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07-16-16, 09:18 PM
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig...



This going to be a HUGE fuster cluck. :saywhat: :shakehead:

EDIT: Golf in the Olympics for the first time in over 100 years...


07-17-16, 03:12 AM
Rio's unofficial Olympic motto is: "It's the thought that counts." ;)

The bar is not very high though. Look at the Tour de France. A few days ago they had a guy running up a mountain without a bike like he was Ricky Bobby.

07-17-16, 03:34 AM
I usually watch as much as I can...having a background in T&F and hoops. The former in law family and I watched Phelps smash records in '08 while in OCNJ. I MIGHT pay attention to local athletes in gymnastics, wrestling and maybe Phelps. This time around, it's dead to me. :(

opinionated ow
07-17-16, 04:27 AM
Putting aside the disaster that is the organisation, the actual scheduling is worse. We're talking about swimming finals at 11PM, Beach Volleyball games starting after midnight and goodness only knows what else. I realise the American TV audience is important but there are another 6.7 billion people on this planet!

07-17-16, 01:21 PM
Putting aside the disaster that is the organisation, the actual scheduling is worse. We're talking about swimming finals at 11PM, Beach Volleyball games starting after midnight and goodness only knows what else. I realise the American TV audience is important but there are another 6.7 billion people on this planet!

Probably dictated by NBC/Universal since they own the TeeVee rights.

07-17-16, 09:51 PM
Probably dictated by NBC/Universal since they own the TeeVee rights.

And the whole globe/timezone thing. Rio is an hour ahead of New York.

07-18-16, 12:29 AM
I'm more interested in the post-olympic contests such as who can overcome dysentery the fastest.

08-03-16, 08:38 PM
Sorry Rusty...



opinionated ow
08-06-16, 01:42 AM
Most boring Opening Ceremony ever. I really didn't need to wake up to a climate change/global warming/global cooling lecture :flaming:

08-06-16, 06:09 AM
Sorry Rusty...



Don't think we were ever going to win that one. :)

On a more positive note we ranked 4th overall at the London Olympics based on a per capita basis. :D

opinionated ow
08-06-16, 11:56 AM
cool website

08-06-16, 01:31 PM
Don't think we were ever going to win that one. :)

On a more positive note we ranked 4th overall at the London Olympics based on a per capita basis. :D

Cuz y'all have more sheeps than peeps. :p :gomer:

08-06-16, 05:57 PM
Odd bed fellows...Tirico on NBC (formerly E$PN) and Dan Patrick (Fox) covering the Olympics. :saywhat:

08-06-16, 11:15 PM
Epic men's cycling road race today on a challenging course. Too bad the Americans didn't bring a squad that was adequate to contend, but it is amazing that Greg van Avermat was able to get the gold. I was shocked to see him at the front end once the first ascent of the climb began. He has had a great year, so I shouldn't be shocked. The Aussies won't be happy for the TT on Wednesday with Richie Porte breaking his shoulder blade.

08-07-16, 12:39 AM
Epic men's cycling road race today on a challenging course. Too bad the Americans didn't bring a squad that was adequate to contend, but it is amazing that Greg van Avermat was able to get the gold. I was shocked to see him at the front end once the first ascent of the climb began. He has had a great year, so I shouldn't be shocked. The Aussies won't be happy for the TT on Wednesday with Richie Porte breaking his shoulder blade.

Timing was off with The Tour...much like golf in the Olympics. Plus locally we had the Pelatonia ride here this weekend. That being said, that was a nasty shunt. :(

opinionated ow
08-07-16, 12:50 AM
Epic men's cycling road race today on a challenging course. Too bad the Americans didn't bring a squad that was adequate to contend, but it is amazing that Greg van Avermat was able to get the gold. I was shocked to see him at the front end once the first ascent of the climb began. He has had a great year, so I shouldn't be shocked. The Aussies won't be happy for the TT on Wednesday with Richie Porte breaking his shoulder blade.

Timing was off with The Tour...much like golf in the Olympics. Plus locally we had the Pelatonia ride here this weekend. That being said, that was a nasty shunt. :(

I ended up falling asleep before the end...3AM is not good on the body! Timing had nothing to do with it for golf; that was purely because golf is not a sport with a history of national competition. Plus there was no money in it.

nice to see Australia on top of the medal tally at the end of day 1!

