View Full Version : A message from Mr Paper
07-23-03, 10:24 PM
With the agreement of the esteemed author, here is the link to his article on
IMO, a good read and a not unreasonable approach. Worth considering...
thanx off camber, my emails supporting this are over whelming.... Im beyond humbled at your support,,, now Im gonna go cry I guess........... paper
07-23-03, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by paper
thanx off camber, my emails supporting this are over whelming.... Im beyond humbled at your support,,, now Im gonna go cry I guess........... paper
Hey there Pat, don't go getting all squishy on us :D
Very good the last pargraph.
Of the 3 sites I visit 2 of them are very flexible, and many get togethers have been planned and are planned for the future...I wish the 3rd one would fall into this fold too.
Originally posted by paper
thanx off camber, my emails supporting this are over whelming.... Im beyond humbled at your support,,, now Im gonna go cry I guess........... paper
Just make sure you're not hovering over your cars when the tears are flowin'.:)
07-23-03, 10:39 PM
What the heck is this?? A link to another site??!
Oh wait. That's cool here. ;)
Paper, the only way it happens is if someone buys out everyone else or all but one fold. Most egos forbid competition.
07-23-03, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
A link to another site??! Oh wait. That's cool here. ;)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
07-23-03, 10:44 PM
This site has never had a problem with us typing the full name or URL of any other racing site, nor does it edit posts with links to those sites.
OffCamber might not be the largest CART site out there, but it is growing, and there's no doubt in my mind that it has quality (not kwality) members.
nissan gtp
07-23-03, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
What the heck is this?? A link to another site??!
Oh wait. That's cool here. ;)
Paper, the only way it happens is if someone buys out everyone else or all but one fold. Most egos forbid competition.
hehe... and more and more of us frequent sites, like here, that don't freak out over cross-linking within the cart community of fans....
I visit, read, and ocasionally post for fun, because I like my cyber-friends, and because I am a champcar fan ...
Dr. Corkski
07-24-03, 01:24 AM
I am still not going to make a donation.
07-24-03, 02:00 AM
Nice article paper :)
and thanks to WB for such an awsome/easy going site - I know how hard it is to get a place like this up and running
Pity the people that need read never will cause its not on their site and any link to it will be deleted and user banned before you can say "i posted that"
07-24-03, 08:07 AM
That took guts.
I admire someone who has the courage to say things hoping for an improvement no matter what the cost and knowing it will get some feathers ruffled. I hope for positive repercussions. :)
for one second , imagine if all cart sites in spite of their differances would have posted strongly ahead of the "running out of money " story... would it have helped in any small way to counterpoint the press? could it have been done in complete personality of each site but unified to show the strongest cart fans speaking up? what the hell could it hurt? one thing the lack of organized rebuttal hurts is the new teams who dont have their checks yet. So I guess Im still that dreamer Ive always been called,, but ive seen more of my dreams come true in my life than fail when ya never give up... could we help? I think so... paper
I like your feedback msg. better. More to the point and direct to the intended audience.
I suppose you are now going to be cast out as an outlaw! :D
I have no idea or at this time care what they do to me turn 7. I was told I was in the wrong to merely suggest this idea. the rest does not belong here or told. But im left with no choice to either forget posting on these things or find a new place to express my thoughts about cart.. I appreciate the letters all of you are sending me more than I could ever make you realize. The support of my mere suggestion has even caused TF members who do not agree with me at all to write and say they find the suggestion a good one. Its not about me or that I said it.. Its just a thought. I thought that was what discussion forums were for. apparently not to some.. Im done there as I feel I did nothing but suggest a positive thing that might aid cart. I did not mean it to be group sex, an orgy, or any loss of personality by any site... I just typed it as an idea that sometimes we could try to get that last tenth that wins when the press is endlessly far more about cart demise than rise. Is chris gonna pull another rabbit out of his hat? we are in the tall grass and up that famous creek,, is there a paddle that will save us ? Is the dynamic of another last minute fix in the works? I hope so. And until the last out Im gonna keep posting and trying to help with any thing I can think up... Why I was even told that the speed team implemented an idea to show more driver parents that was credited to an on line poster... They listen, they see,, at all times we can help. Some call this cheerleading.. I prefer to think of it more as peptalking by the coaches.... and besides I could never be a cheerleader,, I have very bad boobs, a big nose, losing my hair, and wear funny shoes,,, jeesh maybe a clown after that description,, thanx off camber...... paper
07-25-03, 01:23 PM
Paper, I hope you find a new happy home. I never thought I would see you get disgruntled with 7g, you have always been their biggest supporter.
mc clark.. my new home is gonna be anywhere I can continue to express my enthusiasm for cart and my hopes for its return to success. I think it can happen,, I like the smiles I saw in toronto and the few things I heard that will not be said.. but I still have a faith the the obstacles can be removed each time in the nick of time. Sometimes I wonder if all the bad press emulates from writers lurking these forums.. If so they could easily sell doom as thats what SOME places have been. Thats probably a stretch, but ya never know. Most importantly never forget the savvy of these guys on charge. They are very proven winners many times over. thanx.....paper
Thanks to your post, paper, I found this place. I have been a bit disillusioned at 7G and miss the quality, CART-related discussions I hope to find here.
I think I will, based on some of the old familiar names I see over here.
07-25-03, 06:06 PM
JAM26..... welcome! Pull up a chair, have a few drinks and stay a while. The water's warm! Something like that! :D
Originally posted by RaceChic
JAM26..... welcome! Pull up a chair, have a few drinks and stay a while. The water's warm! Something like that! :D
Uh, um....the freakin' water's WARM???????
WARLOCK! You got some 'splainin' to do!!!!! :rofl:
07-25-03, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by JT265
Uh, um....the freakin' water's WARM???????
WARLOCK! You got some 'splainin' to do!!!!! :rofl:
What does this have to do with Warlock?!!? :saywhat:
Originally posted by RaceChic
.....The water's warm! Something like that! :D
OK who peed in the pool:p
07-25-03, 08:07 PM
Hey paper, nice to see you here. :)
Classic Apex
07-25-03, 08:10 PM
Senor paper, sit back and relax...the bevarage cart will be around shortly.
07-25-03, 11:45 PM
Hey! It's not nice to call truebrit a beverage cart!:D
07-28-03, 10:12 PM
I was a little slow to catch on, but I kept noticing things getting slower and goofier where I used to post. I also was not much into the community or feedback forums (preferring the the racing stuff), and wasn't up on the"issues." Well, I finally figured out what was going on, was pretty offended by what I read and came in search. Search over.
Originally posted by pinniped
Hey! It's not nice to call truebrit a beverage cart!:D beverage dispenser? a beer tap? a vendor of refreshment?
07-29-03, 02:34 PM
Wow!! I just an hour reading all that stuff over there!! I need to take a shower now!
and most of it was not even what i was talking about as a possibility,, but they're gettin into something I guess. paper
08-04-03, 07:43 PM
Hey paper, nice to see you here. 32Stalker
ME Too!!
:thumbup: :thumbup:
08-04-03, 09:30 PM
took a bit of sleuthing to find this place... the ".net" was the trick...
look at that! i'm off camber! for the first time! what's up with that?
08-04-03, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by rosawendel
look at that! i'm off camber! for the first time! what's up with that?
You're weird. Like us. Welcome!!
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