View Full Version : Prof. Watkins has died at 84

Elmo T
09-12-12, 07:32 PM
Sad day for all of motorsports. :(

Professor Sid Watkins, Formula 1's much-loved and much-respected medical chief, dies aged 84 (http://www.foxsports.com.au/motor-sports/formula-one/professor-sid-watkins-formula-1s-much-loved-and-much-respected-medical-chief-dies-aged-84/story-e6frf3zl-1226473151648)

Andrew Longman
09-13-12, 12:31 AM
His description of his conversations with Senna, shown in the movie, were chilling. But it also showed his concern for the drivers and his love, respect and understanding of the very real nature of the sport. And it showed the profound relationships the drivers had with him.


We should all live a life so well.