View Full Version : Ganassi out of IRL?
06-17-03, 02:39 AM
Its being rumoured about that Chip will take the IRL team and go full bore NASCAR only next year.
Kind of got me thinking, and this one might be interesting to watch.
06-17-03, 03:19 AM
Next on ABC Afternoon...As The Earl Falls....:D ;)
06-17-03, 03:43 AM
Setup for a factory Toyota team with the tin tops?
06-17-03, 09:45 AM
I've been reading rumors that Target is out of all motorsports in after this season.
In addition, I believe that Fatassi goes where Toyota tells him to go. Truck racin' is where ya ought to be, so Fatassi loaded up the Truck and moved to Nascar land.
06-17-03, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by sundaydriver
I've been reading rumors that Target is out of all motorsports in after this season.
In addition, I believe that Fatassi goes where Toyota tells him to go. Truck racin' is where ya ought to be, so Fatassi loaded up the Truck and moved to Nascar land.
I had heard that if the TCGR Indy result was poor (read not a win), then Target was gone next year from the IRL. The word I heard is that Target are looking to get into golf sponsorship.
06-17-03, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by trubritz
The word I heard is that Target are looking to get into golf sponsorship.
Actually that makes sense based on the demographics they aim for.
I don't see Floyd long for any OW racing series soon. I think he's been bit by the Nascar bug. His bulbous waistline is less obvious in the garage area there. :D
Sean O'Gorman
06-17-03, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Napoleon
Actually that makes sense based on the demographics they aim for.
I'd think archery would be a perfect fit for them.
Originally posted by SOG35
I'd think archery would be a perfect fit for them.
Nice one. ;)
Leave it to Cheap Ganassi to screw up a great long term motorsports sponorship relationship.
06-17-03, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by cart7
His bulbous waistline is less obvious in the garage area there. :D
Chip "Fatback" Gan(_|_)si!
How many "Fatbacks" can one series have?
The people who are buying the TCGR denials need to be reminded of this:
"Our team and our sponsors believe the FedEx Series features the top open-wheel competition and exciting racing, and we’re committed to helping CART remain the premiere open-wheel series in 2002 and beyond," said team owner Chip Ganassi. "Team Target has experienced much success in CART over the past decade or so, and we’re confident that trend will continue."
06-17-03, 03:39 PM
Wherever the wind blows, huh Cheap??? :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead
Originally posted by JoeBob
The people who are buying the TCGR denials need to be reminded of this:
Great link, JoeBob. It should be part of every PR 101 course syllabus!
06-17-03, 10:05 PM
Robin Miller reports tonite that Chip called him a couple days ago and complained about these 'internet rumours' and asked Robin to print a denial in ESPN.
To Chip - So if you read this, do you find what we say about you upsetting? Tough S***.
06-18-03, 09:29 AM
If Ganassi does leave for NASCAR, it's nice to know Dixon still has a shot at F1. At least according to this article in the New Zealand Herald. I never knew winning in the IRL was a prerequisite for getting an F1 ride. Learn something new every day.
NZ Herald Story (
06-20-03, 07:21 PM
It's obvious that Ganassi does whatever Toyota tell him, and obviously Toyota have offered Ganassi a lot of yen to move his entire operation into NASCAR.
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