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View Full Version : Uh oh, another Gulf oil rig on fire

09-02-10, 01:19 PM
Not a lot of information beyond nobody has been killed.

Industry sources have said that the possible cause of the fire is a pipeline rupture.

Mariner is sole operator and owner of the platform, which a 24-hour, manned fixed platform with two decks, heliport and crane. The platform was installed in early 1980 in 340 feet of water, and has produced both oil and natural gas since 1982.

Water depth at Vermilion Block 380, which Mariner has leased since 1974, ranges from 319 feet to 368 feet.

09-02-10, 02:31 PM
What's burning? I heard it's not producing gas OR oil at this time. Looks like that Chavez sub he got from Cuba is at it again!

09-02-10, 02:36 PM
Not what I read...


The platform is a fixed petroleum platform that was in production at the time of the fire, according to a homeland security operational update obtained by The Associated Press.

The update said the platform was producing about 58,800 gallons of oil and 900,000 cubic feet of gas per day. The platform can store 4,200 gallons of oil.

09-02-10, 02:48 PM

A mile-long oil sheen spread Thursday from an offshore petroleum platform burning in the Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana, the Associated Press reports.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Bill Coklough said the sheen, about 100 feet wide, was spotted near the platform owned by Houston-based Mariner Energy Inc.

09-02-10, 03:31 PM
Something's definitely burning...


09-02-10, 03:52 PM
Swell, I suppose now the government is going to shut down all the production rigs too. Prices of most everything will go up. :(