View Full Version : Penske to buy Indianapolis motor speedway

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Al Czervik
03-17-20, 09:15 AM
HAHahahahah TONey GOrge got you again. SOld the track before the coronavirus set in. JUst how smart is that? YOU guys better hope OLD man PEnsky dont catch it an die hahahahaha TOney has to be the smartest man ever in racing. HOw many times can he beat you guys? He hammerd CARt into the ground and put CHAmpCAr to its knees. THey came crawling back. THen before the virus hits he sells. it. SEll high baby. TOney aint no dope. TAke the money and run hahahahaha AInt his worry now.

Well HellES BElles, maybee u n jaMES RoBert can by the PlAcE after it GEOS tits up. Just lik ALky juNor at the brASS FlamiNGo.