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12-29-11, 11:21 AM
There should be a word that means appropriate, only more so. :laugh:

12-29-11, 11:22 AM
It was not "their" plane, they leased it. Their forte was playing kick ass guitar rock and roll.

The outfit that owned the plane was very fly by night. The crew had reported some weeks earlier that the one engine was running very rich, and therefore using more fuel. They miscalculated the amount needed for such a short hop and it ran out of fuel.

This particular aircraft, N55VN, had a rather checkered past. Earlier this same year (1977) the man responsible for renting planes for the band "Aerosmith" had declined to rent this particular aircraft and he has stated that it appeared to be in disrepair.

I have studied this accident extensively, aviation of propeller driven airplanes being a second passion of mine. That and music, well, music that involves Les Pauls, Stratocasters, Telecasters etc.

The current line up of this band is a total joke. It is Gary Rossington's baby, and he does have a license to do as he chooses, it was his band after all. He is having fun, and making money. Somebody wants to see them, as they no doubt out gross the IRL (minus Indy)

The original band, well, they pretty much just flat kicked ass IMO. It is a great American tragedy. They never aspired to be some hillbilly icon, stuff happens when you die that you have no control over. Like Senna being God like, or Michael Jackson a great star. I rather doubt Allen Collins had being a total loser on his list of things to do. Terrible things happened when that plane fell out of the sky. It's a tribute to Rossington that he did not fall into some funk and become a total loser as well.

Needle and the Spoon check

Working for MCA check

Double Trouble check

Call me the Breeze check with a tip of the hat to JJ Cale

That Smell check

Don't ask me no questions check

I never dreamed check

Not a bad output for some rockers out of Florida. I freakin' love 'em to this day. I saw them practice in a hotel parking lot in 1973, the first year they ever toured. They opened for the Eagles and we could hear the music from my house. I was all of ten years old, they kicked ass. Mayfair Motel on Lafayett Road in Indianapolis Indiana. The later versions of this bad, not so much. I did enjoy when they took in Ed King and Hughie Thommason, but they are gone now as well. The re-issues of their original albums are stellar. The You Tube archive of this bad is jaw dropping IMO. When it came to playing guitar, Rossington, Collins, Gaines and King had few peers.

Andrew Longman
12-29-11, 04:33 PM
It was not "their" plane, they leased it.Sorry, didn't mean to offend. :gomer:

I would argue that Indycar/Champcar racing didn't belong to TG either. He "leased" it once a year for his race. He didn't even own the history and glory of his own race.

As with the crew of N55VN, he was just a caretaker and steward who steered it.

And who also wasn't watching the gauges while flying the gift he was given into the ground.

Rock on Garth. :tony:

(BTW in 1977-78 I worked the soundboard for an Upper Peninsula six piece band called "Six Below Zero. Their fan favorite was an awesome cover of Free Bird" -- surpassed only by a C&W song I wrote called "He's a Cutie When He's Sober but a Bastard When He's Drunk" -- inspired by/quoting a conversation between two girls I overheard at breakfast one Sunday morning)

the weebler
12-29-11, 05:57 PM
They look like white trash to me.

Touring with the Eagles. :rofl:

12-29-11, 07:33 PM
For some reason I assumed they were in a DC-3. I 've flown in the turbo prop version of the Convair back in the late 70's early 80's, short hop flights to small, somewhat remote airports. It was like riding a city bus, except louder. Pilot apologized one time for being late because he hit a goose.

12-29-11, 10:15 PM
Well **** no that Champcar didn't belong to TG, it was and has always been run by the guys who owned the cars and agreed to the rules. The Speedway was built by enterprising men who saw a chance to make cash out of a budding auto industry.


A pilot who has an engine running rough and continues to do so is a soon to be past tense dumbass.

12-29-11, 10:31 PM
You know Mr Longman, I do believe we have met at some St Somebody (forgive me Spicoli) at Elkhart Lake one race. You had your kids with you.

