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09-03-19, 10:52 AM
After considerable thought, I set up the football pool for this season. I am losing interest in the NFL, but I figure this is a good diversion until February.

Offcamber NFL19

Pool ID 29316
Password Zanardi

09-03-19, 01:30 PM
Thanks! I will once again demonstrate that I really only follow one team. :D

09-03-19, 01:53 PM
Alrighty then! I will get out my broom. Not for a clean sweep but to sweep the floor from the bottom. :D

edit: Is there anyway you can remove members? It looks a little odd to see the weekly leader as dando. And, of course, GManFan. :(

Elmo T
09-04-19, 09:39 AM
It looks a little odd to see the weekly leader as dando. :(

This made me laugh - somehow he'd find a great deal of humor in that fact. :)

09-04-19, 11:36 PM
Can't join. "Pool not found"

Yes, trying to join type=NFL

09-05-19, 01:11 PM
This made me laugh - somehow he'd find a great deal of humor in that fact. :)

Yeah, I suspects he's out there going, "Yeah, still got it." :D:rofl::laugh::gomer::thumbup:

09-05-19, 01:11 PM
Can't join. "Pool not found"

Yes, trying to join type=NFL

Are you using the same account? I always log back in and I'm still in the pool.

09-05-19, 10:49 PM
Are you using the same account? I always log back in and I'm still in the pool.

I've never played before. Created my account @ poolhost and can't find the pool.

09-05-19, 11:12 PM
Maybe try this link?


09-05-19, 11:32 PM
Nope. Takes me to login page even though I'm logged in. Same deal after that.

I give up, just as I gave up on the NFL season 3 minutes ago.

09-06-19, 11:41 AM
Nope. Takes me to login page even though I'm logged in. Same deal after that.

I give up, just as I gave up on the NFL season 3 minutes ago.

Something about the game last night?

09-06-19, 01:40 PM
Nope. Takes me to login page even though I'm logged in. Same deal after that.

I give up, just as I gave up on the NFL season 3 minutes ago.

Don't give up! How do you know you're logged in? Did you try to use the account you cancelled? Maybe it doesn't like that. Does it show your name up at the top right? A couple of years ago I had quite the time and had to sign up again so now my browser shows TWO Jessguessin. As if one weren't enough. After your name and password, log in. Then you have to find the pool. OffCamber NFL19 Mine prepopulated so I can't help much on how to find it but also I remember that can be a challenge sometimes. There's a support section. Give 'em h-ll. Don't give up. Don't ever give up!

As for last night's game. Too bad it's not on our pick sheet. Probably the only one I would have had right but what a mess. Let's just say that the dark green showing the number of yards to go is quite helpful for those of us who might not have their eyes on the screen every second, or minute, or..... :rolleyes:

09-06-19, 01:45 PM
Yeah, I suspects he's out there going, "Yeah, still got it." :D:rofl::laugh::gomer::thumbup:

You know, I thought the same thing. :D. So I just looked at the pool and I'M ALREADY LAST. Wait a minute! :irked::irked:

09-08-19, 02:29 PM
Each season the Dando shows up as the leader at the start of the season. I think it is because I use the same pool and simply change the name. Just like last year was the Gmanfan memorial, it is a further tribute to our lost smartass Dando. And I am getting lazy in my old age.

I see travelissexy is bringing up the rear early in week 1!

09-08-19, 03:25 PM

09-08-19, 08:39 PM
I see travelissexy is bringing up the rear early in week 1!

OK, now that's funny. But I can't look because I'm just about to go start watching the games I've recorded. Too bad it's too late to change my name. :p

09-08-19, 11:19 PM
Something about the game last night?

Possibly. :yuck:

09-09-19, 01:24 AM
I see travelissexy is bringing up the rear early in week 1!

Well, the damage wasn't as bad as I was led to believe. I had to choose the Giants of course and even the commish chose the Steelers (man, did they look awful) so I don't feel too bad. The only game that really surprised me was KC. I know pre-season doesn't count but they showed NOTHING then. That's why I didn't pick 'em. I'm always happy when they win because my nephew was their marketing manager for a few years. I'll pick 'em from now on! :D

09-11-19, 06:39 PM
Weekly bump from the commish.....picks, please!

09-12-19, 01:20 PM
You talkin' ta me? Oy, Good thing I check in here. Too busy this week. I'm now going to remind myself which teams won last week and picks will be in before lunch. But, I thought we weren't counting Thursday? The deadline is the same anyway? :confused:

Edit: Oh no, Mister Bill! Evah since my yoot, Minnesota and Green Bay have been my favorites, although I follow teams closer to home. I hate the week I have to choose. But, the Swedish background won out this year.

09-19-19, 10:59 AM
Thursday bump.....get your picks in!

09-19-19, 01:13 PM
Thursday bump.....get your picks in!

Yeah, yeah. Where did this week go?

09-19-19, 08:42 PM
Sorry, I was holding off to see if anyone else would get in trouble or fall in the shower this week.

09-23-19, 12:10 AM
There's something you don't see every day, Chauncey. :cool: Wish I'd seen the Giants game. Win one for the GManFan.

09-23-19, 06:54 PM
Keeping things interesting! :D

09-25-19, 11:51 AM
We all have 59 points and I'm STILL last. Wait a minute. LOL LOL.

It's Ouija Wednesday. I'm in for next week.

09-26-19, 10:27 AM
Time for the old bumperoo....PICKS!

09-30-19, 08:26 AM
I don't understand. I put my picks in on Tuesday, due to a calendar entry, like I always do. :flaming:

09-30-19, 09:22 AM
Probably forgot to put the number thingy in there. Fortunately you didn't lose much to Dvdb and I. TG is crushing! :D

10-02-19, 03:54 PM
Wednesday.....bump....Travelgal leading......cats and dogs living together.....

10-03-19, 11:42 AM
Wednesday.....bump....Travelgal leading......cats and dogs living together.....

Don't worry. Order will be restored soon enough, I'm sure. Last Sunday I was in Denver (at the Rockies game, not at the Broncos game, fortunately) and couldn't believe my luck as I kept checking PoolHost. I want you to know that I had picked Cleveland and went back and changed it to Baltimore! :mad: I do that once a year and always regret it.

Someone persuade WickerBill to jump back in. One of these weeks, he'll pass me in a flash.

10-07-19, 02:41 PM
Don't worry. Order will be restored soon enough, I'm sure.
Someone persuade WickerBill to jump back in. One of these weeks, he'll pass me in a flash.

One more week, that's all he'll need. ;) Order is nearly restored. :laugh::laugh:

10-09-19, 08:12 PM
Wednesday bump.....do it!

10-23-19, 07:34 PM

10-30-19, 08:36 AM
I keep winning weeks but not by enough to catch up. Y'all need to have really bad weeks soon mkay?

10-30-19, 03:14 PM
I keep winning weeks but not by enough to catch up. Y'all need to have really bad weeks soon mkay?

I'm working on it. LOL. I told you you'd catch up. Just give me a few more weeks. I'm hanging on by an alphabetical thread but it's fun to see my name at the front end instead of the bottom end after so many years. If I just didn't have to pick those GMen........... Edit: Just realized I do still have a one game advantage. A couple of tough choices this week. C'mon guys. LOL.

10-30-19, 08:27 PM
Wednesday......y’all know the drill!

11-06-19, 08:22 PM
Time for the ol’ bumperoo.....

11-12-19, 09:03 PM
Holy red ink Batman. Hey, I was closest on the MNF tie breaker. Too bad I was 4 points behind! It was nice being at the top for so long. I'm definitely letting it go to my head. :thumbup::thumbup: :gomer:

11-13-19, 05:49 PM
Picks, please......

11-18-19, 02:36 PM
I did REALLY well this week!! Unfortunately (for me), you guys did spectacularly. :laugh: Just one more week and WB will pass me on his inexorable climb to the top. :D

11-19-19, 12:51 AM
How about that. Don't recall if I've ever run the table before. Wish I could do that picking my team. :\

11-20-19, 06:32 PM
Last weekend of November.....picks!

11-27-19, 08:01 PM
Happy Thanksgiving. Now make your picks!

11-29-19, 02:41 PM
Thanks. I started yesterday morning, thought I did it, found the half-done sheet on my desk this morning. My usual combination of favorite teams vs who I think might actually win. :laugh:

12-04-19, 07:01 PM
Cold winds of December....make your picks!

12-11-19, 08:52 PM
Week 15.....let’s do it!

12-12-19, 02:53 PM
Every year there is one team for me that wins when I pick lose and loses when I pick win. This year it's Jacksonville. I picked Oakland, which means the fix is in for Jax. There is still time to change your picks.

12-15-19, 05:22 PM
For a few years, THAT Team was Buffalo for me.....never could figure them out.

12-15-19, 09:24 PM
Every year there is one team for me that wins when I pick lose and loses when I pick win. This year it's Jacksonville. I picked Oakland, which means the fix is in for Jax. There is still time to change your picks.

I TOLD you not to pick Oakland, but did you listen? Noooooooooooooooooo.

12-16-19, 03:04 AM
I TOLD you not to pick Oakland, but did you listen? Noooooooooooooooooo.

