View Full Version : The Front Fell Off

04-10-22, 02:46 PM
In honor of the DHL plane that made an emergency landing last week, did a 180, and broke in half in a ditch, (yes, really), https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/plane-crashes-splits-half-costa-26669840

I'm posting my all time favorite British humoUr piece.

04-10-22, 06:35 PM

For those interested in the DHL story, here's a link to one of my favorite aviation YouTubers on the subject:

04-11-22, 10:52 AM
I opened it and thought, "ugh 18 minutes" and was absolutely fascinated. The time flew by. No pun intended. I had heard "pilot error" as the cause, which I discounted, but now I understand why it might have been pilot error that that back fell off.