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06-08-12, 05:20 PM
Night race! The fireballs and tracers are much more eggciting. :thumbup:

Rex Karz
06-08-12, 06:38 PM
And you can see the flaming shrapnel too.

Assuming one is at the track or tunes in. I know I'll be watching DVR'd F1 qualifications from Canada as I'll be out of the house all day.

06-08-12, 09:47 PM
Bah! Go Kings Go!

Racing Truth
06-10-12, 06:27 PM
The funny thing is that if folks here had WATCHED last night, with even a semi-open mind, many would have liked it. Pack racing? Gone. Lifting in every turn? You bet.

Cars were a handful to drive all night, esp. after 20 laps on tires. It was a pleasure to watch driver skill come to the fore. And a true joy to watch Wilson and Coyne:eek: win it.

Dare I say, it reminded a bit of a... vintage CART oval race? :runsandhides:;)

BTW: With the formula as is, and esp if they up the boost a bit, the 1.5s are firmly back on the table.

06-10-12, 06:40 PM
Accourse they are back, huge money maker......




Racing Truth
06-10-12, 06:42 PM
Didn't say the crowd was good.;) The RACING was though.

06-10-12, 06:47 PM
I watched a few laps of it, it sucked worse than before. At least in pack racing, occasional flaming wreckage broke up the boredom. The drivers were staying away from each other because they wanted to go home to their own beds and nobody GAF anymore, not the drivers, the crews or the owners.

Racing Truth
06-10-12, 06:55 PM
I watched a few laps of it, it sucked worse than before. At least in pack racing, occasional flaming wreckage broke up the boredom. The drivers were staying away from each other because they wanted to go home to their own beds and nobody GAF anymore, not the drivers, the crews or the owners.

:shakehead:rolleyes:You clearly watched five laps and no more. Watching drivers pedal a car, work the throttle and setup a car (with plenty of REAL passing) is boring, huh? Boy, CART ovals must have truly bored you, too.;)

06-10-12, 07:01 PM
Didn't say the crowd was good.;) The RACING was though.

You really think these races will survive on the schedule when no one attends?

Texas has been highly regarded by IRL/IndyCar fans for years and yet the crowd was paltry. Isn't it the second home for the series? Isn't Gossage a highly revered as a promoter?

06-10-12, 07:04 PM
There is no shortage of irony in now that they have finally figured out how to run a race on a D-oval, no one cares anymore.

"Figured it out" being detuning the wings on a spec chassis. The cure only works within a spec series. F1 engineering types would just re-engineer some other bit to regain the downforce mandated away by the rule change.

06-10-12, 07:06 PM
:shakehead:rolleyes:You clearly watched five laps and no more. Watching drivers pedal a car, work the throttle and setup a car (with plenty of REAL passing) is boring, huh? Boy, CART ovals must have truly bored you, too.;)

someone clearly ignored the IRL car racing formula that made irlcar racing so grate. How are the vision 1 :gomer:s handling the disappearance of the last tradition that made American opened wheeled racing so grate. Did Paff approved?

Racing Truth
06-10-12, 07:12 PM
You really think these races will survive on the schedule when no one attends?

Texas has been highly regarded by IRL/IndyCar fans for years and yet the crowd was paltry. Isn't it the second home for the series? Isn't Gossage a highly revered as a promoter?

I think IFFF they got a long-term deal in place, attendance will go back up. Perfect storm this yr. First 1.5, post-Vegas, one-yr. deal, rumors of a driver boycott, etc. Not a fan-friendly run-up.

We'd all assumed that this was it for Texas. Fans likely thought so too. I'm no longer assuming that. From a racing-only POV, it should NOT be the last time there.

Racing Truth
06-10-12, 07:15 PM
someone clearly ignored the IRL car racing formula that made irlcar racing so grate. How are the vision 1 :gomer:s handling the disappearance of the last tradition that made American opened wheeled racing so grate. Did Paff approved?

Dunno (or care) about Paff, but it's gone over surprisingly well.

06-10-12, 07:17 PM
I'm impressed that Barfield had the stones to give a drive thru penalty on a (very blatant) block thrown by the race leader.

Isn't Gossage a highly revered as a promoter?

