View Full Version : So does Bernard get fired?
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A particular bulbous pontificater with gapped teeth and a lisp wonders aloud in the wake of all this evolution:
Have the CARTiers lost the battle but won the war? :laugh:
Holy crap, the whole test is depending on this:
I saw that earlier - they are finding that the winding direction over the nose is NOT the same direction that that the nose is traveling. :saywhat:
Surely there is someone who can restore order to this chaos.
One whose vision is pure.
A legend in his own mind.
Lux Interior
11-30-11, 04:05 PM
A particular bulbous pontificater with gapped teeth and a lisp wonders aloud in the wake of all this evolution:
That's no way to talk about our dear friend Spicoli. Shame on you Chief:D
11-30-11, 04:10 PM
I saw that earlier - they are finding that the winding direction over the nose is NOT the same direction that that the nose is traveling. :saywhat:
AJ can fix the galled durn thing.;_ylt=ArDotKjQgSPlqJUgNF.Kc3jAv7YF?slug=ap-indycar-barnhartout
Among other pressing issues is Bernard’s failure to formally announce the 2012 schedule, which is being held up as the investigation into Wheldon’s death determines if IndyCar can continue to race on high-banked ovals.
The series is unlikely to return to Las Vegas despite two years remaining on a contract to rent the facility from owner Bruton Smith for the season finale, and IndyCar has yet to sign an official sanctioning agreement with Texas Motor Speedway, a high-banked oval that is among the most popular venues on the schedule.
Should neither event return, Bernard will be left with a 14-race schedule and be forced to end a condensed season in early September at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif.—a previously announced oval that is making its return to the IndyCar Series in 2012.
11-30-11, 10:48 PM
This is truly cockroach racing. It keeps getting squished yet it just won't die. If the sisters and Mari weren't so f******** stupid the plug wool have been pulled long ago. A 14 race series? 2 to 3 ovals?!:laugh: what does lord sagamorAn have to say about this? More importantly, what the Gomerati got to say abbot this "evolution"?
Laughingstock of the racing world, the IRL is.
Sumbudy at IrL hedqwarters beder bee gettin' in tuch with the peepal whoo run Milwalkey and Loudun to sea if Indee carr can run their negst yeer. Udder wize they wont have anee ovuls on the skedhul. :tony::tony::tony:
11-30-11, 11:41 PM
Sumbudy at IrL hedqwarters beder bee gettin' in tuch with the peepal whoo run Milwalkey and Loudun to sea if Indee carr can run their negst yeer. Udder wize they wont have anee ovuls on the skedhul. :tony::tony::tony:
What ovals do they have left? Indy ( square/oval). :tony:
12-01-11, 12:05 AM
there's always chipsters old oval in chicago, wait forgot bankrupt also:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Problem solved... Dirt track tires! :tony:
Plenty of dirt tracks around :p
12-01-11, 08:45 AM
there's always chipsters old oval in chicago, wait forgot bankrupt also:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Plus didn't they tear out the stands and sell them to another track?
opinionated ow
12-01-11, 09:05 AM
Problem solved... Dirt track tires! :tony:
Plenty of dirt tracks around :p
Do it. I reckon you'd sell out anywhere you wanted too
So, whaddaya think? Maybe TWO events at Milwaukee!? I know...they can call one "The Rex Mays" and the other one "The Bettenhausen!" They NEED new ideas like that!
Holy sh**. I just read the Kirby/Ashmore piece...that wasn't just a bingo, it was a BINGO!! The only thing I can say is I'm glad many of us got to experience the CART heydays because we ain't ever gonna see THAT again! What we see happening now is beyond joking about, so forget about my little Milwaukee gag...guess I'll just look at old tapes.:(
I don't understand how, when you look at the mess that the new car has become, anyone can let Barnhart remain in the role he now has. The argument can easily be made that he has done more damage in that role than in his race control (haha) role.:rolleyes:
Plus didn't they tear out the stands and sell them to another track?
Tore the whole thing out from the looks of it.
Tore the whole thing out from the looks of it.
