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View Full Version : Chevrolet returns?

Rogue Leader
11-08-10, 09:54 AM

Thoughts? :gomer:

11-08-10, 10:17 AM

Thoughts? :gomer:

Should I get me a set of them sock holder thingies? :gomer:


Elmo T
11-08-10, 10:23 AM
I tried to Google some news on Chevy and found this gem:

After Years Of Turmoil, IndyCar Racing On Rise (http://www.pressboxonline.com/story.cfm?id=6794)

With a unified series, popular venues across the country now are bringing world-class racing right to the fans. A new cost-efficient car chassis, anchored by the tradition of the Indy 500, helps to ensure IndyCar racing is on its way back.


Don Quixote
11-08-10, 10:25 AM

Economically speaking, this would be a great investment for Govt Motors to make with our tax money. You can't make this stuff up.

11-08-10, 10:41 AM

Economically speaking, this would be a great investment for Govt Motors to make with our tax money. You can't make this stuff up.

But but but...I saw a commercial where the GM prez said they paid it all back. :)

I think Chevy and Indy are a good match.

11-08-10, 11:15 AM
Our tax $'s at work. :yuck:

11-08-10, 11:25 AM
If this happens and they win races, count on Honda to throw a typical fit and quit.

11-08-10, 12:55 PM

Thoughts? :gomer:

My first thought is that DeLorenzo has been huffing too many fumes for the last couple of years. His hit/miss ratio on "breaking news" isn't exactly stellar.

Then again, GM's also re-entering World Challenge and stepping up in Grand Am, so perhaps their motorsports plan is based around series with a high WGAF factor?

Rogue Leader
11-08-10, 01:32 PM
Autoweek is reporting it too as a rumor:


Racer seems to believe it:


11-08-10, 02:15 PM
Autoweek is reporting it too as a rumor:


A Chevy badged Ilmor.:rolleyes: You have to know that IF any new engine appears Roger Penske will profit from it.

I wonder what it costs to lease the Chevrolet name...

11-08-10, 02:20 PM
A Chevy badged Ilmor.:rolleyes: You have to know that IF any new engine appears Roger Penske will profit from it.

I wonder what it costs to lease the Chevrolet name...

Aren't Honda's prepped by Ilmor also? I thought the last 'real' Honda left when they pulled out of CART.

11-08-10, 02:23 PM
That's it, they'll badge half of the V6 Ilmors as Honda and the other half Chevrolet.

11-08-10, 02:28 PM
That's it, they'll badge half of the V6 Ilmors as Honda and the other half Chevrolet.

Fits right into their faux race car model. Fake Lotus bodies with fake Chevy/Honda engines. :shakehead

Don Quixote
11-08-10, 02:39 PM
That's it, they'll badge half of the V6 Ilmors as Honda and the other half Chevrolet. The spinners will be distributed 50/50 to Honda and Chevy during the year and will be given to drivers that will create the biggest "buzz" at each particular venue.

11-08-10, 02:43 PM
Sure would make it a lot easier to keep the sealed, spec engines on par with one another.

11-08-10, 04:03 PM
Then again, GM's also re-entering World Challenge and stepping up in Grand Am, so perhaps their motorsports plan is based around series with a high WGAF factor?

That seems to be the GM racing philosophy. Race where the competition sucks more than you do. Other than the Corvette programs, wtf have the done besides pull the plug on the Cadillac LMP program just when the could have stepped it up and gone after a LeMans victory?

11-08-10, 04:39 PM
Fits right into their faux race car model. Fake Lotus bodies with fake Chevy/Honda engines. :shakehead
Maybe Randy should try faux bulls for his bull riding circus? All brown steers with stick-on "attachments" instead of bulls because the fans don't know the difference. :laugh: They wouldn't have to pay to haul expensive livestock around, just pick up what you need at the local livestock auction. Tell the fans it's a cost saving measure. One 1500lb. bovine is the same as the next.


11-08-10, 06:41 PM
Maybe Randy should try faux bulls for his bull riding circus? All brown steers with stick-on "attachments" instead of bulls because the fans don't know the difference. :laugh: They wouldn't have to pay to haul expensive livestock around, just pick up what you need at the local livestock auction. Tell the fans it's a cost saving measure. One 1500lb. bovine is the same as the next.


getting snipped to become steers...

11-08-10, 07:32 PM
getting snipped to become steers...

But the announcers would call them "cows" anyway because that's what the :gomer::gomer::gomer: think they are. It's easier to do than explain the difference between a bull, a steer, and a cow.

11-08-10, 08:53 PM
Iffin it's a Chebby it'd better have pushrods. Otherwise I ain't watchin.

Ummmmm, nevermind.

11-09-10, 10:15 AM
i read that Ilmor has its own V6TT, so it would be Ilmor against honda, as honda is producing its own engine this time around

11-09-10, 12:17 PM
Who will hand out the magic pop off valves this time around?

