View Full Version : Cold remedy
05-03-12, 03:24 PM
Looking for pharmaceutical or non-pharma help. In training away from home, completely stuffed up to the point my eyeballs hurt, can't breathe, need relief -- especially for my 2.5 hours in the airplane tomorrow. Any suggestions for temporary relief so I survive the trip without getting grey matter on my fellow passengers? Is there a product you've used that stands out to solve this task?
Sincerely, Ailing in Addison
Listed in descending order of effectiveness:
1. Alka Seltzer Sinus, tablets
2. Tylenol Sinus, caplets
3. cocaine
special note: I find the taste is inversely proportional to the effectiveness.
05-03-12, 03:41 PM
Neti pot always works for me when I get to that point.
05-03-12, 03:42 PM
Alka-Seltzer cold plus capsules work miracles on congestion and drainage.
I'd second the Tylenol Sinus meds. I think they make a day and night version.
If the sinus get opened up a bit, the sprays (4-Way Nasal Spray) can offer short term relief. Not a long term fix because of the rebound effect. I'd consider this only for emergency relief.
05-03-12, 03:44 PM, come for the racing talk, stay for the medical advice., come for the racing talk, stay for the medical advice.
or cooking tips, dishwashers, tires, bbq, hockey, and (though rarely) baseball. :laugh:
05-03-12, 04:11 PM
Yer gonna think I'm nuts, but I'm serious. I thought this "nasal wash" stuff was complete BS but I whipped up a batch per our Pediatric doc for the kids (1 liter BOTTLED water, 3 tsp pickling salt [NOT TABLE SALT] and 1 tsp baking soda) and it flat wiped out a sinus infection I'd had for two weeks.
If you're trying to clear your sinuses, I'd try that and Fisherman's Friend cough drops available from Walgreen's. All other cough drops are candy by comparison.
Best of luck and hope it helps.
The wife's latest remedy fad is Vapo Rub on the feet. Srsly. :saywhat:
I'd second the Tylenol Sinus meds. I think they make a day and night version.
If the sinus get opened up a bit, the sprays (4-Way Nasal Spray) can offer short term relief. Not a long term fix because of the rebound effect. I'd consider this only for emergency relief.
And when buying said meds here in oHIo, be prepared to have your driver's license swiped. :saywhat: :shakehead
And when buying said meds here in oHIo, be prepared to have your driver's license swiped. :saywhat: :shakehead
Same deal here - and the good stuff is behind the counter. Because the dudes cooking meth always buy their stuff in bulk from the CVS. :rolleyes:
Rex Karz
05-03-12, 04:58 PM
At the FIRST sign of sniffling. Yes, the FIRST sign of sniffling, take those zinc things that are out there. Cold-Eeze or something like that. Walgreen's probably has their own generic stuff by now.
But seriously. These won't make the cold go away, but the earlier you start taking these things, the less severe the cold will be.
But if now you're all stopped up and congested, you can either take variouis over the counter meds that have been mentioned and you'll feel better in a week, or take nothing and you'll feel better in seven days. :tony:
05-03-12, 04:58 PM
The good stuff contains pseudoephedrine HCl aka Sudafed. In most if not all states you must buy it from a pharmacist keep it away from the tweekers. Just about any cold formulation containing pseudoephedrine HCl will work.
Avoid Sudafed PE aka phenylephrine. It is the over the counter replacement for pseudoephedrine HCl and it DOES NOT WORK.
Mucinex D works well too. New PA at the Dr's recommends that over the Sudafed.
05-03-12, 05:13 PM
At the FIRST sign of sniffling. Yes, the FIRST sign of sniffling, take those zinc things that are out there. Cold-Eeze or something like that. Walgreen's probably has their own generic stuff by now.
But seriously. These won't make the cold go away, but the earlier you start taking these things, the less severe the cold will be.
But if now you're all stopped up and congested, you can either take variouis over the counter meds that have been mentioned and you'll feel better in a week, or take nothing and you'll feel better in seven days. :tony:
10-4 on the Cold Eaze. I do that too when the first sign hits. Let em dissolve all day or until I can't stand it anymore. Stage 2 is switching from beer to ginger brandy and then go to bed early. In the morning start alkaseltzer cold plus capsules to keep thing dry so I don't get a secondary infection. My trifecta treatment plan cuts cold severity and duration significantly. :thumbup:
Looking for pharmaceutical or non-pharma help. In training away from home, completely stuffed up to the point my eyeballs hurt, can't breathe, need relief -- especially for my 2.5 hours in the airplane tomorrow. Any suggestions for temporary relief so I survive the trip without getting grey matter on my fellow passengers? Is there a product you've used that stands out to solve this task?
