View Full Version : Osama Bin Laden dead?!?
On news now. ABC news, Pres will speak.
On news now. ABC news, Pres will speak.
Finally! :thumbup:
05-01-11, 11:03 PM
:eek: :thumbup:
05-01-11, 11:11 PM
It's been fascinating watching this story break. The press conference announcement came at just before 10 ET. This was 50 minutes notice for the networks as a full lid was called at 7pm. Twitter had it around 10:15ish ET. The MSNBC anchor was hurting himself trying to talk about this without talking about it before they got the ok from TPTB.
Alls I can say is that this is a true "STOP THE PRESSES" moment.
Next couple of days ought to be interesting.
Next couple of days ought to be interesting.
Yeah, I'll bet.
Airport security gets turned up to 11?
Gas prices go down?
Just kidding.
05-01-11, 11:27 PM
Next couple of days ought to be interesting.
Yeah, I'll bet.
Airport security gets turned up to 11?
I'm sure. I'll let you know. I'm schedule to fly to Tampa to see TravelMom on Tuesday morning. Small stuff compared to what just happened though.
Reportedly killed in a mansion outside Islamabad.
Pakistan has some splainin' to do.
And they better be on their knees when doing it.
05-01-11, 11:35 PM
I'm sure. I'll let you know. I'm schedule to fly to Tampa to see TravelMom on Tuesday morning. Small stuff compared to what just happened though.
My pops is TSA and is scheduled to be at work shortly. I suspect that his workday just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
05-01-11, 11:47 PM
Reportedly killed in a mansion outside Islamabad.
Pakistan has some splainin\' to do.
And they better be on their knees when doing it.
I hear those CIA funded hideaways can be fairly posh.
05-01-11, 11:56 PM
I hear those CIA funded hideaways can be fairly posh.
We can't kill him enough times to exact full justice here on earth. We'll have to settle for once and leave it to his maker to handle the rest.
In response to a couple of posts above, oil is down on international markets, and the military was placed on a higher level of alert worldwide today.
05-02-11, 12:31 AM
I hear those CIA funded hideaways can be fairly posh.
The Bluth Company does nice work.
05-02-11, 12:38 AM
Reportedly killed in a mansion outside Islamabad.
Pakistan has some splainin' to do.
And they better be on their knees when doing it.
Haha. Pres thanked them for their assistance. Pakistan does just enough to avoid getting invaded. If they didn't have nukes, we would've chased Bin Laden across the border and killed him sooner.
I'm glad we got him. I was concerned for a bit when a couple channels changed the graphic from killed to dead. At least to me, there's an important distinction there.
So it was Seals. Lost one of the 2 helos, but all personnel out ok.
In some ways, it's been a 4 year operation (they were trying to find one of the guys that delivered some of OBL's propaganda messages). They found out where he lived back in August, confirmed in Feb., stalked until now.
The details will be amazing, if they really tell us.
Some good reviews of his compound.
Pretty nice place to stay, but the neighbors are a bit shooty. (
In and out, real quick. Had a great time! We lost one bird but the concierge was kind enough to dispose of it for us.
05-02-11, 01:11 AM
Thank you President Obama.
Best news we have had since the towers fell.
Job well done by all who were involved!
We cheer winners of races, we cheer when we win games or when wars end, it's different, but I'm happy to cheer the death of this coward who killed so many.
05-02-11, 01:34 AM
"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Mark Twain
10 years to deliver one bullet. Totally worth it.
It's gratifying to know that his end did not catch him unaware in the flash of a Hellfire missile fired from a drone. He knew his end was coming. Brave Americans put their boots on the ground, broke into his lair, and shot him in the head.
God bless all the men and women whose service to our country made this day possible.
Headshot! 5_n.jpg
Probably a fake,but still.....Ha Ha.
05-02-11, 02:36 AM
A full & correct Islamic burial done at sea. No offense to Islam can be claimed but no shrine will exist for his supporters.
Well played, very well played indeed.
As an added bonus the hagfish get a free meal...
