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F Yeah!
No fire bans in the region this year despite the drought. Yay fire
P.S. F England.
07-04-12, 09:50 PM
P.S. F England.
Really? Is it not possible to celebrate Americas independence from a national transportation system that works, a national health care system that serves EVERYONE for free, the best beer in the world, and the number one Test cricket team on the planet without being a total dickwad?
Happy birthday America, may you enjoy many more!!
07-04-12, 10:05 PM
Ank: well that troll was a rousing success. Hook, line, sinker, I believe is how it's phrased in the south. :D
07-04-12, 10:33 PM
Really? Is it not possible to celebrate Americas independence from a national transportation system that works, a national health care system that serves EVERYONE for free, the best beer in the world, and the number one Test cricket team on the planet without being a total dickwad?
Happy birthday America, may you enjoy many more!!
You warm beer drinking, socialist bastard. America leads the World in the percent of it's citizens in prison. We're also headed to the top in childhood poverty. Those are key metrics.
Also largest carbon footprint per capita. Don't forget that, because we are WAY ahead in that one.
Also largest carbon footprint per capita. Don't forget that, because we are WAY ahead in that one.
Then what better way to celebrate than putting our foot down a little harder?
07-05-12, 03:46 AM
Did you see how a timing signal somehow fired San Diego's entire 30 minute, multi barge fireworks display all at the exact same time:eek:
Boom and it was done:cry:
Did you see how a timing signal somehow fired San Diego's entire 30 minute, multi barge fireworks display all at the exact same time:eek:
Boom and it was done:cry:
Oooops. :gomer:
Reporters at Fox 5 San Diego theorized that the entire battery of explosives was launched at the same time, possibly due to a launch electronic malfunction.
But no confirmation was immediately available.
More than 500,000 people were expected to line the bay for the big blast.
Stay classy, San Diego. :D
a national health care system that serves EVERYONE for free,
Alright, enough of that. This isn't a health care debate it's a celebration of the fact that we don't have to give a crap if we piss off old King George, his crumbled empire, or anyone else in the world. Truth be told, we kind of revel in it. :D
07-05-12, 12:03 PM
Yeah! And screw King George, anyway! What the hell's he done for us lately?
07-05-12, 12:47 PM
Alright, enough of that. This isn't a health care debate it's a celebration of the fact that we don't have to give a crap if we piss off old King George, his crumbled empire, or anyone else in the world. Truth be told, we kind of revel in it. :D
Damn straight. It's a celebration of alcohol, explosives and ignorace. Light the fuse.
Don't forget the icing on the cake. Ben Franklin conned the French out of $100 million to pay for the Revolution and then cut them out of the peace treaty negotiations altogether. :D
236 years of kicking ass and taking names. :thumbup:
Luckily, not all Englishmen were as stupid as King George.
Edmund Burke
22 Mar. 1775
In this character of the Americans, a love of freedom is the predominating feature which marks and distinguishes the whole: and as an ardent is always a jealous affection, your colonies become suspicious, restive, and untractable, whenever they see the least attempt to wrest from them by force, or shuffle from them by chicane, what they think the only advantage worth living for. This fierce spirit of liberty is stronger in the English colonies probably than in any other people of the earth;
First, the people of the colonies are descendants of Englishmen. England, Sir, is a nation, which still I hope respects, and formerly adored, her freedom.
To prove that the Americans ought not to be free, we are obliged to depreciate the value of freedom itself; and we never seem to gain a paltry advantage over them in debate, without attacking some of those principles, or deriding some of those feelings, for which our ancestors have shed their blood.
Outstanding, San Diego...That was GREAT...while it lasted!:rofl:
Off topic and agin the rules anyhow.
07-05-12, 03:02 PM
Damn straight. It's a celebration of alcohol, explosives and ignorace. Light the fuse.
Oh, so you were in beautiful downtown Kenosha last night too, eh?:D
07-05-12, 03:03 PM
You warm beer drinking, socialist bastard. America leads the World in the percent of it's citizens in prison. We're also headed to the top in childhood poverty. Those are key metrics.
Never said you guys weren't Number One in many areas...;):D
07-04-13, 02:27 PM
(warning: thread resurrected. Do not get indignant about last year's posts above)
07-04-13, 04:13 PM
Andrew Longman
07-04-13, 09:28 PM
Btw this was the first ever "interpretation" of the national anthem and it pizzed a lot of people off at the time but I think it may be about the best version I ever heard. YMMV
07-05-13, 02:31 AM
For a city than bans fireworks (LA), I've just been treated to about 3 hours' worth. Except for Simi Valley that pulled a San Diego and set all theirs off in about 3 minutes. 14 people transported to hospital. (Hope they are okay.)
07-05-13, 04:56 AM
Yeah! And screw King George, anyway! What the hell's he done for us lately?
In an ironic turn of events, since last year, I've discovered that King George himself deeded thousands of acres of land in the Virginia territories to my great, great, great, great grandfather for his loyalty to the crown.
Not certain if that that makes me a traitor, but it most definitely means that TrueBrit owes me some beer. :D
07-05-13, 05:58 AM
Theoretically, unless your family has Spicolied it all away you should be very, very, very, very rich and buying us a round. :D
07-05-13, 06:27 AM
Theoretically, that would be correct. In reality, however... :laugh:
07-05-13, 11:14 AM
For a city than bans fireworks (LA), I've just been treated to about 3 hours' worth. Except for Simi Valley that pulled a San Diego and set all theirs off in about 3 minutes. 14 people transported to hospital. (Hope they are okay.)
There was a tv reporter walking around Oakland last night asking all the residents if they felt it was safe to have their kids around all these 'dangerous and illegal' fireworks. They did not have a problem with it. :D
Don Quixote
07-05-13, 11:33 AM
So chop is some kind of Duke or Earl or something?
07-05-13, 03:39 PM
We watched the local fireworks display last night and I wondered what percentage of the "professional" stuff is a dud and doesn't go off...
So chop is some kind of Duke or Earl or something?
Maybe Earl of West Virginia. ;)
07-05-13, 07:22 PM
For a city than bans fireworks (LA), I've just been treated to about 3 hours' worth. Except for Simi Valley that pulled a San Diego and set all theirs off in about 3 minutes. 14 people transported to hospital. (Hope they are okay.)
Holy crap!!!!!:eek: Worse than San Diego last year.
I spent the evening looking after two traumatized dogs (ours plus our nephew's). Private fireworks are banned here, too, but lots of people buy them in the neighboring towns where they are legal, and import them here. The dogs were freaking out from all the bottle rockets and firecrackers going off. So we put them in the car and drove away from the harbor area, where the city fireworks display is. Unknown to us, though, the St. Regis Monarch Beach was putting on its own huge fireworks show, and the first skyrockets went off with a resounding KA-BLAM!!!!!!! right when we drove past. The launching platform couldn't have been more than 100 yards from us. The skyrockets were dazzling--I've never been that close to such a huge display. The dogs did not appreciate it, however--hours later, they were too frightened to go outside for potty duty.
Normally Mr. Anteater and I spend the 4th doing a barbecue for our family, but this year we were a little short on family. My nephew and his wife were in Scotland for a sailing race, so it was just us and the dogs. On a cool note, the boat they raced on won the race yesterday. Here's a photo:
:thumbup: Go Astor!
07-05-13, 08:00 PM
Wow, that boat's a beaut. Sorry about the dogs. I read several places that more pets are lost on the Fourth of July than any other day of year. They get so panicked the jump the fences and scoot away from owners.
07-05-13, 09:20 PM
Something that beautiful can not go unlinked:laugh:
We were careful to make sure our pups were safely inside during any fireworks. Including those which person or persons unknown may or may not have fired off in our backyard.
07-06-13, 12:26 AM
Salt Lake City is an amazing place on the 4th. Fireworks are banned on all the slopes up to the mountains but down in the valley itself it is an amazing war zone. If you go up on the benches where the fireworks are banned and look out over the city you hear this constant rumble of thousands of fireworks going off rising up from the city below. I must admit that we attend a neighborhood pyromaniacs orgy and contribute mightily. It really is quite the event.
The air pollution meters peg and register the highest levels of the year on the night of the 4th between all the BBQs and the fireworks. Heading home around 10:45 the entire city was blanketed in a gunpowder haze:laugh:
07-06-13, 07:49 AM
Andrew Longman
07-06-13, 12:25 PM
Cameraman, I flew into SLC last year on (I think you call it) Pioneer Day.
It was very cool to look out the window and see every community up and down the valley shooting off their fireworks. OTOH it was almost like I was channeling an F117 pilot flying into Bagdad at night against the AAA. :D
Nascar gets it. :D
From last night's Subway Firecracker 250.
07-06-13, 05:56 PM
Cameraman, I flew into SLC last year on (I think you call it) Pioneer Day.
It was very cool to look out the window and see every community up and down the valley shooting off their fireworks. OTOH it was almost like I was channeling an F117 pilot flying into Bagdad at night against the AAA. :D
Yeah, it's a coin toss as to which day has the most overall fireworks. Most of us non-LDS just take advantage of the paid day off and hang out and watch the Mormons party it up.
Nascar gets it. :D
Andrew Longman
07-06-13, 06:38 PM
Yeah, it's a coin toss as to which day has the most overall fireworks. Most of us non-LDS just take advantage of the paid day off and hang out and watch the Mormons party it up.Sure, but the Mormons also close your liquor stores that day. :gomer:
07-06-13, 07:26 PM
Sure, but the Mormons also close your liquor stores that day. :gomer:
We are well used to shopping ahead. They close the liquor stores as often as possible.
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