Sincerely, Ailing in Addison
I usually take Theraflu or Nyquil. Take it before bed (go to bed early) wrap yourself in a towel and throw the covers over you. You want to sweat the thing out. Use vicks vapo rub for under your nose. If you can raise the head of your bed that might give you a little relief.
Edit: If you need cough drops, get the one with the most menthol. Usually the store brands have the most. If you can find the 9 mg ones that would be perfect.
05-03-12, 07:14 PM
I'm two hours into the alka seltzer, no relief. I may have to do the NyQuil thing tonight
05-03-12, 07:51 PM
I'm two hours into the alka seltzer, no relief. I may have to do the NyQuil thing tonight
Nyquil does nothing unless you mix it with vodka.
Same deal here - and the good stuff is behind the counter. Because the dudes cooking meth always buy their stuff in bulk from the CVS. :rolleyes:
So much for my brilliant idea to pay for our Disneyland trip:
:gomer: :saywhat: :shakehead
05-03-12, 09:46 PM
I'd do a combination of nasal decongestant, and if you can find on short notice, a small vial or jar of peppermint oil...
A drop or two on the tongue should help clear the sinuses, at least on a temporary basis... Now getting the vial through homeland security... thats something else all together...
listerine breath strips may help as well, but not as well as the oil...
05-03-12, 09:59 PM
Hot Ramen noodles and a hot shower with
Try to get her through customs
05-03-12, 10:01 PM
Alka-Seltzer cold plus capsules work miracles on congestion and drainage.
for some reason AS doesn't work for me until the next day,,,,I feel great then but doesn't help when i need it
I'd do a combination of nasal decongestant, and if you can find on short notice, a small vial or jar of peppermint oil...
A drop or two on the tongue should help clear the sinuses, at least on a temporary basis... Now getting the vial through homeland security... thats something else all together...
listerine breath strips may help as well, but not as well as the oil...
Why not just go for the Rumplemintz? ;)
05-03-12, 11:16 PM
As was said - regular old Sudafed and chase it with one of those Vicks sticks you cram in your nose.
05-03-12, 11:44 PM
As was said - regular old Sudafed and chase it with one of those Vicks sticks you cram in your nose.
Quoted for emphasis.
05-04-12, 12:02 AM
The wife's latest remedy fad is Vapo Rub on the feet. Srsly. :saywhat:
that clears cough congestion.
that clears cough congestion.
Not according to Snopes, Urban Legend, Hoax Slayer, etc. Srsly, if I give in to to my wife on this, I lose my man card. ;)
NOTE: just went through upper respiratory crud a couple of weeks ago and resorted to taking suda crap for my once in every five years that I resort to taking meds, so I have 21 of 24 tablets remaining (two consumed, one lost on the kitchen floor) if anyone wants to make some meth. It'll be expired the next time I resort to taking meds. :irked: And no I didn't resort to rubbing Vaporub on my feet for the nasal drip induced cough I had. :gomer: :saywhat:
05-04-12, 12:38 AM
And some of us have serious allergies and live & die by Sudafed.
And some of us have serious allergies and live & die by Sudafed.
Like my mom. That gene skipped me (or I'm adopted ;)). I feel for ya if you have to buy that stuff in bulk around here....expect black shirts to come knocking buying too much of it. :saywhat:
05-04-12, 02:34 AM
At least here it is all computerized now. They scan your drivers license and sell you the Sudafed. I don't buy more than I need so 1 box lasts ten days at a minimum. That isn't enough pseudoephedrine to do anything but clear up your sinuses. I haven't been bothered by anyone and the pharmacists know me by name.
Did you know that on the 24 hour version the pill doesn't dissolve. The drugs leach out of the pill but the pill itself just sort of glides on through. #TheMoreYouKnow
05-04-12, 07:59 AM
^^^do not ever take the 24 hour version of sudafed. Doctor gave it to me once at the tailend of a sinus infection. I did not sleep for 24 hours :eek: High as hell, horrible feeling. Watching the ceiling fan go around all night is not fun.
05-04-12, 11:16 AM
^^^do not ever take the 24 hour version of sudafed. Doctor gave it to me once at the tailend of a sinus infection. I did not sleep for 24 hours :eek: High as hell, horrible feeling. Watching the ceiling fan go around all night is not fun.
I've been taking Sudafed on a regular basis for 45 years - doesn't bother me a whit.