I was there in 2002 with the kids. Trust me, the whole place melted into the ground. :laugh:
nissan gtp
12-01-11, 07:06 PM
Plus didn't they tear out the stands and sell them to another track?
no problem for the url, no fans to sit in the seats
12-01-11, 07:08 PM
no problem for the url, no fans to sit in the seats
they left two seats so the gapped tooth knuckle dragging Tiny D can claim a sellout
MASSIVE FAIL....note the "SHARK FINS" on the frontal side pods....this car of tomorrow blows chunks...
It looks slow, it's looks tail happy, and the skinny nose looks like it doesn't have enough mass to counterbalance a push on exit. They serve a tasty flounder on Friday's in IRL.
the skinny nose looks like it doesn't have enough mass to counterbalance a push on exit.
As Sir Mix-A-Lot says - Baby got back.... Little in the middle but she got much back. :rolleyes:
What a mess of a car.
Don Quixote
12-02-11, 03:42 PM
If that car was a woman, I would put a bag over her head, and one over my head as well.
How f'n easy would it be to drop the airbox, put a full sidepod on and remove that stupid assed rear bumper? I'm no engineer but it looks like a boat anchor on its way into the water. are responsible for this ICONIC FAILURE. :thumbup:
If the thing worked, you could say it was function over form. IF it worked...
12-02-11, 06:44 PM
MASSIVE FAIL....note the "SHARK FINS" on the frontal side pods....this car of tomorrow blows chunks...
It looks slow, it's looks tail happy, and the skinny nose looks like it doesn't have enough mass to counterbalance a push on exit. They serve a tasty flounder on Friday's in IRL.
I see the usual sellout crowd showed up
12-02-11, 06:46 PM
How f'n easy would it be to drop the airbox, put a full sidepod on and remove that stupid assed rear bumper? I'm no engineer but it looks like a boat anchor on its way into the water. are responsible for this ICONIC FAILURE. :thumbup:
dude that airbox is the signature IRL element for any new Indycar,,,,traditions and all
Lux Interior
12-02-11, 09:17 PM
OK this is not joke - that shot from the side of the car sitting in the pits - it looks like it ready to take off and fly. I can't believe that is the new design they came up with. Seriously - could it be any less appealing? :thumdown:
12-02-11, 09:35 PM
This is truly cockroach racing. It keeps getting squished yet it just won't die. If the sisters and Mari weren't so f******** stupid the plug wool have been pulled long ago. A 14 race series? 2 to 3 ovals?!:laugh: what does lord sagamorAn have to say about this? More importantly, what the Gomerati got to say abbot this "evolution"?
Laughingstock of the racing world, the IRL is.
The Irl is the Saab story of racing , except even the money throwing all buying Chinese aren't throwing $$$ at this p.o.s.!
12-02-11, 10:34 PM
I see the usual sellout crowd showed up
Speaking of putting a bag over your head, if they had told anyone they were testing maybe someone would have showed up. Or not. Or maybe they did and I didn't know it because I try to keep the whole series on ignore.
I can't escape the feeling that everyone in those pictures is either laughing or completely befuddled. I'm actually starting to get a very, very bad feeling about the safety of those things regardless of the "everything is wonderful" headlines I see.
12-03-11, 01:24 AM
Hell no he ain't gone to get farred, well that Las VEgas race was a rezounding sucess
Despite giving away for free, upwards of 80,000 tickets to the event, if 15,000 showed up, that was a lot. 15,000 in a stadium that holds 132,000. It looked bad for IndyCar for what was supposed to be their 'grand' finale.
12-03-11, 02:18 AM
Yeah, I'll stick with vintage racing, thanks.:shakehead
Looks like a REVELL kit that was put together by a 10 year old without instructions. I half expect to see globs of Testors and finger prints all over it.
12-03-11, 11:37 AM
Makes me wonder why Honda keeps plastering their name all over this clusterfrack. Wouldn't you think that at some point a junior marketing executive would point out that Honda's spend a half century building a reputation for excellence and all the .1RL does is dissolve that?
12-03-11, 04:39 PM
Makes me wonder why Honda keeps plastering their name all over this clusterfrack. Wouldn't you think that at some point a junior marketing executive would point out that Honda's spend a half century building a reputation for excellence and all the .1RL does is dissolve that?
