View Full Version : Different names on different forums?
07-06-03, 05:47 AM
What are your thoughts on using different names on diff. forums...I recall seeing a thread about this at another forum awhile back and don't really get why that would be an issue...just curious...:confused:
Ive seen it used when someone knows your position , you then show up and troll and disturb without your known preferences a factor.. It only matters when abused and serves to create trouble. paper
Sometimes it's a matter of "when in Rome". I've used my current handle since the speednet days but decided to use the name trac-champ when I signed on at TF. It didn't take them long to figure out the "trac" part. The content of my posts pretty much explained everything.
07-06-03, 05:11 PM
"Wherever you go, there you are."
I'm RaceGrrl everywhere I go... no sense trying to escape it. If I can't say what I want to say under this nick, then there's no point in my saying it at all. (Not that I'm shy to begin with) ;)
Sean O'Gorman
07-06-03, 05:25 PM
I use my name, usually in different random variations for each forum. Sean O'Gorman, SeanOGorman, SOGorman, SOGorman35, SOG35. If I had no idea that there were a significant of people who didn't know this was me. Even a few of the people I met at Cleveland this weekend didn't know I was SeanO from 7G.
mello=mello everywhere lol
Originally posted by mello
mello=mello everywhere lol
Same here, it's rocket wherever I go....I have no reason to hide from anyone. :D
Sean O'Gorman
07-06-03, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by rocket
Same here, it's rocket wherever I go....I have no reason to hide from anyone. :D
Thats why we don't know your real name, eh? :D
Joe B.
Now you're part of the club too. :D
07-06-03, 07:32 PM
I hear that there is a real pinko liberal that uses this handle over at 7G...sounds like a real wanker too!!!:D
07-06-03, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by TrueBrit
I hear that there is a real pinko liberal that uses this handle over at 7G...sounds like a real wanker too!!!:D
I heard that too - BTW it's not me. :laugh:
07-06-03, 07:54 PM
im nz_climber here there and everwhere else!!
anyway - who would want to post at other forums when we got OC :) (except for stiring s**** with the lemmings ;) )
07-06-03, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
I... don't really get why that would be an issue...just curious...:confused:
As far as I can tell, some people use several individual names so they can stir different amounts of sh** in different forums.
07-06-03, 08:41 PM
I choose one of three:
Imaginative eh?:rolleyes:
07-06-03, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by RaceGrrl
"Wherever you go, there you are."
I'm RaceGrrl everywhere I go... no sense trying to escape it. If I can't say what I want to say under this nick, then there's no point in my saying it at all. (Not that I'm shy to begin with) ;)
Ditto, but with a "Chic" on the end! :D
07-07-03, 03:26 AM
I'm Kiwifan everywhere. It's easy and I can remember it so that's gotta be good. ;)
Originally posted by SOG35
I use my name, usually in different random variations for each forum. Sean O'Gorman, SeanOGorman, SOGorman, SOGorman35, SOG35. If I had no idea that there were a significant of people who didn't know this was me. Even a few of the people I met at Cleveland this weekend didn't know I was SeanO from 7G.
But he is affectionately known here as butthead... ;) :)
I've always been mapguy. But probably for not much longer.
07-08-03, 02:41 PM
I'm WestMcLarenF1 on every racing board that I belong to. I also belong to several movie discussion boards and have usernames that are more in line with that subject.
07-08-03, 03:11 PM
If I used different handles I would probably get into an argument with myself somewhere along the line.
Originally posted by Railbird
If I used different handles I would probably get into an argument with myself somewhere along the line.
No you wouldn't.
Originally posted by Railbird
If I used different handles I would probably get into an argument with myself somewhere along the line.
:rofl: :rofl: Keyboard Insurance!!!
Classic Apex
07-08-03, 04:20 PM
Brian Ericson = Classic Apex
I am Turn7 until I get banned and then I may show up as anything from bozo to bowtie to bowesspecial to ... well the list is long and my memory is short and I still havent made it out of the "b's".
I'm pretty much JT everywhere, except when the brownshirt stormtroopers got active at Gooberforum, where I was (am) known as know-nothing, crap-for-brains peckerhead, or a derivative of same.