Pretty much. But this article in the IndyStar (http://www.indystar.com/article/20120610/SPORTS0107/206100358/-b-IndyCar-Notebook-b-Bernard-acknowledges-finding-agreement-return-Texas-will-hard) suggests that RB wants to promote the race at Texas and cut Gossage out.

06-10-12, 07:31 PM
I think IFFF they got a long-term deal in place, attendance will go back up. Perfect storm this yr. First 1.5, post-Vegas, (should have fans of 1.5 milers more interested)

one-yr. deal,(all deals are year - IndyCar CEO Randy Bernard has a message for Texas Motor Speedway president Eddie Gossage. Let IndyCar promote future races at this track.) especially track rentals r us

rumors of a driver boycott, etc ( should have created more interest)

We'd all assumed that this was it for Texas. Fans likely thought so too. (should have caused more fans show up for the last one)

the correct answer is The culmination of 17 years of dumbtardery :tony:

06-10-12, 08:49 PM
Pretty much. But this article in the IndyStar (http://www.indystar.com/article/20120610/SPORTS0107/206100358/-b-IndyCar-Notebook-b-Bernard-acknowledges-finding-agreement-return-Texas-will-hard) suggests that RB wants to promote the race at Texas and cut Gossage out.

My guess is Gossage will never let that happen.

Andrew Longman
06-10-12, 09:00 PM
I watched it... Dvrd it. Had to watch the Devils. :D

It was an entertaining race. Sato RAVED about having to lift. Surprise ending, etc.

Certainly better than a NASCAR race at Texas. And better than the senseless pack racing that could like take many cars out through no fault of their own.

But the car were hard to drive because they are an ill balanced, mismatched POS.

Yes there was driver skill to keep 'em pointed straight but not a lot of engineering skill. I kept thinking maybe they should make them race on three wheels. That would be even harder.

And the cars are still ugly to distraction . They look like Dali designed them.

06-10-12, 09:44 PM
Not a very nice thing to say about Dali.

06-10-12, 11:23 PM
The funny thing is that if folks here had WATCHED last night, with even a semi-open mind, many would have liked it. Pack racing? Gone. Lifting in every turn? You bet.

So what.

By your expression, may I gather that what came before it from Texas by the Indycarz previous, was some figment of my imagination? And NOW this is some panacea of AOW racing? Why now sir? Why now?

Please allow me the pleasure of asking why this particular form of racing NOW tickles your fancy? If I may....you are very easy to please.:thumdown:

You like ugly cars, made hard to drive by aero doo-dads. Not racing as I know it.

How about no aero doo-dads? No restrictions....when is that coming?

Andrew Longman
06-11-12, 01:20 AM
Not a very nice thing to say about Dali.not everyone is cut out or even wants to design race cars. I liked Captian Kangaroo but I wouldn't want him setting nuclear defense strategy. :)

06-11-12, 01:54 AM
The funny thing is that if folks here had WATCHED last night, with even a semi-open mind, many would have liked it. Pack racing? Gone. Lifting in every turn? You bet.

Cars were a handful to drive all night, esp. after 20 laps on tires. It was a pleasure to watch driver skill come to the fore. And a true joy to watch Wilson and Coyne:eek: win it.

Dare I say, it reminded a bit of a... vintage CART oval race? :runsandhides:;)

BTW: With the formula as is, and esp if they up the boost a bit, the 1.5s are firmly back on the table.

Let's say that your premise is correct - it was good racing.

Why did you support the **** that came before good racing?

Look, by many opinions, they are finally back on track to recreate what the ass destroyed.

The Truth is, they are finally listening, sort of, to what we've been bitching about for years, they are doing a gloriously poor job of implementation, and it will ultimately prove to be too late. Hapless.

06-11-12, 02:49 AM
not everyone is cut out or even wants to design race cars. I liked Captian Kangaroo but I wouldn't want him setting nuclear defense strategy. :)

gomers at tf said any collidge engineering student could design a good open wheel car :gomer:

Where was Rubens? Car wouldn't start? hmmm

opinionated ow
06-11-12, 04:14 AM
Simona didn't start either, supposedly both her and Barrichello with fuel pump problems. I don't care if they had to lift, openwheel cars have no place on that track. Let's remember that the only reason they can run there now is because of the buckets of downforce, drag and lack of horsepower. If they had something even resembling a free package they'd be blacking out again.

