View Full Version : Farewell

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12-30-10, 01:45 PM
I hate doing this, just because its personal info.... but to avoid the obvious

James morgan, oregon

Rogue Leader
12-30-10, 03:38 PM
Good Luck Oc....

12-30-10, 08:50 PM
OC, I hope you are hanging in there and having the finest moments with your family that a man can have. Tomorrow night I toast to your strength.

12-31-10, 09:57 PM
Hi folks,

Haven't logged on here since before the nimrods of Wall St took us down and, even then, wasn't a frequent poster here. But, I did read the posts of this forum: especially those where the most recent poster went by the moniker, "oddlycalm". That man had his **** together. In a time when OWR was nothing but bile and venom, he seemed to rise above it all.

Anyway, I stumbled across this sad news on one of my infrequent visits to another site and felt compelled to drop in and post.

OC, we probably didn't converse once online, but that's my loss (I didn't stumble upon this site until I was pretty tired of figuring out how to reword the insult I had used the day before) :shakehead ... and yet, here I am -- it's just another example of how far your posts stood out above the others.



01-03-11, 09:45 AM
Although I am not a fequent poster, Oddlycalm was one of the persons whose posts I truly enjoyed reading. I am so sorry to hear what he has gone through. Please count me in for a donation to any charity that is decided upon.

Godspeed OC!

01-03-11, 09:42 PM
I wish I'd seen this sooner.

We'll miss you OC :(

01-04-11, 07:09 PM
I just got the call from Jim's wife, Sandy, and it is indeed official. She said that he went as peacefully as one can hope for. There will not be a memorial service, but rather people can contribute their thoughts and memories online which his wife pointed out "is appropriate for Jim!"

The website is http://www.forevermissed.com/james-morgan/#about

I just started to look at it on my break here at work, and I can already tell that I'll need more time with it. Anyway, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I know that many here (myself included) would want to know.

01-04-11, 07:24 PM
He'll be missed, that much is certain.

01-04-11, 07:33 PM
That he will.:(

01-04-11, 08:19 PM

He is already missed. :(


Don Quixote
01-04-11, 08:37 PM

01-04-11, 08:57 PM
ginboy :gomer:, any indication where a donation(s) should be directed?


01-04-11, 09:00 PM
ginboy :gomer:, any indication where a donation(s) should be directed?


:laugh: thanks, I needed that...

I don't know, but I'll follow up on that

01-04-11, 09:25 PM
pour one out for the homies


(1950's cans found in the attic, mm mm)

01-04-11, 09:59 PM

01-04-11, 10:16 PM

01-04-11, 10:42 PM
I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. And I love the photo of him in the red hat. :)

Andrew Longman
01-04-11, 10:59 PM
Crap. :(

01-04-11, 11:23 PM
Goodbye friend. Rest In Peace. :(

01-04-11, 11:28 PM
Sad news...godspeed oc. :(

01-05-11, 01:14 AM
I will miss Oddlycalm; thank you for letting us know that it was peaceful for him at the end.

The last photo that I have of him (June '06).

01-05-11, 02:24 AM
I haven't forgotten to check back in, guys, I'm just really not sure what to say about all of this yet. The upside is that his wife seemed to be relatively at peace with things, and saw the funny side of Jim's memorial becoming it's own little internet forum.

I told her about this thread, and how much he had touched people's lives without ever actually meeting them. She wasn't the least bit surprised.

I'll try to find out more if there is a suggested charity. There wasn't any mention of it, and quite frankly I wasn't expecting to get the call, so I didn't think to ask at the time.

01-05-11, 12:39 PM
Godspeed, Jim. Thanks for sharing your time with us. You are missed.

01-05-11, 01:48 PM
There may not be a physical memorial service, but I think we've got a pretty good one started here. Please allow me to give a eulogy:

It was a 21st century friendship, born in cyberspace: in 2000, I had recently become interested in the Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART) series. I discovered that there were online forums where race fans from around the country--and even around the globe--could discuss racing and other topics. I registered with one of them, 7th Gear, and that is where I first became aware of the forum member known as “Taildragger.” His screen name was not due to an unfortunate personal habit, as he remarked with his trademark wit, but rather it referred to a type of plane that he had flown.