What the Speedway, along with their brainchild, the AAA (American Automobile Association) were smart enough to do was set up an iron clad Caste System which served them well and allowed history to be written. It was not such a bad thing but did ensure them the ultimate control of what they ruled, which was Auto Racing in the United States. They had a West Coast Supervisor by the name of Art Pillsbury, and they also had an East Coast Supervisor (and forgive me but his name escapes me) and in these two rest's the ultimate authority in getting a chance to run the Speedway. (east coast supervisor was named Gordon Betz, I looked it up instead of digging through books)

This is the ultimate fly in the ointment, and the key lynch pin that is still being greased to this day. The formation of the IRL was nothing more then to establish ultimate power for the home team.

Without a ladder system, no matter how democratic, the entire thing fails.

Happy New Year

Ziggy, who is drinking New Castle Ale and actually enjoying himself listening to Emmitt Rhodes. ON CD NO LESS!!!!

Andrew Longman
12-29-11, 10:58 PM
You know Mr Longman, I do believe we have met at some St Somebody (forgive me Spicoli) at Elkhart Lake one race. You had your kids with you...

Happy New Year

...Ziggy, who is drinking New Castle Ale and actually enjoying himself

Could be. We trucked out there for the last few years of CART/Champcar. Every year then I thought it might be the last. I had to. For the kids. :gomer:

Without being overly dramatic, what TG and his hacks (and that includes his dad I guess) failed to realize is that the sport belongs to the fans, not them.

And when the fans think you've broken something they like and cared for, they tend to go looking for something to replace it.

And hold you responsible. (well, not you, TG and his hacks)

12-29-11, 11:26 PM
His Dad Elmer was a straight up hick, those Oklahoma jokes are not made up :tony:

The Sport belongs to the car owners, period end point.

The quest for the ultimate racing machine is for the betterment of mankind, no matter how barbaric the outcome. Gear Heads rule!

I don't know about you, but there is no replacing CART on the horizon. This became crystal clear to me watching sports cars race at night in such far flung locals as Lemanns France and Brazelton Georgia. Open wheel guys like to climax I guess.......

I am not responsible, I have beat that cocksmoker over the head since he came into power.

12-30-11, 08:30 AM
Happy New Year

Ziggy, who is drinking New Castle Ale and actually enjoying himself listening to Emmitt Rhodes. ON CD NO LESS!!!!

Emitt Rhodes! Now there is a stab from the past. The bass player in our very casual basement studio band is a huge fan of his and always had his recordings, etc.

Not many folks probably know that name these days Zig.

12-30-11, 10:40 AM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

12-30-11, 10:48 AM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

It means he's gonna save AOW again.

12-30-11, 11:06 AM
According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

Dear God, someone in that thread calls that good news. That is good news like getting the clap is good news.

What is wrong with those people?

12-30-11, 12:07 PM
What is wrong with those people?

you need to hang out under the stands at the negst race to learn that

12-30-11, 12:09 PM
Christ, those people are as delusional as ever.

12-30-11, 12:18 PM

12-30-11, 05:57 PM
City officials seeking new group to run Grand Prix (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/breaking/bs-md-ci-grand-prix-terminate-20111230,0,4186350.story)Terminates contract with troubled Baltimore Racing Development

the weebler
12-30-11, 06:36 PM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

dog-ring always has the scoops. Like that one time he posted TGBB was showing favoritism in tech. :rofl:

He's a true insider. He even knows Gweg Way.

12-30-11, 07:25 PM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

:shakehead:shakehead:shakehead:shakehead:shakehead :shakehead

I guess my brains will fall out if I keep shaking my head this much.

Happy New Year everyone!


12-30-11, 08:48 PM
There is the Formola nippon http://www.f-nippon.co.jp/fn/en/about/machine.shtml

and then there is the gomer formola

12-30-11, 09:04 PM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......

A lot of the blame for what has become AOWR can be put at the feet of the car owners who thought that they could run a series better than USAC.

Instead of trying to make changes from within, they played the "It's my ball and bat, I make the rules " card. Penske, Ganassi, Patrick, Bettenhausen, Rahal and all the rest.

Those nasty team owners who thought they could run it better than USAC, and then did. Shame on them for taking their ball and bat.