07-08-03, 06:19 PM
I'm oddlycalm everywhere except 7G these days, where I am still known as Taildragger due to being too lazy to bother changing it.
When I first arrived at 7G many years ago I still used the nickname which I had gotten from people at an airport where my old Stinson was the only plane with a tail wheel, hence the term. As the Stinson found a new home some time back, I felt the name should go as well.
I know there were many that thought it had to do with some unfortunate physical condition for which Anusol would be recommended, but I am happy to report that I never actually felt the need to drag my own tail...:eek:
07-08-03, 06:24 PM
I'm railpax on the Crapwagon boards, a remnant handle from the days of yore... and on the forums I've joined since then - after I started working F&C - I felt I needed a more racing-oriented name.
So, FCYTravis seemed to work.
I'm just too lazy to change it over on the Crappy side ;)
07-08-03, 06:30 PM
Lizzerd everywhere (on racing forums, anyway).
Originally posted by Lizzerd
Lizzerd everywhere (on racing forums, anyway).
And in the middle of the night when you are crawling around. LOL KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-03, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by oddlycalm
I know there were many that thought it had to do with some unfortunate physical condition for which Anusol would be recommended, but I am happy to report that I never actually felt the need to drag my own tail...:eek:
Hey...what about you WickerBill? Have you ever posted under another name?
07-08-03, 11:17 PM
i'm the one and only longbeach32, everywhere
Dr. Corkski
07-09-03, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Turn7
Hey...what about you WickerBill? Have you ever posted under another name? I don't think he is "allowed" to mention it here.
07-09-03, 07:48 AM
I've had two names for racing forums. Chose WickerBill for SpeedCenter and Speednet, then when I became moderator of, decided I wanted to keep posting as WickerBill without someone saying "you censored me because you disagree with me", so I chose the name Laguna as my moderator alias (the only CART racetrack, to this point, I have ever driven on). Mr. JP Johnson set up the name for me and off I went.
Now I've revealed myself and am back to my original name, WB.
07-09-03, 01:45 PM
I use RacinM3 everywhere 'cept on the SCCA board, where I'm Slang.
07-09-03, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by rocket
Same here, it's rocket wherever I go....I have no reason to hide from anyone. :D
You'd have an awfully hard time hiding..... ;)
07-09-03, 05:59 PM
Chitowncartfreak everywhere - despite the fact I actually live in Milwaukee. The only exception is at Crapwagon. I had to chop off 1 letter, so it is Chitwncartfreak.
07-09-03, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I've had two names for racing forums. Chose WickerBill for SpeedCenter and Speednet, then when I became moderator of, decided I wanted to keep posting as WickerBill without someone saying "you censored me because you disagree with me", so I chose the name Laguna as my moderator alias (the only CART racetrack, to this point, I have ever driven on). Mr. JP Johnson set up the name for me and off I went.
Now I've revealed myself and am back to my original name, WB.
Am I the only one who didn't know you were laguna? I always thought laguna and lone_groover were one in the same. You know, an outlet kinda thing.
My other nick is 'slowcerebralguy'. ;)
Sean O'Gorman
07-09-03, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by racer2c
Am I the only one who didn't know you were laguna? I always thought laguna and lone_groover were one in the same. You know, an outlet kinda thing.
My other nick is 'slowcerebralguy'. ;)
I didn't know either. To be honest, I was relieved because it meant I could cross off one more person on the list of people who find me irritating. :D
07-10-03, 01:49 AM
So anyone wanna guess who I am then?;)
07-10-03, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by pinniped
So anyone wanna guess who I am then?;)
Originally posted by Warlock!
I am the walrus....koo koo ka choo!
"TRDfan" here and other racing boards....kind of scared to register at CW with this name.
"steveb84" on car shopping boards and something including "rivers" (my old radio name) on other misc sites.
SteveH everywhere except for when I posted on SpeedNet, then I used my full name.
