View Full Version : Top Gear (suck version) debuts tonight...
11-21-10, 06:42 PM
..on the History channel.
Someone still needs to explain to me how that makes sense, but at least it's a diversion from the 'All Nazi All The Time' programming on what used to be a decent network..
I am eagerly DVR' ing it for a future viewing when there is absolutely bugger-all else on the telly to watch...
Watching the series finale of "Luther" on BBCAmerica in its it when english swear words make it through the murrican censors...:D
11-21-10, 07:12 PM
..on the History channel.
Someone still needs to explain to me how that makes sense, but at least it's a diversion from the 'All Nazi All The Time' programming on what used to be a decent network..
I am eagerly DVR' ing it for a future viewing when there is absolutely bugger-all else on the telly to watch...
Watching the series finale of "Luther" on BBCAmerica in its it when english swear words make it through the murrican censors...:D
Hey, I like the Nazi telethons.
11-21-10, 07:24 PM
You haven't been keeping up. History is now the land of some of the better reality shows. Ice Road Truckers, Swamp Loggers, Pawn Stars, American Pickers etc. I almost all of the WWII content is long gone.
Edit to add the promos I have seen for Top Gear have been rather sad. IMO Top Gear is great due to the three presenters above and beyond the content. It is the chemistry between those three that makes the show. These three Yanks just look to be goofy to me. They are setting them up to be directly compared to the originals, a recipe for failure if you ask me.
11-21-10, 09:23 PM
The commercial said that it's "Seen by 350 Million veiwers around the world...", but it hasn't even been on yet. Oh wait they mean the 'real' Top Gear. :gomer:
Al Czervik
11-21-10, 09:25 PM
Top Gear USA: Ambitious, but rubbish!
11-21-10, 09:43 PM
Watching the pawn dudes and there was an ad for Top Gear USA. Yuk.......I'd rather pull my fingernails out with a Visegrip than watch that...especially that cabtard. :yuck:
History is now the land of some of the better reality shows. Ice Road Truckers, Swamp Loggers, Pawn Stars, American Pickers etc.
That's like saying that they have the better meningitis.
Winston Wolfe
11-21-10, 10:40 PM
that complete bonehead NAS-TARD should be removed from the airwaves entirely... what an ultra maroon....
Tanner Faust has proven to be entirely one dimensional on the show where he partners with PT on SpeedVision channel and drives exotic / fast cars on race tracks around the west coast.
Dont know who the other stooge is to round out the Three Stooges concept, but I would like to know what happened to "Ace Man" Corolla, who I heard was going to be on the NBC version - which got cut.... anyone ?
11-22-10, 12:12 AM
What does Tony Danza know about freakin cars!!!!??
I kept expecting the chubby gay guy (not that there's anything wrong with that) to recommend mood lighting and decorative tips. Tanner was ok, like a grilled cheese sandwich once in a while. The Viper bit was drawn out to long, but I did feel a sense of honesty from Tanner about the feel of the Viper. I've driven the previous gen Viper and it was the scariest experience of my life....and the most fun (and I've ridden sport bikes that are faster).
Not one nod to the English counter part? Over all I'd give it a 2 out of 10. But the cars being the REAL stars of the show I'd give the Vipers and the Lambos 10. :thumbup: It's why we watch...right!?
opinionated ow
11-22-10, 02:09 AM
Couldn't be any worse than Top Gear Australia Mk.3
It's like watching a remake of the Godfather with the cast from Jersey Shore. Unnecessary, unequal, unwatchable. :yuck:
11-22-10, 04:53 AM
It's like watching a remake of the Godfather with the cast from Jersey Shore. Unnecessary, unequal, unwatchable. :yuck:
Nicely put sir :thumbup: :laugh:
11-22-10, 05:13 AM
I didn't realize that it was going to be absolutely the same as the original version just with three Americans. That the hell is the point, just watch the real thing on BBCA.
11-22-10, 07:35 AM
I didn't realize that it was going to be absolutely the same as the original version just with three Americans. That the hell is the point, just watch the real thing on BBCA.
I didn't watch it, the previews were enough :yuck: I can't even look at or listen to the hillbilly Guy Ferretti Clone. Cameraman is right, what the hell is the point, watch the original.
Didn't know they were going to have a NASTARD. I suppose you have to go for the 80% of the population who are complete idiots. Too many dollars there to ignore, being spent by "minds" easily influenced by idiotic advertising.
Thanks for the review. No need to waste time on it.
Don Quixote
11-22-10, 10:20 AM
Yep, thanks for saving me the time. This is almost as bad as remaking True Grit or Rooster Cogburn. At least nobody will ever do that. :shakehead
11-22-10, 10:48 AM
I thought it was 10 times better than those arrogant, pompous limey windbag poseurs.