The women's road race tomorrow should be an epic showdown between Marianne Vos, Pauline Ferrand-Prevot, Emma Johanson & Lizzie Armitstead.

08-07-16, 01:51 AM
I ended up falling asleep before the end...3AM is not good on the body! Timing had nothing to do with it for golf; that was purely because golf is not a sport with a history of national competition. Plus there was no money in it.

nice to see Australia on top of the medal tally at the end of day 1!

The women's road race tomorrow should be an epic showdown between Marianne Vos, Pauline Ferrand-Prevot, Emma Johanson & Lizzie Armitstead.

Golf is international, yo. The PGA even moved the PGA Championship up to fit in the Olympics.

08-07-16, 08:30 AM
Dan Patrick, FOX? Huh?

08-07-16, 02:05 PM
Dan Patrick, FOX? Huh?

He does a radio show on Fox Radio/FSN (The Dan Patrick Show). Just odd since NBC/E$PN/Fox are taking talent from each other... or that E$PN is bleeding talent in a BIG way. Cowherd, Tirico, Spielman, Tom Jackson, Cris Carter, etc.

08-07-16, 06:37 PM
Nah, that's just a syndication deal. His show is owned by DirecTV.

08-08-16, 01:09 PM
Is women's rugby necessary?

I'm asking.


08-08-16, 01:52 PM
Is women's rugby necessary?

I'm asking.


Funny, saw this last night:


08-08-16, 03:45 PM
Is women's rugby necessary?

I'm asking.


Just NZ extracting revenge for the #fail for women's soccer vs. USA. :gomer: I caught a bit of it, but rugby...period...is just nuts. :eek:

opinionated ow
08-09-16, 04:20 AM
Is women's rugby necessary?

I'm asking.


Just NZ extracting revenge for the #fail for women's soccer vs. USA. :gomer: I caught a bit of it, but rugby...period...is just nuts. :eek:

Given it's a big sport with proper structures and male/female equivalence, it ticks all the boxes. The final between AUS and NZL was spectacular.

It is a lot more relevant than skateboarding as an Olympic sport!

08-09-16, 12:19 PM
Swimming has been quite fun, but those cupping circles the US swimmers are sporting just look so painful. I feel myself bruising just looking at them.

08-09-16, 01:22 PM
Russian State TV likens Michael Phelps’ cupping to taking banned drug meldonium (http://www.foxsports.com.au/olympics/russian-state-tv-likens-michael-phelps-cupping-to-taking-banned-drug-meldonium/news-story/b2f8d431aece9260d45e77a89c9f6e62)

OK then...

08-09-16, 03:35 PM
Russian State TV likens Michael Phelps’ cupping to taking banned drug meldonium (http://www.foxsports.com.au/olympics/russian-state-tv-likens-michael-phelps-cupping-to-taking-banned-drug-meldonium/news-story/b2f8d431aece9260d45e77a89c9f6e62)

OK then...

Not really as meldonium actually works whereas cupping is this year's k-tape.
It is the latest and greatest placebo effect.

08-09-16, 07:11 PM
Not really as meldonium actually works whereas cupping is this year's k-tape.
It is the latest and greatest placebo effect.

Same drug as tripped up Sharapova.

08-09-16, 07:28 PM
Got to love the Russian propaganda machine.

08-10-16, 02:49 AM
Yes biotch...

https://www.google.com/search?q=michael+phelps&oq=micchael+p&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.15358j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#mie=oly%2C%5B%22%2Fm%2F03cvfg%22%2C2%2C%22o%22%2 C1%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnul l%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull%2Cnull %2Cnull%2C0%5D

:) :thumbup: :thumbup:

08-10-16, 05:22 AM
Not bad for a pothead. :D

08-10-16, 01:36 PM
A comedian descripted the modern pentathlon as the 'The Revenant' event:

Modern Pentathlon:
* fencing = (stab a guy)
* 200m freestyle swimming = (don't drown)
* show jumping = (ride a horse through the woods)
* pistol shooting = (bang, bang)
* 3200m cross-country run = (hike through the forest)

Leonardo DiCaprio should hand out the medals.

08-10-16, 02:37 PM
Given it's a big sport with proper structures and male/female equivalence, it ticks all the boxes. The final between AUS and NZL was spectacular.

It is a lot more relevant than skateboarding as an Olympic sport!