SEALs?:thumbup:The "bury him at sea" idea makes a lot of sense. No shrine. Of course it won't be long before we have to endure all the religious and desecration complaints...and those who will say he is still alive. VERY interesting times about to begin. Have to say I was not impressed by the happy demonstrators outside the Whitehouse. I'm certain a late Sunday announcement was not coincidental, with that in mind. Public joy is understandable but officially we must remain totally vigilant and committed. Still gonna be a LONG haul!
05-02-11, 08:19 AM
This is my favorite shot from last night.
Gallows humor aside, I also read this telling comment this AM:
Today, we learn of the death of a man. He was just a man. A man who spread an idea. Idea's [sic] don't die.
05-02-11, 08:48 AM
And neither does the superfluous apostrophe.
He apparently used a woman as a shield. Nice. :saywhat:
And neither does the superfluous apostrophe.
Serves me right for "copy and paste". :rofl:
I'll edit and add the mandatory "sic".
05-02-11, 10:31 AM
Inside the kill site-
05-02-11, 10:55 AM
although their digs on Tigre Island were fairly meager
Details of the mission:
:eek: :thumbup:
05-02-11, 12:34 PM
Nice to see that Dickie Marcinko's group gives him some legacy.
Apparently,the youtube embed thing at OC isn't working so...
Apparently,the youtube embed thing at OC isn't working so...
Embedding the HTML won't work. You have to use a put the unique id of the video in between youtube VBulletin tags. The unique id is the string of characters after 'v='. Like this without the 'x's:
This was documented somewhere but I can find it. :/
05-02-11, 02:31 PM
Embedding the HTML won't work. You have to use a put the unique id of the video in between youtube VBulletin tags. The unique id is the string of characters after 'v='. Like this without the 'x's:
This was documented somewhere but I can find it. :/
Originally, it was posted in feedback when I asked about adding the feature since I saw another forum had it.
Subsequently, you can just search any thread where one of the Longmans tries to post a youtube vid. There's hundreds of posts that try to explain to them how to do it... :D
05-02-11, 02:44 PM
Pics of the compound and the helicopter being towed away.
05-02-11, 02:56 PM
There ya go.
05-02-11, 03:06 PM
He apparently used a woman as a shield. Nice. :saywhat:
Not just any woman, but his wife.
Don Quixote
05-02-11, 03:12 PM
Not just any woman, but his wife.Nice. I thought that kind of stuff only happens in the movies. :shakehead
There's hundreds of posts that try to explain to them how to do it... :D
Actually there's only one telling Trev how to post one, and 298 telling NJtard how to post one. :gomer: :p
Photo of the downed Blackhawk helicopter's tail rotor: (
Hard to say if the damage is a result of the crash landing or the demolition charges set afterward. Glad none of the assault team was hurt.
I've heard little talk about any intelligence information that they may have found. It will be interesting to see what we may have been able to recover.
05-02-11, 04:08 PM
I've heard little talk about any intelligence information that they may have found.
Yah, that's the part the talking heads pay no attention to.
Right now, if you're in Gitmo you're suspect of having given up the Big Kahuna. Run back to your buds, guys. They really want to see you.
Right now, if you talked with the Big Kahuna's little bitch Courier you can expect a Hellfire missile in the ear the next time you go for a walk or a drive. If your husband had anything to do with that Courier you can expect to receive same Hellfire missile through the window the next time you sit down for dinner with the family.
I love it.
05-02-11, 04:14 PM
Photo of the downed Blackhawk helicopter's tail rotor: (
Hard to say if the damage is a result of the crash landing or the demolition charges set afterward. Glad none of the assault team was hurt.
I saw a report that they landed it fine after the mechanical problem arose and then blew it up with C4 after they knew they weren't going to be able to take off with it.
05-02-11, 04:15 PM
Not just any woman, but his wife.
One of his wives...
05-02-11, 04:16 PM
I've heard little talk about any intelligence information that they may have found. It will be interesting to see what we may have been able to recover.
According to ABC, inside the compound, the raiding team discovered “computers” — plural. Whatever information they contain is doubtlessly being picked over by intelligence officials for clues as to the locales and plans of bin Laden’s deputies, operatives and funding sources.
you better run, better run, outrun my gun...
oh, and cant believe this classic gif hasn't been posted yet...
He apparently used a woman as a shield. Nice. :saywhat:
Not just any woman, but his wife.
