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10-02-11, 12:42 AM

5-11 balance

10-02-11, 06:24 AM
5-11 balance

I refuse to go to Track Forum. How is it going over with that crowd. BTW I seem to recall that when TG walked out it was very close to 50/50.

10-02-11, 08:16 AM

5-11 balance

“I did tell Mid-Ohio and Infineon that they needed to make some changes to make the racing more exciting," continued Bernard. “We can't continue to go to tracks that aren't exciting and both of those places said they would make changes.''

Wot, are they instaling jumps or railroad tracks, perhaps sprinklers on every second corner might help.

10-02-11, 09:30 AM
Are you kidding me? Change the track to suit the cars? :rofl:

28+ tracks and markets have been destroyed by the IRL on-track product in just 15 years...my god, their world truely IS flat and all roads do lead to the center of the universe, Indy. :yuck:

What arrogance.

Elmo T
10-02-11, 09:43 AM
Are you kidding me? Change the track to suit the cars? :rofl:

These courses have been around for years - I am will include these road courses and some of the vintage ovals. Crowds were huge in the old days. They were big under CART. Attendance could be called a "crowd" under Champcar. And under the IRL, attendance is nonexistent. Yet the track is the problem? :shakehead

10-02-11, 01:00 PM
Very funny, in a bitter sort of way. Boy George kills the organization because it is drifting away from ovals and his family owns an oval, then he replaces it with a truly comically amateurish organization that runs the sport into the ground and ultimately destroys the American oval race.

I went for years through the split still loving the Indy that I did not want to accept was gone forever, but now I cannot imagine it coming back. But I will be happy the day I see wrecking balls at the track. Death to those ****s. :mad:

10-02-11, 01:50 PM
I refuse to go to Track Forum. How is it going over with that crowd. BTW I seem to recall that when TG walked out it was very close to 50/50.

1) its CARTs fault
2) its the haters fault
3) when CART was popular it only had a handful of ovals too
4) fire Randy - hes in collusion with CART
5) before TOney gotted canded, the sisters were getting outvoted by Ma GOrge who was footing the bills

doitagain/turn13/myfavoritedriversalwaysucked has been calling for a return to CART days

just a comedy of facepalms

if there had been no white paper and USAC had runned the whole thing from pre-historic times till now oval racin indycars would be biggger than F1 and the NFL combined. Gurney scratching out the White paper and birthing CART ruined it all. history lesson.

10-02-11, 01:56 PM
doitagain/turn13/myfavoritedriversalwaysucked has been calling for a return to CART days

That is subject to several interpretations. In what sense?

10-02-11, 02:01 PM
That is subject to several interpretations. In what sense?

spec racing mostly; general suckatude as well; but team owners are still evil --->Yep. Winning the war would have meant attendance and ratings went up, not down.

10-02-11, 02:07 PM
1) its CARTs fault
2) its the haters fault
3) when CART was popular it only had a handful of ovals too
4) fire Randy - hes in collusion with CART
5) before TOney gotted canded, the sisters were getting outvoted by Ma GOrge who was footing the bills

doitagain/turn13/myfavoritedriversalwaysucked has been calling for a return to CART days

just a comedy of facepalms

if there had been no white paper and USAC had runned the whole thing from pre-historic times till now oval racin indycars would be biggger than F1 and the NFL combined. Gurney scratching out the White paper and birthing CART ruined it all. history lesson.


I started this thread from the bottom of the page, and thought, "Surface Units has lost his fugging mind!"

Then I realized you were answering a question about trackforum. Phew!

10-02-11, 02:11 PM

10-02-11, 02:17 PM
a former gomer reports:

I dropped watching this year for everything by Indy and I was content with it. Replaced my Indycar time with Golf(playing...not watching) spending more time with my kids

from what I'm hearing from my long time friends at IMS...a few 30 plus years working at 16th and Georgetown...that the future is in limbo....RB is over his head and the George Sisters want a quick buyout and exit from the family business.

