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View Full Version : Ball lightning

08-21-13, 11:57 PM
Has anyone ever seen it?

Wife just told me about the "meteor" she saw. Neighbors that were with her didn't catch it. Lasted about a second or 2, left a brief arching trail over the houses. I saw a very nearby glow, but the regular lightning was putting on a show. The glow caught my attention as being unusual, long-lasting, and bright. I may have just described myself. Not sure. :tony:

Anyway, she described a sparkling white ball tracing an arc. I asked how high, she said it looked like it was just over the houses. Thank the FSM that she was wrong about it being a meteor!

They say (and they are never wrong) that about 5% of the population will see it in their lifetime.

She doesn't do drugs, had never heard of ball lightning, is almost always sane-like, except for when she isn't.


08-22-13, 12:09 AM
I vote meteor. They are so bright that they look like they are just over the roof tops when they are really 75 miles away.

08-22-13, 12:41 AM
I vote meteor. They are so bright that they look like they are just over the roof tops when they are really 75 miles away.

Perhaps, but a couple of reasons to say no:
It went from right-to-left horizontally and was quick, not like the Russian one from a while back.
Behind the ball was a low thunderstorm. It would have been wicked-low to appear in front of the clouds. If it was 75 miles away, there's no way she could have seen it through the storm.

08-22-13, 01:18 AM
More likely Smokestack Lightning.

08-22-13, 02:39 AM
More likely Smokestack Lightning.:D

The wife said it was a bright white color. The background burst that I saw from the car seemed to have a lot of blues in it, so you might be right.

Sigh. Why do I even try?

08-22-13, 12:21 PM
If she starts building a model of a mountain in the living room or starts talking about Scientology, do not be alarmed. ;)