I'm not commenting on rugby as an Olympic sport - that's fine, and good. For the guys.

I'm just commenting that I'd rather see the girls playing lawn hockey or underpants volleyball instead of rugby.

08-10-16, 04:28 PM
I'm not commenting on rugby as an Olympic sport - that's fine, and good. For the guys.

I'm just commenting that I'd rather see the girls playing lawn hockey or underpants volleyball instead of rugby.

I'm appalled by your sexist comment!!!

Not really but it seems all the rage in the media to be offended by innocuous comments or jokes about the Olympics.

08-10-16, 08:55 PM
Not bad for a pothead. :D

Hey man....


:D ;)

opinionated ow
08-11-16, 05:17 AM
I'm appalled by your sexist comment!!!

Not really but it seems all the rage in the media to be offended by innocuous comments or jokes about the Olympics.

Yeah apparently it is sexist for a commentator to call female players 'girls' even though the players do themselves. But it isn't sexist if you call male players 'boys.' Somewhere in that there is logic, I'm just not sure in what part.

It's a good thing the perpetually outraged didn't hear the Australian equestrian commentary that came with one of the commentators saying that she wouldn't mind something going wrong for the Pom :rofl:

08-11-16, 10:16 PM
Jeebus...Phelps 'smoked' them again 4 for 4. He's got more gold than Fort Knox. :eek:



08-11-16, 10:29 PM
You have no idea how true that is. ;)

08-12-16, 06:31 PM
Suck it up, Buttercup. :irked:


opinionated ow
08-13-16, 05:49 AM
Bloody hell...3 way dead heat for 2nd :eek:

Phelps/Le Clos/Cseh

08-13-16, 06:50 AM
Suck it up, Buttercup. :irked:


Best tweet about this: "Hope Solo has really made her brother, Kylo Ren, proud."

nissan gtp
08-13-16, 09:17 AM
Bloody hell...3 way dead heat for 2nd :eek:

Phelps/Le Clos/Cseh

here's why http://regressing.deadspin.com/this-is-why-there-are-so-many-ties-in-swimming-1785234795

08-13-16, 04:04 PM
Catching a bit of diving now...that pool water looks nasty. :saywhat:

EDIT: apparently the pool will be drained and re-filled tonight. That shizz looked awful. :(

08-14-16, 09:48 AM
Suck it up, Buttercup. :irked:


Boy did she make an ass out of herself.

08-14-16, 05:54 PM
Boy did she make an ass out of herself.

As with the domestic violence flap, she has proved her high level of idiocy. :saywhat:

Meanwhile Lochte and 3 other US swimmers were robbed at gun point in Rio. :shakehead:


opinionated ow
08-14-16, 09:05 PM
This athletics has been amazing so far...
Van Niekerk World Record!

08-14-16, 09:07 PM
Is it just me or are the "minders" on the track & field events a tad aggressive?

Cue up before the event - hold, hold, okay walk over there, run your event.
Okay done now, please leave the field please, no, that way please. Thank you, bye bye. Next!

Is it scheduling, or security? Seems more obvious than past years.

08-14-16, 11:39 PM
Is it just me or are the "minders" on the track & field events a tad aggressive?

Cue up before the event - hold, hold, okay walk over there, run your event.
Okay done now, please leave the field please, no, that way please. Thank you, bye bye. Next!

Is it scheduling, or security? Seems more obvious than past years.

I'm guessing more scheduling than security, but could be a bit of both. Especially after the robbing of US swimmers. :\

08-15-16, 12:13 PM
Is it just me or are the "minders" on the track & field events a tad aggressive?

Cue up before the event - hold, hold, okay walk over there, run your event.
Okay done now, please leave the field please, no, that way please. Thank you, bye bye. Next!

Is it scheduling, or security? Seems more obvious than past years.

The minders were also a bit harsh at the underpants volleyball. One was holding a Brazilian player back from going to the stands to be with her family. The woman just competed in a long, difficult three set match and would like to hug her kid. Let. Her. Go.

08-16-16, 03:44 PM
Well the "coward" Swedish women's team beat Brazil and are in the gold round.

08-16-16, 04:05 PM
The women hammer throwers are some sturdy gals. The gold medal throw went 284.5 feet, or almost 95 yards.
NFL quarterbacks can't throw a football that far, let alone a 9 lb cannonball.