10-02-11, 02:21 PM
These courses have been around for years

Ignoring the IRL, neither Mid-Ohio nor Infineon has had a decent open wheel race in 25 years. Has Infineon ever had a good race? It might have been enjoyable for you guys to sit around at Mid-Ohio and get drunk and watch the cars go by, but the actual race was lame because the cars had long since overpowered the design of the track.

10-02-11, 02:23 PM
I refuse to go to Track Forum. How is it going over with that crowd. BTW I seem to recall that when TG walked out it was very close to 50/50.

I remember when the oval ratio first got this bad in the CART days and boy was I pissed.
I can't believe the IRL won the war and now in 2012 we're right back where we started.

Ever since ol TG got sent packing, it's been creeping back ever so slowly... C^RT

Added blame: SMI. So much for Bruton Smith.

Kentucky title sponsor? Easy.
Disciple of Indycar Kentucky 300 presented by irldefender.wordpress.com

The VERSUS crew are a bunch of hacks.

So those inmates(evilteamowners) in the asylum are now running the show, huh? It's really a sad state of affairs how this series has deteriorated to what it's become. Heck, I would not be surprised if come 2013 it's all da*n road/street/parking lots. with only Indy as the oval.
And what's with the "done deals" for Loudon and Kentucky? I was working up a bus trip for Loudon, until previous notices said it's a no-go.

your fuzzy friend gonzo pipes in - Hate to say I told you so, but like I was saying.....destined to follow the same path as Champ Car. Count on even fewer ovals for 2013. By 2014 you'll only have Indy and Iowa. Mark my words.

17 races....6 ovals....it's 1995 again! Tony lets do this one more time big guy. It's not like the .04 ratings can get any worse.

This trend started because Tony's family took the purse strings from him. He would have no more power than Randy to lose millions of dollars chasing unsuccessful races. We just really need to hope that Randy is good at promoting them himself. Vegas needs to be a huge success.

Bernard has now the two biggest track owners in the states not doing business with him. This guy has F'd things up worst than any champcar leader and that's saying something. Heck, lets call Chris Pook to run this thing at this point. Maybe we can get Gateway on the schedule!

Do not be surprised if in the next few years, Tony is back.

Great, because that worked so well last time. What, is Joe Heitzler busy or something?

I'm so beyond p*%%ed off right. The IRL got me back to watching the entire season
of Indycar racing. NASCAR, USAC, F1 - here I come again - you have my undivided attention.
Indycar - if you only have 5 oval tracks on your schedule next year - screw you. I'm done.
Back to attending Indy only.

Don't take it out on INDYCAR. ISC is not helping, nor is SMI.
Which in the end goes back to the fact the Hulman/George family should have bought up some tracks.

I've never in my life wanted a venue to fail as much I do Vegas. Bernard better be a man of his word and when it flops, exits openwheel racing.

Who do you think is waiting in the wings to save the day?

As gthe ovals disappear, so will the fan base that was the old IRL............If it gets to a schedule like the oldCART/Champcar became, I will stop watching just like I did then...it will be Indy only for me and my heart will be broken again. I live for Indycar on ovals, and tolerate a few rr's. If its all roadcourses again I will be lost in the abyss. All I could hope for then is a revolution in Indycar like the old IRL was...but with true oval racecars this time, not a formula car.

Back to CART means back to other forms of racing for me.
Where is TG when you need him?

Well, at least the Indianapolis 500 is still on the schedule. It looks like that is the only IndyCar race I'll be going to in the future.

War officially over. CART won.
Guess I'll be watching more NASCAR again.

I was going to buy Fontana tickets but not anymore. It would be a waste of money in a series that doesn't care about the oval fans. I will hang around till the official announcement comes out to see if its really true but if this is really it i am done. Looks like i now join the Indy 500 only crowd.

CART didn't win it went bankrupt. The series you are sad for was started by Tony just to clarify things.