Rogue Leader
06-11-12, 12:04 PM
I really enjoyed that race and found it exciting and entertaining. All the drivers enjoyed it as well and liked the way the cars needed to be worked to handle. Dare I say it they probably know more than a bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks on a racing forum.

That said there was a lot of empty grandstands there, and as I've mentioned before, as good as this may be, or could be, or maybe is going. I just don't know that anyone really cares anymore.

06-11-12, 12:22 PM
I really enjoyed that race and found it exciting and entertaining. All the drivers enjoyed it as well and liked the way the cars needed to be worked to handle. Dare I say it they probably know more than a bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks on a racing forum.

That said there was a lot of empty grandstands there, and as I've mentioned before, as good as this may be, or could be, or maybe is going. I just don't know that anyone really cares anymore.

they are going to have to rent the track if they want to do it again. A smattering of attendees know more than they do. A bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks could tell you that. :tony:

06-11-12, 01:16 PM
Frankly, the brand Indy and Indycar is so tainted with the stink of Tony and the IRL abomination that lingers even today, even good racing isn't gonna do it.

This Monday Morning Quarterback approves of all the approvals of other Monday Morning Quarterbacks who thought the race was the nuts...because it validates the simple fact the IRL/Indycar was a POS series, with POS cars run by a POS organization.

Thanks Rogue Leader and Racing Truth.... :thumbup::laugh:

06-11-12, 01:27 PM
Here's some more validation...:tony: this guy hates it because he actually has to drive:

Ed Carpenter, who excels at oval racing, was one of the loudest critics of the package and complained after qualifying that “everyone is so freaked out about pack racing” that the downforce changes would make “one of the most boring races we have ever had at Texas.”

Carpenter won last season at Kentucky and falls into a group of drivers who likes to race the car wide-open around an oval. His official team Twitter feed reported during Saturday night’s race that Carpenter was bored by the lack of passing on the track and hoped that fans weren’t disappointed by the product.

After the race, he still seemed to think the package had gone too far.

“I know we are all worried about pack racing, but I prefer the way we raced at Texas before,” he said. “And I may be on an island in that sentiment.”

Read more: http://www.autoweek.com/article/20120611/indycar/120619977#ixzz1xVTRCMa9

Rogue Leader
06-11-12, 01:35 PM
Here's some more validation...:tony: this guy hates it because he actually has to drive:

LOL theres 2 guys in that series that I would say straight out qualify as worthless and only exceeded by Milka Duno in their uselessness. This guy is one of them, EJ Viso is the other.

06-11-12, 01:51 PM
How are the vision 1 :gomer:s handling the disappearance of the last tradition that made American opened wheeled racing so grate. Did Paff approved?

From Oreo's facebook feed.....

Worst TV race ever though...I'm happy the drivers are happy, but people won't watch that...it's like the two-car tandem in NASCAR...drivers like it, fans don't...the difference is, NASCAR was smart enough to listen to the fans, and I'm not sure Indy will follow...no fans watching means no new $$$$ coming in, and all of the European road course racers who weren't quite good enough to make it to or in F1 get their wish...Champ Car all over

Jason, Tony George called from 1996, he has a Vision you will like. That race tonight was a proper Indy Car race. If you need mindless, monotonous droning around in packs, NASCAR is still available for you.

how much passing was there Brad?? Only when guys wrecked...I hate to break this to you, but modern fans called, and they want you to know that pack racing and passing and close, photo finishes attract more fans and money...and if you don't like that, sadly, you're not going to have to worry about it much...eventually Indy Car will turn into ARCA, with the exception of the 500...tape-delayed, 1-hour broadcasts of meaningless road course events...sad, but true

06-11-12, 01:53 PM
Jason, it's already there. :gomer:

06-11-12, 01:55 PM
Carpenter seems to be making an idiotic statement to me. There was no shortage of passing during that race. The drivers had to actually work and race properly to get the job done, maybe that is why he doesn't like it.