Have you looked at the current and past few iterations of the Honda passenger vehicles?
They look like stink smells.
The Dalarra DW12 is to race cars is as the Pacer was to supercardom in the early eighties.
12-03-11, 05:03 PM
I had not actually thought about it until now but I can't picture a current Honda in my mind. I really don't know what they look like now.
Just took a look and it doesn't get more boring than that lineup. :shakehead
OK this is not joke - that shot from the side of the car sitting in the pits - it looks like it ready to take off and fly. I can't believe that is the new design they came up with. Seriously - could it be any less appealing? :thumdown:
Every time I see a photo of it I am amazed again. Is there anyone involved with the IRL with a brain? :yuck:
High Sided
12-04-11, 12:17 AM
this looks faster,
12-04-11, 06:38 PM
this looks faster,
Sounds like at this point the IRL would kill for it's stability and predictability.
12-04-11, 06:46 PM
Has to rank as the ugliest race car( if you can call it even that) ever made:tony::tony:, they have so ****ing many problems it's not even worth saving, somebody just nuke IMS, the owners should be pissed about having this shoved down their throats
12-04-11, 08:52 PM
Damn that thing is ugly. Perfect for the irl losers.
Laughingstock of the racing world, again.
They never fail to deliver.:laugh:
Is that a TRUE independent suspension on the 53 car?
Is that a TRUE independent suspension on the 53 car?
Accourse it is. Coil springs arr hi teknologee in Baltimoor.
Gosh, I went away for two weeks and everything just exploded. Well, this thread did; the new car did not. I just hope they get it working better than it looks. Seriously. I don't want to read about more people being killed. I wrote "see" rather than "read about" at first, but I have no intention of actually watching this.
How much worse can this get? I thought they'd bottomed out a long time ago. Obviously, I was wrong. It boggles the mind.
How much worse can this get? I thought they'd bottomed out a long time ago. Obviously, I was wrong. It boggles the mind.
One thing I've learned over the last 16 or so years is that we should NEVER EVER underestimate the ability of the people "running" American open wheel racing to outdo any previous benchmark for stupidity. :gomer::tony::gomer::tony:
Gosh, I went away for two weeks and everything just exploded. Well, this thread did; the new car did not. I just hope they get it working better than it looks. Seriously. I don't want to read about more people being killed. I wrote "see" rather than "read about" at first, but I have no intention of actually watching this.
How much worse can this get? I thought they'd bottomed out a long time ago. Obviously, I was wrong. It boggles the mind.
Spoken like a true fan, Mary. None of us want to see a repeat of Las Vegas ever again.
It does boggle the mind.
How did CART ever lose to this bunch? I know, stupid money. But still......
12-05-11, 06:50 PM
How did CART ever lose to this bunch?
That reminds me of the classic Saturday Night Live skit where during a debate Gov. Dukakis (played by Jon Lovitz) says after a long convoluted answer from VP Bush (Dana Carvey) "I can't believe I am losing to this guy".
They have been altering the wheelbase as of the last test session
seems like most of the blame if going to the sub contractors, none of which are in Indiana (where the tax breaks for the Italian company so they could do business in the "new" Speedway town)
nothing to see here, just waiting for the sunshine and rainbow articles by Oreo and the ilk.
12-06-11, 12:18 PM
I just hope they get it working better than it looks. Seriously. I don't want to read about more people being killed.
Well they won't fly anywhere near as high or often if the cars can't even reach 200mph...
looking like one and done...