It's not even an ok version of the 1990's Cart schedules. Hopefully this is all just speculation because if not it's EXTREMELY disappointing. No Cleveland, Road America, Surfers, Michigan, Milwaukee, Chicago, Richmond? and ONLY 16 races when we should be in 20, this just keeps getting worse.

If this ends up being the schedule count me as one who is gone...

Looks like the Series Direction Forum will be expanding its membership very soon.
We welcome you all over there. Unlike the fools running this sport into the ground, we appeal to the masses.
The only thing I'll say about this schedule...looks like the "we are cool because we are diverse" crap will have to come to an end as a rallying point for Bernard and company. Its a street and road racing series, with the Indy 500. That's what it is and what it will continue to be until its finally put out of its misery and sold to someone else.

once again, the whiny oval fans are crying about the schedule.
yet, when an oval race is held, where are they?

RB tried Milwaukee yet again. what happened? nobody showed. promoter lost a million dollars.
RB returned to NH. what happened? nobody showed. promoter lost big time money. guess what kids, kentucky race is on the chopping block. what will happen? I bet less than 30K. without any sentimentality clouding judgment, i don't see how Indycars can have more than 5 or 6 ovals right now with the current level of sponsorship and attendance.

The sport doesn't give a damn about ovals or oval fans. That's why they stay away. They aren't stupid. They follow the series that have the sort of racing, with the sort of drivers, that appeal to them. Why would oval racing fans follow Indy Car racing? Why would they follow it next year? The ones that actually do will pay attention for one month a year. That's about it.
Indy Car now will have to rely on all of those millions of street racing fans in the galaxy to follow their series. Good luck with that. I think we all know how this story ends.

You should make this an exemption to not going to TF....its not going to last too much longer

10-02-11, 04:38 PM
How do you spell "schadenfreude"?


10-02-11, 06:27 PM
The IRL has quite literally killed oval racing. Ironically sad or sadly ironic, or just maybe karma.

Elmo T
10-02-11, 06:43 PM
Ignoring the IRL, neither Mid-Ohio nor Infineon has had a decent open wheel race in 25 years. Has Infineon ever had a good race? It might have been enjoyable for you guys to sit around at Mid-Ohio and get drunk and watch the cars go by, but the actual race was lame because the cars had long since overpowered the design of the track.

I speaking primarily of attendance - not necessarily the quality of the racing. And the quality of racing can be subject as well. I'd rather watch a handful of decent passes at M-O than a slew at Iowa.

The tracks aren't the problem with the IRL's low ratings and/or attendance.

10-02-11, 10:28 PM
I'm just remembering the last few CART races at Mid-Ohio that were just plain boring. Nobody could do anything.

10-03-11, 08:25 AM
SU, thanks for pointing us to that thread. I hadn't waded into that mess for a long time. Here is a gem:

"I keep tabs because from what I'm hearing from my long time friends at IMS...a few 30 plus years working at 16th and Georgetown...that the future is in limbo....RB is over his head and the George Sisters want a quick buyout and exit from the family business."

Todd Gack
"Sounds pretty much in-line with that I've heard.

"The reality is, that by next year at this time, The Sisters could very well sell off whatever is left of the Indy Car Series to probably NASCAR/ISC. NASCAR would dump the Truck Series and replace it with the NASCAR Indy Car Series. Tony George would run the series, under the France Family umbrella. Bernard will be long gone. Most of the debt will be taken care of in one quick swipe of the pen.

"The Sisters/Hulman Family will hold on to the only thing that matters to them (IMS) and will continue stewardship of that facility. The France's (looking for additional revenue and added value for NASCAR weekends and added value to their ISC tracks) will take on Indy Cars. You could see Ford get involved in that scenario too, to go along with Chevy and Honda. Some NASCAR teams (a few of which have open-wheel backgrounds/ties) will start Indy Car operations with help from Chevy and Ford. You'll see Indy Cars paired up with Nationwide and see them return to places like Michigan and Loudon and Kentucky and Charlotte and Chicago and Richmond and Phoenix. Also, there will be some road races at Watkins Glen, Elkhart Lake, Montreal and possibly even Mosport and/or Mexico City. Texas will be saved from extinction. Las Vegas too. Milwaukee will return. Maybe you even try and keep a couple of street festivals (and pair them up with sports cars) too. NASCAR being involved will only make those 2-3 actual profitable street races more successful.

