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Hard to get anything going here with sports cars, or F-1 for that matter. Winter hangover, maybe? Some of you who haven't bought into TUSCC could hardly wait for the WEC to start. P1s, high-tech, jillion$ cars, I get it. Silverstone 6 hr...lots of history but not many cars. Audi disappoints by crashing out BOTH entries and Toyota cruises to a 1-2. Porsche pukes. I admit to only looking at a "highlight" video but it looked like about 12 "P" cars and the rest GTs for a TOTAL of 29(?) Then I just saw a header for the TUSCC event out at Laguna, "9 Races, 200 Cars"...short track, split field, I know but that sounds pretty impressive and entertaining to me. I'll never get to Silverstone, Spa, Monza or the Nurburgring so I guess I'll go with what we have here. Oh, and many have made fun of the ugly DPs, the "proto-turtles/Scrubbing Bubbles":D(that have greatly improved in looks as of last season)...but I wonder how you might judge these new , uh, "designs" in WEC? They are actually SCARY looking! No beauty contest winners there! I pretty much grew up as a fan on road course sports car racing so I'm looking forward to seeing if TUSCC pleases in person!:)
Sports cars used to be some of the most beautiful racing cars, regardless of series. Now, not even close (prototypes). The DPs, not sure I would classify them as a prototype are at least a little better looking than the original DP design, less scrubbing bubblish. The WEC cars are ugly. All of them. Lose the enclosed cockpit and the trailing fin, or at least redesign the cockpit to be more aesthetic. I'm considering going to Indy to see the TUSCC race just because. Haven't been to a race since the LAST EVAR Champ Car race in Long Beach 2008. I guess its time.
The new LMP1 rigs are pretty damn awesome. The Toyota, at full output is rumored to be around 1000 hp. Yes, the fins detract from the artistry of the cars' tail sections but they do serve a purpose. And fast always becomes pretty.
OK! There's a couple of good things...Steve H headed to Indy! I'll be bringing my bro, (the REAL Steve H;)) a close friend and a cousin...maybe we'll see each other on one of those "viewing mounds!":) And EZ is right, of beats ugly any day, (remember how we hated the looks of those new drop-snout F-1s? Turned out Ok. We got used to it. They work, ugly or not. Form follows function and all that.) There's a great YouTube HD vid of the new E-Tron Audi testing at Monza, good one in the wet, too...and, despite what it LOOKS like, at speed it is BEAUTIFUL! :D The best photo angle for these monsters is from directly ABOVE! Anyway, Toyota, Audi, Porsche...should be a great fight! Me? I'll be following TUSCC and hoping a Pickett/Muscle Milk #6 whateveritmightbe, makes a winning comeback at some point!:thumbup: PS...those 2 Audi vids are by 19bozzy92. Some of the BEST race car videos out there, whoever he is!
I'm considering going to Indy to see the TUSCC race just because.
Skip that dump and go to Road America. I'll bring an extra tent. :thumbup:
I will CERTAINLY be there that weekend!:thumbup:
05-03-14, 12:51 AM
HAy you CArt strret race loosers if your gone to iNdy for the fruity cup race let me know. MEEt you behined the vigoda an show you the what for hahahahaha YOu can buy me a tennerloin mmmmmm an beers
TEh HUlam GOerge famly will apprecate your business hahahahaha iF you spend money at INdy don't make no,difference if its fruit cup racers or INdy cars ALl goes to the same place hahahahaha.
TOney thanks you
Andrew Longman
05-03-14, 07:58 AM
Skip that dump and go to Road America. I'll bring an extra tent. :thumbup:gotta agree. The worst part of the Indy road course is the course itself - and the management. RA is surpassed IMO only by Mosport and Road Atlanta and not by much.
And as disappointing the P classes are compared to yesteryears the GT class is awesome and huge fields makes for pretty good events.
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