06-21-14, 09:04 AM
Have to say I'm very pleased with World Challenge TV. Don't have NBCSN on cable so the live streaming has been great. Sort of. Plenty to complain about as always but the racing has been VERY entertaining. Couldn't make it to RA yesterday but spent a lot of time home in front of the old Gateway.:) Let's see, there is TC, TCA and TCB, then GT and GTS and GTA...even Trans Am this weekend. Poor weather, rain fog ...but excellent racing! Mike Skeen (you remember him, his girlfriend smacked Max Papis in the face awhile ago:D) won GT in the HAWK Audi R8 Ultra and it was strange seeing that big Bentley...up from 19th to 6th! Heck, STILL seems strange seeing the Cadillacs for that matter but O'Connell and Pilgrim a such good drivers and fun to watch. AND it's ROAD AMERICA!...More live:thumbup: racing today in one hour or check the replays on the World Challenge site if you like this kind of racing. I do!