All hail Tony when he does that, and instead of improving the sport, sends it into a downward spiral. :shakehead

Christ, those people are as delusional as ever.


12-30-11, 10:00 PM
Well now, this is interesting.

According to this post (http://www.trackforum.com/forums/showthread.php?158972-I-Heard-Today..................) Tony George "will be back next year" Whatever that means......
this reply explains it all


12-31-11, 12:56 AM
Wow. Just wow.

opinionated ow
12-31-11, 03:43 AM
There is the Formola nippon http://www.f-nippon.co.jp/fn/en/about/machine.shtml

and then there is the gomer formola

It looks like it melted!

nissan gtp
12-31-11, 09:09 AM
There is the Formola nippon http://www.f-nippon.co.jp/fn/en/about/machine.shtml

and then there is the gomer formola

Nice looking (rooking ??) car. Wings could be simplified a bit.

12-31-11, 10:34 AM
I found this gem by the mensa resident of balteemore:

If more people attend each race, the series benefits.


12-31-11, 11:16 AM
Swift, an American company builds a proper racing car for a Japanese Series while the American racing series orders a lump of **** from an Italian company. Makes sense.

Andrew Longman
12-31-11, 11:51 AM
Nice looking (rooking ??) car. Wings could be simplified a bit.Very nice looking car.

Re wings:

The wing end plates and the upper and lower wings are connected by smoothly curved surfaces that create a unique futuristic look. This wing also performs a shock-absorbing function in the case of a collision for improved safety as well.
Another distinguishing feature of the FN09 besides its front wing is the structure called side ports on the sides of the machine. These ports house the engine radiator and other functions, and they also serve an aerodynamic function.


the weebler
12-31-11, 01:30 PM
Swift, an American company builds a proper racing car for a Japanese Series while the American racing series orders a lump of **** from an Italian company. Makes sense.

There's people still running 1985 Swifts in FF that dominate their class. They could probably take the Dullara. :thumbup:

I believe the Midwestern Council champion this year does just that.

opinionated ow
12-31-11, 06:42 PM
Another distinguishing feature of the FN09 besides its front wing is the structure called side ports on the sides of the machine. These ports house the engine radiator and other functions, and they also serve an aerodynamic function.
So they've given sidepods another name and call them distinguishing? That's called clutching at straws...

Sorachi Ace
01-01-12, 01:51 PM



01-01-12, 02:05 PM
So they've given sidepods another name and call them distinguishing? That's called clutching at straws...

the swift nippons were faster than the dullarra's at motegi:rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh:

Mike Lawler
01-03-12, 07:20 PM
INDYCAR: Barfield Hired To Replace Barnhart As Race Director.

Announcement tomorrow.

01-03-12, 09:27 PM
INDYCAR: Barfield Hired To Replace Barnhart As Race Director.

Announcement tomorrow.

Who is "Barfield"?


01-03-12, 09:33 PM
Who is "Barfield"?


Hi there

01-03-12, 09:56 PM
Beaux Barfield

Since 2008, Barfield, a former Indy Lights driver, has been the race director of the American Le Mans Series. Before that, he worked on the officiating team of Champ Car support races.

Lux Interior
01-03-12, 10:23 PM
Change his name to Bo Barfield and you have your next NASCAR champion.

01-03-12, 10:35 PM
I think he also was a driving instructor at The Mid-Ohio School for a bit too...Mid to late 90's.

He's a sportscar dude...wonder how that is gonna sit with the ovaloids of Indy?

This hire does not protect the oval tarditions!

Rex Karz
01-03-12, 10:59 PM

Sorry, wrong Bo.

01-03-12, 11:12 PM
I think he also was a driving instructor at The Mid-Ohio School for a bit too...Mid to late 90's.

He's a sportscar dude...wonder how that is gonna sit with the ovaloids of Indy?

This hire does not protect the oval tarditions!

What ovals? :D

01-03-12, 11:24 PM
Hi there


He's already got the greasy hair and shifty eyes. he'll fit RIGHT in with Hee-Haw Randy!