05-04-12, 11:26 AM
Not according to Snopes, Urban Legend, Hoax Slayer, etc. Srsly, if I give in to to my wife on this, I lose my man card. ;)
NOTE: just went through upper respiratory crud a couple of weeks ago and resorted to taking suda crap for my once in every five years that I resort to taking meds, so I have 21 of 24 tablets remaining (two consumed, one lost on the kitchen floor) if anyone wants to make some meth. It'll be expired the next time I resort to taking meds. :irked: And no I didn't resort to rubbing Vaporub on my feet for the nasal drip induced cough I had. :gomer: :saywhat:
It worked with my 2 year old. I was skeptical as could be when I read about it, but it worked.
05-04-12, 11:52 AM
I've been taking Sudafed on a regular basis for 45 years - doesn't bother me a whit.
Lotsa drug resistance training in college? :D
Srsly, if I give in to to my wife on this, I lose my man card. ;)
Sounds like a freebie foot rub to me. And a lose-lose situation...afterwards, there will still be the inevitable "not tonight, I have a sinus headache..."
Go for it - just tell her beforehand your sinus problems are caused by DSB. ;)
05-04-12, 02:51 PM
Slept well. Broke the rules and went "plop plop plop" instead of just "plop plop" and voila...I'm clear.
Dosage charts that are for "12 and up" are kinda dumb. I'm nearly 6f5i and 240 lbs -- same dose as an 88 lb 6th grader??
Hope I don't die or get arrested.
Slept well. Broke the rules and went "plop plop plop" instead of just "plop plop" and voila...I'm clear.
Dosage charts that are for "12 and up" are kinda dumb. I'm nearly 6f5i and 240 lbs -- same dose as an 88 lb 6th grader??
Hope I don't die or get arrested.
Ah the memories of the charts trying to give our first meds the first few times.... :eek: Now it's like, it's only a couple of mos. out of date... ;)
As long as you didn't wake up wearing a Tebow jersey, I'm sure you'll fine. :)
05-04-12, 04:12 PM
Dosages are just guidelines, more is usually better.........up to a point. :D
05-04-12, 04:28 PM
With the exception of acetaminophen (Tylenol). NEVER take more than the recommended dose of that stuff as it is really hard on your liver.
I generally avoid it altogether.
05-04-12, 04:35 PM
With the exception of acetaminophen (Tylenol). NEVER take more than the recommended dose of that stuff as it is really hard on your liver.
I generally avoid it altogether.
Pisses me off they blend that with so many other good drugs. Ibuprofin or Vitamin I from my distance running days is the best pain killer and it's an anti-inflamatory. Don't know why acetominophen is so popular :confused:
Read the ingredients, don't take crap you don't need.
When the cold first starts (sneezing, dripping nose), take an antihistamine (Benedryl or Claritin).
If it feels like someone put expanding foam into your sinuses, and you're looking around for a drill to relieve the pressure, Sudafed and ibuprofen.
If it's just stuffy, no pain, take sudafed.
I usually take minimum doses, btw. Weird like that.
I have no idea what Tylenol is for. The only way that crap helps me for pain or fever is if I freeze the kids liquid and use it for a cold compress. Worthless. Even when mixed with codeine. :eek: Ibuprofen all the way.
Be careful, they put tylenol in everything. I'm waiting for it to come in vodka. :\ The rule of thumb I follow, for tylenol OR ibuprofen, never exceed daily dose, but if you need 3 at a time, have at it. Just never more than the 6 or 8 they allow in 24 hrs. Heard that from doctors. Don't mix Ty and Ib, either. They both turn into the same toxins when metabolized by your liver. I think the official name for the chemical it turns into is "ohcrapineedatransplantstat".
05-05-12, 12:33 AM
Pisses me off they blend that with so many other good drugs. Ibuprofin or Vitamin I from my distance running days is the best pain killer and it's an anti-inflamatory. Don't know why acetominophen is so popular :confused:
No kidding. Tylenol has NEVER worked for me in any capacity.
IBU is 'safe' up to ~800mg, which is enough to numb anything short of limb removal for me.
Glad that worked, WB.
05-05-12, 02:28 AM
They both turn into the same toxins when metabolized by your liver.
Ahh no, not so much. There is no overlap between the ibuprofen and acetaminophen metabolic pathways beyond that they both occur in the liver.
The reason that one shouldn't mix the two is based on their disparate half-lives. Ibuprofen is cleared from the system with a half-life of ~1.5 hours, acetaminophen is 4.5 hours. The timing just doesn't work out.
Ibuprofen metabolism is complicated but the major player is Cytochrome P450 2C9.
The toxic metabolism of acetaminophen to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) is done by Cytochrome P450 2E1 and 3A4. NAPQI is the stuff that very efficiently kills your liver.
Cytochrome p450 is a superfamily of 57 different enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of a bazillion different organic substrates. Complex doesn't even begin to describe it. In this case there are two completely separate sets of cytochromes involved.
05-05-12, 08:55 AM
My word, cameraman. I love OC.
Ahh no, not so much. There is no overlap between the ibuprofen and acetaminophen metabolic pathways beyond that they both occur in the liver.
The reason that one shouldn't mix the two is based on their disparate half-lives. Ibuprofen is cleared from the system with a half-life of ~1.5 hours, acetaminophen is 4.5 hours. The timing just doesn't work out.
Ibuprofen metabolism is complicated but the major player is Cytochrome P450 2C9.
The toxic metabolism of acetaminophen to N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) is done by Cytochrome P450 2E1 and 3A4. NAPQI is the stuff that very efficiently kills your liver.
Cytochrome p450 is a superfamily of 57 different enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of a bazillion different organic substrates. Complex doesn't even begin to describe it. In this case there are two completely separate sets of cytochromes involved.
No, I think you're wrong. It's called "ohcrapineedatransplantstat". :gomer:
I read it on the innernet. It's kinda scientific. :p
Seriously, I was hoping you'd pipe in on this one, thanks!
How do the different rates of metabolism cause trouble when mixed?
My word, cameraman. I love OC.
05-05-12, 12:29 PM
One wears off before the other so you lose the benefit of one before you can take more of the other. It is just less consistent pain relief.
05-05-12, 01:43 PM
I have no idea what Tylenol is for.
Those of us with Crohn's Disease that can't take ibuprofen without causing GI distress. :)
Seriously though, I know how much acetaminophen can mess with the liver and am almost OCD about not going over the daily dose when I have a cold/headache/other pain.
05-05-12, 02:26 PM
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't ever feel a benefit from acetaminophen. I'm an ibuprofen guy, but I guess this alka seltzer uses aspirin. Fine by me, it worked.
Andrew Longman
05-05-12, 03:34 PM
One wears off before the other so you lose the benefit of one before you can take more of the other. It is just less consistent pain relief.It has been a while since the kids were little but I seem to recall advice from the doc about mixing them for the kids because one did a better job with fever and the other lasted longer.
Or something like that.
And wb none that stuff does much for me. Aleve is about all I can take to knock down flair ups in my shoulders, elbows, etc. (football wear and tear)
05-05-12, 06:23 PM
In cab country these are poplular
Packaged as a gum wrapper full of white powder. The necks just pound these things and wash them down with beers.
05-05-12, 06:53 PM
In cab country these are poplular
Packaged as a gum wrapper full of white powder. The necks just pound these things and wash them down with beers.
Boo, it is acetaminophen-based. I want snortable ibuprofen! :gomer:
05-05-12, 09:17 PM
In cab country these are poplular
Packaged as a gum wrapper full of white powder. The necks just pound these things and wash them down with beers.
Well ethanol does marginally inhibit the toxic acetaminophen reaction pathway:gomer:
Do you think it may be allergies? If so, nothing works as well as benadryl for me. I hate it because it puts me in a trance, but it really does slow the hystamine reaction. Also real Sudafed is awesome to clear the nose, but it is a stimulant, so no good for high blood pressure. And the combo of the two is sort of like drinking a couple of Vodka & Red Bulls, so expect to be dumb and jittery at the same time.
Can someone with knowledge (ahem, cameraman) tell me how toxic naproxen sodium (alleve) is or is not?
05-06-12, 04:33 PM
Can someone with knowledge (ahem, cameraman) tell me how toxic naproxen sodium (alleve) is or is not?
Hopefully not very, since it's the only thing non-narcotic that keeps me from crumbling on a daily basis.
Hopefully not very, since it's the only thing non-narcotic that keeps me from crumbling on a daily basis.
You must be worse off than I, but I agree that at times it is the only thing that keeps me sane.
05-06-12, 09:54 PM
You must be worse off than I, but I agree that at times it is the only thing that keeps me sane.
I've had the family arthritis since my early 20s. Most days, naproxen keeps it to a dull throb. If I go a couple days without it (or with ibuprofen or something else), dull throb becomes not so dull. You can probably trace my forum asshattery to my pain level. :D
05-06-12, 11:42 PM
There's nothing as serious as killing your liver but if you already have serious heart disease it wouldn't hurt to ponder its use. The best thing to do is check out this lovely little tome from the NIH and see if you see yourself described. It is the usual long form blurb but at least it isn't in 4 pt text:shakehead
The things make for rather dry reading and they can be annoyingly vague. Especially side effect lists that are as long as your arm but do not contain any information as to the rate of occurrence or severity of any of them. They are fodder for hypochondriacs but there is a chance, usually a slim one, that you may have one of the issues listed. At that point the question is whether or not the good out weighs the bad.
The most important thing is the contraindicating drug list. The if you are taking any of these, don't take that list. Check that out carefully.
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