08-16-16, 06:14 PM
the underpants volleyball

I vote they just play in thongs. :gomer: ;)

08-16-16, 06:18 PM
Just catching up here. It's All Olympics, all the time, in the Travel household. At least six hours a day, reviewing at least 12 hours a day from the DVR. Thank heavens for FF. I'm pretty much okay with everything that's happened (that I've seen or heard about) except the end of the women's 400 meter. OOW can speak to it but to my mind, it's not a diving event. I like Miller (my maiden name) but IMHO, she tripped. She didn't finish the race. It shouldn't be legal. Harrumph.

Loving stuff like the Brazilian pole vaulter winning, the Russian Olympic diving champ pulling himself up from d e a d last to qualify for the finals. Good Stuff as Derek Daly used to say. :thumbup:

08-16-16, 06:30 PM
Just catching up here. It's All Olympics, all the time, in the Travel household. At least six hours a day, reviewing at least 12 hours a day from the DVR. Thank heavens for FF. I'm pretty much okay with everything that's happened (that I've seen or heard about) except the end of the women's 400 meter. OOW can speak to it but to my mind, it's not a diving event. I like Miller (my maiden name) but IMHO, she tripped. She didn't finish the race. It shouldn't be legal. Harrumph.

Loving stuff like the Brazilian pole vaulter winning, the Russian Olympic diving champ pulling himself up from d e a d last to qualify for the finals. Good Stuff as Derek Daly used to say. :thumbup:

I thought she tripped, too. It's kinda like the MLB question of sliding head first into first base. Having run the T&F sprints, I'm not happy with the result. :saywhat: :irked:

08-16-16, 06:47 PM
Loving stuff like the Brazilian pole vaulter winning, the Russian Olympic diving champ pulling himself up from d e a d last to qualify for the finals. Good Stuff as Derek Daly used to say. :thumbup:

"Good Stoof." :)

08-16-16, 07:24 PM
Leigh Diffey was the announcer for the rowing competition events. He was pretty good at pronouncing all the names. In comparison, the American broadcaster was enthusiastic, but she would frequently refer to the boats by their country rather than the athlete: "the Chinese rower" :D

08-16-16, 07:33 PM


08-17-16, 01:53 AM

Great feel good story for sure.

But...watching Brazil's women's soccer team lose in front of their entire country was super satisfying.

08-17-16, 02:32 AM
Great feel good story for sure.

But...watching Brazil's women's soccer team lose in front of their entire country was super satisfying.

Han Solo was happy. :gomer: ;)

08-17-16, 03:09 AM
The women hammer throwers are some sturdy gals. The gold medal throw went 284.5 feet, or almost 95 yards.
NFL quarterbacks can't throw a football that far, let alone a 9 lb cannonball.


Rex Grossman can.


08-17-16, 03:17 AM
Rex Grossman can.


But he'd be intercepted. :gomer: ;)

opinionated ow
08-17-16, 05:46 AM
Great feel good story for sure.

But...watching Brazil's women's soccer team lose in front of their entire country was super satisfying.

Particularly for those of us in Australia. The Brazilian goalkeeper was blatantly cheating in the penalty shoot-out against Australia by moving forward before the whistle sounded. We was robbed.

opinionated ow
08-17-16, 11:25 AM
Just catching up here. It's All Olympics, all the time, in the Travel household. At least six hours a day, reviewing at least 12 hours a day from the DVR. Thank heavens for FF. I'm pretty much okay with everything that's happened (that I've seen or heard about) except the end of the women's 400 meter. OOW can speak to it but to my mind, it's not a diving event. I like Miller (my maiden name) but IMHO, she tripped. She didn't finish the race. It shouldn't be legal. Harrumph.

Loving stuff like the Brazilian pole vaulter winning, the Russian Olympic diving champ pulling himself up from d e a d last to qualify for the finals. Good Stuff as Derek Daly used to say. :thumbup:

The rules allow it so good on her. I do think that she deliberately did it though. When you look at the super slow-motion footage there is no indication of a slip and to overbalance would break the fundamental laws of physics. It was a definite dive. Fine by me because it adds another Medal to the Commonwealth tally on the board

The OOW Medal Tally
Group Gold Silver Bronze Total
Communists/Soviets 60 71 82 213
Commonwealth 42 45 37 124
Axis Powers 30 24 34 88
USA 28 28 28 84
non-communist asia 10 8 9 27
Dutch speakers 9 3.5 4 16.5
French speakers 8 12.5 14 34.5
spanish speakers 5 3 0 8
neutrals 3 5 3 11
middle east 3 4 8 15
portuguese speakers 3 4 5 12
Scandinavia 1 3 8 12
IOA 1 0 1 2[/td]

08-17-16, 11:41 AM
Rex Grossman can.



08-17-16, 12:06 PM
The women hammer throwers are some sturdy gals. The gold medal throw went 284.5 feet, or almost 95 yards.
NFL quarterbacks can't throw a football that far, let alone a 9 lb cannonball.


Yeah they can. :)


(Not an NFL QB, but if he can, NFL ones can.)

08-17-16, 03:22 PM
32 teams with three QBs each plus a few guys that used to play quarterback is about 100 players.
How many can throw a football from goal line to goal line?

I say 0%. :p

Hammer throwers. :thumbup:

08-17-16, 03:25 PM
Particularly for those of us in Australia. The Brazilian goalkeeper was blatantly cheating in the penalty shoot-out against Australia by moving forward before the whistle sounded. We was robbed.
She did it against the Swedes too. The announcer was all over her for that, and said it was unbelievable it wasn't called.

IMO, the Mexican ref was intimidated by the Brazilian crowd. I don't blame her. I wouldn't want to get shot either.

08-17-16, 04:04 PM
Side note...like curling in winter, water polo is fascinating to watch.

08-18-16, 01:59 PM
I got robbed last night. Shizz...I just wanted to take a leak. :gomer:


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. :saywhat: :shakehead:

EDIT: Lochte singing...



08-19-16, 02:12 PM


I saw part of an interview with Dags and Hamblin.

Dags comes off like a complete stoner.


08-19-16, 02:32 PM
About half of the shot putters look like athletes. The rest look like they were pulled out of a biker bar. Just a bunch of scruffy looking dudes.

opinionated ow
08-19-16, 07:55 PM
Australia wins Modern Pentathlon! Even better, she's the friend of a friend. Such a great effort.

08-19-16, 09:31 PM
US women 4x100...Jamaica, no mon. :thumbup: :) And yes, I'm a T&F nerd. :)

opinionated ow
08-20-16, 07:59 AM
US women 4x100...Jamaica, no mon. :thumbup: :) And yes, I'm a T&F nerd. :)

How about Jamaica, Japan, Canada in the men with the US DSQ!

08-20-16, 09:59 AM
How about Jamaica, Japan, Canada in the men with the US DSQ!

US boys suck at the relays. :saywhat: :shakehead: :irked:


EDIT: Boyz appeal denied. No Bronze for you! #Seinfeldsarcasm

opinionated ow
08-21-16, 02:56 AM
It's not often I will cheer for an American (sorry) but Gwen Jorgensen was phenomenal. Hers is a team effort, pretty much the five eyes in action...American athlete, Kiwi Coach who is accredited for both Australia & Canada, trains in Australia for half the year. Yeah we'll claim her.

This was Gwen with some of my juniors and one of our two club professionals, Natalie, after a training session earlier this year

Also in that race was Erin Densham, reigning bronze medallist from London, who is also from my club. We do alright for ourselves in South-West Sydney!

08-21-16, 04:48 PM
"Good Stoof." :)


Leigh Diffey was the announcer for the rowing competition events. He was pretty good at pronouncing all the names. In comparison, the American broadcaster was enthusiastic, but she would frequently refer to the boats by their country rather than the athlete: "the Chinese rower" :D

I watched a lot of rowing. My college was big in the sport and one of my best friends rows on a crew of cancer survivors. I frequently thought of the post by someone here a while ago (I'm so sorry I forgot who) that called him Leigh "My Hair is on Fire" Diffey. Makes me laugh every time I hear him. Nevertheless, I agree that he did a very creditable job.

08-21-16, 04:57 PM
"It was later revealed that she'd only twisted her ankle." It was later later said by the broadcast crew that she tore her ACL. Seems impossible that she could have finished the race that way. OOW???

The rules allow it so good on her. I do think that she deliberately did it though. When you look at the super slow-motion footage there is no indication of a slip and to overbalance would break the fundamental laws of physics. It was a definite dive. Fine by me because it adds another Medal to the Commonwealth tally on the board

The OOW Medal Tally
Group Gold Silver Bronze Total
Communists/Soviets 60 71 82 213
Commonwealth 42 45 37 124
Axis Powers 30 24 34 88
USA 28 28 28 84
non-communist asia 10 8 9 27
Dutch speakers 9 3.5 4 16.5
French speakers 8 12.5 14 34.5
spanish speakers 5 3 0 8
neutrals 3 5 3 11
middle east 3 4 8 15
portuguese speakers 3 4 5 12
Scandinavia 1 3 8 12
IOA 1 0 1 2[/td]

Love this will have to show it to TravelGuy. Please post a final tally next week. Thanks for the comment on the rule book. I was sure she did it on purpose. By saying, "She tripped" I meant she did not continue running. And that I knew was on purpose. As long as it's legal, go for it. I just don't think it should be allowed.

Side note...like curling in winter, water polo is fascinating to watch.

:laugh: Not.

08-21-16, 05:13 PM
It's not often I will cheer for an American (sorry) but Gwen Jorgensen was phenomenal. Hers is a team effort, pretty much the five eyes in action...American athlete, Kiwi Coach who is accredited for both Australia & Canada, trains in Australia for half the year. Yeah we'll claim her.

This was Gwen with some of my juniors and one of our two club professionals, Natalie, after a training session earlier this year

Also in that race was Erin Densham, reigning bronze medallist from London, who is also from my club. We do alright for ourselves in South-West Sydney!

Anytime anyone from Australia that had anything to do with triathlon showed up on our TV, I'd say to TravelGuy, "I wonder if OOW knows him/her." I assumed you must. Love the picture.

08-22-16, 04:13 AM
"It was later revealed that she'd only twisted her ankle." It was later later said by the broadcast crew that she tore her ACL. Seems impossible that she could have finished the race that way. OOW???

Love this will have to show it to TravelGuy. Please post a final tally next week. Thanks for the comment on the rule book. I was sure she did it on purpose. By saying, "She tripped" I meant she did not continue running. And that I knew was on purpose. As long as it's legal, go for it. I just don't think it should be allowed.

:laugh: Not.

C'mon TG...I've played it back in the day, as well as vball...it is difficult. Curling is on my list if I can get snap, crackle & pop to work (neck, shoulder, and right hip). :)

08-22-16, 07:03 AM
Perfect ending to these games.


Of course we all know this is what Gnam does every single Sunday.

:gomer: ;)

08-22-16, 08:33 AM
Perfect ending to these games.

That guy needs to be made a MLB manager. He has what it takes.


08-22-16, 09:44 AM
I wasn't at all interested in these games. But it sucked me in and I watched as much as I could. USA USA USA

08-22-16, 10:11 AM
It was later later said by the broadcast crew that she tore her ACL. Seems impossible that she could have finished the race that way. OOW???

I wonder how much of that run was pure adrenaline and guts? Lots of that on display at the track as Jenn Suhr was coughing up blood the morning of the women's pole vault final.

08-22-16, 11:32 AM
I wasn't at all interested in these games. But it sucked me in and I watched as much as I could. USA USA USA

I ended up watching more then I thought I would. The track and field always seems interesting and it was tough to resist watching what is said to be the best women's gymnastics team ever.

By the way, Simone Biles looked like she was going to blow away last night and wtf was the idea of the prime minister of Japan appearing as Super Mario?

08-22-16, 11:41 AM
... and wtf was the idea of the prime minister of Japan appearing as Super Mario?

That is pure Japanese in every possible way. Get used to it.

08-22-16, 12:07 PM
I wonder how much of that run was pure adrenaline and guts? Lots of that on display at the track as Jenn Suhr was coughing up blood the morning of the women's pole vault final.

I'm sure. Geez, I hadn't heard about the blood. Definitely confirmed about the injuries here. D'Agostino and Hamblin won the de Coubertine Award, only given out 17 times before. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/olympic-athlete-just-changed-world-175257346.html

That is pure Japanese in every possible way. Get used to it.

Indeed. Nevertheless, I was surprised he did it. I guess they are trying to portray looser, friendlier image.

08-22-16, 12:12 PM
That is pure Japanese in every possible way. Get used to it.

The Tokyo games opening ceremony is going to be way over the top.