:thisisawesome!: :thumbup:

01-03-12, 11:35 PM
The guy is a tool. He'll play favorites every bit as much as the dickwad before him did. Meet the new boss....

01-04-12, 01:36 AM
Here's all you need to know:

Q: You’ve been a racer. CART, Formula 2000, Indy Lights, and an instructor, what led you to become involved with race control and being a race director?

A: A team that I used to drive for acquired the Formula 2000 Series in 2002 and they wanted a more current driver, which they didn’t have at the time, to make their officiating decisions. Probably my experience driving and managing track programs such as driving schools, which I’d been doing for years, made me a natural choice. There wasn’t an interview, there wasn’t any kind of process, there was just a phone call asking, “ do you want to do this? “. I knew I wanted to do it because a friend I used to race with, Chris Kneifel, had just gotten a similar job at Champ Car and when I talked to him he said “ Just do it”, so I did it. After a year of experience he hired me to work at Champ Car and the rest is history.

01-04-12, 03:10 AM
and we wonder why racing leagues keep failing

01-04-12, 07:47 AM
Source (http://www.linkedin.com/in/beauxbarfield)

Race Director IMSA/ALMS
2006 – Present (6 years)

First position with IMSA was Race Director for the Patron GT3 Challenge by Yokohama in 2006
Became Race Director for American LeMans Series August 2008
The Race Director is the chief executive at all venues responsible for the conduct of the events.

Steward Champ Car World Series LLC Public Company; 51-200 employees; Sports industry
January 2003 – January 2008 (5 years 1 month)

Worked as ChampCar steward alongside Race Directors Chris Kneifel and Tony Cotman

Race Director ChampCar Atlantic
September 2005 – December 2007 (2 years 4 months)
Served as chief competition official of the famed Atlantic Series for the 2006 and 2007 race seasons

Instructor Panoz Racing School
January 1992 – June 2007 (15 years 6 months)
Taught all programs including Teen Driving, Military Counter-Terrorism and High Performance Competition.

Implemented new teaching techniques and developed curricula and programs.

Race Director Trans-Am Series
November 2004 – November 2005 (1 year 1 month)
Served as the last Race Director for the famous Trans-Am series

Chief Steward US Formula Ford 2000
May 2001 – July 2003 (2 years 3 months)
First position as a race official was with the US Formula Ford 2000 Championship aka The Zetec Championship

Instructor The Mid Ohio School
June 1997 – 2003 (6 years)
Taught all programs at Mid-Ohio with instructors Chris Kneifel, Tommy Byrne, Paul Dallenbach, Andy Lally, Ken Johnson, Scott Harrington, Calvin Fish, Brian Till, Chris Neville and Tony Kester

the weebler
01-04-12, 08:28 AM
The guy is a tool. He'll play favorites every bit as much as the dickwad before him did. Meet the new boss....

Cause he never let paper's kid expose NH and their traction control?:gomer:

In ALMS he's done a good job.

01-04-12, 09:11 AM
Needs more tanning bed time.

Dates Cody Unser? Sounds difficult

used to work with Scott Harrington, really? Wow, like you would actually ever tell anybody that.

ALMS, don't keep up on the inner workings, but I have been to several of their races since openwheel died. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

01-04-12, 10:38 AM
In ALMS he's done a good job.

A lot of the ALMS faithful seem rather happy he's leaving. 'Course, those are the same folks who still call him a Champ Car guy, even though he's been w/ ALMS longer, so adjust your sights accordingly.

used to work with Scott Harrington, really? Wow, like you would actually ever tell anybody that.

If Al Jr is being retained, Beaux's experience working with drunks should prove valuable.

01-04-12, 01:10 PM
Cause he never let paper's kid expose NH and their traction control?:gomer:

In ALMS he's done a good job.

No, because the guy quite simply plays favorites at every level he's been working. Go ask anyone besides Forsythe in the Atlantic series or Paul Gentilosi in the Trans Am series what they think of his performance. The guy is an absolute tool.

01-04-12, 01:16 PM
No, because the guy quite simply plays favorites at every level he's been working. Go ask anyone besides Forsythe in the Atlantic series or Paul Gentilosi in the Trans Am series what they think of his performance. The guy is an absolute tool.

Then he is a perfect fit.

01-04-12, 01:36 PM
Then he is a perfect fit.

My point exactly!! :D :laugh:

01-04-12, 02:23 PM
No, because the guy quite simply plays favorites at every level he's been working. Go ask anyone besides Forsythe in the Atlantic series or Paul Gentilosi in the Trans Am series what they think of his performance. The guy is an absolute tool.

what kinda tool?

01-04-12, 04:31 PM
what kinda tool?

I'm guessing sourced from Harbor Freight.

Al Czervik
01-04-12, 05:25 PM
what kinda tool?

Only one kind for the Leeeege, a Kwality Tewl.

opinionated ow
01-05-12, 12:54 AM
what kinda tool?

A spanner....

01-05-12, 03:02 AM
At least we Know Where It Come From ®

01-05-12, 10:00 AM
Haha. Sounds like they continue to make good decisions. :rofl:

Trevor Longman
01-05-12, 11:48 PM
Classic Robin Miller :laugh: :rofl:


01-06-12, 12:48 AM
Classic Robin Miller :laugh: :rofl:


Brutal. But I never knew he married into the George fambly...who did he marry?.:confused:

01-06-12, 02:13 AM
CART/Champ Car loyalists: You guys sicken me because you think the whole world should get on their knees and kiss your country club a***s. You guys are the snobs of racing and drove all the blue collar road racing fans to ALMS and Grand-Am rather than embracing them and enjoying racing for what it is supposed to be about. This isn't F1 and nor do we want it to be because we want our own thing. And the DP01 is dead so just accept the new car as a form of change and be patient and wait till the new aero kits in 2013. So get used to ovals and embrace the Indy 500 as the cornerstone of our series.

01-06-12, 10:45 AM
WHo wrote that? FTHurler? Pulpy? T13? Hooter? RNofty?

the weebler
01-06-12, 10:47 AM
Fort Lauderdale has been added as the season ending race. :laugh::shakehead

01-06-12, 10:50 AM
They are reporting on the news up here in the land of cheese that the leeeeeg is in talks with the Milwaukee Mile about holding a race in June again next year. I'm sure with all the time they will have that it will be a grand sucksess. Then they will all wonder how it all went wrong. Morans!!!!:tony::tony:

01-06-12, 11:04 AM
They are reporting on the news up here in the land of cheese that the leeeeeg is in talks with the Milwaukee Mile about holding a race in June again next year. I'm sure with all the time they will have that it will be a grand sucksess. Then they will all wonder how it all went wrong. Morans!!!!:tony::tony:

If they rent the track it will help keep The Mile alive, so there is a silver lining, I think.

the weebler
01-06-12, 12:02 PM
If they rent the track it will help keep The Mile alive, so there is a silver lining, I think.


Unfortunately, 15k on race day is still like having the track on life support.

01-06-12, 12:21 PM
Fort Lauderdale has been added as the season ending race. :laugh::shakehead

that has success written all over it,,,,,,the IRL - how do you spell financial disaster?

Andrew Longman
01-06-12, 12:21 PM

Unfortunately, 15k on race day is still like having the track on life support.Easier to pull off than hoping another city does what Baltimore city officials did last year though.

01-06-12, 12:33 PM
WHo wrote that? FTHurler? Pulpy? T13? Hooter? RNofty?

Don't insult the RNofty like that.

01-06-12, 01:15 PM
Don't insult the RNofty like that.

What ever happen to him? Is he the one that ended up in jail?

01-06-12, 01:50 PM
Classic Robin Miller :laugh: :rofl:


I was a good kick on the way out the door, but why not print this article while TGBB was still in power?

01-06-12, 02:30 PM
I was a good kick on the way out the door, but why not print this article while TGBB was still in power?

Precisely. And the same question could be asked about a lot of other subjects, too.