They are racing intentionally crippled cars which is ridiculous from the start but the race itself was actually a decent race. Ignoring the context of IndyCar is really hard to do and what you are watching is a gussied up feeder series race. That said it was a good race. (You can have good figure eight school bus races too, it is all in the context)

06-11-12, 01:58 PM
Jason, it's already there. :gomer:

Jason must have just loved the Hanford device races:saywhat:

06-11-12, 02:13 PM
They are racing intentionally crippled cars which is ridiculous from the start but the race itself was actually a decent race.

That is a very astute observation....crippled cars. Instead of 1000HP engines, open aero development and driver skill needed, they have 550HP, crippled aero and spec chassis. More validation. AND they cost more than the last car. Win Win...lol

06-11-12, 03:16 PM
LOL theres 2 guys in that series that I would say straight out qualify as worthless and only exceeded by Milka Duno in their uselessness. This guy is one of them, EJ Viso is the other.

That is the kind of good old American racer that American Opened Wheeled Racing was built upon in 1996.

06-11-12, 03:18 PM
Wilson docked 5 points, Dale Coyne fined $7,500 for not complying with the sidepod top deck aerodynamic element.

It appears that a checkbook can buy a race win, so why shouldn't all of them cheat to win? What's the point of tech??

Some of the guys were pretty hot about it b/c Coyne was told BEFORE race it was illegal. They wanted disqualification. Not fair.

06-11-12, 04:16 PM
Brad Sullivan.

Brad Sullivan?


Where have I heard that name before?


06-11-12, 07:03 PM
About 30 pounds of downforce for that part, maybe a 5 pound drag reduction. Not an obscene amount, but not insignificant either. They went through tech 3 times with that on the car. But Rocket ain't real bright, so this is not surprising.

That had to have been the best open-wheel race ever at Texas because it's the only one there's ever been where the drivers actually had to work. I honestly don't care if we ever go back, but at least it wasn't flat all the way around for 228 laps.

06-11-12, 07:44 PM
About 30 pounds of downforce for that part, maybe a 5 pound drag reduction.

What part? "sidepod top deck aerodynamic element" is artfully generic. Looking at the car there doesn't seem to be anything on the top of the sidepod.


06-11-12, 07:57 PM
I can't link a photo at the moment (on my phone) but you can see it here:


No idea where the part name came from, but it definitely is a poor descriptor.

Racing Truth
06-11-12, 07:58 PM
About 30 pounds of downforce for that part, maybe a 5 pound drag reduction. Not an obscene amount, but not insignificant either. They went through tech 3 times with that on the car. But Rocket ain't real bright, so this is not surprising.

That had to have been the best open-wheel race ever at Texas because it's the only one there's ever been where the drivers actually had to work. I honestly don't care if we ever go back, but at least it wasn't flat all the way around for 228 laps.

Yep on the race, and, for that matter, Rocket. Pruett seems to believe it wasn't the difference between victory and 2nd or otherwise, but still. Also some conjecture of fubar'd miscommunication too.

That said, I stand by what I said earlier. And Carpenter is a fool.:gomer:

Hard Driver
06-11-12, 09:47 PM
Well, they did the best they could with coming up with a solution for Texas. That was the best Texas race ever as far as it was a real race where skill mattered.

But still they just should not run on the high banks.

06-11-12, 10:54 PM
It's a beautiful thing. Wilson's car went through tech 3 times and nobody bothered to check for parts that were specifically declared illegal in a special tech bulletin issued on June 3rd. It makes you wonder what they *were* looking at...the car's paint job??? :saywhat:

Frankly, if the story about the car being teched 3 times before the race is true (and seemingly nobody disputes that it is), then if I was Dale Coyne I'd be pissed off that I was hit with any kind of penalty at all.

06-12-12, 08:15 AM
It's a beautiful thing. Wilson's car went through tech 3 times and nobody bothered to check for parts that were specifically declared illegal in a special tech bulletin issued on June 3rd. It makes you wonder what they *were* looking at...the car's paint job??? :saywhat:

Frankly, if the story about the car being teched 3 times before the race is true (and seemingly nobody disputes that it is), then if I was Dale Coyne I'd be pissed off that I was hit with any kind of penalty at all.

I take your point, but I'm assuming somebody on Dale's team can read, can't they?

06-12-12, 12:58 PM
I take your point, but I'm assuming somebody on Dale's team can read, can't they?

They were told in tech that the parts were illegal; they ran them anyway.

