View Full Version : Just what I needed- a new vice
03-31-11, 02:46 AM
As if I didn't drink enough coffee already, I've tripled my daily consumption since I picked this $12 baby up at a local antique store. Lots of 1940 vintage chrome and ivory bakelite: 629_n.jpg 026_n.jpg 508_n.jpg
03-31-11, 04:21 AM
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm coffee. :)
Looks a mean machine, good buy!
03-31-11, 08:10 AM
Cool find. I've never seen one quite like it. And it works to boot!
03-31-11, 09:55 AM
Ok, I've never seen anything like that so I no idea what I'm looking at. 'Splain to me how it works please. :confused:
Don Quixote
03-31-11, 10:11 AM
Ok, I've never seen anything like that so I no idea what I'm looking at. 'Splain to me how it works please. :confused:
Article on vacuum coffee makers:
03-31-11, 10:49 AM
Sweet! Probably uses more power than your clothes dryer and oven combined, but who cares?! It's like Mad Men every morning!
03-31-11, 01:00 PM
As if I didn't drink enough coffee already, I've tripled my daily consumption since I picked this $12 baby up at a local antique store. Lots of 1940 vintage chrome and ivory bakelite:
Oh, that is gorrrrrrgeous! :eek:
Coming from the girl who just cleaned out her "office" yesterday to better display four manual typewriters on a Mission era wooden desk.
God, would I love to see the kitchen that would look perfect around that coffee maker. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
03-31-11, 01:14 PM
Draws 660 watts through that exposed-element stove. It's a Cory DRU/DRL, common as dirt back in the day but driven to extinction by the scourge of percolators :yuck: back in the late '50s- early '60s for reasons founded far more on marketing than functional superiority (speaking of Mad Men).
These pics were taken last week when I was doing a guest-barista coffee tasting at the neighborhood watering hole (we did a back-to-back comparo of Stumptown Colombia La Pyramide brewed up in this beast and a Chemex/Coava Kone). Nearly everyone my age and younger (and I'm not exactly a youngster) had never seen such a thing, while all of the seniors wondered what had happened to them.
This one is a glass-rod setup, so there's no paper or cloth filter- filtration takes place as the liquid is forced between a roughened glass rod and the smooth interior of the glass funnel tube. Leaves a bunch more oils and aromatics that are normally trapped in the filtration material. Spectacular coffee, much more clarity and crispness than a french press, considerably more body than the Chemex, very low fines. The best part is that physics takes care of most of the variables, leaving less for you to screw up. That, and the floor show watching the thing work.
03-31-11, 01:19 PM
God, would I love to see the kitchen that would look perfect around that coffee maker. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I'm working on it:
03-31-11, 01:21 PM
[Edit] Dammit - you beat me to it. :D
03-31-11, 03:15 PM
04-01-11, 01:48 AM
I'm hoping the Folgers can is just to get Donnie's ashes to the beach...
04-01-11, 02:02 AM
That's what I was thinking. Even if it isn't, using preground and dumping it in the funnel before the water is hot is a recipe for blecch anyway- he's looking at close to six minutes of extraction time, mostly with cold water. Good coffee for people who don't like coffee. </snob>
04-01-11, 11:30 AM
I'm working on it:
Well, at least I have that popcorn popper. I'm slowly destroying it and will need another one someday. Maybe from Lehman's......
04-01-11, 03:50 PM
That's what I was thinking. Even if it isn't, using preground and dumping it in the funnel before the water is hot is a recipe for blecch anyway- he's looking at close to six minutes of extraction time, mostly with cold water. Good coffee for people who don't like coffee. </snob>
Snob away, fellow Ecotopian.:cool:
04-05-11, 03:06 AM
As if I didn't drink enough coffee already, I've tripled my daily consumption since I picked this $12 baby up at a local antique store. Lots of 1940 vintage chrome and ivory bakelite
WTF you seriously got a Cory DRU with a functioning electric base unit for twelve dollars??? Why can't I find antique dealers who are stone cold idiots:saywhat::irked: :highly envious:
My 1950's DKG isn't near as pretty but the coffee is just as good.
04-05-11, 01:46 PM
I bought the DEO stove separately (actually a couple of them). I bought one for $5 on eBay with a cracked but working insulator, and a couple days later found this one, NOS in the box for $25. That first pic is the first time that DEO had ever been fired up. I rationalize that I need to put together a second set to keep on my desk at work. Most antique dealers are stone cold idiots, I can't tell you how many mismatched parts I've seen as they sell off carafes and funnels separately, not understanding that they're part of the same setup.
As far as the wife's concerned, it's all $12 :tony:
The DKG is the same beast (that's the name they put on the box for the set), but Cory had a bunch of lid and trim variants. I see that there's a guy reproducing D-series gaskets now out of food-grade silicone...
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