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View Full Version : Happy birthday tkgangel and kiwifan!

10-24-11, 08:16 PM
The big 30! :thumbup:

Happy birthday to you both.

10-24-11, 08:19 PM
Happy birthday tkgangel!

Happy birthday kiwifan!

And many more

10-25-11, 01:13 AM
HB, Rusty. The all blacks gave you a nice pressie a day or two early, didn't they?

And TKGAngel. Wow, more Octoberites!

10-25-11, 03:39 AM
Cheers to all! Go the All Blacks. :)

Stupid IRB have fined the French for "forming a V and walking towards the All Blacks as they did the haka." TV station did a txt poll and 93% said it was wrong and are willing to help pay their fine. Most of us thought "Game on!" when they advanced.

Watched the V8s on the Goldy but couldn't get into it, half sized track, thin crowd..... Birthdays were always special on the Coast watching the Champcars. Sigh.

10-25-11, 08:28 AM

Don Quixote
10-25-11, 09:53 PM
Happy Birthday to both!!!!