Mayor: Idea that Grand Prix needed more from city is 'nonsense'
Race investor argued the city should have lent more support,0,2152494.story
12-06-11, 12:41 PM
well at least the taxpayers in st. pete (voted the saddest place to live) & TO are still funding strett races :shakehead
No worries. Ratings were way up last season. Dozens more tuned in. New car coming on line. OK, it may be just a dumbed down Crapwagon (Super Crapwagon?) but if past history is any indication they'll have about 9 years to get it right. They have run out the competition. How can they possibly fail now that they are the only game in town?:D Danica may be gone, but I'm CERTAIN some deserving South American will step in and fill her seat. Well, he'll probably have to bring a padded insert, but you know what I mean. Multiple engine suppliers. Well, not REALLY but it's all about PERCEPTION not reality, right? Why has no one come up with the infield rodeo idea for the ovals? Geez, Randy, what the hell! No brainer! Brainfart kicked out of the booth! No more possible head-ons with emergency vehicles, no more rules changes in mid-race. Things HAVE to be better next year, right?... Probably not.:tony:
12-06-11, 03:44 PM
new year,,,,,new bucket full of excuses
12-06-11, 04:34 PM
"Super Crapwagon?"
12-06-11, 05:36 PM
Wagon du Crap Royale?
Andrew Longman
12-06-11, 06:01 PM
looking like one and done...,0,2152494.story
"Instead of being offered a subsidy, BRD was charged millions of dollars in fees and rent," he wrote in The Sun. "When these costs are added to another $2 million in sanction fees, as well as the significant expenditures necessary to erect 4.2 miles of concrete barriers, purchase an equivalent amount of safety fence and construct 30,000 grandstand seats, etc., the burden of debt for the inaugural event became overwhelming."Just from that alone it seems pretty clear that the business plan (if there even was one) simply did not compute.
Along with the sum owed to the city, Baltimore Racing Development owes $470,000 to the company's escrow account to cover an amount drawn from the account by the Maryland Stadium Authority to cover a payment on a $2 million loan.
The promoters also face a number of debts claimed by private parties. Among them are a $350,000 bill from the company that put up the grandstands, $200,000 owed to the company that provided concrete barriers and signs, and a $50,000 loan from Davidson's father-in-law.
Claims against Baltimore Racing Development, according to what's been made public in filings by city and state officials and vendors:
•$1.6 million by plaintiffs who have filed lawsuits alleging unpaid bills
•$1.5 million by the city for taxes and service fees
•$470,000 for the company's escrow account to cover an amount drawn by the Maryland Stadium Authority to cover a payment
•$200,000 by the company that provided concrete barriers and signs
•$20,000 by a company that performed an environmental impact study
Geez, who DID get paid? Did they make ANY money?
12-06-11, 08:32 PM
Geez, who DID get paid? Did they make ANY money?
according to an insider, they partied the money away leading up to the race
Andrew Longman
12-06-11, 11:28 PM
according to an insider, they partied the money away leading up to the raceWell, then there is hope.
If The Wire has any basis in truth the dealers have plenty of cash to put on a race next year.
12-06-11, 11:41 PM
Wagon du Crap Royale?
I vote for door #2 because no one (except us) will have any idea what it means. And that'll fit right in, won't it? :gomer:
12-06-11, 11:42 PM
according to an insider, they partied the money away leading up to the race
That's about the only thing I read about that race that makes any sense.:rolleyes:
Just from that alone it seems pretty clear that the business plan (if there even was one) simply did not compute.
I could probably do a better job working from my mom's basement.
12-07-11, 10:27 AM
another happy customer
Please.....I beg you or whoever can make an executive decision to please do something about the 2012 IndyCar!!!!! The new car will KILL the IndyCar series. The car is NOT sexy, sleek or even fast!!! The general public (non IndyCar fans) will NOT be attracted to the series while looking at that hideous looking car and we will likely lose even more fans to Nascar and even F1.
This is not just my every blog, website, Facebook posts out there....EVERYONE (or should I say 99.9%) says that this car wins the all time ULGY award for design....and now as testing continues...performance too!!!
My advice....Either use an old design, seriously tweak the new design with aesthetics in mind, get an entirely new design or just keep the current car for one more year had let another designer have a crack at the car.
I really don’t see how this car even got this how someone look at that car and say "yup...that looks good"??
Mark my words....this will ruin IndyCar once and for all and that would be a shame after sooooo much progress has been made in the last few years. This is your chance to hit a home run! But with this car it looks like IndyCar will strike out.
Somebody PLEASE do something!!!!! Executive decision.....someone??? Hello???