"That is where this could be heading in the near future. If you are paired with NASCAR, you can make it. Just being the "NASCAR Indy Car Series" will add a significant number of fans, who think 'NASCAR...anything' is the only American racing that matters.

"The real restructuring and remaking of the sport then will commence. It may mean that some of the white haired/SCCA bred Indy Car owners will move on. That may be the best news of all. The sport needs to flush some of these teams and car owners down the toilet anyway. The owners who actually care about the Indy 500 and about the future of the sport will be here though. Remember...its all about Indy. Always has been and always will be."


10-03-11, 08:43 AM
Ignoring the IRL, neither Mid-Ohio nor Infineon has had a decent open wheel race in 25 years. Has Infineon ever had a good race? It might have been enjoyable for you guys to sit around at Mid-Ohio and get drunk and watch the cars go by, but the actual race was lame because the cars had long since overpowered the design of the track.

And thus, the total idiocy of Bernards request. Mid-O is there because of Honda. I have no idea what floats Infineon....This IRL is a house of cards in a hurricane.

10-03-11, 11:21 AM
So the gomers are pissed if the team owners are running the series with a one-off at Indy but they're okay with the FRANCES running the series with a one-off at Indy? WTF?

10-03-11, 12:57 PM
Track forum; always funny, never smart.

10-03-11, 03:18 PM
So the IRL becomes a ladder series for NASCAR?

That is perfect. :laugh:

10-03-11, 03:43 PM
So the IRL becomes a ladder series for NASCAR?

Or a GrandAm support series more likely

10-03-11, 09:47 PM
The sooner the "Cup" era of the Indy 500 begins, the sooner something resembling real top level open wheel racing can arise. I am all for it. :gomer::thumbup:

10-04-11, 10:28 AM
Only Coiled Snakes run on ovals

with the harsh winters of late, pert near all of 'em died off

10-04-11, 01:52 PM
I'm one of those guys who used to be at the Kentucky race, but not any more.

Why: Because oval racing is now an after-thought in IndyCar. The series is less and less relevant to me every day.

Hate this all you want, but it's my opinion, on which I'm an expert. And before anyone asks why I'm still here and watching -- well, there's still a small amount of relevance to me, although I fear that might not be true in the not-so-distant future.

I utterly refuse to believe this. Indy Racing is based around the greatest and best oval race in the world. There is no way in hell the H/G family is just going to **** away that legacy without trying to do something first to correct it. Rich people stay rich because there smart. Personally I think there retrenching and trying to figure how to make Oval racing profitable again. If it means we have less ovals next year so be it. Dover made a profit this weekend even thou is was half empty. Why? Because of the TV contract. We don't have that luxury so they have to come up with something different. Its not our money to spend and burn so all we can do is offer up helpful ideas on top of what they come up with.

I guess you could start with the bolded part.


10-04-11, 03:53 PM
what happened?

10-04-11, 04:18 PM
what happened?

The 2012 schedule happened.

Don Quixote
10-04-11, 06:53 PM
They've finally done it. They found another segment of their microscopic fan base to piss off. :tony:

10-04-11, 09:13 PM
Haha, true, I think there were about 37 of them left, and this cuts it to 23. :laugh:

10-04-11, 09:36 PM
Haha, true, I think there were about 37 of them left, and this cuts it to 23. :laugh:

It's just a number.

10-05-11, 06:01 PM
So the new car more or less has fenders. Aren't fenders primarily for ovals? :tony:

10-07-11, 04:58 PM

10-11-11, 01:49 PM
So the new car more or less has fenders. Aren't fenders primarily for ovals? :tony:

Fenders are for oval drivers that think they know how to road race. :yuck:

10-11-11, 02:21 PM

lots of familiar names in that thread

the good old days?