View Full Version : USGP Austin, TX?!?!

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02-02-12, 06:29 PM
San Marcos is 30 miles out of Austin and they have reasonable prices. Motel 6 on the cheap for $44 a night.

I can't imagine driving back and forth from San Antonio each day. Especially since I like drinking alcoholic beverages to excess.

45 is a new freeway that's a straight shot to the track, SM, Kyle, Buda would be good spots for an out of town hotel w/ easy track access.

also check out round rock/georgetown up north towards the 130 & I-35 interchange, 130->45 will be a straight shot to the track as well.

02-02-12, 06:42 PM
45 is a new freeway that's a straight shot to the track, SM, Kyle, Buda would be good spots for an out of town hotel w/ easy track access.

also check out round rock/georgetown up north towards the 130 & I-35 interchange, 130->45 will be a straight shot to the track as well.

That only helps race fans if the BAC limit in Texas is 0.25 or lower. :gomer:

02-02-12, 08:30 PM
Don't they allow open carry? :tony:

02-02-12, 10:52 PM
Don't they allow open carry? :tony:

You talking booze or guns ? I think they changed the booze open container laws a while back...

02-03-12, 06:13 AM
You talking booze or guns ? I think they changed the booze open container laws a while back...


It was sweet when you could in to pay for your gas (after pumping it), and grab a tall boy from the bucket of ice next to the register. :thumbup:

02-03-12, 06:17 AM
San Marcos is 30 miles out of Austin and they have reasonable prices. Motel 6 on the cheap for $44 a night.

I can't imagine driving back and forth from San Antonio each day. Especially since I like drinking alcoholic beverages to excess.

San Marcos? I don't like the regime there.


02-03-12, 11:53 AM

It was sweet when you could in to pay for your gas (after pumping it), and grab a tall boy from the bucket of ice next to the register. :thumbup:

gotta cross the Sabine to get that kinda hospitality these days. coon ass country ftw

02-03-12, 10:02 PM
San Marcos? I don't like the regime there.


02-05-12, 06:24 PM
44 bucks? They probably usually rent that room by the hour and only change the sheets when they begin to crack.

Saving $550/night you can buy your own bed and sheets. :)

02-06-12, 02:57 PM
45 is a new freeway that's a straight shot to the track, SM, Kyle, Buda would be good spots for an out of town hotel w/ easy track access.

also check out round rock/georgetown up north towards the 130 & I-35 interchange, 130->45 will be a straight shot to the track as well.


You might want to upgrade your Garmin.

02-06-12, 03:09 PM
Nevermind - State HWY 45 not I-45.

Yes, all you out-of-towners get on the toll road!

02-10-12, 03:26 PM
^^^ sigh.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/396265_292075690855271_125170184212490_798862_5119 40952_n.jpg

02-10-12, 04:11 PM
Glad I don't live by the track. It will look the Alamo when hordes of Perez fans swarm the gates. :gomer:

02-10-12, 05:53 PM
When do they start building SHADE?:gomer:

02-10-12, 05:56 PM
When do they start building SHADE?:gomer:

man up, nancy boy.

02-10-12, 06:17 PM
looks like a strip mine. They better get busy.

02-23-12, 02:48 AM
I'm in , just booked Motel 6 in Austin, very reasonable, rooms still available, around 80 bucks sat and sun. After being involved in the tragedy,no air racing for me this year, just disgusts me to think about it, Austin will be a fresh start with no bad memories to think about . And being a musician, the chance to see the best drivers and the best players is irresistible! Got screwed out of seeing the chin drive in his heyday thanks to the broken leg in 99 , so hoping his career lasts till November 18, 2012. And, it's only a 3.5 hr flight from LAX. Let's do it !

03-02-12, 08:11 AM
NY Times 36 Hours in Austin (http://travel.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/travel/36-hours-in-austin-tex.html?adxnnl=1&hpw=&adxnnlx=1330689738-clzs+hyr2qJikvD+F2B44A)