I thought it was a trick. :gomer:

12-16-19, 08:36 AM
Well, I concede that I'm not going to be able to recover from missing a week. I efforted, and I ideated, and I thought-shifted, but none of those buzzwords helped.

I relinquish my crown.

12-16-19, 05:59 PM
I thought it was a trick. :gomer:


Well, I concede that I'm not going to be able to recover from missing a week. I efforted, and I ideated, and I thought-shifted, but none of those buzzwords helped.

I relinquish my crown.

Yeah, but you're not last. I told you that you'd catch up and pass me. That's prodigious. :thumbup:

12-18-19, 08:35 PM
Pre holiday picks, please!

12-19-19, 05:11 PM
I picked Jacksonville. You have been warned. :gomer:

12-23-19, 05:01 PM
I picked Jacksonville. You have been warned. :gomer:

Obviously, you all took my advice. I have to say that I roared with laughter when I heard a talk show dude say he expected Atlanta to win big over Jacksonville--after our pick deadline had passed. Everyone over there is so vague to me, it really is guessin'. On a happier note, good thing I didn't go for a big Cleveland over Baltimore upset, isn't it? :laugh::laugh: I'm enjoying the irony of winning the week while still being dead last. :gomer:

12-27-19, 12:44 PM
Post-Christmas, Pre-NYE picks, please.

12-30-19, 02:02 AM
Sorry guys. I forgot to tell you that I picked Indianapolis. :(

In other news, I TRULY had Cincinnati, then looked at the stats and thought that was ridiculous, as you all did, and changed it to Cleveland. :rolleyes:

01-02-20, 03:57 PM
The BEST news of 2020 so far is that Jacksonville is no longer among the choices. Hallelujah. Given that I'm last with no chance of catching anyone, I decided to go for a bodacious upset or two. Why not? Happy giggling when the choices are revealed. And Happy New Year!

01-02-20, 09:25 PM
Playoff picks!!!

01-04-20, 02:37 PM
Ha! Just slid in under the deadline.

My football attention span plummets when the Bengals aren't playing.

01-13-20, 01:50 PM
I didn't mind losing ground by picking Minnesota. I didn't think they'd win but as Larry always used to say, you want to win the pool but you can't root against your team to do it. He was always last because he always picked the Giants. :) I could pick and root differently during the regular season, feeling only slightly disloyal by doing that, but in the playoffs, I gotta pick my team, even though they may not be the favorite. It will be quite evident in the championship game. If it falls the way I pick 'em (unlikely), I'm going to have a very tense Super Bowl. LOL.

01-15-20, 08:30 PM
Three games left in the season.....make your picks for this weekend’s games!

01-30-20, 11:08 AM
And it all comes down to this......”Big Game” picks, please!

01-30-20, 02:37 PM
And it all comes down to this......”Big Game” picks, please!

I picked the one I think will win not the one I'm hoping will win because it doesn't really matter to me. This year the Big Game comes down to a chance to eat super nachos in the comfort of my own livingroom.

01-31-20, 01:24 AM
Tied all through the playoffs. Any chance we'll pick differently?

02-01-20, 01:32 PM
Tied all through the playoffs. Any chance we'll pick differently?

You talkin' ta me? No, you're not. :laugh: I'm pretty sure I've got the wrong one but every time I go back and change, I regret it so I won't. Good grief. It just MIGHT be a good game.

02-02-20, 03:04 PM
Travelgal.....not just nachos, but super nachos? Explain, please.

Nrc, the thought did cross my mind to play it differently, i.e. pick the team I don’t want to win, thinking others may pick the “favorite”. Hedging, as it were?

But which way did I play it? Hmmm.

02-03-20, 12:54 AM
We wrap up in a tie. No self-respecting Bengals fan can pick the 49ers to win the Super Bowl.

Thanks for participating and thanks for running it again. I always enjoy it.

02-03-20, 03:47 PM
Never been so happy to pick the wrong team in my life. I've probably said 10 times that my nephew was the marketing manager for the Chiefs for about a decade. During some of THE worst times. They were drinking champagne at his house into the wee hours last night.

When GManFan was alive we made a day of it no matter who was playing though 2008 was a day I'll NEVER forget! Makes it lonely now but I did my best with the nachos. A little trimmed down this year as I'm recovering from a cold. I didn't get everything ready yesterday but the whole idea is pretty much this: Tostitos flour chips, salsa, queso sauce, sour cream, guacamole, diced onions, meat with onions, sliced black olives, fresh diced tomatoes, fresh chopped lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese. This year I had horseradish cheddar that really added some pop. Other stuff I'm sure I've forgotten at the moment.

Congrats to the winners. That's all the rest of you. I love playing every year even if I sweep the floor. :)