07-10-03, 10:11 AM
I be devilmaster everywhere.....
mostly cause i'm the only one crazy enuff to keep a name i've used since bbs days
(and naturally, if you know what a bbs is, take a drink cause you're getting older :) )
07-10-03, 11:04 AM
I ran a BBS on my Commodore 64. Look at me now, I've progressed so much. :rolleyes:
07-10-03, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I ran a BBS on my Commodore 64. Look at me now, I've progressed so much. :rolleyes:
Do you still use a tape recorder for a disk drive? :D
07-10-03, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I ran a BBS on my Commodore 64. Look at me now, I've progressed so much. :rolleyes:
:laugh: .... so where are all the ansi games, dammit! ;)
07-10-03, 01:58 PM
I had a 512K expansion kit for my C64. I was KING, baby.
Yes, I used a tape device for my "mass storage".
Tradewars was my game of choice....
07-10-03, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I had a 512K expansion kit for my C64. I was KING, baby.
Yes, I used a tape device for my "mass storage".
Tradewars was my game of choice....
In '85 dad brought home one of these IBM PC/jr ( .
I played a game call Lode Runner where you could make your own levels the little guy would climb ladders to escape from the baddies. I spent all of '86 playing a game called GATO, a submarine sim. The sub moved in real time so on electric motors at a depth of 100 meters you were trudging along at 10 knots! It would take an hour just to get to a ship to sink. Then I discovered the wonders of the flight sim. I think that was one my first 386 though.
My first computer was the TI-99/4A.
My dad got it for me for my birthday. He also got me a game called "Car Wars" that featured open-wheel cars.:thumbup:
07-10-03, 02:46 PM
While all my friends had Commadores my parents got me one of these:
So, how many C64s did you own? I think we went through 3 or 4, the last being a 64C, that came with a free disk with Quantum Link software, and a few hours of free access. Those were the first "Free Software" the company that would eventually be known as AOL sent out.
07-10-03, 02:58 PM
You're lucky, Mappy. I had the 600XL. :D I think I still have the "Jumbo Jet Pilot" and Qbert game carts for it, too. I remember the instruction manual having a program you could tupe in (quite a few lines of Basic(?), and it would make a lightning strike, complete with sound. Wow! :D
07-10-03, 03:19 PM
That Atari brings back memories. I started with a 600XL, but moved up to the 800XL after a full summer of mowing lawns. I was the tech king of the county when I replaced my tape drive with a 5.25" floppy drive.
Sean O'Gorman
07-10-03, 07:26 PM
I thought this thread was about forum names, not about out-nerding each other. ;) :D
nissan gtp
07-10-03, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by SOG35
I thought this thread was about forum names, not about out-nerding each other. ;) :D
:rofl: same name, same game, not a damn thing changed... here, CW, 7G, nasioc, ....
Sean O'Gorman
07-10-03, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by nissan gtp
:rofl: same name, same game, not a damn thing changed... here, CW, 7G, nasioc, ....
What is your name on the MR2 forums?
07-10-03, 10:30 PM
not much of a sliderule and pong crowd here I see.
07-10-03, 10:49 PM
I ONly got one name and that is BigIrlFan and I dont care what you guys call your selfs you still is nothing but CART strret race loosers to me hahahahahaha
I aint been on the forems much latly. ALl these damed storms been knocking out the lectricity bout ever night for the last week. I need a pr0n fix tongiht. hahahahhaa THen the other night I thought the damed trailor was gone to fly away with the wind. I grabbed ADrian and said this is it baby we gone to get it now. GOod thing shes a big ol girl or else we might ended up over in FRAnklin. BUt sense we was both a wake and our harts were both already pounding I jumped her liek a wild dog on a poodle. hahahahaha It was damed good with lightning and thunder and me yodeling out at that magic moment hahahahaha THen i wnet straight back to sleep.
WHen I woked up I hear that the SPeedway had been hit with a damed tornado and I was afrade that maybe LIttel Al's trailor home got some damage but I guess not.
ANyway you itiods got a street race this weekend and we dont hahahahaha
YOUr nothing but street race loosers no matters what names you use.
HAY hows that buyout coming along hahahahahahaha YEah you wish it was buyed out.
Keep wishin for uphill water you CARt strret race loosers hahahahahahahha
THe IRl - OUr leader gots visions
07-10-03, 11:08 PM
I am truly honored to have the legendary bIf post in one of my threads!
P.S. No, I am not Anita...
Originally posted by pinniped
I am truly honored to have the legendary bIf post in one of my threads!
P.S. No, I am not Anita...