Great punishment, huh? They've now turned this into a checkwriting contest ... that should be exciting for everyone.

06-12-12, 01:19 PM
They were told in tech that the parts were illegal; they ran them anyway.

Which makes it roughly similar to the whole NFL New Orleans headhunting bounty incident except that the NFL basically gave the people involved in that a death sentence after they continued to violate the rules after being warned.

06-12-12, 01:32 PM
Coyne and Wilson won? Cool, I always liked those guys.
Someday I hope they're racing in a series I can stomach again.
Whatever hope I may have had for the results of refornication has dimmed in light of the spectacular consistency in management theory shown by 16th and Georgetown.

06-12-12, 05:58 PM
Bulletin issued before Texas called for removal of 3 items from Indy setup. DCC didn't remove all

Coyne says rear wheel backing points were found in pre-race and team was instructed to remove them. Nothing was said about the top inlet filler panels, according to Coyne. Now IndyCar says tech missed fillers.

No, Indy Tech did NOT miss it. They told Coyne team to remove them, according to people who were there.

06-12-12, 06:47 PM
Too bad AJ didn't' lay a bitch slap on Justin after the race.

06-12-12, 07:44 PM
They were told in tech that the parts were illegal; they ran them anyway.

Bulletin issued before Texas called for removal of 3 items from Indy setup. DCC didn't remove all

Coyne says rear wheel backing points were found in pre-race and team was instructed to remove them. Nothing was said about the top inlet filler panels, according to Coyne. Now IndyCar says tech missed fillers.

No, Indy Tech did NOT miss it. They told Coyne team to remove them, according to people who were there.


A few laps later, Justin Wilson cruised to victory in a car with illegal parts that IndyCar technicians missed during pre-race inspections.

Just another weekend of two steps forward and one step back for the IndyCar series.

IndyCar CEO Randy Bernard acknowledged to The Associated Press while in Iowa Tuesday that the techs simply missed the parts. Wilson was docked five points by IndyCar and Dale Coyne Racing was fined $7,500 for failing a post-race inspection. IndyCar says that Wilson's car had unapproved pieces of bodywork fitted to its sidepods.

"It's no different than an NFL game or major league baseball game. I mean, you watch one that you think should have been a strike," said Bernard, who was at the Iowa Speedway for testing ahead of the June 23 race. "It's human error, and I think the fact is you're not going to get by the techs ... very often."
Take it up wit da Boss.

06-12-12, 07:56 PM
Take it up wit da Boss.

Remember Tracy 2002?
Appeal denied 'cuz initial decision unappealable? :tony:

Diplomacy is difficult when you're omnipotent, but I'm sure the little people will get over it in time. If not, screw'em.

Racing Truth
06-12-12, 08:06 PM

Take it up wit da Boss.

The tech inspection crew needs major overhaul, then. Rocket probably needs to go first.

Interesting in that they caught another illegal part, but not a more obvious one.

That said, a legit problem was the ever-changing nature of what was and wasn't allowed, even thru Fri. evening (they put a small wicker back on, per driver-some, anyhow- request).

Final thought is the penalty should be more than 5 pts. 25-30 would be good. But I think they should keep the win, officially.

06-12-12, 08:07 PM
Remember Tracy 2002?
Appeal denied 'cuz initial decision unappealable? :tony:

Diplomacy is difficult when you're omnipotent, but I'm sure the little people will get over it in time. If not, screw'em.

An investigation will be launched, and the conclusion will be that "a perfect storm of unfortunate incidents" caused the miss.

That's the earl way.

06-12-12, 08:17 PM
But Rocket ain't real bright, so this is not surprising.

The tech inspection crew needs major overhaul, then. Rocket probably needs to go first.

You guys might want to clarify exactly who this "rocket" person is...

OC's own (http://www.offcamber.net/forums/member.php?u=49)

(Where is that long-distance pic from Road America, subtitled "One of these doesn't belong"? :) )


06-12-12, 08:41 PM
I was going to post hapless (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hapless). But that implies a degree of misfortune.

No misfortune involved, simply unbelievable ineptitude (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inept). :shakehead

06-12-12, 09:51 PM
Type Shi^^y into google.

06-12-12, 11:07 PM
But I think they should keep the win, officially.

