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View Full Version : RIP dear sweet Bimmer

11-14-12, 02:55 PM
She served me well for 14 years and 114K miles, but it was time to say goodbye. I ended up getting a white 2010 Ford Fusion with 30K miles that is decked out to the max with features. I might just live in the sucker. :) I was going to buy the Mrs. a Ford Flex for Xmas, but that's her bad now. :D


Elmo T
11-14-12, 03:24 PM
You forgot to add that is has the all important spoiler on the rear deck! How else will that rear end stay down?

11-14-12, 03:25 PM
Easy, sandbags!

11-14-12, 04:11 PM
You forgot to add that is has the all important spoiler on the rear deck! How else will that rear end stay down?

The girls are the balast. ;) Not really impressed with the spoiler, but it's not MR2 or Fiero style. :)


11-14-12, 09:06 PM
So what's going to happen to Old Paint?

11-14-12, 09:12 PM
Interior, except mine is tan:

http://image.automotive.com/f/new_and_future_cars/2010/11762009+pheader/0811_10_z+2010_ford_fusion_hybrid+interior_view.jp g

Backside (except mine is white):


Nose shot (this is what mine looks like):


Wicked good ride so far. :thumbup:
