View Full Version : Dark night in Colorado
High Sided
07-20-12, 07:30 AM
14 dead, 50 wounded in shooting at Colorado theater
Don't know what to say? :shakehead
07-20-12, 08:24 AM
Denver media is reporting that one of the wounded is a 3-month old. (I'm not even going to ask what a 3-month old is doing at a midnight movie premiere.)
Such a sad story and again happening to the good people of Colorado. :(
3 month old caught my attention too. Haven't been to a theater in years, is that really acceptable today?
3 month old caught my attention too. Haven't been to a theater in years, is that really acceptable today?
No. I could see it for a kiddie flick matinee if the entire family was going to a show, but not the Dark Knight nor a midnight show. Period. :saywhat: Of course, I recall reading/hearing about an idiot parent that left a child unattended in a car during a midnight showing, so it could be worse. :shakehead Also, I don't frequent movies much since I have a man cave, but I did venture out to take a break from the hommizle a few weeks ago to see Ted. In attendance was a father (I assume) with two kids ~10 with him. Simply not the kind of movie for any kids to see. It's like The Hangover with a teddy bear.
Added note: I was gassed during a gathering on The Oval @ tOSU after The Game in the early 80s. I was hanging out with a group of friends when a bag was tossed into the middle of our group. I can remember seeing the paper bag land and the gas coming out. I couldn't see anything after that. Stung like a sumbiotch. Nothing nefarious going on. Just a group of kids hanging out and having fun. Of course, none of this Columbine, etc. crap had happened @ the time. My hairdresser for the past 30 years (who I still pay $55 every 6 weeks or so for haircuts...both of them now :() was there in the group and we reminisce about the event every so often. If something like that happened today, it would be on the local nightly news.
07-20-12, 09:30 AM
3 month old caught my attention too. Haven't been to a theater in years, is that really acceptable today?
We have cry rooms at some of our theaters here. I think it's acceptable, but a midnight showing seems very wrong. There was also a 6 year old there.
This is really indiscriminate and sad.
Of course, I recall reading/hearing about an idiot parent that left a child unattended in a car during a midnight showing, so it could be worse. :shakehead
BIG problem here at the casinos. :rolleyes:
Leaving kids in cars or just letting them run loose.
Couple waives hearing on child endangerment charges (
This one is from last year, but you get the idea:
2 arrests after children found in cars at casino (
These were the 10th and 11th incidents of children being left in cars at Parx Casino in the last 14 months.
So this guy is a real wacko. Reports now that he left his apartment booby trapped. :saywhat:
07-20-12, 11:30 AM
So this guy is a real wacko. Reports now that he left his apartment booby trapped. :saywhat:
And that it could take *days* to undo the mess he left.
On a sobering note, one of the killed also had a close encounter ( at last month's Eaton Centre shooting in Toronto.
07-20-12, 12:16 PM
I just read that he is a medical student at U of C.
BIG problem here at the casinos. :rolleyes:
Leaving kids in cars or just letting them run loose.
Couple waives hearing on child endangerment charges (
This one is from last year, but you get the idea:
2 arrests after children found in cars at casino (
Something I fear will happen here soon when the casino on the west side opens and the 'racinos' start offering slots. Robbing Peter to save Paul and just a whole mess of additional crap we don't need here. :saywhat: :thumdown:
07-20-12, 01:13 PM
^^^ a much cleaner way to steal money from the poor is selling lottery tickets. The Indian way is messy.
Rogue Leader
07-20-12, 01:14 PM
a 3 month old and a 6 year old at a midnight showing of a violent film. :shakehead
There was more than 1 crime committed here.
^^^ a much cleaner way to steal money from the poor is selling lottery tickets. The Indian way is messy.
We've bled that turnip already. Lotto here started in the 70s in the name of 'school funding' yet the schools here are essentially bankrupt. IIRC, I learned about taxation w/o representation way back in grade school.... :irked: :shakehead
We've bled that turnip already. Lotto here started in the 70s in the name of 'school funding' yet the schools here are essentially bankrupt. IIRC, I learned about taxation w/o representation way back in grade school.... :irked: :shakehead
You're not making any sense. The state is responsible for the lottery but they didn't want or support bringing in casinos. If it gives people amusement to flush their money down a toilet that's their right. Wait, we've still got that one, right?
07-20-12, 01:34 PM
faux news abc found a 54 years old teapartier with the same name and was attempting to give talk radio conspiracy theorists brainwashed sheeple an oorganism and sent those deluded haters to the man's facebook page
The state is responsible for the lottery but they didn't want or support bringing in casinos.
Srsly? And the tax abatements, etc. provided for the casino operators? But let's not get off topic....
faux news abc found a 54 years old teapartier with the same name and was attempting to give talk radio conspiracy theorists brainwashed sheeple an oorganism and sent those deluded haters to the man's facebook page
I read a lot of stuff on the internet, and I can usually tell what someone it trying to say, even on 4chan or reading Spicoli, but, wut?
I just read that he is a medical student at U of C.
I was surprised he survived. No suicide and the cops didn't shoot him.
07-20-12, 03:02 PM
I'm theorizing from the bulletproof vest and lack of suicide that he wants a grand stage to make a statement.
I wonder if he was trying to copy the guy from Norway who killed 77 almost exactly a year ago.
07-20-12, 03:48 PM
the new definition of a nanosecond: the time it takes from the start of tradgedy until Brian Ross is on ABC blaming the teaparty
someone should tell mr ross that UCR has taken down the Tea Party Club's website
07-20-12, 05:14 PM
the new definition of a nanosecond: the time it takes from the start of tradgedy until Brian Ross is on ABC blaming the teaparty
someone should tell mr ross that UCR has taken down the Tea Party Club's website
Same amount of time it takes Breitbart to claim that the shooter was a registered democrat.
Maggotry is a bipartisan trait.
I was surprised he survived. No suicide and the cops didn't shoot him.
How did the cops NOT shoot him??
A guy in full body armor leaving the scene of a massacre, what cop wouldn't go all buckshot-towards-the-head the first second he saw him?
What did good ol' Jimbo do to signal that he was finished for the day?
I HATE these *******s! :flame:
"This is why we need to ban guns...."
"Had everyone in the theater had a gun, things would have been different...."
Really? :rolleyes:
Extremists (on both sides) continue their hand-wringing - and offer nothing.
And we are again left trying to rationalize the irrational behavior of a flake.
Although the police responded in just minutes, the suspect apparently had time to exit the theater through a back door and make his way to the parking lot before they arrived.
Police arrested a man still wearing a gas mask next to a white car in the parking lot behind the theater.
"He did not resist. He did not put up a fight," said Frank Fania, an Aurora police spokesman.
we are again left trying to rationalize the irrational behavior
a 3 month old and a 6 year old at a midnight showing of a violent film. :shakehead
There was more than 1 crime committed here.4 month old and 4 year old in attendance (
Browsing through the article, he dropped the infant on the floor and bolted out the door. The "fiancee" was left to fend for herself.
07-20-12, 07:24 PM
Browsing through the article, he dropped the infant on the floor and bolted out the door. The "fiancee" was left to fend for herself.
You'll never know until it happens but I'd like to think that I'd do a hell of a lot better...
And taking 4 month & 4 year old kids to see that movie at midnight:saywhat::shakehead:flame:
4 month old and 4 year old in attendance (
Browsing through the article, he dropped the infant on the floor and bolted out the door. The "fiancee" was left to fend for herself.
I saw an interview with them on NBC Nightly. I srsly wanted to take a baseball bat to my TV screen. And then followed was Anne Curry's explanation about why the kids were there in the first place. :mad: :flame: x11
You're not making any sense. The state is responsible for the lottery but they didn't want or support bringing in casinos. If it gives people amusement to flush their money down a toilet that's their right. Wait, we've still got that one, right?
It's a con. Casinos take advantage of known weaknesses in the ways that our brains are structured in order to steal money. Some are more vulnerable than others, but even in the smartest of us, rationality has its limits when it comes to things that produce massive dopamine reactions.
But, hey, sorry to harsh your vibe. Enjoy that freedom.
07-20-12, 09:18 PM
Sad, sad, sad. So sorry to hear so many hurt and killed. :cry:
07-20-12, 09:35 PM
Same amount of time it takes Breitbart to claim that the shooter was a registered democrat.
Maggotry is a bipartisan trait.
show us such a claim
show us such a claim
No, don't. Just cut it out.
Rogue Leader
07-20-12, 10:49 PM
4 month old and 4 year old in attendance (
Browsing through the article, he dropped the infant on the floor and bolted out the door. The "fiancee" was left to fend for herself.
That father is a piece of crap, who leaves their family like that. And the fact they were there in the first place!
Best part he not only ran he jumped in the car and drove away! It says in the article he drove back for them. Scumbag
That father is a piece of crap, who leaves their family like that. And the fact they were there in the first place!
Best part he not only ran he jumped in the car and drove away! It says in the article he drove back for them. Scumbag
Father of the Year. :yuck:
That's why I didn't like the second Batman movie. The scene with the two ferry boats was unbelievable. They would have blasted each other sky high to save themselves.
Maybe Ivo Shandor was right. Society is too sick to survive.
07-21-12, 09:45 AM
Society is too sick to survive.
It's not sick. It's just been listening to people tell it for the last 50 years that values don't matter.
This parody hits home with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
the Onion (,28857/)
This parody hits home with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
the Onion (,28857/)
That article implies that this sort of event is uniquely American, it’s not, senseless acts of violence are international. I don’t get the candle light vigils either but they don’t bother me as they seem to bother the writer.
07-21-12, 01:39 PM
That article implies that this sort of event is uniquely American, it’s not, senseless acts of violence are international. I don’t get the candle light vigils either but they don’t bother me as they seem to bother the writer.
I think the implication is less that it's uniquely American and more that it's becoming too damned commonplace.
I think the implication is less that it's uniquely American and more that it's becoming too damned commonplace.
Here's something I haven' heard discussed. What was this guy planning to do next? Obviously he wasn't going back to his apartment. Did he plan to be arrested in the parking lot? More and more this just seems like a psychotic quest for attention.
07-22-12, 02:55 PM
Here's something I haven' heard discussed. What was this guy planning to do next? Obviously he wasn't going back to his apartment. Did he plan to be arrested in the parking lot? More and more this just seems like a psychotic quest for attention.
If you go by the reported dating profiles, he expected to go to jail it seems. I wondered why he warned them his apartment was booby trapped? I thought he was mentally disturbed and maybe once the adrenaline had worn off he had some remorse/realization of what he had done. But hearing about his behavior in jail, that does not seem likely. Seems like he wanted to murder a ton of people and there was no way of stopping/preventing it.
07-22-12, 03:40 PM
It seems that the much vaunted 100-round drum magazine on the AK-47 jammed during the attack and the kid was forced to his secondary weapons.
It seems that the much vaunted 100-round drum magazine on the AK-47 jammed during the attack and the kid was forced to his secondary weapons.
He didn't have an AK-47. He had a Remington shotgun, a Smith & Wesson M&P .223 semi-automatic rifle, and a Glock 40-caliber handgun.
The drum magazine would have been for the rifle, obviously.
If you go by the reported dating profiles, he expected to go to jail it seems. I wondered why he warned them his apartment was booby trapped? I thought he was mentally disturbed and maybe once the adrenaline had worn off he had some remorse/realization of what he had done. But hearing about his behavior in jail, that does not seem likely. Seems like he wanted to murder a ton of people and there was no way of stopping/preventing it.
I understand that most of what we will hear in the next couple of weeks will be fraught with errors, but do you have links to this? Dating profile analysis and behavior in jail?
I understand that most of what we will hear in the next couple of weeks will be fraught with errors, but do you have links to this? Dating profile analysis and behavior in jail?
I’d be interested in seeing those links also. I did read the report about his application to join a shooting range. Apparently the range owner was concerned about him after hearing his answering machine’s out going message.
07-22-12, 04:27 PM
He didn't have an AK-47. He had a Remington shotgun, a Smith & Wesson M&P .223 semi-automatic rifle, and a Glock 40-caliber handgun.
The drum magazine would have been for the rifle, obviously.
AK-47 oops, AR-15 actually S&W oh well. :rolleyes:.
Just read that there are nine people still in critical condition, some more extreme than others. The death toll may yet rise.
I understand that most of what we will hear in the next couple of weeks will be fraught with errors, but do you have links to this? Dating profile analysis and behavior in jail?
I heard that too someplace on the news yesterday. Something about him questioning if someone else would visit him in jail.
I agree though, most of what is being reported now is likely crap.
I’d be interested in seeing those links also. I did read the report about his application to join a shooting range. Apparently the range owner was concerned about him after hearing his answering machine’s out going message.
A couple of inmates that were released today or yesterday and a "jail employee".
And "Would you visit me in jail" without context at a hook-up site.
Neither report seems overly reliable, but certainly could be accurate.
This one is a bit more in-depth:
gun range owner (
It's going to be interesting what motivated this piece of ****.
07-23-12, 08:54 AM
I understand that most of what we will hear in the next couple of weeks will be fraught with errors, but do you have links to this? Dating profile analysis and behavior in jail?
nrc had one, here's the one about the dating profile.
It was supposedly created before the shooting. TMZ (gossip site) also claims a similar profile existed.
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