O.K... so the clues we have are you may have a fondness of seal, walrus or sea lions, you are from middle earth and you like sex, racing and beer.
Sounds like just about any nerd that hangs out on the net. That is about all the energy I will spend on this. If you want to tell, go ahead.
07-10-03, 11:20 PM
I'm afraid I can't do that. There are a very few who may know. But you aren't one of them.
Originally posted by pinniped
I'm afraid I can't do that. There are a very few who may know. But you aren't one of them.
coganfan?? :eek:
07-11-03, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by pinniped
I am truly honored to have the legendary bIf post in one of my threads!
P.S. No, I am not Anita...
Lulu or Mary.
I keep wondering how long until the porn guys offer Bif a ton of money for his site.
Originally posted by TRDfan
I keep wondering how long until the porn guys offer Bif a ton of money for his site.
His number he did before last years Gateway IRL race was a classic. He, Buck, Tammy and Adrian went to PT's for couples night before the race. I hope he reposts it here. It lasted all of about 5 min at 7G. I'll bet WB would be a little more open-minded about it than Anita was. :D
07-11-03, 11:42 AM
I know who you are, pinniped, and if you keep holding it over everyone's head, I'll reveal you.... :P
07-11-03, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I know who you are, pinniped, and if you keep holding it over everyone's head, I'll reveal you.... :P
No no no! I want to guess!
Um, silva?
It's gotta be either Lula, Mary or Silva. :D
nissan gtp
07-11-03, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by racer2c
No no no! I want to guess!
Um, silva?
It's gotta be either Lula, Mary or Silva. :D
not enough posts for silva :D
nissan gtp
07-11-03, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by SOG35
What is your name on the MR2 forums?
this place ???? ( still the same :rofl:
the only place I couldn't use it is the speed forum, where I had to put a dumb-ass "_" in aka nissan_gtp
07-11-03, 07:19 PM
A love of racing, ocean mammals and being female, my guess is that pinniped also goes by Sister Lisa- A Shammuist nun that worships killer whales and the "spinning god". Do I get a prize?
07-11-03, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
So anyone wanna guess who I am then?;)
Does your other forum name start with an "N"?
07-11-03, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Warlock!
Does your other forum name start with an "N"?
Bingo. Good guess! You're quite the little detective. Better than Barnaby Jones.
Well, these days, anyway. :D :p
07-11-03, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Warlock!
Does your other forum name start with an "N"?
I knew it all along. I was uh, just playin. Yeah, It starts with an N. :)
07-12-03, 12:52 AM
Can't get anything past Wickerbill...but no one else guessed...
07-12-03, 10:44 AM
It's a good thing this place is the forum for champcar enthusiasts...
07-12-03, 12:48 PM
Okay, he's on to me man!
I am ZanardiEnthusiast...not trying to hide, just wanted to try a diff. political threads, I've kicked the habit or at least trying to
Anyway hello to all, it looks like you've got a good forum going here!
07-12-03, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
Okay, he's on to me man!
I am ZanardiEnthusiast...not trying to hide, just wanted to try a diff. political threads, I've kicked the habit or at least trying to
Anyway hello to all, it looks like you've got a good forum going here!
I knew it!
07-12-03, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
I've had two names for racing forums. Chose WickerBill for SpeedCenter and Speednet, then when I became moderator of, decided I wanted to keep posting as WickerBill without someone saying "you censored me because you disagree with me", so I chose the name Laguna as my moderator alias (the only CART racetrack, to this point, I have ever driven on). Mr. JP Johnson set up the name for me and off I went.
Now I've revealed myself and am back to my original name, WB.
You mean you were Laguna?! Damn...had me fooled...funny, Laguna always used to tick me off but I thought WickerBill was a great guy - must be that auhtority problem again...oh and sorry about that nasty email I sent Laguna 3 years ago:D
07-12-03, 01:20 PM
Don't worry, I didn't archive them. Guna was always good at letting stuff roll off his back... ;)
07-12-03, 04:40 PM
Always been Napoleon, except for a brief time I used Ohioracing, an on the Deja board where Napoleon was taken so I took ericarthurblair. The funny thing was that even though there is a logical connection between that name and Napoleon (its a 2 step connection between them) someone made the immediate, harder connection of the 2, but no one ever made the easier second step of the connection.
Originally posted by pinniped
I am ZanardiEnthusiast...not trying to hide, just wanted to try a diff. name...
Welcome aboard ZE, or Walrus, or whatever you will be going by.
Originally posted by WickerBill
Don't worry, I didn't archive them. Guna was always good at letting stuff roll off his back... ;)
just dont call him "seca" man, he aint havin' none o'that ;)
oh yea, C64 w/ Winter Games (I am the ski jump, and bobsled master), and pitstop 2, C64's pole position immitation...
and ApriliaMan on bike boards, and myself on this board.
07-12-03, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
Okay, he's on to me man!
I am ZanardiEnthusiast...not trying to hide, just wanted to try a diff. political threads, I've kicked the habit or at least trying to
Anyway hello to all, it looks like you've got a good forum going here!
Man they'll let ANYONE post on these boards...;)
07-12-03, 06:42 PM
Speak of the devil! truebrit my man!
07-12-03, 10:14 PM
So what the hell is a pinniped? Are you sure you're not Mary?
07-13-03, 12:16 AM
A pinniped is any one of several creatures with fins. It was a nickname from former co-workers. Deal with it.
And why would I be Mary? Is there some kind of freudian reason you want me to be female?:saywhat:
07-13-03, 12:18 AM
<<not enough posts for silva :D >>
What do you mean by that?
07-13-03, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by pinniped
A pinniped is any one of several creatures with fins. It was a nickname from former co-workers. Deal with it.
And why would I be Mary? Is there some kind of freudian reason you want me to be female?:saywhat:
Freudian slip? heck, I want everyone to be femle except me! :p
07-13-03, 02:05 PM
Now that I can get behind...Do you think that - perhaps BEER is female?
Sean O'Gorman
07-13-03, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
Now that I can get behind...Do you think that - perhaps BEER is female?
Whoa, thats deep.
07-13-03, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
Now that I can get behind...Do you think that - perhaps BEER is female?
Not a chance. After spending all day with a cooler of beer I'm still happy.
Dr. Corkski
07-13-03, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by racer2c
Freudian slip? heck, I want everyone to be femle except me! :p With all due respect to Warlock but I think he would make a pretty ugly girl. :D
manic mechanic
07-13-03, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by pinniped
Okay, he's on to me man!
I am ZanardiEnthusiast...not trying to hide, just wanted to try a diff. political threads, I've kicked the habit or at least trying to
Anyway hello to all, it looks like you've got a good forum going here!
GEEZ! you people will let anyone in here!
And all this time I thought that the "polite" invite I received when this site was launched was a bit more exclusive:rofl: !!!
As to the posed question: Yes, I have a few screen names on Yahoo, but only one everywhere else. Over there I am known as mercenary36, As2o699, and sometimes even brewser2_9 (not my screen name, but I know the password).
I would only have one if Yahoo had let me take the one I've been known as since 1979...The one and only manic mechanic.
And on top of that, I find out that the "man of a thousand faces" is WickerBill too?
Now I'm not so sure that giving up the LSD when I was just out of college really WAS a good idea!!!:eek:
at least then when I saw something bizzare I was sure it wasn't real!!:D
Y'all are too much! I think I'll stick around!
07-13-03, 09:43 PM
the proprieter of the pirate truck is here.
we have arrived. :)
manic mechanic
07-13-03, 09:51 PM
With all due respect, Boss, I thought the community over here was a bit more "selective"...
Come to think of it, if it were THAT selective, I never would have been admitted!:rofl: :rofl:
I'm happy to be somewhere that the moderators are "of age", at least physically! :D
07-13-03, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Warlock!
Not a chance. After spending all day with a cooler of beer I'm still happy.
Ain't that the truth? :laugh:
07-13-03, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by racer2c
I knew it all along. I was uh, just playin. Yeah, It starts with an N. :)
I'm sooooooooooo confused now!!! :(
07-14-03, 12:44 AM
Is this where all the missing 7G posters went?
I still owe you a beer manic!
07-14-03, 12:52 AM
With all due respect to Warlock but I think he would make a pretty ugly girl.
Until you drank enough beer! :eek:
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