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View Full Version : Winner's Circle

04-30-17, 02:14 PM
Is anyone else feel that the winner's circle activities should be changed? I mean come on. The winning driver having just risked life and limb battling for a couple of hours at very high rates of speed wins the race most often by a very close margin and then drives to the winner's circle and is forced to sit in his car, take his helmet off, wait for someone to give him the proper ball cap to put on. Still sit in the car and wait for the camera's and announcers to gather around and then pop out of the cockpit and jump around like a trained dog. It's just so contrived and unbelievably hokey. Not only that, but it's so unfair to the winner who has to corral his jubilance, hold back the spontaneity that would truly be a joy to behold and to become just another shill for the corporate interests. It's no longer sport, it's commerce.

opinionated ow
04-30-17, 11:02 PM
Is anyone else feel that the winner's circle activities should be changed? I mean come on. The winning driver having just risked life and limb battling for a couple of hours at very high rates of speed wins the race most often by a very close margin and then drives to the winner's circle and is forced to sit in his car, take his helmet off, wait for someone to give him the proper ball cap to put on. Still sit in the car and wait for the camera's and announcers to gather around and then pop out of the cockpit and jump around like a trained dog. It's just so contrived and unbelievably hokey. Not only that, but it's so unfair to the winner who has to corral his jubilance, hold back the spontaneity that would truly be a joy to behold and to become just another shill for the corporate interests. It's no longer sport, it's commerce.

It's daft and it's exclusive to American motorsport. Love you guys and so much of your motorsport but that part has always been ridiculous. I think it's pretty much imported from NASCAR

05-01-17, 10:55 AM
Totally agree. TV people ruin everything. I remember, a few years back when I was still in the newspaper biz, volunteers at the local hospital were passing out donated toys to kids at Christmas and had invited all the local media to cover the event, which was to take place at 9 a.m. Because he didn't want to get up that early, the TV reporter got to the hospital after the toys had been passed out and opened. He cajoled the volunteers into going around and taking the presents back away from the kids and handing them out again so he could get his "film at 11." He even tried to get them to rewrap the presents, but decided that wasn't feasible... :shakehead: :flaming: (And this was a 30-year veteran of the biz, not some kid right out of college who didn't know better.)

Hard Driver
05-15-17, 09:44 PM
Yes, and now it will bug me even more.