11-09-10, 12:56 PM
Who will hand out the magic pop off valves this time around?

Duh, Roger.

11-09-10, 04:02 PM
Duh, Roger.

Somehow, I doubt it :D

11-09-10, 08:15 PM
Barnhart has his engineers working 24 hours a day working on a remotely controlled popoffvalve adjustable in real time.

Think how good the "racing" will be.

11-09-10, 10:35 PM
I'm worried about this. Everything associated with the IRL turns to crap, so if Chevy is taking taxpayer money to compete in the IRL, and the money comes from us via the government, this could be the end of civilization as we know it! :flame: :eek:

11-10-10, 12:04 AM
Barnhart has his engineers working 24 hours a day working on a remotely controlled popoffvalve adjustable in real time.

Think how good the "racing" will be.

Join the Indycarnation NOW to register to win YOUR chance to be in control of the not-Penske not-Ganassi popoff valve of your choice using our state-of-the-art controller!


(some restrictions apply. Winner must provide his or her own transportation to the race venue. The tickets, well, they're free. The winner must reimburse the AyeAyeSeeEss for remote controller cleaning fees post-haste post-race, estimated at $US372.00.)

11-10-10, 12:14 AM
I'm worried about this. Everything associated with the IRL turns to crap, so if Chevy is taking taxpayer money to compete in the IRL, and the money comes from us via the government, this could be the end of civilization as we know it! :flame: :eek:

Nah, it'll be exactly the same thing as all the privateer teams in F1 racing against the Italian gummint in the guise of Ferrari. Instead of the Troll we get Ropin' Randy. It's a cultural thing, don't you know...

11-11-10, 09:26 AM
The IRL BS translator indicates they've got car count problems next season.

A team principle would have to be a Foyt sized dope to believe if they just stick it out (and pay out of pocket) next season, GM mana will fall from the heavens in 2012.

11-11-10, 02:20 PM
Chevy exec sez even thoough NASCAR attendnace and TV rating have fallen they feel their connection to the fan is up!

I don't buy Chevy's because they suck. ANd the IRL sucks. So, count me out for a connection. I wonder if they've thought this thing through enough. Like which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Elmo T
11-12-10, 10:20 AM
Chevy the big announcement today? Something requiring sock tethers?

Today at 10:00 AM ET the IZOD IndyCar Series will be streaming live from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for an announcement regarding a manufacturer for the 2012 IndyCar.

11-12-10, 10:21 AM
Chevy the big announcement today? Something requiring sock tethers?


In an announcement that is expected to reveal a partnership between Chevrolet, Ilmor Engineering and Team Penske, SPEED.com has learned that the trio who ushered in Chevrolet's first Indy Car engine in 1986 will be reunited to race together in 2012.

And the wheel goes 'round...

11-12-10, 11:34 AM
The IRL BS translator indicates they've got car count problems next season.

A team principle would have to be a Foyt sized dope to believe if they just stick it out (and pay out of pocket) next season, GM mana will fall from the heavens in 2012.

Or, they become "smart" like Jeemy and have a realization that ride buyers keep the doors open until money returns and allows them to become more choosy on who wants to drive for them.


Back on topic, if GM pulled back on sports sponsorships for not being proven at drawing traffic and reaching the target audience, how in god's green earth does this move to the IRL make any sense?

Andrew Longman
11-12-10, 11:36 AM
Is Ilmore still doing Honda rebuilds? Or isn't the Honda NA Indy engine built from the Ilmore design or something? I seem to remember something along those lines. Anyway, Chevy isn't really doing anything but buying advertising it would seem.

Don Quixote
11-12-10, 11:53 AM
Anyway, Chevy isn't really doing anything but buying advertising it would seem.To buy advertising, wouldn't it be best if there were somebody there to see such advertising? Tree/forest/ROI/etc.

11-12-10, 12:41 PM
Ol' Rog cornering the engine market for the day Honda quits? When the IRL folds will the Chebby bolt up to a DP Prototype? Sumthing more going on here.

11-12-10, 01:05 PM
Yup...this is all fodder for the Honduh pullout. A passing of the reins so to speak...

Elmo T
11-12-10, 01:12 PM
Seems like a small investment for GM -

$5.50 on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Chroma-Graphics-6173-Bowties-Holographic/dp/B000CE9ERO) for a double pack.


11-12-10, 07:00 PM
Honda goes it alone (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/88196)

Penske - "Honda made the decision going into 2012 that if there was going to be a new engine they wanted to do that on their own and not utilise Ilmor..."

Honda's story (as told by RP) is they want to do the new engine in-house. That would also make it a lot easier to back out. No messy contracts with third parties to interfere.


11-13-10, 12:51 AM
and hondas 2010 edmonton race sponsorship would ensure the race would continue for several more years

11-13-10, 01:25 PM
Geez, my tax dollars at work? Good Lord, even the Cubs want my $$ to rehab Wrigley Field! Rehab the team first and I'll think about it!