Because why shouldn't you be able to cheat yourself to a win? :tony:

06-13-12, 11:04 AM
Take it up wit da Boss.

Randy can say whatever he wants in public but he's not the guy who should be explaining any of this. It has nothing to do with his job.

At any rate, I think this would be a good starting point:

14.2.1 Technical inspection shall take place in phases, safety, electronic, and dimensional. The responsibility remains with the teams to make sure Cars conform to all technical regulations throughout the course of an Event.

Reading through the rulebook, I must have skipped over the clause that exempts us from following the regulations in the event that IndyCar hires some people who aren't very good at their jobs.

06-13-12, 11:45 AM
Very well then....so has the precedence been set that you can impede rules and not be severely penalized? 5 pts is BS...there's the real injustice in all this regardless of whether tech missed it or the team allowed it. WGAF, if the series is powerless to act...they didn't want egg on their face yet got hit with several dozen. Another feat by the hapless series.

Racing Truth
06-13-12, 07:07 PM
So, uh, it's a REALLY good thing the Texas race was good, non-pack racing (Coyne-gate aside). Why, you ask?

Well, we may be going back there... this year. (http://espn.go.com/racing/indycar/story/_/id/8048732/indycar-calls-eddie-gossage-2012-finale-texas-motor-speedway)

Pocono is, via Jenna Fryer, not an option (for 2012), and if they're reaching out so soon, I'd guess Rd. America is out too. If not TMS, then Laguna?

06-13-12, 07:39 PM
Miller Motorsports Park would accept a check.

Racing Truth
06-13-12, 07:44 PM
Miller Motorsports Park would accept a check.

Seriously, not the worst option in the world. Given the circumstances, attendance will be, uh, light anyhow and MMP isn't a spectator-heavy place to begin with...

Plus, it's a cool little RC with overtaking possibilities.

06-13-12, 08:04 PM
I was talking to a friend who's a die hard Indy 500 fan (but not a Gomer) last week and I suggested they need to go to places that haven't had Indy/Champ car presence before. My first two thoughts were Brainerd and VIR. You might not get a crowd on the second try, but at least you'd have a population who haven't had a chance to see them before.

I'd love to see them go through Turn 1 at Brainerd full tilt.

06-14-12, 08:38 AM
I watched it. It was very good. I know that sentiment will not be popular among many here, but it is the truth. I am not going to say otherwise just because I despise the ownership of the series.

But the point is well taken that they have made this remarkable leap by attempting to reverse everything that Tony George did. It didn't look like an IRL race at all -- it looked like a CART race.

Weak sauce on the penalty, though. It's all PR -- they know they just bought a little momentum and they don't want to spoil it.

06-14-12, 09:28 AM
Interesting in that they caught another illegal part, but not a more obvious one.

There is a physiological phenomenon, which my understanding has been pretty well documented, and likely has a name though I don’t know it, that people when they are to look for something they tend to quit looking when they find one example. The example I have seen given of this is a radiologist looking at an x-ray that shows more than one anomaly will be a lot less likely to diagnose the second anomaly when it is combined with more then one.

06-14-12, 09:43 AM
^^^ Yup, LFS. Lazy ****er Syndrome. Very common.

06-14-12, 10:33 AM
I watched it. It was very good. I know that sentiment will not be popular among many here, but it is the truth. I am not going to say otherwise just because I despise the ownership of the series.

But the point is well taken that they have made this remarkable leap by attempting to reverse everything that Tony George did. It didn't look like an IRL race at all -- it looked like a CART race.

Weak sauce on the penalty, though. It's all PR -- they know they just bought a little momentum and they don't want to spoil it.

Just because you despise the ownership. That is it?

If I recall correctly, you were not a big fan of Champcar and the DP01 because it was a spec car.

Are you willing to watch spec cars now? You no longer despise spec racing?

Or, are you just suffering from a lack of water and see the desert mirage?

This is all rather remarkable leap.

:confused: :laugh:

06-14-12, 12:44 PM
Or, are you just suffering from a lack of water and see the desert mirage?

This is all rather remarkable leap.

The real question might be if there's "real" racing now, can it attract an audience? I say no. Why? Them ain't open wheel cars, they got bumpers and ugly rear sidepods.