Early reports say that, yes. The story may change.
Not trying to defend the piece of ****, but early details are usually wrong.
I saw somewhere that the helo may have done the shooting. ??
Too soon? :D
@RealGilbert Gilbert Gottfried
I refuse to say anything that might seem insensitive about #Osama Bin Laden's death so let me say my thoughts & prayers are with Al-Qaeda.
Other celeb tweets:
05-02-11, 07:09 PM
My favorite so far (perhaps, maybe from TMZ): Osama was expecting 72 virgins and what he got was 24 Virginians.
opinionated ow
05-02-11, 07:24 PM
Osama regrets using facebook on his iphone... _n.jpg
05-02-11, 08:06 PM
My pops is TSA and is scheduled to be at work shortly. I suspect that his workday just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
Any news from the "inside"? I'm leaving an extra half an hour for security tomorrow.
05-02-11, 08:56 PM
Too soon? :D
Will AFLAC give him his job back now because he was sincere? ;)
05-02-11, 09:08 PM
Proud to be American. Finally, a May 1 with some good news to remember.
Meanwhile,in Iraq...
That's hysterical. I love how the fight breaks out, they cut to the "The Democratic Club" graphic and all you see is the empty chair getting jostled as they fight. It's like Monty Python in Arabic.
Among the insults..."You Iranian".
Oh,and as for the death of bin Laden....
Happy Dance!
05-02-11, 10:23 PM
I wonder if he really knows the guys sister. :confused:
05-03-11, 06:47 AM
Any news from the "inside"? I'm leaving an extra half an hour for security tomorrow.
Business as usual for the traveling public. You might see more police officers at the airport, but the TSA is still doing their thing.
Early reports say that, yes. The story may change.
Not trying to defend the piece of ****, but early details are usually wrong.
I saw somewhere that the helo may have done the shooting. ??
The story is evolving. (
05-03-11, 10:14 AM
The story is evolving. (
It seems like every "change" to the story came from a source or off the record background.
I'm going to assume that as quickly as the story got out, this isn't going to turn into a Jessica Lynch/Pat Tillman like story change.
The story is evolving. (
It's called the fog of war. :\
:saywhat: :shakehead
I'm sure back in 1945 when Hitler's body was found in a ditch on fire, someone probably thought:
'Here is one of God's children. Let us not celebrate the death of a monster but look inward at our own faults. Who among us has not waged a global war of facist imperialism, exterminated entire races of people, and sought to rule the world through fear and pain? RIP Adolf.'
The only difference was back in 1945 no one was stupid enough to say it out loud. What a moron.
Not everybody's the perfect person in the world. I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever.
05-03-11, 03:12 PM
this is simply a reflection of instant news and internet propagation. I just read a story about a viral misquote from MLK about loving your enemy. Seems its quite the popular sentiment for the cut and paste Facebook crowd since usama's shot to the head.
The guy in the next isle over for me screamed like a little girl yesterday when a spider walked across his desk. He insisted someone capture it and not kill it. I'm glad he's not our president. :thumbup:
Don Quixote
05-03-11, 03:32 PM
Not everybody's the perfect person in the world. I mean everyone kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, whatever.Will not take the bait....... :D
05-03-11, 03:58 PM
Just to play devil's advocate, there's a big difference between doing an unpleasant but necessary job and celebrating an unpleasant but necessary job.
To be clear, I'm glad he's dead (although a Spandau redux would have had its appeal as well) and the method of his death certainly isn't going to cost me any sleep, but the jubilation doesn't feel quite right, sort of like passing out high-fives after euthanizing a vicious dog.
This is not To Kill a Mockingbird. SEAL Team 6 is not Atticus Finch.
And Bin Laden is not a rabid vicious dog.
He was a mass murdering ****head who deserved to die bloody.
I enjoyed watching people celebrate in the streets, especially the young college kids. America! **** YEAH!
05-03-11, 05:30 PM
Its human nature to celebrate.
So let me get this straight:
Someone executes a surprise attack against the United States
In response, the United States declares war against the believed perpetrators
There are battles and fights that kill people from both sides, so in all sense its a war
People celebrate a massive victory against its foe....
Are we talking about this?
