View Full Version : Rich Energy octuplets down on their stupidity.....

07-10-19, 01:29 PM
read this: https://f1i.com/news/346956-haas-sponsor-rich-energy-hit-with-multiple-court-orders.html

Then try with a straight face and read this:

07-10-19, 03:18 PM
That is some truly amazing stupidity.

Just epic stuff.

07-10-19, 08:29 PM
It was a scam from the start. I'm sure they made one payment and a second one was due at Silverstone.

I hope the cars are grey and red again this weekend.

07-11-19, 10:07 AM
Haas deny end of Rich Energy sponsorship deal (https://www.planetf1.com/news/haas-deny-end-of-rich-energy-sponsorship-deal/)

so far, no livery change

a cluster of F1 proportion

07-11-19, 02:15 PM
Rich Energy does U-turn on Haas split, blaming "rogue actions of one individual" (https://www.racefans.net/2019/07/11/rich-energy-confirms-commitment-to-haas-and-condemns-rogue-actions-of-one-individual/)

07-11-19, 04:28 PM
Rich Energy does U-turn on Haas split, blaming "rogue actions of one individual" (https://www.racefans.net/2019/07/11/rich-energy-confirms-commitment-to-haas-and-condemns-rogue-actions-of-one-individual/)

Rogue action of one individual who happens to be the CEO. :saywhat:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/B0piLzdrGBwSVCWYEQ4NSSwmcLipc2B2O3qidbpn3hw-q3ApNR6wMV_nskDO0jBw8tP7yAl0UFkiCI_cbgHk3yYvtGs5y2 F80KCtbPfvjKxS4_h-d6IOSGw6L4pM_SpezcykCMKpYDnl50p07ZXG1ZyvRkAifA2GpZ qnJTsF4jkaIy5iVCFI9fwrljAD7cj-SqXCd5FGu3kvo2sNvltajcfb8MGvt_QubY4NvLDzj8Y5jTGAHc 6A9YEGtVodzb6c_6IHP7tf2N1ti6-U06wNndeqUlA8kQ2PkEzIvDTgAYerFRlLpXFais4qhsQ3M-mHOuGRUAcElSlV7KgfKY5wThIzk60VdCJGO_MzQ8nWFn4n6exZ dX6E5_uHUTB-OpNED9Gi3etqnoFI2yOFkQFGU3OgtWgP1zvAm5GSYSaon1D1Bi eqpaq9yMEs2WVLqOcPe_8viAdrWG7KYgvxZeT7PSTuRcIl0ZXr lka-r744CsvtZzu1CXIRb97sNZtTxwIBPkafbZOvdqKssVdcMwtVwO QYRp5gki3YN7OeQNIPSVx0ycGU0FsBIJsdfV6pt22U6G4xoUyS T_LEmjg5GafyMkdGamtmF0SXRywUExUEgE71Jn3_I7xQXra_gY rLTI8I_cDY31fz9eWJOFDcumeO10Jf0VU0BpA=w442-h334-no

07-11-19, 05:46 PM

07-11-19, 10:16 PM
Rich Energy CEO accuses shareholders of mounting “coup”

This has ascended to IRL levels of ridiculous.

opinionated ow
07-12-19, 03:23 AM
Rich Energy CEO accuses shareholders of mounting ?coup?

This has ascended to IRL levels of ridiculous.

Not even FTG could manage that level of stupid

07-12-19, 09:32 AM
still there, still there (not referring to the front wing, of course)


07-12-19, 03:19 PM
Whyte Bikes unpaid; seeking to have Rich Energy wound up (https://formulaspy.com/formula-1/whyte-bikes-unpaid-seeking-to-have-rich-energy-wound-up-62622)

Lux Interior
07-12-19, 07:57 PM
That Rich Energy guy is going to tell them to go pound sand.

07-13-19, 12:16 PM

this is getting stupider by the second.

On top of this tweet, in the past 24 hours the account also posted at least 5 various pictures with the staghead logo... one of these pics is the CEO Storey drinking one with the staghead completely visible... just to prove he can. :shakeshead: