View Full Version : Mobile Broadband
04-09-10, 10:56 AM
I'm to the point where I really need to retrieve email and use the innerweb on the road. I'm thinking small laptop with a 3G card or maybe an ipad 3g since they have unlimited hookup for $29.95 a month. Which networks offer the most reliable service? Any thoughts on prices? No I don't want to do it on my phone, the screen is too small.
Sean Malone
04-09-10, 10:59 AM
Sprint has 4G...which I think is 1 better than 3G. :)
Isn't the iPad locked into AT&T like their iPhones are?
Verizon 3G cards are like $60 a month I believe.
I have all the facts...obviously. :gomer:
04-09-10, 11:11 AM
If it's really just for email & surfing, I'd pick up a Dell or HP mini with built-in 3G. I think Dell's minis are AT&T only, but I believe HP lets you choose between AT&T, Verizon and Sprint.
They're not as hip as the iPad, but they multitask out of the box, display most websites correctly and you don't have to wear a black turtleneck. :gomer:
04-09-10, 11:17 AM
I like the Dell/HP mini idea better than joining a cult. ;), it just seemed that $29.95 unlimited is hard to beat. Being able to do real computer stuff instead of dicking around with "apps" would be better too. Ipad 3g is also really expensive....who woulda thought :D
Sean Malone
04-09-10, 11:20 AM
I like the Dell/HP mini idea better than joining a cult. ;), it just seemed that $29.95 unlimited is hard to beat. Being able to do real computer stuff instead of dicking around with "apps" would be better too. Ipad 3g is also really expensive....who woulda thought :D
Be forwarned...the mini's are slooooooooow.
You might also find the keyboard of a mini too small. You can get full blown laptops starting at $500.
Network reliability will vary by location.
04-09-10, 11:36 AM
Be forwarned...the mini's are slooooooooow.
Not mine. Dell 12 running Win7 Pro. The only thing it's slow on is playing HD video. We've got a ton of Dell Mini10 w/ XP pro as well and they're not at all slow for web/email use.
04-09-10, 11:56 AM
Dell + ATT is two year contract and $60/mo. They also have coverage maps that include light blue "you are about to get screwed zones". The ipad is $29.95 and no contract, not sure about the coverage map.
Not mine. Dell 12 running Win7 Pro. The only thing it's slow on is playing HD video. We've got a ton of Dell Mini10 w/ XP pro as well and they're not at all slow for web/email use.
Agreed, my net book was inexpensive (less than half of a base iPad) and works well with everything except HD video. It can do 90% of anything I would do on my tower PC or MacBook Pro and it fits into a cargo pocket. The keyboard is small as is the screen but its not my full time machine.
When without WiFi I "tether" ($15/month for 5GB, Verizon) the net book to my Blackberry Tour and for simple browsing it works great. Not as fast as Comcast at home but still quick. Not going to stream Lost on Hulu by any means but for the simple stuff (email, Autosport, News, OC, etc..) as long as you have 3G you have internet.
I heard a claim last night that with the Droid from Verizon you can wirelessly use the phone as a modem and not be charged data rates. I don't have a Droid but my buddy that does claims this is possible with an App. YMMV
04-09-10, 01:04 PM
Dell + ATT is two year contract and $60/mo. They also have coverage maps that include light blue "you are about to get screwed zones". The ipad is $29.95 and no contract, not sure about the coverage map.
iPad is AT&T ('though I hear you can already make it run at non-3G speeds on T-Mobile), so that same "Good Luck With That" coverage map applies. The HPs will take a $40/month Verizon plan, but you may have to sign a year (or 2) deal with those.
I heard a claim last night that with the Droid from Verizon you can wirelessly use the phone as a modem and not be charged data rates. I don't have a Droid but my buddy that does claims this is possible with an App. YMMV
We were shopping a replacement for The Wife's Blackberry last night and the Verizon salesdrone conceded that while there's officially a charge for tethering the Android-based phones, the app to do so is free and VZW rarely busts people unless their data usage is immense. 'Course, I was immediately skeptical that he'd offered that info up so readily, so grain of salt, etc, etc.
04-09-10, 01:10 PM
I have a US Cellular dumbphone. Locked into family plan. US cell has a 3g modem for $49.95 /mo for 5GB of data. Like all of the providers, I can't get a straight answer about charges when using one of their "partners".
04-09-10, 01:14 PM
is Kricket any good, they advertise unlimited use for a good price.
04-09-10, 01:32 PM
It depends on whether you live within a mile of one of Cricket's eleven cell phone towers:saywhat:
Their data coverage in Utah is limited to the I-15 corridor in the northern third of the state. In Idaho, they only cover Boise.
Cricket is fine for your kid walking to school but not for any kind of travel.
Sean Malone
04-09-10, 01:43 PM
Not mine. Dell 12 running Win7 Pro. The only thing it's slow on is playing HD video. We've got a ton of Dell Mini10 w/ XP pro as well and they're not at all slow for web/email use.
A second gen Atom right? Haven't played with one of those but the first Atoms have the processing equivalency of a key chain suduku game.
If you want to race F1 cars against me using bluetooth, you gotta join the cult.
04-09-10, 02:27 PM
I heard a claim last night that with the Droid from Verizon you can wirelessly use the phone as a modem and not be charged data rates. I don't have a Droid but my buddy that does claims this is possible with an App. YMMV
The Droid 2-year plans include a $29.99 monthly charge for unlimited data. People have been "tethering" their Droid so that their laptop can get service, although technically this is against the user agreement with Verizon.
I've been considering portable options but I can't see paying an extra $30 a month for a data plan on a phone. It's a shame since I'd really like a Palm Pre.
Phones also aren't practical for my other main purpose - portable documents. Considered all the eReaders, but all of them suck for PDF as far as I can tell and that's the main document format.
Instead I'm thinking ultra portable. Originally a Dell Mini 10 but now leaning toward a Dell Vostro V13. With Linux of course. :D
This thread should have been called "Not the iPad".
04-09-10, 03:50 PM
A second gen Atom right? Haven't played with one of those but the first Atoms have the processing equivalency of a key chain suduku game.
Nope, 1st Gen. It's by no means a replacement for a larger laptop, but for Outlook, standard Excel/Word stuff, web or a video? No problem.
04-09-10, 04:12 PM
Looks like buy a small laptop and a US Cellular modem ($49.95 mo for 5GB) is the cheapest and most versatile option. Of course it does not have the Douche factor of the ipad :)
04-09-10, 04:35 PM
Buy a netbook, make sure you upgrade the memory all the way, and you will be happy with it. Don't go smaller than 10" screen. The Atom-based netbooks with 1gb are slow. With 2gb or more, they're fine.
04-10-10, 12:55 AM
"People think I'm using my iPad to surf the internet. It's not even on. I'm just staring at myself. Killer app."
Ironically, this seems to be the iPad's main appeal initially--as a shiny toy to show off and validate oneself. 0
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