True (but very disappointed) IndyCar fan. Peter M. Romero
and wankers drivers complaining that it isn't a slot car liek they are used to
Randy Bernard is facing concerns about the new IndyCar. Although drivers have found it acceptable in recent road course tests, they’ve complained it’s too slow and difficult to handle on ovals.
in early November at Indianapolis Motor Speedway and found the speeds to be almost 15 mph slower than what was expected.
"Yeah, it's evil on entry, not sure about what to say in the middle [of the corner] and then it pushes like crazy. It's just nasty getting in; an ill feeling, and I had two or three big moments today. With most cars you can anticipate what's coming, but with this car, you're not sure what to expect. We were far from trimmed out, but had to put most all the downforce back in. But the way it is now it's not going to be easy-flat, I can promise you that."
Peter Romero, CART enthusiast. ;)
Marshall Pruett on 1070 last night....
Pruett blames the ICONIC committee
a recap posted at TF (
He blamed the current lack of performance of the new car on the Iconic committee.
He admitted that in hindsight, Iconic committee really blew it in regards to shaping the new car.
Marshall said that instead of designing a car that easily exceed the old Dallara and then dialing it back, the new car only aimed to match the old Dallara's performance and has come up woefully short.
It has only realized half of the promised weight loss and half of the promised aero improvements.
The engines are not the problem. Their performance would have been fine if the chassis did what it was promised to do.
But now with unexpected weight gain and lack of aero improvements, the engines are inadequate to deliver "badass" performance.
He was then asked, are all these problems due to the fact cost cutting was one of the major objective?
Marshall claimed not really. It was more the problem of bad rules, bad designs and bad concepts.
For example, he claims the engine manufacturers (honda especially) are spending upwards of 20-30 million to develop this engine.
They are not going to be happy having their new engines perceived to be weak and inadequate when in reality, they delivered but the chassis did not.
Some test drivers are already looking forward to the car that will replace DW-12.
I get the sense that the Indycar had this one great chance to come up with a game changer. Instead of hitting a home-run or even a double, Indycar (especially Iconic committee) struck out looking.
Depressing to listen to.
further on in the same thread
Tomorrow @ homestead the new lightweight drive train parts are going in, which will take 35 lbs off the back. They are then going to add 35 lbs of balast on the front, so it sure looks like this car will never make target weight. As for drag, that's a bigger issue, since the motors can only produce so much HP and they couldn't compensate for the drag in california with higher HP. It's going to take some real aero dev to fix that and get the thing slippery enough that extra HP will actually overcome the drag penalty
That my friends is a serious weight distribution problem.
12-07-11, 10:34 AM
Peter Romero, CART enthusiast. ;)they are everywhere, to Tiny d's shagrin:gomer:
After reading this article on the problems with the new IndyCar, and your article on its safety shortcomings, I think it's time to declare the new IndyCar a lemon, run last year's car one more year and switch to the Champ Car Panoz DP01 as the new IndyCar. That car was faster than the slug that is the 2012 IndyCar, handled better on all tracks, looked better, and did not fly through the air and crash into catch fences. It was superior in every regard.
And to think, Brian Barnhart wanted to sole source the new IndyCar to Dallara. Well he handed them the contract and look at the mess we now have. Barnhart should be run out of Indy just like Tony George. Mordichai Rosen, LA, California.
Dear Mordichai, A lot of people in the IndyCar paddock would agree with you, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
12-07-11, 10:48 AM
Marshall Pruett on 1070 last night....
Pruett blames the ICONIC committee
the ICOLONIC committee's only reason for existence was to be the fall guys for whatever happened after
12-07-11, 11:00 AM
Some test drivers are already looking forward to the car that will replace DW-12.
Outstanding. These people could f*** up a cannonball.
12-07-11, 11:08 AM
this is truly amazing. How can you, with a straight face, look anyone in the eye and expect to have any kind of credibility whatsoever when your organization can't re-acquire 20 year old technology and performance levels?
Let's do "Occupy IMS" and just sit outside with a speaker and a laugh track 24/7.
12-07-11, 11:09 AM
Outstanding. These people could f*** up a cannonball.
at least they labeled it correctly DeathWagon-12
Andrew Longman
12-07-11, 11:58 AM
Geez, they just seem to find new ways to make things worse.