Too bad we'll be a half day behind the actual events when they occur. With as much social media and digital news feeds it will be extremely difficult to not know the outcomes when the competition is broadcast.

08-22-16, 12:50 PM
That is pure Japanese in every possible way. Get used to it.

I guess it could have been worse, he could have come out as Hello Kitty.

08-22-16, 01:52 PM
Goodbye Rio, hello robots: Expect high-tech cool at 2020 Tokyo Olympics


08-22-16, 05:10 PM
Well, if you're going to thank your wresting coach for helping you win an Olympic medal, show him how you got there:



opinionated ow
08-23-16, 05:21 AM
Thanks for the warm-up

opinionated ow
08-23-16, 09:30 AM
Anytime anyone from Australia that had anything to do with triathlon showed up on our TV, I'd say to TravelGuy, "I wonder if OOW knows him/her." I assumed you must. Love the picture.
Haha...well I know Erin. Through Natalie I've sort of got one degree separation from two of the Aussie blokes and the aforementioned Gwen. Flora Duffy (BER) is a friend, she was top 10. I've actually raced against Sarah-Anne Brault & Amelie Kretz (CAN), Gwen, Aaron Royle, Ryan Baillie and a few others if I think about it. They all comprehensively flogged me as you would expect.

"It was later revealed that she'd only twisted her ankle." It was later later said by the broadcast crew that she tore her ACL. Seems impossible that she could have finished the race that way. OOW???

Love this will have to show it to TravelGuy. Please post a final tally next week. Thanks for the comment on the rule book. I was sure she did it on purpose. By saying, "She tripped" I meant she did not continue running. And that I knew was on purpose. As long as it's legal, go for it. I just don't think it should be allowed.

:laugh: Not.
Not sure on what injury she might or might not have had, I didn't really follow it up, but with adrenaline it is amazing what the human body can do. I can't imagine there would be too many adrenaline highs like running in the Olympics!


I watched a lot of rowing. My college was big in the sport and one of my best friends rows on a crew of cancer survivors. I frequently thought of the post by someone here a while ago (I'm so sorry I forgot who) that called him Leigh "My Hair is on Fire" Diffey. Makes me laugh every time I hear him. Nevertheless, I agree that he did a very creditable job.
Oh dear...I used to call him Leigh Diffhead because it sounded somewhat similar to something else describing a part of the male anatomy. He used to drive us bonkers with his commentary here...I don't know how you put up with him!

Give me a day or two on the final Olympic medal tally :D

08-25-16, 12:06 PM
Perfect ending to these games.


Of course we all know this is what Gnam does every single Sunday.

:gomer: ;)
:laugh: Love it.

08-25-16, 12:11 PM
I wasn't at all interested in these games. But it sucked me in and I watched as much as I could. USA USA USA
Same. For me it started with a ping pong match between a young American kid and an Iranian.
I went from "Who cares about ping pong?" to "Beat that fool!" in no time.

08-25-16, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the warm-up

And then there's this...

Vogue Brazil criticised for photographs of able-bodied actors digitally altered to look like Paralympians (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/25/vogue-brazil-criticised-for-photographs-of-able-bodied-actors-di/)


08-26-16, 01:32 AM
And then there's this...

Vogue Brazil criticised for photographs of able-bodied actors digitally altered to look like Paralympians (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/25/vogue-brazil-criticised-for-photographs-of-able-bodied-actors-di/)


I'll see your :thumbdown: and double down. :thumbdown::thumbdown: :p

opinionated ow
08-26-16, 05:26 AM
I'll see your :thumbdown: and double down. :thumbdown::thumbdown: :p

I really am flabbergasted. I don't get it. I could sort of understand if Brazil didn't have any well known Paralympians, but they have Terezinha Guilhermina (best known for having Usain Bolt as her guide for some local races last year) and Alan Oliveira who became household names over there after phenomenal London performances. If the point is meant to be that anybody can end up disabled, I'm not entirely sure what a public safety campaign has to do with the Paralympics!

I don't think it is distasteful in that it isn't setting up disabled people for ridicule and I don't think it is disrespectful because I think it is meant with the best of intentions. It's just odd and doesn't come across right.

08-28-16, 10:02 PM
I'm just in awe of Usain Bolt. It just seems so easy. He definitely is what they mean when they say a man among boys. Everyone was racing for silver.