With his witty and insightful posts, Taildragger was a popular member of the 7G community. Our friendship came about as the result of a personal calamity: I became ill with a severe case of shingles around my eye. I posted a thread about this on 7G; it turned out that Taildragger had had the same painful and disfiguring affliction once, and posted comforting messages. His words of support during my illness meant so much to me, and gave me hope that one day I would be well again.

In time, 7th Gear went away, and we joined a new racing forum known as Off Camber. It took me awhile to figure out that my friend was now known as "oddlycalm", a name whose suitability was not apparent to me at the time but has become obvious to all. I didn’t know that oddlycalm was ill for quite a while—not until 2004, when I had the pleasure of meeting him in person. Over time, I learned about the health problems stemming from a hard-fought bout with cancer 20+ years ago, but there was an unspoken agreement between us that I would not refer to it in the forum. Over the years oddlycalm would drop hints about it throughout his forum posts, but he did not want to be defined by his illness, nor be seen as an object of pity. In short, oddlycalm did not want to be "That Sick Guy." In the invisible world of the forums, we could see him exactly as he wished to be seen: a witty, erudite, and caring man. That is the man whom we knew and loved, and that is how we will remember him.

After oddlycalm posted his farewell on Off Camber, I emailed him to let him know how much his friendship meant to me. I didn’t expect a reply, but to my surprise a message from him soon appeared. Oddlycalm wrote, “It’s been a good run, and knowing you and Rick [my husband] made it better.” I believe that OC would say the same about all of you: he entertained us, and we sustained him.

The checkered flag has flown for oddlycalm, but the story hasn’t ended. As he once posted, our bodies may fail us, but the spirit never dies. Oddlycalm, your spirit will live in my heart forever, and I will never forget your life lessons.

Don Quixote
01-05-11, 01:53 PM
Thanks Anteater. Very nice. :thumbup:

01-05-11, 02:42 PM
There may not be a physical memorial service, but I think we've got a pretty good one started here. Please allow me to give a eulogy:

Well put. :thumbup: :thumbup:


01-05-11, 02:54 PM
You captured the essence of it so well. And here I sit, crying again. Thank you for putting it into words.

01-05-11, 02:57 PM
Very well put Anteater.

Andrew Longman
01-05-11, 02:58 PM
Yes, Anteater, sans the medical connections I could have written the same thing, just perhaps not as well.

I "met" him about 2000 at 7G. I think I made a point of reading anything he might post because I knew I likely would benefit somehow.

His passing has struck me.

These relationships here mean more than I often think they do. Losses like fourrunner and railbird remind me of that, but also how life in this century is much unlike anything prior.

I repeated OC's story in conversations with several people (in person) in the last few weeks, about how this remarkable guy I've known for years but had never met and never even knew was sick had passed --That it deeply saddened me.

That it seemed odd, yet very real and very OK.

Peace to OC and all here.

01-05-11, 03:17 PM
Yes, Anteater, sans the medical connections I could have written the same thing, just perhaps not as well.

I "met" him about 2000 at 7G. I think I made a point of reading anything he might post because I knew I likely would benefit somehow.

His passing has struck me.

These relationships here mean more than I often think they do. Losses like fourrunner and railbird remind me of that, but also how life in this century is much unlike anything prior.

I repeated OC's story in conversations with several people (in person) in the last few weeks, about how this remarkable guy I've known for years but had never met and never even knew was sick had passed --That it deeply saddened me.

That it seemed odd, yet very real and very OK.

Peace to OC and all here.

Yup. I've struck up a number of friendships here that many, including my wife don't quite understand. ElmoT is somewhat responsible for our youngest getting potty trained due to a gift of some Cars toys, which resulted in many more Cars toys :saywhat: ;) :p. DQ and and I have shared experiences with my FIL fighting cancer and passing and his mom's illness and passing. :( And of course I had to explain last night that Doug from Denver had called before the Sugar Bowl. :gomer: I cherish all of the experiences I've had here...even Ank's drunk call the night he slugged SOG and attending the Texas/OSU game in 2005 with him and Jer. :gomer: :D

Peace to you all...especially oc.


01-05-11, 03:24 PM
Anteater, that was a beautiful eulogy.

Visited the memorial site last night and couldn't post because I had no words then. I still don't, really.