Andrew Longman
01-06-12, 02:51 PM
Precisely. And the same question could be asked about a lot of other subjects, too.RM hasn't shown that he cared a ton about what people in the industry think of him and his writings. Maybe some, but not a ton.

In the sports journalism world though there is generally a huge issue with journalist not speaking the truth at all or being very critical because they will get cut off from any and all access. The dirt on Tiger Woods wasn't published for years until it was obvious it couldn't be contained any longer. Same with MJ and a all the rest. They depend on each other in a symbiotic sense.

So my question is if RM didn't pull too many punches before, why did he wait on this?

01-06-12, 03:27 PM
Most of Barnhart's larger transgressions have only happened recently. At least those that the public was aware of. I don't think he could have written this article a few years ago. Not sure if I agree with hanging PT's lack of Indy win solely on Barnhart, I always that it was TOney GOrge's call to not accept the appeal.

01-06-12, 04:54 PM
They are reporting on the news up here in the land of cheese that the leeeeeg is in talks with the Milwaukee Mile about holding a race in June again next year. I'm sure with all the time they will have that it will be a grand sucksess. Then they will all wonder how it all went wrong. Morans!!!!:tony::tony:

How long does it take to put together a race on a permanent course? If it was three months to go and they didn't have it sorted, sure, but there should still be some time.

It's a niche sport now!

01-06-12, 05:02 PM
RM hasn't shown that he cared a ton about what people in the industry think of him and his writings. Maybe some, but not a ton.

In the sports journalism world though there is generally a huge issue with journalist not speaking the truth at all or being very critical because they will get cut off from any and all access. The dirt on Tiger Woods wasn't published for years until it was obvious it couldn't be contained any longer. Same with MJ and a all the rest. They depend on each other in a symbiotic sense.

So my question is if RM didn't pull too many punches before, why did he wait on this?

I wasn't thinking so much of dishing on people specifically, but he certainly could have been more candid about the state of things a hell of a lot earlier. Same with Dave Despain and anyone else who is a motorsports "journalist"...

01-06-12, 05:16 PM
I wasn't thinking so much of dishing on people specifically, but he certainly could have been more candid about the state of things a hell of a lot earlier. Same with Dave Despain and anyone else who is a motorsports "journalist"...

I'm sure it is a teeny bit too hard for some of those guys to be critical of Indy.

Especially a guy like Despain. They wanted Indy to be all traditional and oval protective...so it would have taken a complete screw up and for the business to be just about down and out for them to ever be critical.

You know...the horse they backed and all that jibberish.

Gomer and gomer supporters can look the other way to the point of snapping their collective necks.

Kinda like Linda Blair in the Exocist!


01-06-12, 06:39 PM
Despain is a lemming shill, or so I've heard. :D

01-07-12, 12:52 AM

In the end, no obe gives a ****., period.

01-07-12, 12:55 AM
I'm sure it is a teeny bit too hard for some of those guys to be critical of Indy.

Especially a guy like Despain. They wanted Indy to be all traditional and oval protective...so it would have taken a complete screw up and for the business to be just about down and out for them to ever be critical.

You know...the horse they backed and all that jibberish.

Gomer and gomer supporters can look the other way to the point of snapping their collective necks.

Kinda like Linda Blair in the Exocist!


yup, for the elite gomers, Mindy is a religion. They will not abandon their roots any more than Osama Bin Laden would have given up kneeling and wailing for a Beanie and a mail order electronics store in NYC.

01-07-12, 02:12 AM
Most of Barnhart's larger transgressions have only happened recently. At least those that the public was aware of. I don't think he could have written this article a few years ago. Not sure if I agree with hanging PT's lack of Indy win solely on Barnhart, I always that it was TOney GOrge's call to not accept the appeal.

I believe that the arguments were presented to Barnhart. Tony certainly told him what the outcome of the "hearing" was going to be, but BB was running it.

Seriously, can anyone imaging what it would be like to have TG preside over a hearing? :rofl: It would take a barely passable orator about 10 minutes to convince TG he was really a 14 year old girl named Becky. Then he'd forget about that because someone was stealing his car.

