gomer: I'm guessing that we'll have a flip in the pattern by the end of the month. This has been one extreme period with the jet so far south. :irked:
Oh, and I just learned that make up days for our schools are on Saturdays. Careful what you ask for... :gomer:
02-15-10, 08:29 PM
Well it is raining here. Again. Another rousing 0.09" gully washer:rolleyes:
No snow on the ground in the valleys.
Alta has a 91" base with 4" new today. That's rather low.
We drink the snow pack out here. Live & die by it. The state average right now is 80%. The snowpack that provides water to 90% of the population of Utah is running at 66% of normal.
Any of you folks buried in snow care to ship it out here? We would happily take it.
Any of you folks buried in snow care to ship it out here? We would happily take it.
Well, a fair portion of our is yellow snow, but you are more the welcome to it. :gomer: (new puppy adopted this past weekend)
Strong as a hurricane, packed with the snow of a blizzard, path of a Nor'easter...
24/7 news coverage begins...
The Longmans and I are ground zero for:
The Blizzard at the end of February 2010 ( :saywhat:;)
Strong as a hurricane, packed with the snow of a blizzard, path of a Nor'easter...
24/7 news coverage begins...
The Longman's and I are ground zero for:
The Blizzard at the end of February 2010 ( :saywhat:;)
Your turn. :gomer: :p I'll wave to y'all from Main Street USA on Sunday. :D
Meanwhile the central oHIo glacier is receding...I've never seen icicles as big as I did last week. :eek:
Your turn. :gomer: :p I'll wave to y'all from Main Street USA on Sunday. :D
I might be envious if you said Orange Blossom Trail, but Main Street USA? Meh. I'll take the snow.
I might be envious if you said Orange Blossom Trail, but Main Street USA? Meh. I'll take the snow.
But I'll be wearing shorts and golf shirts. :p
02-23-10, 09:58 PM
While I agree parts of the US have had more than their fair share of snow, I would like to hear from OC members in other parts of the world. The last I saw, the globe has more than one continent. Not trying to be controversial. Just curious.
8 - 12 inches forecast for tomorrow :yuck:
I would like to hear from OC members in other parts of the world
I'd like to be in other parts of the world. ;)
I, for one, am just trying to fan the media flames of weather forecasting.
This just in - snow will be coming.... in two days.... :rolleyes:
But I'll be wearing shorts and golf shirts. :p
Standard QLD winter wear.
While I agree parts of the US have had more than their fair share of snow, I would like to hear from OC members in other parts of the world. The last I saw, the globe has more than one continent. Not trying to be controversial. Just curious.
Snow? What is this snow? :gomer:
It has rained a lot this year, which is normal, compared to the drought of the last few years.
Standard QLD winter wear.
Snow? What is this snow? :gomer:
It has rained a lot this year, which is normal, compared to the drought of the last few years.
I know of neither this rain or snow. Forecast is for 42C (108F) today, with a possible TS later. IF there are showers today, it will be the first time I'll have seen anything come out of the sky since November.
02-24-10, 07:31 PM
We're scheduled to get 10-12" of wet, heavy snow by Friday morning.
Well, what the "Snowicane" lacked in snow quantity, it made up for in wind speed.
We ended this AM with about 6-8" of new snow. Yet I actually have less snow in my backyard than before it started :saywhat: . I woke to more than half my driveway covered in waist deep snow drifts. Roads were completed clear in some spots and impassable in others.
Kids earned another day of "summer" school too.
02-26-10, 08:49 PM
I don't know who bugs me more, the ones who believe that no matter how much crap we pump into the air nothing will happen or the ones who have turned global warming into their religion.:flame:
No argument on that one. The "emotional environmentalists" are every bit as counterproductive as the carbon lobby. There is a laundry list of practical reasons and some serious strategic reasons to transition from carbon based technology and if the case were made without all the histrionics I imagine more people might be persuaded. What's needed is practical environmentalism. The big money is already transitioning.
Walmart, Google, many other large companies as well as the US military are making massive investments in building efficiency and alternative energy sources. What the big/smart money does is generally a much better indicator than what we get from the chattering class.
BTW, our snow packs are in the same range as in Utah. Water will be short this summer. Anyone that watched the Olympics saw what the weather is like in the Pacific NW coastal mountains; warm and rainy.
BTW, our snow packs are in the same range as in Utah. Water will be short this summer. Anyone that watched the Olympics saw what the weather is like in the Pacific NW coastal mountains; warm and rainy.
until this week Tahoe's been hurting. my bday was 50F bluebird and straight slush/corn.
02-27-10, 02:39 PM
Southern Utah has no shortage of water this year.
No snow on the ground in SLC at all. :shakehead
02-27-10, 06:01 PM
until this week Tahoe's been hurting. my bday was 50F bluebird and straight slush/corn.
Yep, pretty much the same all over Baja British Columbia. Around once every 20yrs we get a warm one. I can recall riding my motorcycle every day all winter without cold weather gear back in the early 90's.
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