I never saw the prototurtles gain any sizable advantage as a low cost ugly alternative to ALMS/IMSA. Did you? They race ok I suppose, but I surely wouldn't go out of my way to watch one (that's IF they even televise 'em anymore".

06-14-12, 01:37 PM
Every Grand-Am race is live on Speed.

06-14-12, 02:37 PM
^^^ Yup, LFS. Lazy ****er Syndrome. Very common.

Not sure if you are being serious or just joking but my impression is that the studies make it clear that it appears it is more of a glitch in the brain’s “software” or wiring. The issue seems to me to be somewhat similar to this one (in fact maybe it is the same glitch) where a huge percentage of people who are told to watch a video of people passing a basketball and to count the passes never see a guy walk through a video in a gorilla suit (seriously). Something like that isn’t just being lazy.


(by the way, 3 or 4 years ago I read several books on how people’s brains work and related subjects and it was absolutely fascinating, and also helped me solve a 20 year old incident in my life where I observed something happen that verifiably did not happen. It ended up being one of the brains software features playing a trick on me. These “glitches” mostly are shortcuts the brain has evolved to take to enable it to take what your senses pick up and turn it into useful information for you to act on.)

06-14-12, 02:44 PM
Just because you despise the ownership. That is it?

If I recall correctly, you were not a big fan of Champcar and the DP01 because it was a spec car.

Are you willing to watch spec cars now? You no longer despise spec racing?

Or, are you just suffering from a lack of water and see the desert mirage?

This is all rather remarkable leap.

:confused: :laugh:

That's a good point. I suppose it's all relative. When CC went spec that was following an era of glorious chassis, engine and tire competition. Relative to what we were accustomed to seeing, it sucked. The new IRL car on the other hand, though ugly as hell, does seem to produce much superior racing to the previous crapwagon, so relatively speaking, it is an improvement.

Look, Mo, I wish we could go back to the good old days. But that era is dead and gone. I am not even remotely as happy with the current series as I was with CART, but will I switch on the TV and watch a "good" race? Sure I will. Will I drop the cash to go to a race? Not even close. Is that conditional approval, an abandonment of old principles? I don't know. But I don't care enough anymore to maintain an ideology. It's just not worth it.

06-14-12, 03:34 PM
That's a good point. I suppose it's all relative. When CC went spec that was following an era of glorious chassis, engine and tire competition. Relative to what we were accustomed to seeing, it sucked. The new IRL car on the other hand, though ugly as hell, does seem to produce much superior racing to the previous crapwagon, so relatively speaking, it is an improvement.

Look, Mo, I wish we could go back to the good old days. But that era is dead and gone. I am not even remotely as happy with the current series as I was with CART, but will I switch on the TV and watch a "good" race? Sure I will. Will I drop the cash to go to a race? Not even close. Is that conditional approval, an abandonment of old principles? I don't know. But I don't care enough anymore to maintain an ideology. It's just not worth it.

Low hanging fruit

06-14-12, 03:49 PM
Professional reporter on why no texas TV numbers:

Jenna Fryer ‏@JennaFryer

I never asked because against NBA and NHL, I knew it would be low

06-14-12, 04:25 PM
Professional reporter on why no texas TV numbers:

Jenna Fryer ‏@JennaFryer

I never asked because against NBA and NHL, I knew it would be on the down-low


06-14-12, 04:50 PM
Does anyone KNOW the Texas ratings?

06-14-12, 05:16 PM
Does anyone KNOW the Texas ratings?

Many folks, they're just not going to tell you.

06-14-12, 05:24 PM
Does anyone KNOW the Texas ratings?

My sources told me over lunch with Randy that Nielsen forgot the leauge existed and didn't meter it.

My sources told me that Nielsen was confused by the ever changing start times and didn't meter it.

Tony George
06-15-12, 02:48 PM
Does anyone KNOW the Texas ratings?

Probably better than those in the CART race last weekend. That being said, I miss the real Indycars. Still not interested in this series. :cry:

06-15-12, 03:33 PM
Does anyone KNOW the Texas ratings?

I've heard allegedly a .35.

Any bets on tomorrow's Milwaukee number?