So if I am an owner, why would I invest in this series? TG isn't paying anymore. I have a big outlay to buy a crap car that I will have to spend countless dollars just to make it drivable, let alone competitive -- that fans will hate anyway -- for a series few watch.
And God know when I'll actually take delivery of the mess. Or when an actual schedule can be presented to sponsors -- if we can even figure out if it is safe to run at the few ovals where we USED to be welcomed.
So maybe I just decide to run Indy. I have to buy a new car that will be slower than last year and is likely to crash if I run it fast enough to be competitive.
They are almost out of time to do ANYTHING. Doing the right and best thing -- that possibility is long gone.
Maybe, just maybe, they panic and tell people that they are opening up the rule book and you can run whatever you can bring -- just to get teams to show up and compete.
THAT, actually might be something to look forward to. THAT might actually be cool.
Different engines, old IRL sleds, Lolas, Reynards, a Swift or two, DP01s... and a smattering of DW12s as jam cars. :D
Outstanding. These people could f*** up a cannonball.
Funny you should mention that....
Sounds like a job for Mythbusters (!
12-07-11, 01:31 PM
At some point, the return is not worth it to these teams anymore. Wonder where that point is. I swear we reached it many times before, but as pointed out, now the purse is closed, and now you need to buy all new stuff. ALL new stuff.
So what happens? If you are Bachelart, do you just play chicken with them, and figure they will fund you cause they need sleds on the grid? No sane marketing person is going to invest in this hapless of hapless IRLs.
I'm really starting to feel even more sorry for Dan Wheldon and his family. WTF? First he gets suckered into going to Vegas to run in Ropin' Randy and Brainfardt's mess of a "race"/show. Then he has to haul some moonbat pig of a contest winner around for the days leading up to the race that he gets decapitated in.
Then, to add insult to death, the series turns around and names Brainfardt's sham of a car after him. It is quite possibly the ugliest and worst conceived car in the history of motorsport. I don't think Dan deserved any of this. :(:shakehead
Andrew Longman
12-07-11, 03:12 PM
Ripped, I hadn't thought of that but +1
Maybe this will truly and fully implode and they are forced to take the year off.
Maybe the family decides the Hulman family legacy is better preserved in other people hands,
Maybe Penske or some other somewhat sane people buy IMS take the year to relaunch the series with a credible business plan and a serious racing ethos and competitive mindset.
at least they labeled it correctly DeathWagon-12
DeathWagon 12....:rofl:
Where is fence-rider Brickman these days, the master of marginalization. He must be loving this BS.
looking like one and done...
Ya think?
Home > Sports > 2011 Baltimore Grand Prix
Grand Prix owes more than $12 million, has less than $100,000 on hand, documents show
Wilkes Lane Capital proposes company takeover
9:33 p.m. EST, December 7, 2011
The beleaguered organizers of the Baltimore Grand Prix are facing more than $12 million in debt and have less than $100,000 in cash on hand, according to internal documents obtained by The Baltimore Sun.
More than $5 million of the debt — including taxes owed to Baltimore and payments to vendors — is past due, the documents show.
The full extent of the company's dire financial status is laid bare in confidential documents in which former Goldman Sachs and Constellation Energy executive Felix J. Dawson proposes assuming leadership of Baltimore Racing Development Inc., the company that ran the Grand Prix. His firm had reviewed the racing company's books, according to the proposal.
HA HA! (,0,4784740.story?page=1)
IRL is NOT listed as creditor. Hehhehehe, stealing from Baltimore city government....I wonder if they'll use this in their next srret race proposal down in Biloxi.
12-08-11, 11:08 AM
IRL is NOT listed as creditor. Hehhehehe, stealing from Baltimore city government....I wonder if they'll use this in their next srret race proposal down in Biloxi.
we need to make sure the people in Ft. Lauderdale see this. Maybe Wilke still has the template around that they used!/browardpolitics
Mayor Jack Seiler (JackSeiler) on Twitter
Mayor Jack Seiler (JackSeiler) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Mayor Jack Seiler (JackSeiler) and get their latest updates.
