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Gunfire then a big BOOM in downtown Watertown...did Djokar just blow himself up? LOTS of force converging on that area.
OR...they are finding OTHER bombs and are blowing them up...leaving others in place to deal with later. Wonder how many they placed? Hard to believe they were the ONLY two who new they were in full production mode!
04-19-13, 12:02 PM
Hmm Muslims, but from Chechna.
Strong words on the situation from the bombers' uncle: losers.,0,5006845.story
Strong words on the situation from the bombers' uncle: losers.,0,5006845.story
Watched that live. The words don't convey his anger and disdain. Based on that interview, they ought to let the uncle deal with him.
04-19-13, 01:24 PM
You cannot make some stuff up. Even though businesses have been ordered closed in Boston the police dept ordered Dunkin Donuts to stay open.
Don Quixote
04-19-13, 01:51 PM
You cannot make some stuff up. Even though businesses have been ordered closed in Boston the police dept ordered Dunkin Donuts to stay open. course.
Also under the category of stuff you can't make up:
04-19-13, 02:27 PM
Don, isn’t LaBron’s college degree in terrorism studies?
04-19-13, 03:23 PM
The Red Sox and Bruins games have been cancelled for tonight as well.
Shots fired, suspect down. Amen.
04-19-13, 07:38 PM
NBC reporting body in boat behind house... they believe its tsarnaev... body not moving
Boston Mayor Tom Menino confirmed to WBZ-TV that police had surrounded bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev inside a boat in the backyard of a home.
WBZ NewsRadio 1030 reported that authorities were able to locate the subject by using a thermal camera from a helicopter.
04-19-13, 08:48 PM
NBC News reporting that he's alive and in custody.
In custody. May the floggings begin. Don't pick up the soap, dumbass.
04-19-13, 09:25 PM
What, he's been in the States for 10 years and never saw an episode of Cops? You don't hide in the boat or under the kiddie pool. :shakehead
04-19-13, 09:39 PM
A shame they didn't get out of the country. A Hellfire to the ear would have been cheaper than a trial.
What, he's been in the States for 10 years and never saw an episode of Cops? You don't hide in the boat or under the kiddie pool. :shakehead
And a big :thumbup: to all the PD types who have been very busy out there.
Hear, hear. Gratitude to all those who responded to help and all those who made certain these crimes would not go unpunished. May all the victims rest in peace.
04-20-13, 05:55 AM
WBZ NewsRadio 1030 reported that authorities were able to locate the subject by using a thermal camera from a helicopter.
Great spin from the cops. Meanwhile according to the home owner he went outside, saw blood on the tarp of his boat and cut cords that held it down, lifted the tarp and saw the suspect and blood, then called the cops and told them.
Andrew Longman
04-20-13, 07:02 AM
The scene as the cops decended on the kid had a real feel of the closing scenes of the Blues Brothers. And the cops got plenty of chances to play with their toys. Congrats to the responders and the people of Boston, but this did seem a tad over the top at times.
This also shows that in the era of twitter and social media and cell phones these things are never going to be same again. Twitter and amatuers out performed cable news hands down.
Great spin from the cops. Meanwhile according to the home owner he went outside, saw blood on the tarp of his boat and cut cords that held it down, lifted the tarp and saw the suspect and blood, then called the cops and told them.
Hadn’t the police already checked that address?
Apparently they’re invoking a rule that allows law enforcement to question the suspect without reading him is Miranda rights. It’s allowed in situations where there is, or could be an imminent threat to public safety.
04-20-13, 09:01 AM
Hadn’t the police already checked to that address?
I can not directly answer that but I did read that it was slightly outside of the 20 block area they "sealed off" after Thursdays gun fight. The article I read this morn had the police admitting that initially the perimeter was less then solid since they didn't have enough officers on the scene, so whether by luck or design he hid outside the prime search area.
What I can not figure is couldn't a trained dog follow the blood trail the kid must have left?
04-20-13, 09:13 AM
PS to the above, so on NPR a minute ago the reporter said they thought he was wounded and did find blood in several places inside the perimeter.
Don Quixote
04-20-13, 10:03 AM
The scene as the cops decended on the kid had a real feel of the closing scenes of the Blues Brothers.I told my wife this exact same thing last night.
Don Quixote
04-20-13, 10:05 AM
Great spin from the cops. Meanwhile according to the home owner he went outside, saw blood on the tarp of his boat and cut cords that held it down, lifted the tarp and saw the suspect and blood, then called the cops and told them.This way they will get funding for 5 more thermal imagers.
I told my wife this exact same thing last night.
What were Jake and Elwood actually wanted for?
Don Quixote
04-20-13, 10:20 AM
What were Jake and Elwood actually wanted for?
I don't remember. Maybe impersonating a country band. Doesn't matter. They were on a mission from God.
04-20-13, 10:30 AM
Elwood was wanted for multiple traffic violations and his license was under suspension.
Elwood: I bet these cops got SCMODS.
Elwood: State County Municipal Offender Data System.
04-20-13, 10:44 AM
Huh? Supposedly someone took this picture of the kid getting in the boat. Is this for real? Who would do that and not call it into the police under the circumstances?
04-20-13, 10:50 AM
Huh? Supposedly someone took this picture of the kid getting in the boat. Is this for real? Who would do that and not call it into the police under the circumstances?
More than likely with the amount of cover torn, its that someone took a pic of him getting out the boat, with alot of guns aimed at him just off pic.
Elwood was wanted for multiple traffic violations and his license was under suspension.
There’s an episode of Dragnet where they stop some guy for a traffic infraction and he ends up becoming a suspect in a murder. As the program progresses it end up that someone else was the killer. At the end of the show when they tell you what happened to each person they say about the first guy that the murder charges were dropped, but he was fined $25 for running a stop sign. I thought to myself that that guy must have had the world’s worst lawyer, he’s off the hook for the murder can’t you let him slide on the stop sign?
04-20-13, 11:30 AM
More than likely with the amount of cover torn, its that someone took a pic of him getting out the boat, with alot of guns aimed at him just off pic.
My impression was that when they found him he was barely conscious. Both CBS and the Boston Globe have run the picture so apparently they think it is a legit picture.
04-20-13, 11:48 AM
My impression was that when they found him he was barely conscious. Both CBS and the Boston Globe have run the picture so apparently they think it is a legit picture.
CNN ran a distant video of him where you can see a weapon being thrown out of the boat through the rip... So he still had energy...
Even injured, police would more than likely be very hesitant to peer over the edge of that boat because of the talk of suicide vests.
Pretty dark in that picture plus it looks to be illuminated from above (helicopter search light). I really doubt he's getting in.
04-20-13, 01:32 PM
If he'd been smart enough to get in the boat on the side that was against the fence, he might still be at large. Or have bled to death. Either way.
The scene as the cops decended on the kid had a real feel of the closing scenes of the Blues Brothers. And the cops got plenty of chances to play with their toys. Congrats to the responders and the people of Boston, but this did seem a tad over the top at times.
In didn't watch feeds, but really, would it have been over-the-top if it ended differently? Dead hostages, cops blown up, escape, etc.?
They had him in the area, they had Feds support, who do you send to get him?
To quote Gary Oldman, "Everyyyyoooone!".
I'm just asking.
The media coverage was over the top as usual but we all expect that these days. I don't see how you can fault the law enforcement response. Hard to argue with success.
04-20-13, 05:37 PM
Well the people who live on the street where the bombs went off were only allowed back in their homes today. They were ordered out of their buildings right after the bombs went off, beyond that there was no response by any level of government, the Red Cross or any one else. There were 500+ people who were tossed out of their homes on Monday then ignored for the entire week. They were never given any information at any time during the whole week. They were just told to go away. They were not allowed home until this morning. I would classify that response as abysmal.
Andrew Longman
04-20-13, 06:13 PM
I'm just asking.I get you.
But they had dozens and dozens of state and local police cars, armored personal carriers, the national guard, robots, several helicopters, thermal imaging, countless officers standing around waiting for something to happen or do, and THEN they brought in touring buses packed with MORE officers.
For all that they were not even the person who found the kid who was trailing blood and hiding outdoors in daylight. Jus' saying' the militarization of our police and political pork associated with homeland security since 9/11 makes me just a little suspicious and nervous.
04-20-13, 07:55 PM
More than likely with the amount of cover torn, its that someone took a pic of him getting out the boat,
For all the other reasons stated above, no doubt it was after and I am embarrassed I just assumed that it was before, but amazingly from video on the evening news tonight, it looks like he had torn it up like that originally.
If he'd been smart enough to get in the boat on the side that was against the fence, he might still be at large. Or have bled to death. Either way.
I pick bled to death. My prediction to people at work on Friday as the manhunt went on was that he was hours dead after, say, going under a porch then bleeding to death from wounds from the gun battle. I really thought it almost impossible that he did not suffer injuries bad enough that hours and hours of non treatment were not the end for him. I take it from the reports he was in pretty bad shape.
04-20-13, 08:25 PM
So looking at the full range of pictures, it appears that the police sent a device to tear the tarp, while the kid was laying in the boat.
04-20-13, 08:39 PM
This kind of stuff just gives me the warm and fuzzies:saywhat:
The Czech ambassador to the United States has expressed concern over angry remarks in US social networks mistakenly aimed at his country in connection with a recent terrorist attack on the American soil.
Dozens of messages accusing the Czechs of terrorism and even calling for US retaliation against the Czech Republic appeared in the US segments of Twitter and Facebook on Friday after reports that the two suspects in Boston Marathon bombing had Chechen origins.
Really:shakehead:cry: and a little :flame:
How long before the boat is on eBay?
Soft spot in my heart for this, having grown up with a mother who was a Neil Diamond fan(atic).....
04-21-13, 05:37 AM
How long before the boat is on eBay?
Saw this somewhere else:
Sunday Classifieds: For Sale By Owner: Boat, 20', slight burn marks, bullet holes. $5,000 OBO. Trades considered. Watertown: 617-XXX-XXXX
04-21-13, 09:19 AM
Ah, the press.
There’s journalism and then there’s this thing where journalists go bat**** crazy and expose themselves for who they really are - which no one’s able to name, yet, since we’re laughing too hard. Seriously, some people are wondering why one of the Boston bombers was named after a 14th century Turko-Mongol ruler and conquerer Amir Temur.
An interesting read...
It ain't over 'til it's over....
Boston bombers: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
No way they acted alone, IMO.
Jeebus. (
:saywhat: :shakehead
Andrew Longman
04-21-13, 05:06 PM
It ain't over 'til it's over....Kevin, I'll wait to a more credible source.
Chechens extremists are seriously bad ass with reasons to be pizzed off. But if a bunch of racings nuts can talk on the innerwebs for 15 years about thier hate for TG then it stands to reason that a lot of angry Chechens can too. Doesn't mean we aren't acting alone and unless proven other wise I can see how these guy were too.
And contrary to what the police official said sheep herders in third world places like Afganistan and Iraq have firgured out how to explode IEDs with cell phones for 10 years. I think you actually can learn how to do it on Google.
04-22-13, 12:10 PM
This is worth reading about Boston.
This is a difficult post to write and, for some, it will be difficult to read. There are people who desperately need heroic figures–and were invested in these figures before the bombings. But, as I often do, I am getting ahead of myself.
When I heard the first explosion, I didn’t realize it was an explosion....
A Personal Eyewitness Perspective on Monday’s Bombings: The Bad and the Good, Silence and Solidarity (
04-23-13, 10:33 AM
OK, this made me laugh. I read an article at the New Republic's website on the brother's social media presence and it had this:
By the time authorities arrested Dzhokhar on Friday night, his Twitter profile had jumped from 120 followers to 49,326, and his last tweet (“I’m a stress free kind of guy”) had been retweeted more than 2,500 times. At the very moment he was driving off in an ambulance, someone replied: “Really? How about now?”
05-01-13, 11:26 AM
Breaking: Boston police take three Boston Marathon bombing suspects into custody (
Breaking: Boston police take three Boston Marathon bombing suspects into custody (
Allegedly helped them damage or destroy evidence after the fact. Hmmm, indeed.
Like I mentioned before, there is no way these 'tards operated alone. Period.
05-01-13, 03:06 PM
Like I mentioned before, there is no way these 'tards operated alone. Period.
What about the "female DNA" found, or was that misinformation?
05-01-13, 03:09 PM
What about the "female DNA" found, or was that misinformation?
Here is my prediction, that is going to be either 1) no match will be made or, if they get DNA from every since person who was wounded or killed 2) found to be from a victim.
05-01-13, 07:06 PM
What about the "female DNA" found, or was that misinformation?
Considering the "pink mist" that the bombs generated you should be able to pull DNA off of every surface in the area. Given the number of people injured it would take a miracle for you to identify a single individual from such potentially mixed samples.
What about the "female DNA" found, or was that misinformation?
I'm sure the DNA assessment was accurate, but how does one (or agency) pinpoint the source? The tin foil hat in me says distraction. :shrug:
05-07-13, 04:15 PM
Like I mentioned before, there is no way these 'tards operated alone. Period.
Doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. The Internet is great, but now anyone can put together a bomb/IED if they wanted.
Rex Karz
05-07-13, 04:57 PM
Like I mentioned before, there is no way these 'tards operated alone. Period.
There is a difference between "believing" and "knowing."
That is, believing monkeys will fly out of my butt is one thing; knowing that monkeys will fly out of my butt is quite another.
Man shot and killed during a "violent confrontation" while being questioned about his association with the bombing suspects. This person was associated with the bombers through a mixed martial arts forum along with William Plotnikov.
Last month, CNN reported that Plotnikov and six others died in a July 2012 firefight with Russian forces in the southwestern republic of Dagestan, while Tsarnaev was visiting the region, according to a source briefed on the investigation.
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