It's a funny thing; this little forum. The series we loved is gone, but the friendships have remained. That makes this a pretty special place. Thanks to all of you for being a part of it and for helping keep the memories of our favorite things and favorite people alive.

It was an honor to have Jim as a member here. May he rest in peace.

01-05-11, 04:06 PM
Yes, Anteater, sans the medical connections I could have written the same thing, just perhaps not as well.

I "met" him about 2000 at 7G. I think I made a point of reading anything he might post because I knew I likely would benefit somehow.

His passing has struck me.

These relationships here mean more than I often think they do. Losses like fourrunner and railbird remind me of that, but also how life in this century is much unlike anything prior.

I repeated OC's story in conversations with several people (in person) in the last few weeks, about how this remarkable guy I've known for years but had never met and never even knew was sick had passed --That it deeply saddened me.

That it seemed odd, yet very real and very OK.

Peace to OC and all here.

I can relate, as I'm sure many here also can.

I never had the privilege of meeting Jim in person, but our discussions go back 10 years and I never knew his health issues were life threatening until his 'farewell'.
It's been a surreal few weeks since his goodbye post. Many times over the holidays I wondered to myself how his family was doing and how hard it must be for them to cope. It affected me enough to mention his farewell post to my wife (my online activities being incredibly ignored by her over the years) and I was pleasantly surprised when out of the blue on Christmas Eve she asked if I had heard anything about my "racing forum friend who was sick". He wasn't virtual, he was real.

I was lucky to have had numerous private exchanges over the years with Jim. He was incredibly helpful during times when my hot headed nature (who me?) got me in hot water on the board. He always had words of wisdom, advice or relevant anecdotes to share from his vast experience. Jim had a great recollection of previous conversations and was always interested in hearing about my adventures with my motorcycle, things I was cooking, my guitar collection and musical past. I'm glad we had those things in common and I'm glad he was willing to befriend the 'obnoxious guy' (my words, not his). I looked up to Jim with great respect even trying to apply a "what would OC say" at times on the board. It rarely works for me though, as I'm not as wise, patient, gracious or level headed...but I strive to be and for that I have Jim to thank.

Of course people come and go and at times come back on internet message boards but knowing that I'll never read another word from oddlycalm saddens me deeply. But forgive my selfishness, my heart goes out to his family. Knowing that a husband, a father, a great human being has passed away humbles me to the core.
Rest in Peace oddlycalm, OffCamber will never be the same.

With love and respect,


Sean O'Gorman
01-05-11, 04:42 PM
Wow, sorry to hear. :(

01-05-11, 06:31 PM
To add a bit of levity to this somber thread, this is how I've always pictured OC:



Godspeed, my friend.


That's the image I have of OC.

Godspeed OC.


01-05-11, 07:06 PM
I always pictured this guy:


01-05-11, 09:34 PM
He's not gone...just way ahead of everyone else as usual.
Here's to a great racing fan. :thumbup:


01-05-11, 09:53 PM
It's amazing the sense you can get of a person from what they write. I think it is far more powerful than having one's perceptions clouded by the physical.

What I felt about oddlycalm was that he was a person with grace. I often think that if I could change my own obnoxious personality, I would be someone like Jimmy Stewart - loving, gentle, kind, wise, but also upright and moral. I can't help but feel that Jim Morgan was a lot like that. God bless his soul.

01-05-11, 11:33 PM
Ok, so hold your fire on the charitable donations. They will post something on that link for the memorial site that I provided, as that was one item that they hadn't quite pinned down yet.

Opposite Lock
01-06-11, 12:35 AM
Wow, sorry to hear. :(

Nice to see you here again - makes it sort of seem like the good ole days. [/weddings and funerals acquaintances, even tho I've never met you]

Like others have mentioned, I have a few more thoughts to share, but still haven't found appropriate words to put up on the memorial page.

I always pictured this guy:


'Zackly. :D

01-06-11, 01:37 AM
Ok, so hold your fire on the charitable donations. They will post something on that link for the memorial site that I provided, as that was one item that they hadn't quite pinned down yet.

It's been updated.

If you wish to make a donation in his name, they may be made to The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp,

main page www.holeinthewallgang.org/page.aspx

tribute donation page https://www.holeinthewallgang.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=709

Or to the Humane Society of the United States secure.humanesociety.org/site/Donation2

01-06-11, 02:09 AM
Thank you for that. Hole in the Wall just seems so right. As does the Humane Society when think about the type of person he was.

01-06-11, 10:40 AM
If there is an interest here we will coordination a group donation to the Hole in the Wall Camps.

Elmo T
01-06-11, 10:44 AM
I always pictured this guy:



01-06-11, 10:49 AM
If there is an interest here we will coordination a group donation to the Hole in the Wall Camps.

Im in....

Don Quixote
01-06-11, 11:33 AM
Im in....Me too.

01-06-11, 11:49 AM
Me three.

I always pictured this guy:


The comparison to him which was made by I forget who was so spot on. I cannot watch those ads without thinking of him ever since the comparison was made.

01-06-11, 01:57 PM
If there is an interest here we will coordination a group donation to the Hole in the Wall Camps.

Me, um, whatever. Yes, I'll mail a check wherever you say. And THANK YOU!

01-06-11, 02:03 PM
If there is an interest here we will coordination a group donation to the Hole in the Wall Camps.

Sign me up.

01-06-11, 02:26 PM
Just let me know where to go. Checks are only done online these days, tho.


01-06-11, 03:50 PM
Thanks all. I'll post information once I verify that our PayPal account is still working.

01-08-11, 01:27 AM
I've created a sticky thread for memorial contributions.


01-10-11, 02:07 AM
As a couple of people suggested, I posted a tribute in the "Stories" section on Jim's memorial site with a link back to this thread.


01-10-11, 01:53 PM
Very well done, boss. Thank you.

01-11-11, 12:26 AM
As a couple of people suggested, I posted a tribute in the "Stories" section on Jim's memorial site with a link back to this thread.


Well said, and thanks:thumbup:

02-10-11, 05:35 PM
I hadn't visited Off Camber much in the off-season, and was shocked to stumble across news of oc's passing. Like many others, I never met him in person, but always enjoyed reading his informative and rational posts. I'm going to miss him very much. :(

Godspeed, oc......

02-11-11, 12:10 AM
I hadn't visited Off Camber much in the off-season, and was shocked to stumble across news of oc's passing. Like many others, I never met him in person, but always enjoyed reading his informative and rational posts. I'm going to miss him very much. :(

Godspeed, oc......

There is an "on-season"? I thought the only two seasons were the barbecue and chili seasons.

02-11-11, 12:34 AM
There is an "on-season"? I thought the only two seasons were the barbecue and chili seasons.

You forgot deer season, Packers season, bow season, bear season, snowmobile season, fishing season, duck season! wabbit season! Duck season! Wabbit season! Duck season, FIRE! :flame:

02-12-11, 01:03 AM
Ummm........bacon season?

02-12-11, 10:58 AM
Somehow I think OC'd be proud that his farewell thread eventually came back to cured meats. :D

Don Quixote
02-12-11, 11:25 AM
Somehow I think OC'd be proud that his farewell thread eventually came back to cured meats. :DAgreed. :thumbup:

02-14-11, 12:38 PM
Somehow I think OC'd be proud that his farewell thread eventually came back to cured meats. :D

Well then.


02-14-11, 03:03 PM
why not.


02-15-11, 01:44 PM
I have to admit that that picture from BarillaGirl was on a level with OC's posts. I thought about it all night. :thumbup:

02-16-11, 12:22 AM
I have to admit that that picture from BarillaGirl was on a level with OC's posts. I thought about it all night. :thumbup:

Now, now, that's giving me wayyyyyy too much expectation to live up to.

But thank you.

08-25-11, 02:43 PM
Saw this post elsewhere: ( http://www.offcamber.net/forums/showpost.php?p=296287&postcount=31/)

I wonder what oc would think about this. :\


I think of him so often. A question will pop into my head and I'll think, "OC would have an answer for that," or when reading a thread, I think, "OC would make some really good/funny/germane comment right about now." Just the other day, I was wondering if his family in RL knows how much those of us here on the other OC still miss him.

I was talking about this with my husband just the other day, and was thinking about dropping oc’s widow a note to let her know that he is still remembered and missed. I think that she and the rest of his family would enjoy knowing how many of you feel this way as well. OC’s memorial page is still on the Net; you may leave a tribute or share a story through it: