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View Full Version : Rebuilt FW190?

06-11-13, 11:08 PM

06-12-13, 04:47 AM
Wow, it's the only one out there.

06-12-13, 10:35 AM
Reminds me of a joke told by the late great Dave Allen, "...the BBC interviewed one of the last surviving Irish WWII pilots, Paddy McDougal, he was asked to describe his most terrifying encounter during the Battle of Britain. The pilot said "Well, we'd been scrambled early one morning and were flying to intercept the germans over the Channel and then right out of the sun came all of these F ock ers.." The interviewer quickly turned to the camera and said "I should remind viewers that Paddy is of course referring to the German plane the F ockeWulf 190"...to which the pilot responded, "no, no, no, these F ockers were Messerschmitts"....

06-12-13, 01:19 PM
Reminds me of a joke told by the late great Dave Allen, "...the BBC interviewed one of the last surviving Irish WWII pilots, Paddy McDougal, he was asked to describe his most terrifying encounter during the Battle of Britain. The pilot said "Well, we'd been scrambled early one morning and were flying to intercept the germans over the Channel and then right out of the sun came all of these F ock ers.." The interviewer quickly turned to the camera and said "I should remind viewers that Paddy is of course referring to the German plane the F ockeWulf 190"...to which the pilot responded, "no, no, no, these F ockers were Messerschmitts"....

With a smoke, a highball, and a stubby finger.

Loved his show. :thumbup: Didn't always get the jokes at that age...

06-12-13, 02:04 PM
I had forgotten about that Dave Allen. Thank goodness for PBS in the '70s. :)

Coincidentally, yesterday Missy linked me to this story about a Do17 that needs a bit more work...


06-12-13, 02:56 PM
What a wreck. I wonder how much of the original aircraft will be in the restored version?

06-12-13, 07:26 PM
Has anyone started digging up all those crated Spitfires in old Burma yet? Who gets 'em?

06-12-13, 10:17 PM
Has anyone started digging up all those crated Spitfires in old Burma yet? Who gets 'em?

They dug around, but they didn't find anything.... :\

06-12-13, 10:25 PM


06-14-13, 08:08 AM
Re the Do17