05-03-11, 05:37 PM
Pretty sure they were celebrating the end of the war, which this ain't.
This isn't a ball game we're talking about. Killing human beings (and I realize the term is used loosely in the context) is always a tragedy, even when it's necessary- thus the difference between vengeance and justice.
Just MHO. Flame away.
05-03-11, 05:44 PM
Pretty sure they were celebrating the end of the war, which this ain't.
This isn't a ball game we're talking about. Killing human beings (and I realize the term is used loosely in the context) is always a tragedy, even when it's necessary- thus the difference between vengeance and justice.
Just MHO. Flame away.
No flames. Just another example. The man who planned the surprise attack.
Operation Vengeance was carried out to kill Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto on April 18, 1943, during the Solomon Islands campaign in the Pacific Theater of World War II.
the just death of a mass murderer who wishes me dead is no tragedy at all.
killed a half bottle of laphroaig w/ my buddies that night, and enjoyed every damn sip of it. enjoyed watching all the youtubes showing celebrations when the news broke on campuses across america the next morning.
05-03-11, 07:15 PM
It was young people celebrating. These were kids who were just in middle school or younger when 9/11 happened. As one of our local newspaper columnists put it, it was like the bogeyman in their closet was finally vanquished.
What I found awesome about the celebration outside the White House was that it was live-reported on Twitter by Canadian reporters who wandered over after covering the Caps game earlier in the evening. Who would have envisioned hockey reporters having front row seats to such a political demonstration?
Pretty sure they were celebrating the end of the war, which this ain't.
This isn't a ball game we're talking about. Killing human beings (and I realize the term is used loosely in the context) is always a tragedy, even when it's necessary- thus the difference between vengeance and justice.
Just MHO. Flame away.
I absolutely agree.
The idea of taking a human life must be a though thing no matter how evil the person, how much he deserved it or, how justified it may be.
I'm ok with my morality, hypocrisy, general dooshyness.
I know that it won't solve anything, but I'm glad the ******'s dead and that US soldiers did it. Hope it hurt. A lot.
The idea of taking a human life must be a though thing no matter how evil the person, how much he deserved it or, how justified it may be.
That argument has a place when talking about a death row inmate, or a police officer using his firearm, or even a solider in battle. But it makes no sense here. Even Mother Teresa, Gandhi, or Pope John Paul II would have popped a cap in this mfr and slept well that night.
We've been exterminating the bad guys via drone for years. Don't see much difference here. I suspect this isn't the first time the SEALs have been involved like this either.
Hard Driver
05-03-11, 10:52 PM
Personally, I can be a bleeding heart, but not this time....
I am happy he knew that the USA was coming for him in his last moments.
05-03-11, 11:16 PM
That argument has a place when talking about a death row inmate, or a police officer using his firearm, or even a solider in battle. But it makes no sense here. Even Mother Teresa, Gandhi, or Pope John Paul II would have popped a cap in this mfr and slept well that night.
You misunderstand me- I've got absolutely no problem with his fate, and I'd have done the job myself with a clear conscience if the opportunity arose. Celebrating a killing, though, even if (and especially if) we feel the dead had it coming, puts us uncomfortably close to the same mindset that Osama and his followers have. I'd like to think we're better than that.
Just MHO, and no disrespect to anyone else intended.
Aw, they pulled it. :(
05-03-11, 11:40 PM
Business as usual for the traveling public. You might see more police officers at the airport, but the TSA is still doing their thing.
Just to chime in, LESS than usual security at terminal 6 LAX today. Not even the usual police eye balling you as you drive into the airport, although I saw pictures of doggies in Tom Bradley International terminal. Houston had tapes of moderately dire warnings playing nonstop, however. OTOH, had colleagues going to Berlin and Athens today. Neither reported anything out of the ordinary. One did say that one of her clients, a TSA manager, had been told all leaves had been cancelled for the foreseeable future.
05-03-11, 11:45 PM
Well, I know you've all been wating for me to weigh in on this...
Chanting doesn't do much for me. "USA USA USA" and "DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO AMERICA DEATH TO AMERICA" and kind of hard to tell apart when you start injecting a lot of venom into it, and I like to think that we're better than that.
Having said that, I get it. It was a HUGE moment with a lot of emotion to it - and just as importantly, let's face it, we've been in desperate need of a win for a long time now. Decade long wars, a wicked recession, endless political stalemates and dogma, crippling fuel prices, skyrocketing health costs... like I said, we needed a win. And this was a big one. So I'm trying not to bee too judgemental about peoples celebrations right now.
But as for me personally, I think chanting "USA USA USA" hit it's high water mark at Lake Placid back in 1980. Just saying.
05-03-11, 11:46 PM
You misunderstand me- I've got absolutely no problem with his fate, and I'd have done the job myself with a clear conscience if the opportunity arose. Celebrating a killing, though, even if (and especially if) we feel the dead had it coming, puts us uncomfortably close to the same mindset that Osama and his followers have. I'd like to think we're better than that.
Just MHO, and no disrespect to anyone else intended.
I agree. I'm glad it happened. I'm glad it happened the way it did. Couldn't be too bloody no matter what they did. Nevertheless, I can only remember my feelings at watching crowds celebrating in some countries after 9/11. Am I happy now? Yes. Dancing in the streets? While I can understand why the younger people did it, it's not for me. YMMV.
Edit: MHF: completely agree about the chant and 1980. (I was there and it was fabulous!)
Agreed on the chant and on being uncomfortable with the celebrations.
I am also not digging the video-gamey feel of modern warfare. There is a difference in the way that people react when they are forced to give an electric shock to someone they can see, vs. someone in the next room. When the pain inflicted is impersonal, people do not feel the same degree of empathy. Not that it was impersonal to the Seal Team guys, but that picture of the national security team sitting around the monitor and watching the action creeped me out.
Of course leaders have been depersonalizing their enemies since the beginning of time, but that doesn't make it right.
Not to mention that calling the operation "Geronimo" was a direct SLAM at ALL Native Americans. Just totally insensitive and demeaning! Yeah, right. LONG LIVE THE CHIEF!
Not to mention that calling the operation "Geronimo" was a direct SLAM at ALL Native Americans. Just totally insensitive and demeaning! Yeah, right. LONG LIVE THE CHIEF!
Geronimo was not the op name. It was the codeword for "mission accomplished"
05-04-11, 09:47 AM
Geronimo was not the op name. It was the codeword for "mission accomplished"
The first indication for President Obama that Osama bin Laden had been killed came when a Navy SEAL sent back the coded message to Washington that said simply, "Geronimo-E KIA."
Geronimo was the code name for the operation that sent two teams of 12 SEALS zooming by Blackhawk helicopters to a walled compound in Abbotabad, Pakistan, on Sunday to kill or capture the most wanted man in the world. Anxious White House officials weren't positive that they would find bin Laden in the fortress-like complex, that he might leave while the SEALS were en route. link (
Geronimo was used as the code name for UBL and the operation.
05-04-11, 10:15 AM
Gotta love the fog of the p.r. of war. Turns out that the locals in Abbottabad were a bit surprised to find out Bin Laden's place was worth a million dollars. It seems like $250,000 is closer to the mark. The quotes from some of the locals are great.
"Twenty million rupees, maximum," said property dealer Muhammad Anwar, a 22-year veteran of the local market, at his Abbottabad office. "No swimming pool. This is not a posh area. We call it a middling area."
Asked about the American estimate, he chuckled. "Maybe that's the assessment from a satellite. But here on the ground, that's the price."
The assessment was backed by the local branch manager of a major Pakistani bank, who himself owns land in the same locality. "If it was worth that much, we would all be multi-millionaires round here," he said.
05-04-11, 11:25 AM
I'd add I think there's a very difficult to see line between celebrating what we finally accomplished and celebrating the death. Maybe it shouldn't be considered a big accomplishment this far out, but he was the face of 9/11. (I'd argue it may've been a much bigger accomplishment considering he wasn't cut off and hiding in caves, but living in a house for 6 years able to easily communicate with his couriers delivering his messages.)
We also wouldn't be mad if anyone celebrated the death of an American serial killer.
I'm with TravelGal. I was glad he got what he had coming (and knew who got him), but I also wouldn't celebrate in the streets. To each their own.
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