They have told city officials that Fort Lauderdale could become the preeminent street-course race in motorsports in the United States, on par with Monaco.
12-08-11, 02:53 PM
Jesus this is fookin hilarious.
btw - how much for a Phoenix 2007 ChampCar shirt? I still got some. :D
12-08-11, 04:52 PM
Free, ? :rofl:
OK, then $20 shipping n handling.
safety fail?
12-08-11, 05:16 PM
Jesus this is fookin hilarious.
btw - how much for a Phoenix 2007 ChampCar shirt? I still got some. :D
Don't sell! Those are serious collector items that will go way up in value.
Not returning the the Vegas oval in 2012!/search?q=%23IndyCar
JennaFryer Jenna Fryer
News: #IndyCar and Las Vegas Speedway agree to deal to not race there in 2012; 2013 dependent on investigation, testing.
edit - more here
Las Vegas goner (
IRL has to BUYOUT Bruton Smith at LV for 2012...2013 contingent on whether IRL still in business/new car doesn't fly/Wheldon investigation.
Put a fork in it....
12-08-11, 09:18 PM
I hear the hookers got paid up front liek indycar did
Read the SI article. Answer: Stop the sleds from flying. How many Reynards, Swifts, Penskes, or Lola's became airborne? Changing the catch fencing and making it safer would be wonderful but cars should not be flying into the catch fence on a semi regular basis. Of course, Indy cars should not be on high banked nascar ovals either.
Wheldon's crash is a convenient excuse to not return. They handed out free tickets to everyone and their brother and no one showed up.
perhaps...but texas is looming too and has a proven history of gratering crapwagons.
Then the same reasons exist to not run Texas as they do for Vegas. Assuming it is driver safety, there shouldn't be any question. If a nearly identical track in Vegas is too dangerous to run, they why should they continue to run on the Texas track? You suppose the fact that it actually makes money has something to do with it?
12-08-11, 11:22 PM
WTF is wrong with you people? Here is what you are talking about Who cares who drives it, where they drive it, who gets gratered, who runs the leeg, who owns the teams. Look at that lump of ****. Slap yurselves and move on.
12-09-11, 12:15 AM
and their whole claimed reason for existence is being repudiated before our eyes
Texas stays on the schedule
Texas stays on the schedule
What a joke. Who dies next?
Thank you, sir! May I have another?
Baltimore officials aren't giving up on Grand Prix (,0,7944162.story)
Yeah, investigation and "testing." What are they going to do, run 15 of the SuperCrapwagons 3-4 wide in a pack, give the command to commence weaving and tape the results in super slo-mo!?
Did I read the highlighted part correctly? :confused:
Gossage supports IndyCar in its investigation into the crash that killed Wheldon, and would like to see all safety precautions taken. He pointed to the newly designed Dallara chassis coming in 2013 to enhance protection of IndyCar drivers.
Read more:
Don Quixote
12-09-11, 11:45 AM
Did I read the highlighted part correctly? :confused:That was the plan all along. :tony:
The safety answer is fairly obvious...raise the wall/SAFER barrier to 15 feet, then keep adding a row 1 ft. at a time if somebody goes higher!:shakehead (Am I mistaken or was Texas originally designed as a dual purpose track with NASCABS using the high bank and Indycars running below A FRIGGIN' WHITE LINE...on the lower banking? Huh, they had invented "runoff" on a big oval. Scrub a little speed before they slammed the wall. They knew damn well the place would be too dangerous for open wheelers before the pen was put to paper! Ever heard of George Amick or Marshall Teague? They learned the hard way at Daytona about half a CENTURY ago! Been "learning" the hard way ever since!:irked:)
Predictably, Indy Car took the most gutless, cowardly approach they could on Thursday, buying out of next year’s contract with Las Vegas. The grotesque way the Indy Car Series is being led is insulting. Did they stop racing on Toronto’s streets after Jeff Krosnoff met an almost identical fate? No. Has racing stopped ever stopped at Indy due to the high number of driver and non-driver deaths? No.
Offered without comment...:gomer:
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