06-15-12, 04:38 PM
Probably better than those in the CART race last weekend. That being said, I miss the real Indycars. Still not interested in this series. :cry:

PffFt...it's CHampcar, doood. :) They last raced in Houston on May 13, and don't race until next weekend at Mont-Tremblant! I'm going! My boy Mark Plourde is rippin' it up (and I don't mean the crumbling asphalt at Rat Isle either...). :thumbup:


06-15-12, 04:46 PM
Probably better than those in the CART race last weekend. That being said, I miss the real Indycars. Still not interested in this series. :cry:
If the IRL enthusiasts didn't have CART, you would heve nothing to discuss:gomer:

06-15-12, 07:28 PM
Speaking of The Mile...(I had made noises here earlier about doing the "free" day Friday) but when I woke up early this AM I thought about it for about 20 secs. and just turned over and went back to sleep. I am happy with my decision. Geez, I used to LOVE going up there.:(

Elmo T
06-15-12, 09:44 PM
PffFt...it's CHampcar, doood. :) They last raced in Houston on May 13, and don't race until next weekend at Mont-Tremblant! I'm going! My boy Mark Plourde is rippin' it up (and I don't mean the crumbling asphalt at Rat Isle either...). :thumbup:


I was going to call Ticketmaster to see if tickets were available. Says so on the site. :thumbup::rolleyes:

06-16-12, 03:13 PM
I know I'm just weird, but I don't find this car ugly anymore and when I can stay awake I'm enjoying these races ( I always end up watching racing around 930 at night after work when I'm fried).

06-16-12, 04:09 PM
This you ?


06-17-12, 02:35 AM
The funny thing is that if folks here had WATCHED last night, with even a semi-open mind, many would have liked it.

Why, did they stop using spec cars that look like they were rejected designs from that POS Speed Racer movie? Must have missed that announcement.

06-17-12, 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Racing Truth View Post
The funny thing is that if folks here had WATCHED last night, with even a semi-open mind, many would have liked it.

When you start supplying the peyote, mebbee we will

Racing Truth
06-19-12, 03:33 PM
I know I'm just weird, but I don't find this car ugly anymore and when I can stay awake I'm enjoying these races ( I always end up watching racing around 930 at night after work when I'm fried).

The back end still kinda sucks, but the front never bothered me one bit (I actually am increasingly fine w/ the airbox, FWIW). And even then, I'm increasingly used to it.

The Indy bumper/wing package helps aesthetically too.

06-19-12, 03:37 PM
It is still ugly. It is just the shock has worn off.

Elmo T
06-19-12, 03:47 PM
It is still ugly. It is just the shock has worn off.

They arel all ugly - some paint schemes just hide it better. Like how black clothes make you look less fat. :rolleyes:

06-19-12, 04:15 PM
The back end still kinda sucks, but the front never bothered me one bit (I actually am increasingly fine w/ the airbox, FWIW). And even then, I'm increasingly used to it.

The Indy bumper/wing package helps aesthetically too.

They could race a bunch of Roseanne Barr chassis out there and I'm sure you could get increasingly used to it.


06-19-12, 04:22 PM
^^^ you should be banned for doing that.

06-19-12, 05:14 PM

06-19-12, 05:39 PM
Nah, it's fitting for an earl thread. :thumbup:

06-19-12, 06:14 PM
I know I'm just weird, but I don't find this car ugly anymore and when I can stay awake I'm enjoying these races ( I always end up watching racing around 930 at night after work when I'm fried).

otherwise known as comfortably numb

350,000 viewers translate to something between a 0.15 to 0.2 . And which of you said the new car wouldn't generate no new intrest in INdycars

06-19-12, 06:55 PM
Chief wields the truth like a 10 lb sledge hammer. :eek:

06-19-12, 10:16 PM
Chief still brings the hate, doesn't he? :laugh:

06-19-12, 10:30 PM
Chief still brings the hate, doesn't he? :laugh:

Like a Nolan Ryan fastball.


06-20-12, 09:50 PM
The way I see it, Chief had no choice. You brought it on yourselves. Good work, fella.:thumbup:

06-21-12, 02:57 AM
It is still ugly. It is just the shock has worn off.

Lol good one. Always seems to be that way in F1 also. We are puking at those preseason unveilings, now the new noses are un noticed.

06-23-12, 09:48 AM

Oh yeah, that shood get somekind of industry design award or something