Elmo T
05-28-10, 01:09 PM
Just got back in from a call (OT - abandoned home with a bio-diesel set-up left in place :rolleyes:) and while driving back in I flipped through the channels on the satellite radio.
Indy Lights race is on now apparently and they said it was a huge crowd. Huge is relative I guess?
They also gushed about schedule changes and how carb day used to be closed to the public and how great that it is open now so the huge crowds can watch. Huge. Huge.
Perhaps their dictionary is different than mine?
Main Entry: huge
Pronunciation: \ˈhyüj, ˈyüj\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hug·er; hug·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French ahuge
Date: 12th century
: very large or extensive: as a : of great size or area b : great in scale or degree <a huge deficit> c : great in scope or character <a dancer of huge talent>
Indy Lights race is on now apparently and they said it was a huge crowd. Huge is relative I guess?
They also gushed about schedule changes and how carb day used to be closed to the public and how great that it is open now so the huge crowds can watch. Huge. Huge.
Perhaps their dictionary is different than mine?
Main Entry: huge
Pronunciation: \ˈhyüj, ˈyüj\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hug·er; hug·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French ahuge
Date: 12th century
: very large or extensive: as a : of great size or area b : great in scale or degree <a huge deficit> c : great in scope or character <a dancer of huge talent>