01-07-12, 02:18 AM
So Ropin Randy is retooling the TEAM payola.

This isn't going to go very well...

Payout will be based on PowerPoint slides (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/indycar-series-tightening-team-payout-criteria)

According to Bernard, every team that earned one of the adjusted 20 TEAM contracts through entrant points will need to pay the series a visit to discuss its plans for 2012.

“For this year, to start, every one of the [20] cars needs to make a presentation to IndyCar,” he explained. “We want to learn about their plans, their drivers, their sponsors, how they plan to activate those sponsors, what kind of media and promotions the teams are working on and how they are basically going to interact with the series and our fans. Then, we can sit down and discuss how we can help, how we can cross-promote, activate, how we can work closer with each team to make both sides stronger.”

Come to think of it, they are at least trying something different. Too bad there's really no task too great or small for them to fail in turning it into a disaster.

the weebler
01-07-12, 09:48 AM
Why is Randy including the teams in the direction of the series? Doesn't he know that's what has led to its destruction? Twice? :laugh:

01-07-12, 09:57 AM
Seriously, can anyone imaging what it would be like to have TG preside over a hearing? :rofl: It would take a barely passable orator about 10 minutes to convince TG he was really a 14 year old girl named Becky. Then he'd forget about that because someone was stealing his car.

There is no doubt in my mind that is exactly how it happened. :tony: :rofl::laugh::rofl:

01-07-12, 10:53 AM
Most of Barnhart's larger transgressions have only happened recently. At least those that the public was aware of. I don't think he could have written this article a few years ago. Not sure if I agree with hanging PT's lack of Indy win solely on Barnhart, I always that it was TOney GOrge's call to not accept the appeal.

Ahem. Don't be so ignorant as to not think Roger Penske wasn't in the room. Think about it, he had just crossed over, and FTG had a taste of the "real" teams with Ganassty and Cappy Liverspots. This was their first slice into CART blood, knowing they just showed AGR and the rest of the world that unless you play by the EARL manifesto, you were going to get screwed harder and longer that a West Hollywood ho. So do you knot remembered AGR shortly after abandoning their principles and shamefully walking into IMS with Andretti the Lesser acting like Baghdad Bob "we love Mindy and all her greatness" bull crap? That's what the whole PT/twinkletoes fiasco was really all about.:thumdown:

01-07-12, 11:28 AM
Ahem. Don't be so ignorant as to not think Roger Penske wasn't in the room. Think about it, he had just crossed over, and FTG had a taste of the "real" teams with Ganassty and Cappy Liverspots. This was their first slice into CART blood, knowing they just showed AGR and the rest of the world that unless you play by the EARL manifesto, you were going to get screwed harder and longer that a West Hollywood ho. So do you knot remembered AGR shortly after abandoning their principles and shamefully walking into IMS with Andretti the Lesser acting like Baghdad Bob "we love Mindy and all her greatness" bull crap? That's what the whole PT/twinkletoes fiasco was really all about.:thumdown:

No doubt Penske had a heavy hand in it. Maybe Chipper too.

Wouldn't surprise me if there was some kind of greased-palm incentives to the whole thing.

What is funny though, is Green and later even Tracy forgot they were screwed over and they too bent over and took the pagoda up the orifice.

What the gomers forget is it is hard for any legit fan no matter what side of the split to feel anything for and to support the whole lot of 'em.

The stench is too overwhelming.


Winston Wolfe
01-07-12, 12:38 PM
Seriously, can anyone imaging what it would be like to have TG preside over a hearing? :rofl: It would take a barely passable orator about 10 minutes to convince TG he was really a 14 year old girl named Becky. Then he'd forget about that because someone was stealing his car.

This is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever read/seen on the board, but sadly, likely very true.:laugh:
An image of TG being interviewed on TV and then asking if someone stole his car is symbolic of the entire mess that is 16th & G'Town.... sad indeed!:tony:

01-07-12, 12:42 PM
This is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever read/seen on the board, but sadly, likely very true.:laugh:
An image of TG being interviewed on TV and then asking if someone stole his car is symbolic of the entire mess that is 16th & G'Town.... sad indeed!:tony:

The brouhaha video :rofl:

01-07-12, 04:28 PM
Mikey sold his soul for a Reynard and a Honda....fortunately it was too late in his fat assed career for it to be any good. HE took Honda to the IRL and became it's propaganda engine. Hate runs deep, justifiedly so...


