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02-11-14, 12:32 PM
I suppose the new season has started with the end of the Super Bowl. The Browns have decided to fire the CEO, Joe Banner after 16 months and the GM Mike Lombardi after 1 year and they both fired the coach after 1 season. I'm sure the upheaval is helpful. We'll see if it pans out in the ling run, well assuming the new leadership has a long term.

02-11-14, 01:08 PM
Keep hating the Broncos though, Browns fans. When's your owner's indictment again?

Don Quixote
02-11-14, 01:16 PM
Keep hating the Broncos though, Browns fans. When's your owner's indictment again?I think you need to focus on your own team. :D

02-11-14, 01:17 PM
Hating the Broncos, much like hating the Cowboys, is one of life's little pleasures. As for the Browns, well, who really cares?

02-11-14, 01:44 PM
Keep hating the Broncos though, Browns fans. When's your owner's indictment again?

You don't seriously think it is going to upset me if they indict that guy, do you?

Don Quixote
02-11-14, 03:20 PM
One of my sons just heard somebody on the radio call the Browns shakeup the Red Wedding. :laugh:

02-11-14, 05:23 PM
One of my sons just heard somebody on the radio call the Browns shakeup the Red Wedding. :laugh:

I have no idea of what the Red Wedding is and would have gone with the St. Valentine's Day massacre (close enough for me).

Don Quixote
02-11-14, 05:28 PM
I have no idea of what the Red Wedding is and would have gone with the St. Valentine's Day massacre (close enough for me). Read and then watch Game of Thrones. You will thank me later.

02-22-14, 07:38 PM
NFL to penalize use of racial slur

The head of the Fritz Pollard Alliance, which monitors diversity in the NFL, expects the league to institute a rule where players would be penalized 15 yards for using the N-word on the field.

John Wooten, the head of the Fritz Pollard Alliance... [said], "I will be totally shocked if the competition committee does not uphold us on what we're trying to do," Wooten said, according to CBSSports.com. "We want this word to be policed from the parking lot to the equipment room to the locker room."

Child please.

03-03-14, 09:08 PM
I'm pretty sure that Wickerbill is supposed to keep us apprised on these costume changes but the Buccaneers have a new look.



Very XFL. Those numbers are particularly terrible.

03-03-14, 09:38 PM
digital number fonts are where it's at.

This will keep the NFL relevant in a digital age. :gomer:

03-04-14, 07:12 AM
Hadn't seen this, somehow. I saw their new oversized helmet logo and was hoping they wouldn't screw up a truly good looking uniform set.


03-04-14, 09:21 AM
Red and orange? Fashion faux pas! :gomer:

03-06-14, 10:18 AM
Nike finally got to make a uniform ugly!

Andrew Longman
03-06-14, 10:39 AM
Great teams change their uniforms, why? They don't.

Even not so great teams don't feel the need to change costumes to boost ticket sales. See Bears, Browns, etc. They can't even get the Skins to change their name. :gomer:

Don Quixote
03-06-14, 10:45 AM
Great teams change their uniforms, why? They don't.

Even not so great teams don't feel the need to change costumes to boost ticket sales. See Bears, Browns, etc. They can't even get the Skins to change their name. :gomer:The Browns are flattered that you called them "not so great". That is the nicest thing anybody has said about them for a decade. :D

Andrew Longman
03-06-14, 12:30 PM
I think it might be more than a decade. Like before they left for Baltimore. Like Brian Sipe/Testivere terirritory.

But the uniforms (sans brown pants or the whole orange unis) are classic

03-17-14, 11:28 AM
Wow, free agency and Colts owner arrested for DUI and possession of controlled substances and no posts?

03-17-14, 01:26 PM
Yowza. Hadn't heard about the Irsay thing. Are there any precedents to indicate how they would handle something like that?

Not a lot to say about free agency. The Bengals are focused on signing their top guys and have had to let a couple of guys go. Tampa paid big money for both Michael Johnson and Anthony Collins. It speaks well for the Bengals that they really don't have to go shopping for big money free agents to fill holes. Although I'm sure that Dando would be carping about it. :(

03-18-14, 10:13 AM
Yowza. Hadn't heard about the Irsay thing. Are there any precedents to indicate how they would handle something like that?

Not a lot to say about free agency. The Bengals are focused on signing their top guys and have had to let a couple of guys go. Tampa paid big money for both Michael Johnson and Anthony Collins. It speaks well for the Bengals that they really don't have to go shopping for big money free agents to fill holes. Although I'm sure that Dando would be carping about it. :(

I saw Eddie DeBartolo mentioned. I'm not sure the NFL made him give up control of the 49ers though.

03-18-14, 11:58 AM
After he was indicted in 1998, the NFL barred Eddie D from active control of the 49ers for one year. In 2000, he and his sister made a deal giving her control of the team and plunging the franchise into an decade long funk.

Don Quixote
03-18-14, 02:23 PM
After he was indicted in 1998, the NFL barred Eddie D from active control of the 49ers for one year. In 2000, he and his sister made a deal giving her control of the team and plunging the franchise into an decade long funk.
[Browns fan] Only a decade? [\Browns fan]

03-25-14, 03:34 PM
Not a good day to be a Bills fan: Ralph Wilson passed away and Jim Kelly is in rough shape. :(

03-25-14, 08:41 PM
http://s28.postimg.org/4bo5hm6lp/RCWjr.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

03-26-14, 10:55 PM
Sorry to see another of the old school owners gone. RIP.