I do wish that the Cobra helicopter was using real missiles though.
11-22-10, 11:23 AM
So all in all, it wasn't that bad for me. It needs a lot of work though.
Decided to watch it with an open eye and opinion.
First off, solve the in car shaking camera. There must be one limey from the mother show whos there and knows how to make that work.
Tanner was a bit too stiff and robotic, Adam Ferrara looks like he could be really good with some seasoning and rutledge just seems sooo out of place.
I wish I wish I wish they could have made a copy of the test gear track at dunsfold... I would have loved to see a comparison of more NA vehicles against their euro counterparts.
Andrew Longman
11-22-10, 11:46 AM
Only saw a bit of it. One thing that came across quickly is their budget is massively less... because the BBC version has a massive budget.
Much of whats makes the BBC version compelling is the fantastic photography they they use to make great eye candy. And traipsing all over the world to beautiful places. Until 350 million people watch this, don't expect the same budget or production values.
I'm not sure I would have taken on this project. When the BBC can get 350 million viewers I know why they tried, but this needs to be something completely different from the original. I don't think that means it has to be completely "American" (that would be too limiting and stick it in suckage zone) but just different.
They need to find their own thing, whatever that is. I don't know but for example, the BBC version has an anonymous Stig because the European F1 perception is drivers have no personality and so they really don't need to do anything but drive. What people at least "used to" like about NASCAR was the drivers had personalities. Maybe they need their Stig to have an outsized personality. I'm sure that is a bad idea, but they need to do something to make this show have it's own distinctive something that is not a copy of the BBC version, but something like a compelling alter-ego.
11-22-10, 11:57 AM
Only saw a bit of it. One thing that came across quickly is their budget is massively less... because the BBC version has a massive budget.
Much of whats makes the BBC version compelling is the fantastic photography they they use to make great eye candy. And traipsing all over the world to beautiful places. Until 350 million people watch this, don't expect the same budget or production values.
I'm not sure I would have taken on this project. When the BBC can get 350 million viewers I know why they tried, but this needs to be something completely different from the original. I don't think that means it has to be completely "American" (that would be too limiting and stick it in suckage zone) but just different.
They need to find their own thing, whatever that is. I don't know but for example, the BBC version has an anonymous Stig because the European F1 perception is drivers have no personality and so they really don't need to do anything but drive. What people at least "used to" like about NASCAR was the drivers had personalities. Maybe they need their Stig to have an outsized personality. I'm sure that is a bad idea, but they need to do something to make this show have it's own distinctive something that is not a copy of the BBC version, but something like a compelling alter-ego.
They should cancel it and save a lot of time and money.
11-22-10, 12:42 PM
I'll be curious to see if they dive into car reviews and give honest opinions. The debut show seemed like a show case show that Dodge and Lamborghini paid for.
Top Gear UK evolved into what it is. The chemistry between the 3 hosts evolved. Andrew is correct, the US version needs to have their own personality, not try to mimic the UK. The scripted jokes were too lame and practiced.
Interestingly, another forum I visit (non racing forum), the majority enjoyed it immensely. Clarkeson does bug the **** out of some people. :rofl:
Andrew Longman
11-22-10, 01:07 PM
Clarkeson does bug the **** out of some people. :rofl:That's part of the appeal IMO. While driving the Atom you hoped his face would actually get ripped off (or lose a competition to Captain Slow). He can be pretty cheeky though. I'm just glad I don't have to work or live with the a hole. :p. I know I would be driven to kick his ass. For many Americans, Brits (excepting our own here of course) are quite funny and fine do long as they are over THERE.
The extended preview I saw convinced me not to bother. Why do I want to see them do lame imitations of bits that the Brits have already done so well? You may as well drag in some third rate American comedians and have them do Monty Python skits.
It's true that chemistry takes time to form, but you still have to start with the right ingredients and I just don't see them.
I saw some of it, and it certainly appears to be stillborn. There's really no way that it can succeed, is there? Get the guys drunk before they talk, maybe. Then put 'em in the car.
11-22-10, 02:35 PM
I didn't realize that it was going to be absolutely the same as the original version just with three Americans. That the hell is the point, just watch the real thing on BBCA.
Because we Americans get all weirded out at the very thought of anything of value existing beyond our own borders- gotta hide them accents quick, and keep that illusion of total preeminence going. Witness Pitt's studio buying the rights to Infernal Affairs while it was still in theaters and releasing the carbon-copy remake The Departed a scant two years later.
We would watch the real thing, if it wasn't crawlin' with furriners.
11-22-10, 02:59 PM
Clarkson is the show. Maybe Leno could sorta do it, if they let him blow stuff up. :D
11-23-10, 09:59 AM
Clarkson is the show. Maybe Leno could sorta do it, if they let him blow stuff up. :D
If he started with himself, I'd watch it. Repeatedly.
Andrew Longman
11-29-10, 10:14 PM
OK. Second episode of US version was a bit better. Blind man (literally, like in seeing eye dog) drifting and hand brake parallel parking was actually worth a giggle.
11-29-10, 10:51 PM
I fell asleep before that bit, but maybe I'll try watching it gain. There's just no getting away from the fact that the show is utter crap compared to the UK version, no matter how hard you try to judge it on its own merits.
High Sided
11-29-10, 11:00 PM
episode 2 was even worse outside of the blind parking job and the dog pissing the stage. tanner racing the skiers like the show seemed purely staged. i don't think the fastest way would be drifting the car at every point but looks good on tv and what the hell he won the staged event doing so. i told my girlfriend "you can't copy chemistry" and these blokes got none :(
11-29-10, 11:26 PM
OK. Second episode of US version was a bit better. Blind man (literally, like in seeing eye dog) drifting and hand brake parallel parking was actually worth a giggle.
That was the best part of the show...well no, the dog watering the carpet was the best part, but that was exactly what this show needs. Bubba driving the Aston and trying to do his Clarkson snark-in-reverse impression simply wasn't working, and drifter vs the skiers was an exact copy of para-skiers vs Hamster in Top Gear Non-Suck Version.
This was better than the first, but that's like saying you only have a mild case of the clap, instead of the full-blown dick trickle. Only time will tell, but I think the promo for next week looks a little better..who knows, by the end of the season they may only slightly suck.
11-30-10, 12:04 AM
Why do you people watch that ****? The first ads were horrible, ya think it's gonna get better? Did y'all order 2012 Indy 500 tickets too? :D
Why do you people watch that ****? The first ads were horrible, ya think it's gonna get better? Did y'all order 2012 Indy 500 tickets too? :D
I can't speak for everybody here, but for me I feel that the British version has become overrun with foreign car manufacturers. The way that the BBC films it has taken away a lot of the sanctity and history of Hollywood.
I think it's high time that an American team takes back the motorsport television show, based out of Hollywood, the way God intended it.
American cars, driven by American drivers, without any of those fruitycup foreign manufacturers calling the shots. Sure, we may need a few foreign cars in the beginning, but given enough time and cost controls, soon every show will have all drivers riding around and around and around in a Reasonably Priced Car. That way, you can see who the real drivers are.
I'm in the EW Vista, row JJQ. Does anyone have any advice for the best parking lot and tenderloin stand?
11-30-10, 08:28 AM
I can't speak for everybody here, but for me I feel that the British version has become overrun with foreign car manufacturers. The way that the BBC films it has taken away a lot of the sanctity and history of Hollywood.
I think it's high time that an American team takes back the motorsport television show, based out of Hollywood, the way God intended it.
American cars, driven by American drivers, without any of those fruitycup foreign manufacturers calling the shots. Sure, we may need a few foreign cars in the beginning, but given enough time and cost controls, soon every show will have all drivers riding around and around and around in a Reasonably Priced Car. That way, you can see who the real drivers are.
I'm in the EW Vista, row JJQ. Does anyone have any advice for the best parking lot and tenderloin stand?
Front yard and a cooler full of food.
Andrew Longman
11-30-10, 10:39 AM
Why do you people watch that ****? Well, Trevor DVRs it, then fast forwards through the crap and then tells me if there is anything worth watching. It is actually a pretty small investment to possibly brighten a moment in an otherwise dull life.
Sort of like posting here.
Other than that, I can't recommend it. :D
12-08-10, 05:14 PM
This past weeks show was just baaaaaaaad. Someone mentioned the chubby guy won a contest to be a NASCAR show host? He is definitely an unabashed fan. The drifter has the personality of a sock and they seriously hired an unfunny comedian from Long Island who thinks mid 70's Caddy's are the best cars ever made? Really? Really? :confused:
But the one aspect of the show I truly dislike is that it seems to me that all three of them (or probably more correctly the show producers) script the dialog with a "how would the UK guys do this" angle. But they fall incredibly short of the mark.
Why...oh why did I watch. :cry:
12-08-10, 07:44 PM
For reasons I don't understand my six year old son likes this version. Usually he has pretty good tastes, not this time. I get to watch it with him and there is absolutely no chemistry between those three. It is stiff, poorly scripted and the "star" interviews have not been good. They were edited to try to recover something usable from a disaster. The news stories were lame.
I'll get to watch it again next week too:cry:
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