Just another carpetbagger that sold out the sport for his and the speedway's gain, and the sport will forever be damned because of it all. F 'em all, forever.

01-07-12, 05:49 PM
Just another carpetbagger that sold out the sport for his and the speedway's gain, and the sport will forever be damned because of it all. F 'em all, forever.

Mikey is/was the worst of the lot. F him and Mario and that little needlenosed offspring of his too. speedway whores.:thumdown:

the weebler
01-07-12, 06:19 PM
Mikey is/was the worst of the lot. F him and Mario and that little needlenosed offspring of his too. speedway whores.:thumdown:

I'm sure he cares what people think. :cry:

01-07-12, 07:09 PM
I'm sure he cares what people think. :cry:

It's evident he only think of himself. But there ain't enough turpentine in the world to clean the stench off him. Besides FTG, pretty much the most hated thing in racing. At least you could grudge **** the Danicles.:thumbup:

01-07-12, 07:13 PM
It's evident he only think of himself. But there ain't enough turpentine in the world to clean the stench off him. Besides FTG, pretty much the most hated thing in racing. At least you could grudge **** the Danicles.:thumbup:

Too frowny and mean to bone.

01-07-12, 08:17 PM
I'm sure he cares what people think. :cry:

And that is the point. Maybe they should care what people think in the situation the freakin' series and American open wheel racing finds itself in.

That fact that they take their money to be fakes and act like they got theirs is one big reason why no one cares.

Can you say hollow? Can you say no soul?

But hey, maybe hollow no-soul racing is big these days.


01-07-12, 08:25 PM
S***** racing seems to pay well, maybe that is why they don't care.

Sorachi Ace
01-07-12, 09:00 PM
Too frowny and mean to bone.

Too bony and lean to frak.

Andrew Longman
01-07-12, 11:00 PM
Mikey sold his soul for a Reynard and a Honda....fortunately it was too late in his fat assed career for it to be any good. HE took Honda to the IRL and became it's propaganda engine. Hate runs deep, justifiedly so...


Just another carpetbagger that sold out the sport for his and the speedway's gain, and the sport will forever be damned because of it all. F 'em all, forever.

Chief, I fully feel you. Hate. All the craptastic crap that was going on. Hate and buckheads.


I have to admit I thought that ad was funny at the time. At some point, for a moment or two, you gotta see the silliness of it all. ;)

Trevor Longman
01-07-12, 11:40 PM
Damn I leave for a day then check back on this thread and look what happens! The lack of Smack is really starting to show around here! :laugh:

01-07-12, 11:48 PM
I get ya....silliness is good. However, this was a symbolic thumb-in-the-eye from Honda and Whiney Peckerwood...so it overshadowed the cleverness they were aiming at. For me...

Im still shocked they didn't showcase Greg Ray or other IRL stud in that Honda ad, if they really wanted to be silly. Now, these are truly silly.....




This the perception they can never change, in my mind.

01-08-12, 12:06 AM
Geezus, lock this thread. FIrst it's that whiney waterbottle sucking motherfraker, then its Buzz, Scooter, Gweg and that roostersmoocher Cheever. WTF is wrong with you people?

Andrew Longman
01-08-12, 12:08 AM
This the perception they can never change, in my mind.Where did they run these ads? I don't recall them. The Cheever ad is particularly grating -- just because it is so Cheever :irked:

The others are worse than I see on local cable for a Saturday nite dirt track. :rolleyes:

I guess I saw the Mickey ads as a thumb in the eye, but I also knew that TG had just capitulated. He didn't know it, but I knew then that Honda had him by the short hairs, that his small teams would die, that they series would be turning right soon and that it was going to play out about how it did.

CART had lost but Tony hadn't won. Might as well get a grin out if it.